any other over 35 first time mums?

kosh--don't add the feeling that you're being self-absorbed to your plate as well. You aren't; we want to hear what's going on with you, and as we've said a number of times, don't worry about reading the posts. I'm happy to hear from you regardless, and you and Gael are always in my thoughts. :hugs:
OMG, Jonah just threw his first tantrum ever. And it went on for soooooooo long! He wasn't even crying, he was braying. Well, he was crying too. And sobbing. And even, at one point, lying stretched out on the kitchen floor, face down, screaming. Why? Because I had the gaul to: try to get him to take a nap (epic fail), put him in the playpen because I was doing something in the kitchen that needed all my attention (tantamount to a war crime, apparently), ask him not to break the dishwasher (time to call Children's Aid), and put him on the ground numerous times because he wouldn't let me console him. Other things that angered him: giving him toys, giving him the grape-flavoured medicine he loves because I suspect he is teething, giving him a bottle, and giving him the finger. :blush:

I finally stopped the hysterics by giving him half an apple, which was really just a shot in the dark, seeing as nothing had worked yet. But then Daddy came home, and he hadn't yet seen J's new talent, so J felt it necessary to demonstrate. Eric picked him up to say hello, put him down, and off J went to the races again... I am currently envisioning myself on a tropical island for all of his terrible 2s and 3s. OH took him out for lunch with his family because J never acts up anywhere other than home.

Oh, and he gave himself a black eye (number 3 so far) because he pulled on the back of a kitchen chair and I barely got there in time to stop it from falling on his head. But some part of it did hit his eye. I told OH to make it VERY clear to his family that while J had been screaming for the better part of an hour, I DID NOT clock him one, even though I really, really, really wanted to.

Whoever thought that making babies mobile before they had an ounce of sense in their heads was either seriously stupid, or had a very sick sense of humour.

To All You Broody Ladies--Why why why why????? Though even my SIL, who had two insane children in her late 30s, STILL wants another one, so I guess I am missing a gene somewhere. I wanted J with all my heart, but I DO NOT WANT ANOTHER ONE. Not because J has turned me off of them (the above tale notwithstanding), but because... I don't know, just because. And for all of you who ask if you are crazy for wanting more, my answer to you is YES.

Skweek--though I'm sure you already tried this, but J came at exactly 38 weeks after *ahem* an orgasm. Like seriously, RIGHT after. Orgasm stopped, water broke. Though I've got to tell you, the guilt! I wanted him to stay put until 40 weeks. I never even got to the uncomfortable stage where I could moan about wanting him out. But perhaps it was a good thing, because he was 8 lbs 1 oz when he was born. Sometimes I wonder if I had developed GD after the test cleared me because he would have been huge in another 2 weeks, and I had been eating a lot of chocolate.

Re: blanket half--I did both sides but really grew to hate doing the side with the squares. My yarn was always tangled because of it and weaving the threads in in the end was a major pain in the butt. I'm also really bad at sewing, so I gave up after when my stitching job looked very sad. The upshot, though, is that I got two blankets out of it my efforts.

SK ( much easier for these lazy fingers)--:hugs: Your OH seems to have an inflated notion of how much he does. I'd be so tempted to tack a detailed list on the wall showing very clearly who has done what that day or night.

StormJet--poor little L, and poor you! :hugs: I really hope you have better news after the next test.

Oops, gotta go! My love to all of you!

Clio this story was funny. I always think that the terrible 2s were nothing compared to the 3s!! Will be interesting when we stop talking about our lack of sleep or what to feed our babies to how to stop tantrums from happening!!
And I was at Walmart with my sister today and I saw a lady with a 3 months old and a 1 1/2 old boy and he was screaming in the Walmart cart ( normal thing at Walmart) then I told my sister that sometimes I think if I should try to have another baby but them I just need to go to Walmart and I change my mind real quick :haha:. Call me crazy but I am not sure yet about closing factory :dohh:!!!
Evening all! Oh Clio I laughed at your post, not the black eye part but the rest. L has also discovered tantrums over the most ridiculous things and boy can she scream, and she's pretty good at going rigid and refusing to bend to say put her in the car or the pram, she's nuts.

Tonight I did the chicken dipped in egg and breadcrumbs for her tea, poison apparently... Hubby and I scoffed them, they were gorgeous!

Clio I tried the sex thing to move L along, didn't work but she was 3 days early, I was walking the dog the day before she arrived. Waddling like an enormous crippled hippo.....

I do get broody, then I think there is no flipping way I'm doing that pregnancy thing again, I hated it!

L is currently torturing her dad so I think I better go help....

I did 2 hours of Zumba 2 days before thiago's induction and nothing!!! Did everything too but the boy just didn't want to come out:).
Call me crazy but I am not sure yet about closing factory :dohh:!!!

