any other over 35 first time mums?

She's beautiful, Rowan. She's starting to look more like a little girl, rather than a baby. Such a cutie. I'll have to get on the laptop and find some recent pictures of Kia. Wow, don't know how you're coping on such little sleep. Must be hard work. I remember waking up every hour to pee towards the end of my pregnancy. And thehaving another LO to take care of. You're my hero! I need to believe this is all possible or it'll put me off TTC another one! Do you get a chance for daytime naps at all? Xx
Angel, that's amazing that Dominic slept so well last night. Hopefully this is the start of something more settled for you guys. You've had is so tough. Kia's sleep has settled down a bit the last few nights and I feel a lot more human again. She's gone from waking every 2 or 3 hours to waking after 4-6 hours instead. Actually, last night she only woke up once around 2am and then slept till 8am. Bliss! Hope things improve for you with the kitten xx
another day on the buses, etc, but skipped out of work early (took students to the museum and left half an hour early, got an earlier bus and got to creche early - yeah!)...

clio -- I wasn't offered any counselling, just the booklet on dealing with loss (growl!) as well. My GP sent me to see somebody at a maternity hospital to discuss my experience (who was great) and he then recommended cognitive behavioural therapy; I went private and saw her every two weeks for about a year and then once a month until November 2011. It was expensive as my insurance didn't cover it, but for me, it was a complete life-saver as it helped me resolve alot of issues and gave me strength for a good pregnancy, etc.

angel -- am so sorry about psycho kitty (my little cat is a bit like that, but I know her moods (e.g. when to close the door of the living room at the bewitching time)) -- but kittens are a bit crazy, tho -- what about asking the vet about that cat spray and/or tips or techniques? However, if you do feel LOs are in possible danger, sadly, rehoming maybe the only answer (and an older cat in the future might be better).

leeze - yeah on better sleep!

re: licence. Nope, can't convert USA one as never had one -- I hate driving! I do have a provisional UK one, but never did the test. Here in Ireland, I have to take a theory test first, then get a learner's permit and take lessons (which I would prefer to do anyway) and then take the test. Found out I would have free parking at work, so it seems that 'the gods' do want me to finally get a car!

barboleta - I can't remember whether you are from argentina or brazil? I have loads of brazilian students and have decided to teach myself a little portuguese, which is amusing my students no end. I know a little spanish but am not very good....I guess thiago will be/is bilingual? which is great!

storm - don't feel guilty about creche at all -- you need a little me time and plus, going back to work will be somewhat easier if LO is all settled....

I just bought this ornament from Marks&Spencer; it has a baby reindeer and robin, and I just thought it was adorable!

talk to all soon!


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right - got a quick minute on the laptop so going to try for some photos


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hooray - it worked! these are both from today so hot off the press!! the first one she was trying to help me with the washing (well, pulling everything out of the washing basket while I was trying to sort it out)!! the second one was her throwing lots of books on the floor (not sure if you can see in the background) and then looking very sweet and innocent!
Okay, first, how on earth do we have such beautiful children? Leeze, I've been looking at Kia as a baby for so long that it was a shock to see the change of avatar! She's a real person now! And Rowan, Martha too! And what a rascal. I love the second one in particular! They are both gorgeous. J likes to help with the laundry, too, ever since he was a tiny baby. At that point, it just consisted of him "holding" the blankets (I'd throw them over him and he'd just laugh and laugh and laugh), but now he pulls the folded blankets out of the basket instead and just laughs and laughs and laughs. I now do laundry at night.

Um, SK, Finn, please?

Okay, I've taken some back medication, so I might fall asleep at any moment now, so I may not reach the personals stage. BUT, I need to ask this question. And please don't laugh at me. I know I have it good, and that I should run into this problem only now, when J is almost a year old, is ridiculous, but I need some help/advice.

Since I've started BLW, I've had to cook more (obviously). Actually, I should say, I've had to cook, period. Remember the tantrum J threw the other day? It happened while OH was teaching and I was trying to make some croquettes for J's lunch. What should have taken no time at all took forever because of his fit. Today, because I'm paranoid about the amount of salt J gets, I made him bread while OH was out, and he threatened to melt down again. I ended up wearing him the entire time (hence the back meds), which is really hard to do when cooking. He did it yesterday evening as well; I don't know where OH was, but I was cooking J's dinner and ended up having to wear him then, too.

