any other over 35 first time mums?

Angel, they as so adorable! You could have a side business in baby modelling! Will try post properly later xx
Kosh,waking up every hour is really tough. Hope you've been able to get some more rest. Get well soon Gael. Xx
Storm,sounds like the nursery session wasable success. Great that Lydia knows someone there. Hope it all goes well tomorrow. Will you be leaving her there tomorrow then rather than staying with her? So sorry she's having to go through these tests,must be really tough on you all. Good to get it thoroughly checked out though xx
Clio, so sorry for your losses. And it sounds pretty scary too. Good that you were so persistent and had a voice and made them listen. I had a m/c too, such a heart-breaking experience. It makes sense to me what you're saying about having only one child. But, I do feel like I want another one. Probably crazy, particularly now things feel manageable again. But I love having a brother and I want that for Kia. Plus I mostly enjoyed being pregnant and reckon I could do it again. And now I'm almost back at work it's even more appealling. I've loved having this year away from work and could easily do it all again with a new LO. If I had time on my side I'd want to wait another year or so but I think if we're going to go for it then we'll start trying inthe next 2 or 3 months. I've actually started taking folic acid again, just in case! By the way, I love that you knit. And those hats are gorgeous. So cute and perfect for keeping the little heads warm. Right, kia has settled again so I'm signing off. Hi to everyone else xx
hello all
i'm at work
gael is at nursery
he screamed when i left
i know it'll get better but it sucks now
here are my two men


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I've tried to read at least some of the posts

storm - hope the scans go well :flower:

borboleta - re your mum. i really do not understand how women cope with a 3rd tri or neo-natal loss :cry:

clio - i too had an ectopic, although not as scary as yours. i too had to bed doctors etc etc. i had a mmc too. I was so convinced this pregnancy would not survive either i could not relaxed till way over the 2nd tri

for a second i believe your post re. pictures! :dohh:

leeze - omg, almost TTCing already :happydance:

i think that's all i can remember now, sorry! :blush:
Hey Kosh, L is at nursery for settling in today for 4 hours, I cried my eyes out when I left her, counting down the minutes til I can go get her :( Love the pic, gorgeous!

Wow TTC at this stage I'm def not ready, that said when I'm back at work things might change...

It's my hubby and brothers 40th birthday this month so we are having a joint party, I've been preparing all day while L is at nursery but I miss her desperately... Wondering how bad it would be to go get her
Hey Kosh, L is at nursery for settling in today for 4 hours, I cried my eyes out when I left her, counting down the minutes til I can go get her :( Love the pic, gorgeous!

Wow TTC at this stage I'm def not ready, that said when I'm back at work things might change...

It's my hubby and brothers 40th birthday this month so we are having a joint party, I've been preparing all day while L is at nursery but I miss her desperately... Wondering how bad it would be to go get her

oh you cried too? makes me feel a bit better :winkwink:
it's the worst feeling ever :cry:
i'm def getting gael earlier today!
Yup, cried my eyes out, stopped crying then started again! Just picked her up and apparently she was great, had a nap in the swing seat,had sweet and sour chicken and potatoes for her lunch and ate it all! She's home now trashing the house, so glad to have her back!
:hugs:hey, gang -- sorry haven't posted today. Was absolutely exhausted the last few days (have a mild cold, but one that makes me want to sleep, if that makes sense?), and today, am still tired (yawn) and it's gotten very cold here (about 30-35 farenheit, about 1-3 C), so even more feel like sleeping.....