No problem. You are on crack.

I guess in my head, the cut-off was always 40. I lost so many, and spent so many years depressed, and even in hiding because I couldn't face my pregnant SIL, that I couldn't and wouldn't do it again. And the other thing, which may sound really strange to others, but I have had and am having the most remarkable time with this remarkable child that I don't want to divide my attention between two children. OH feels the same. People ask if we want another, and our response is: "why?" I guess what I'm saying is that I feel that our family is complete. And it's a nice feeling not to long for something anymore.
I came across this video today after watching Snowflake with J.

Feist is a Canadian singer whom we adore, and "1,2,3,4" is an actual song of hers, just the wording has been changed. J squealed when he saw the monsters, and I am in love with the "chickens back from the shore."
Thiago is doing soooo weellll the past 2 days. Since I decide to give him 2 naps a day he has been sleeping great:)! Last night till 6:30pm then feed him and he slept until 9am :happydance:!! And the night before he did wake up at 2am but he was soked with pee and them hubby brought him to bed with us and he slept till 8:30am:)!! His naps are between 1:30min to 3 hours!!! Love it!!!! Hope this will last forever :haha:!!
He hates his Halloween costume and will not smile while in it!! I will put a photo of him here soon:). He does look really cute:). Looking forward to Halloween now!

Sorry, I missed this post somehow! I think that Thiago deserves the thread's "Dream Child of the Week" award. It's a VERY rare award and you both should be very proud.

But seriously, that is amazing! FXd he does it again!

StormJet--when is L's next test? Now that they are finally taking you seriously (I can't believe they didn't before--what a nightmare!), are they at least putting a rush on the tests?
gah so much ro catch up on - m asleep for a bit - was v sicky last night bless her but ok today up to now - Im going for pg massage today yey!

clio you crack me up! hope you have a better day

I am defo defo not having any more after this baby - dh off for snip or laser or whatever - feel like Ive been eternally pg or recovering from being pg the last few years - completely taken up with ttc - want to move M would have probs been only child if not for our surprise :) v glad it happened this way!

thiago sounds gorge!!

stormjet glad you are being listened to at last - how frustrating it must have been for you!

skweek - I tried bd, o, walks, hot curry, pineapple, raspberry tea (just gave me an irritable uterus and lots of false labour not fun) you name it...still went over! really hope you dont go over its v uncomfortable!

kosh - stop fretting :) youre fine! worth checking out ears for sure!
hi ladies,

Rowan - you talk about feeling like you have been eternally pregnant or recovering from pregnancy. I taught a few kids the last few years. They are part of a traveler family with 9!! Kids! yes you read that right!! Mum only stopped after number 9 as she almost lost her life and the baby! She said she would have gone on to have more had that last pregnancy not been so horrific for her!
I'm so hoping that genetics run true to me too! My mom had my sister 3 days early, I was 10 days early and my brother was 1 day late!(they say boys are lazy birthers? :shrug: I'm just hoping I don't have to be induced!
Seeing the MW on Friday again. Will ask if she can do an internal to check my cervix.

Clio - what was that knitting website that you mentioned before? The one with all the patterns.
I'm looking for a really cute easy-to-knit hat that I can use for a newborn photo shoot.
Call me crazy but I am not sure yet about closing factory :dohh:!!!

No problem. You are on crack.

I guess in my head, the cut-off was always 40. I lost so many, and spent so many years depressed, and even in hiding because I couldn't face my pregnant SIL, that I couldn't and wouldn't do it again. And the other thing, which may sound really strange to others, but I have had and am having the most remarkable time with this remarkable child that I don't want to divide my attention between two children. OH feels the same. People ask if we want another, and our response is: "why?" I guess what I'm saying is that I feel that our family is complete. And it's a nice feeling not to long for something anymore.

I totally understand where are you coming from. I feel the same most of the time. When I use to baby sit the family that I used to work for when from one baby to two and man did I feel terrible for not giving the first baby enough attention!! And they were not even my babies!!!! Angel probably has a different feeling because she had two at once so she has the shared attention feeling down:). But for us is going from exclusive attention to divided attention. It is tough. I do like the idea of one too, but sometimes I must be on crack :haha::)!
I'd love another one, BUT our family is complete, e.g. at 45, I don't know if I'd get lucky again (and statistics aren't great (not fantastic at 43/44, but horrible at 45+)) both with pregnancy and healthy LO; the pre-eclampsia could start earlier, there could be problems, etc., so whilst in a few years it might be nice to have another, I don't have a few years! So, am happy with my own LO!

that said, am exhausted today, so will go and play with LO as that usually makes us both happy!

Call me crazy but I am not sure yet about closing factory :dohh:!!!

No problem. You are on crack.

I guess in my head, the cut-off was always 40. I lost so many, and spent so many years depressed, and even in hiding because I couldn't face my pregnant SIL, that I couldn't and wouldn't do it again. And the other thing, which may sound really strange to others, but I have had and am having the most remarkable time with this remarkable child that I don't want to divide my attention between two children. OH feels the same. People ask if we want another, and our response is: "why?" I guess what I'm saying is that I feel that our family is complete. And it's a nice feeling not to long for something anymore.

And I forgot to tell you that I am really sorry you had lost pregnancies. I can just imagine how hard that can be. You have all this expectations and something terrible like that happens. I am still amazed that thiago was my first pregnancy but everything went fine. I know it took a while and I had to take meds to help to conceive him but everything went smooth. It took my mom 7 years to finally have me and them my sister. She lost 2 pregnancies and had a Baby at 7 months that lived for 2 days before me. I cannot imagine the pain she went thru!! :hugs:For all of you that had lost pregnancies.
I still can't make up my mind if I'm done or not! L has been totally exhausting, wonderful but exhausting and I can't imagine looking after her and being pregnant!

Next kidney test is not this Monday but next so not too far off, have to say I'm dreading it :(

In other news tomorrow is L first day at nursery... It's only an hour and I get to stay, but still its a big day for us. I feel so bad she has to go to nursery at all but I need to go back to work :( I want the little lady well settled before I do.

Kosh we miss you, please post, tell us how you are xxxx
Borboleta--thank you--how kind. It was really tough, I won't lie. The last one was the scariest: I had an ectopic, but not a usual one--the embryo had implanted in the uterus but just outside of the fallopian tube. So, in the top corner of the uterus. If it had gotten any bigger, it would have ruptured my entire uterus, and the chances of me bleeding out were high. Luckily it was caught in time, but ONLY because I had to beg my OB's office to check my betas. They did, but the receptionist thought they were fine (they weren't--they had gone up suspiciously slowly) and didn't pass it onto the OB. I had to demand an app't, and then had to demand it be pushed up because I was starting to have pain (I already knew it was an ectopic. The numbers made that very obvious.) Even then, the "emergency u/s" was booked for two days later because I don't think anyone took me seriously. During the u/s, however, the tech got very quiet and called in the doctor, who immediately called my OB, and then I was informed that a bed was waiting for me at the hospital and to get over there RIGHT NOW. It was caught in time, but if I hadn't advocated for myself, I either wouldn't have a uterus anymore, or I'd be dead. BUT, this was a while ago--a couple of years, actually--and I now have a beautiful healthy boy (also through drug therapy and IUI), so my anger is (almost) gone.

Your poor mother. I couldn't imagine losing a baby as far along as 7 months, especially after it was born.

So, did little T sleep as well last night?

Skweek--the website is called Ravelry, but I didn't like what they had for free patterns for baby hats. So I bought this one off of the site:
They only show one of the hats patterns you get. I ended up doing the second one:

But I looked again on the site, using the term "baby hat" and a lot of other nice ones are now there. Oh, and I think it's great that your mum offered to do the squares side. It does look beautiful when done.

I'm afraid that I have to go, so I'll continue with the personals later today.
I'm sorry you went through such a tough time, clio -- my mc was 'natural', but the hospital in question had huge problems around the same time (e.g. broken machines, women told they had mc'ed when they hadn't, etc., and in my case, 4 scans in 2 weeks as said machines were broken, etc....). I went through counselling afterwards (cognitive behavioural therapy), which helped deal with a lot of the anger (not just the mc, but the whole hospital experience, I suppose), but when we were about to do IVF (first cycle after all the blood tests, etc), I researched private ob-gyns and then, happily found I was pregnant naturally, and we went to another hospital privately. I don't think I could ever walk into that other hospital again....also, like you, I learned to 'speak up' and that's why the pre-eclampsia was caught as I was checking at home my BP (I suffer from headaches anyway) as I made sure my GP, ob-gyn, etc., everybody knew what was happening; fortunately, I had excellent care this time (and not just because I was private, me thinks)....

storm -- it will take some time re: creche, but I am glad that you are doing a settling period, which will help you both alot...

must run, sorry -- LO has been a bit cranky (I'm wondering if the clocks changing has affected him?) and he's crying a bit......(OH is with him, I'm not on the computer ignoring him!).....