Finn seems to like creche....I put him into the bouncy chair straight away this am, and no tears from him --in fact, he seems to sleep, eat and play very well there, so it's only mummy who is trying not to get upset. The stupid bus never showed up after work this lunch-time, so I walked over to the bus station and told them that I didn't care if I was late for work (e.g. the am bus), but I was damn*d if I was going to be late to pick up my LO from creche and burst into tears (the pm/afternoon bus)! They actually got a replacement bus within 15 minutes and I was only 20 minutes late...but I've decided to finally get my licence and get a car because NOBODY's gonna put me through that again!

mmc and difficult pregnancies: looks like most of us have our sad stories....:hugs: personally, I didn't relax until LO was actually in my arms (and due to the pre-eclampsia, having him early was fine with me!)....and it was an odd feeling throughout my pregnancy, tho ...that I asked for 'one' and I'd be greedy trying for anymore (not that I think families should be limited to one!), but for me, I think the worry and anxiety in another pregnancy might just be too much for ME!....

storm and kosh- hang in there re: creche. Finn seems to really love it, so it does get easier every day (but yes, it is hard to leave him....:cry:)

decided not to take LO out trick or treating last night (too cold), but we had loads of kids -- some didn't even bother with costumes and were quite rude, but others were adorable and I'm looking forward to next year, taking him around........

SK--I'm sorry about your losses as well. Actually, I'm sorry for anyone here who has had a loss. Or went through the frustration (and tears!) of trying and trying. And I'm also very sorry for mocking any of you for wanting more; it's not on (as you Brits say). SK, I'm surprised that they offered you CBT; all I got was a pamphlet after the ectopic telling me all about loss, and what I could expect to feel. I tossed it right into the garbage can next to my hospital bed. I later received a phone call from a public health nurse asking me "if I was alright." I hung up pretty quickly; I was too busy being depressed to talk to her.

Angel--oh, they are so beautiful. You must sit there everyday, just looking at them. As for your line of work, I envy you so much! That is exactly the type of work (both the cards and the restorations) that I wish I were in, but I'm not exactly artistic. My mum is, and my sister inherited that trait, but I just got the writing gene from my father.

kosh--any news on the Gael front? How's he doing? Your picture is gorgeous as well. I wish you'd post pics more often; G is so...I don't know, the word "elegant" still comes to mind. Elegantly beautiful. Is he still waking up every hour because of his "virus"? How long has he been sick now? Has G taken more to the creche (and have you?) As well, I'm sorry for your losses. I find mmc are so incredibly horrible.

Borboleta--I'm not certain if you already answered this question, but is T continuing to be a dream sleeper? And did you get a picture of the bat costume? And did you go Trick or Treating?

StormJet--yay for L for settling in so nicely at the creche! Does she show signs of recognizing the baby she knows?

Leeze--how exciting that you're starting to TTC again! Do you have certain tricks to rush it along? Like charting, pre-seed, OPKs, etc.?

AFM--nothing much going on here. But there is such a lovely snowfall right now. It is freezing at night currently, however, and I wore 3 long-sleeved shirts and a sweatshirt, and pj bottoms covered with sweat pants to bed last night.

Re: pictures--I finally showed restraint and just changed my avatar. I know I post picture after picture, but I like my "stories" to have illustrations, and posting them is so easy for me. I just use my iPhone, which sends them wirelessly to my macbook. The mac then allows me to just click on a button to upload it to flickr. Very quick and easy.
Leeze Thank you so much for your compliments about my boys :D
How exciting that you are going to be trying again soon :D I really hope you get your BFP really quickly :)

kosh thank you for your compliments :) Your boy is utterly adorable! Love the punky hair-do too :D So this is what a notorious non sleeper looks like huh? He looks so sweet, one would never think he keeps you up all night! How are you coping with work and so little sleep? How is that weird viral thing? Is he any better yet? I hope so!
I am sorry you and Gael cried when you had to leave him at the creche. I hope it gets better. I am sure that if you see that he is having fun there, it will be easier to leave him, though I am sure you will continue to miss him so much! :hugs:

Storm Thank you for your compliments :D
:hugs: for you too and for crying when leaving L at the creche! I am sorry I forgot but are you back at work too? Does L have to go to nursery daily or was this just cause you needed time to prepare the party? Hope that goes really well btw and is a great success. :D When is it?