evening all, thanks for your kind words, it means a lot
been to the doc today - no ear infection, she reckoned it's still the same viral infection he had a week ago :shrug:
he was a bit better this afternoon, but i'm exhausted. he woke up every single hour last night, i'm so tired my head hurts :nope:
will go to bed now :sleep::sleep::sleep:

hope everyone is doing well :flower:
Once again I am falling behind! But this might be something that will happen a bit more in the next two weeks. I have a commission for a Christmas card and it is a bit of a rush job. I am not sure I told you but before I had the boys I was (and I guess I still am) an illustrator of greeting cards. I only do them on commission, which means for companies or even individuals. I don't sell them to greeting card publishers. I have been doing this since my early twenties but that was always my side business. Before getting pregnant I also did antique and fine furniture restoration and painting. But that I had to give up cause of the toxic fumes and I won't be going back to it either as I cannot really do this safely at home. The greeting cards I can and besides I am pretty much in control of how many I am willing to do (not many at the mo hehe). But this one I am honour bound to do as I have been doing the xmas cards for that company since I was 20 and they were the first to employ me. So since I cannot expect OH to take the boys off my hand all day, I will probably do my best work when they are in bed. This however means less time to come on here and post :( I will try to post a bit on the mornings when OH sleeps and the boys are playing by themselves a bit, like right now. :)

Clio I am so sorry you had so many losses! How dreadful! :hugs: I can totally understand why you wouldn't want to go through this again! We had IUI too and everything was a positive experience for me and my pregnancy was very easy except for the usual aches and pains. But I suppose in our case it is also that we always wanted a little girl. I love my boys soo much and I could not be happier to have them. But I guess with a girl the family would seem complete as I would have both girl and boys. But of course I know it will not happen unless several things happen before.

Sabrina sorry your OH is being such a pain about what he does and what you do. I suppose many men of our generation, though better, still have a grain of chauvinism within where they think children are women's work. Luckily my own OH isn't like that but then again he has a super self made sort of mother and his father was a great example of how not to be. Besides, he is utterly besotted with the boys lol. Anyway I hope your OH got his act together now and is being less annoying? :hugs:

kosh please don't be silly! Any little post you have time for is great as we would miss you if you were to disappear! But please don't worry about answering if you cannot. I am sorry the doctor wasn't more help. When Dominic had a lil cough a few weeks ago, viral was the answer we got too. I said he has a virus??? And he said no no, it is just seasonal. So I don't actually know what he meant :dohh: I hope your boy is starting to feel better now! And of course that the sleep thing is getting better too. :hugs:

Skweek I am very impressed! You cleaned the oven with an enormous bump? Even without one I hate that but the bump would have made the perfect excuse lol
Sorry you are so uncomfy. My boys came by elective c-section as Sebastian was breach, so no advice here. Hope it won't be too long now :) :hugs:

Borboleta I am so glad your boy is back to sleeping well and even sooo well as that! How blissful! :D
As for dividing attention between the boys, well there is something we call twin mummy guilt. Dominic used to always be way more demanding and we had to hold and rock him sooo much more than Sebastian. He used to cry all day! I don't think Sebastian felt neglected cause he got attention when ever he wanted it and of course loads of cuddles from us both always. But I must admit in the first 4 or so months, Dominic got about 65% of my time. :( Now things are a bit more even, Dominic is the super easy child during the day and Sebastian due to teething problems is the more clingy and whiny. So I guess it is all swings and roundabouts.

Storm I am crossing my fingers for you and your girl for the scan. Hopefully it will not be anything too bad! :hugs:
Are you taking L to the nursery again today? Hope it continues to go well and that she will come to like it as much as Sabrina's Finn likes his creche :)

Got to run again. Took almost 2 hours to get this written with attending the young masters. But now they are done and want mummy. Will try and pop in again later. xxx
Sebastian at lunch today <3

Dominic in his bouncy smiling at his mummy <3

Both boys in their bouncies. Sebastian is wearing his halloween romper with a big black but cute spider on the top. Dominic's is in the wash and not ready :(

Would love to see new pics of the other LOs from this group please :) I am starting to think that we over 35 first time mums produce the prettiest babies ;) :D :cloud9:
awwwwww they are sooo cute angel!!

actually i was thinking yesterday to ask you all to put more pictures so that will make me reply more often!:winkwink:

def agree we produce gorgeous babies!
Angel your boys are gorgeous! Hello to everyone else.

Clio it must have been awful with your losses and your last experience must gave been horrendous. I can fully appreciate you are done with one and what a blessing and gorgeous little boy he is!

L had her first hour at nursery today, with me, she was fine. She vaguely knows one of the other babies, but the girls working there seem nice and the babies generally happy. At one stage I had Maggie, my friends little girl and a little boy called Harry on top of me and L trying to get in on the action! Angel with 2 you deserve a medal! She's back tomorrow for 4 hours.

Oh was in the car at my dads as l was sleeping, she's awake and my brother has arrived so latgersxxx
Re: Pics--Well, I'll try. I'm a bit shy about it. Plus, it'll take a while before I can dig some out and figure out how to post them. I may even have to take some--I'm not really the picture taking type. Even the one in my siggy is some random child I managed (after great frustration) to steal from an internet site.

Personals later! (I think I said this yesterday, too... :blush:) I've got to take J to Oma's!

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