Sabrina sorry you have a cold. Hope it gets better soon. And I totally know what you mean with it making you tired. I get like that too. Even as a child, when I was not well all I did was sleep sleep sleep. But of course there is no way you can do that now. :(
Glad Finn is happy at his creche but how stressful for you with the bus etc! Do you have to take driving lessons to get your license or can you just convert your US one to an Irish one? Luckily for me they accept my license here in the UK even though Switzerland is not part of the EU. I'd hate having to do a test again!
As for Halloween, well we stocked up on lots of sweets but there were not that many children that came to our door so yeah I ate most of it, though OH helped too! lol

Clio aww I love your new avvie pic! He is adorable!
As for my boys, lol I do sometimes sit there and say to OH my golly are they really mine? How can they be so cute?! I am ridiculously in love with them! :blush:
Are you going to take J into the snow sledging? I am hoping to take my boys to Switzerland for Christmas and if there is snow there then, I want to make snowmen with them if possible :)

As for us: well things are not so good with the kitty. She is still extremely wild even though she can now go out through the catflap when ever she wants. She attacks everything that moves. When we try to stroke her, she will let us for a minute or so and then start clawing and biting us. I know she wants to play but wow it hurts! She will also not use the scratchy post but likes my chairs for her claws instead. When I dare to wear anything with drawstrings, she will attack that and put her claws into my legs. She runs through the house and jumps on the furniture and down again, as kittens do. But I am so scared she will do this to the babies too as anything that moves has to be clawed. OH told me today that he wants to take her back and that last night when ever he walked bye, she would swipe at his ankles. He reminded me that he loves cats, always had cats and would totally give her another chance but that since she is so often out of control, he was scared for the boys and I couldn't really disagree. I feel like we failed little Felina but none of the kitties either of us had in the past, was ever this wild. The cat I had in Switzerland till a few years ago was objectively not a very nice cat (though I loved her to bits) and wouldn't let most ppl even come near her. She loved me and my mother and that was pretty much it. But even with us, when she had enough she would swipe at us. But she was never this wild, not even as a kitten. And she certainly never bit us. I called the rehoming centre today to get some advice but they only had the answer machine in and I left a message. I'll try again tomorrow. I am not willing to give up yet but I am scared. :(
Do any of you cat mummies have any advice?
Evening ladies, just picked up on a few things on my super fast read through!

Oh Angel I didn't realise you had actually got a cat, I so missed that, sorry its not going too well. I have 3, 2 boys Storm and Jet who are 8 and Lily who is 7.... L is starting to torture them... She keeps pulling Lilys tail and Lily is being super tolerant, but I don't know how long for! I can't imagine it with a new cat...

I'm not back at work, not til new year but I felt it was important to get the little lady well settled for my peace of mind so she will be going 2 date a week. I longed for this free time for months and now I'm getting it I resent missing time with my baby girl! Today I spent getting my brother a present, walking the dog and cleaning my dads house for the party. My dads house is much bigger than mine, party is Saturday so lots to do! I do have a cleaner for my dads but typically she's off this week to spend time with her own kids as its half term.

L did really well at nursery, she napped for half an hour, they put her in the big swing seat, I was worried about naps as she usually naps in her pram and she had sweet and sour chicken for lunch and ate it! I'm guessing by her nappy it had sultanas in it... She was there for 4 hours and is in again tomorrow for another 4.

Clio I'm not sure she recognises the other baby as such but what was good for me was seeing how happy and settled she is! She is only in 2 days though as her mum job shares.

Anyway bedtime for me, lots to do tomorrow and lyds is sleeping and who knows how long for!
Angel, there's a spray or diffuser you can get to help calm cats down. I can't think of the name of it but you could phone the vet and ask them. It might be called Fellaway or something like that. Otherwise I'd suggest not having the kitty in the same room as the boys until she's a bit bigger and has stopped the scratching. Do you think it's playful scratching? Could you maybe get her some catnip toys that she can take her energy out on? Sounds stressful though. Hard decision to make, and even though i'm a total cat lover I could understand if you guys decided it wasn't working for you and maybe an older cat would be more suited. Good luck with whatever you decide. Xx
Re TTC, I think we'll start in the New Year. Mind you, I haven't started my periods again yet and I'm still breastfeeding so we'll have to see how that's going. Maybe my periods will come back when I go back to work. It's great to hear about Finn, Gael and Lydia going to nursery. I know you Mummies are finding it tough, and I know I will too ... but, it sounds like the LOs are adapting which is very reassuring. Hugs to all, xx
Angel, there's a spray or diffuser you can get to help calm cats down. I can't think of the name of it but you could phone the vet and ask them. It might be called Fellaway or something like that. Otherwise I'd suggest not having the kitty in the same room as the boys until she's a bit bigger and has stopped the scratching. Do you think it's playful scratching? Could you maybe get her some catnip toys that she can take her energy out on? Sounds stressful though. Hard decision to make, and even though i'm a total cat lover I could understand if you guys decided it wasn't working for you and maybe an older cat would be more suited. Good luck with whatever you decide. Xx

I totally agree. I actually suggest not even trying to acclimatize her (him?) (and you know how I feel about cats). A seven month old cat is like a kitten on steroids. I'm surprised that they even suggested that this would be a good fit. Try a placid older cat that purrs a lot and wants lots of lovin'. Who doesn't squirm when you pick them up and just wants to stay in your arms. Fat cats are good for that!

Good luck. I know how disappointing this is. I had a similar situation that ended very strangely. After the cat love of my life was diagnosed with a tumour and had to be put down, we found a free kitten on Craig's List. Seemed sweet, loved to be cuddled, but she was actually a nightmare. She would attack and attack and attack our feet--and arms if we were sitting--and NOTHING stopped her. We actually had to throw her from us to get her to stop (which didn't work). Neither of us wanted to return home because of her. Then she went in to be spayed, and died on the table (apparently she had a heart problem). And while I am very ashamed to admit this, I still feel incredibly relieved. Giving her away never occurred to us, and the thought of having this hellion of a cat for the next ca. 15 years just made me want to cry. Now I know, should this happen again, REHOME THE CAT, don't wait for them to die. :blush:
Only just got up and haven't read any posts in depth, I just HAD to come and share: Dom woke up at 15 to 2 last night and then slept till 15 to 7 just now! I am soooo chuffed!! :D
Will come back and read and post later. xxx
Ok so the boys are playing for a bit and I thought I'd come and read your posts properly. Thank you all for your advice first of all. Leeze I know which spray you mean and I will try it. I thought it was more for spooked cats during fireworks etc but it is definitely worth a try. :thumbup: Thank you :)
Clio we had her since the 10th of October, so she is acclimatised already and she does want to cuddle and be stroked, she even gives kitten kisses but then she might at any moment think yay let's play and bite you on the nose :(. I suppose at the rehoming centre they thought only of the cat and of course we are a good match for her but she might not be a good match for us. :( But maybe it is just her age and she will calm down? I am prepared to be super vigilant for a few months if I could be sure that after that she would be calmer and not dangerous to the boys. The last kitten I had was my not so nice cat Schnitzel and she was a kitten when I was 20, so over 20 years ago. My recollection of how she was is a lil hazy but I am sure she wasn't this wild.
Your story of the kitten is so sad! :( But I so know what you mean with it not even occurring to you to rehome her. I feel like this a bit with Felina. It feels as though I am giving away someone of my family almost. I was always a lil down on ppl who would just give away their pets when they became inconvenient and I am ashamed to even think about doing this with Felina. OH and I said we will see what the ppl at the centre say and give her another week or so and then reassess.
Thank you all for your advice and tips :)
gah mad few days (and the nights oh my goodness maybe max 2 hours sleep for me each night the last few nights - tiring when growing a baby!)

v behind!! hope all are good!

pics are M a few weeks ago - loving the pics of everyone!


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