So, the question: does this happen to you as well? Will your LOs get upset if you can't dedicate all of your attention to him/her? J's had it extremely good up until now; he's always had at least one parent's attention, but I didn't realize what lengths he'll go to in order to ensure this continues. So, is this just a J thing? What do you do with your LO when you have to do housework or cook and you don't have someone else looking after him/her? :shrug: He hates his playpen, by the way, and his naps are hard to come by these days. I talk to him, and we have music going the entire time, and I sing along, and I give him lots of toys to keep him occupied on the kitchen floor. But it doesn't work. Can you guys give me some advice on how to deal with this, other than wearing him?

I'm about to fall asleep, but I have just enough time to tell you that J will walk if I hold his hand! And it's so amazing to be able to hold his hand like a "real person's".

Okay, eyes are closing. I'll be back later!
Sorry about the back pain, Clio. Re housework etc, I either don't do it or I have Kia on the floor around me playing with toys, the washing machine door, the laundry basket etc. She will sometimes go in the playpen or jumperoo for 10 mins or so. Or I put her in her chair and give her some corn on the cob or toast to nibble on while I cook something else. Or I do all the prep for cooking, chopping and peeling etc in the living room and run into the kitchen to stir things or turn them in the oven while she plays in the living room. I have also jigged her up and down on one hip while I cook with the other arm. Not recommended! I've also found that she tends to be happier to play with stuff and let me get on with it when I do things at lunchtime so sometimes I do enough at lunchtime for both meals. Re bread, I thought it was ok as long as not more than one slice a day. That's amazing you baked your own bread.
Hi ladies, well had a really busy day, about to read back on all I've missed.
Saw the MW this morning and she was not prepared to even think about checking my cervix. I said to her all I wanted to know is if my cervix is soft or hard and if I've started dilating. She replied no point in checking cervix if I'm not even contracting! I mentioned about other countries checking position of cervix from 37/38 weeks. NO there was just no way in persuading her to check my cervix! BOOHOO
Really not a happy mommy here! she also says that baby is back to being 1/5 engaged! :(
Will have to wait till Tuesday till I see my usual MW again! Hopefully get S&S and better news about baby being further engaged again!

On a happier note - my SIL had a little girl today - Keelin weighed in at 7lbs 11oz/3.5kgs
My brother is just over the moon!
Ladies it is true we have ghee most gorgeous children ever, the looks genes must improve with age!

Woman dear why do you want them to check your cervix? Ouch! You will have enough hands up your lady bits to last you a lifetime when you go into labour! Congrats on the new family addition btw..

Clio its tough, lyds gives off stink when I'm trying to cook. I try her walker, let her crawl or have her on my hip - as a result I cook for her and I eat junk! As hubby works long shifts I'm left to deal with dinner on my own a lot. Can't believe you make your own bread, you star!

L was up screaming for4 hours last night, I wanted to die, that and nursery didn't go so well, she is teething and then she had a runny bum, like water... It's th big party tomorrow! My poor baby girl... I hope she is ok.

Laters, baby wants attention!
sitting on here waiting for M to fall asleep :) shes had 2 naps today!!!! in her cot!!! woo hoo - first time ever and I am very glad indeed considering the weather! I mean we only got maybe 4 hours sleep last night but hey ho :) actually it was awful poor M couldn't even stand her dummy in she was distraught! in the end at about 4am I gave her calpol, bongela, calprofen and nelsons teething powders and we all got 3 hours sleep!

shes been trying her best to walk today its a new obsession bless her - so we shall see how that goes - she can do walking from dh to me and vice versa and gets very excited! so cute!

love our little ones :) they are the bees knees!

clio - my house looks a right clip! we used to be pretty ocd but its all fallen by the wayside lol! Im even used to ground in biscuit in the carpet altho I am going to buy an old lady carpet sweeper as M is terrified of the hoover - in terms of cooking I havent been doing much due to kitchen so itll be interesting when I do!

re playpen M hated hers but I bought her some brand new playpen only toys and now shes content in there and even complains when I take her out - is J maybe out of stimulation with the toys? M shouts when Im on the phone (not that Im ever on long like!) she also shouts when shes in her pushchair and car seat at the mo

Weaning....Im stuck - M is happy with puree with pasta in and pasta with sauce - but any small lumps (potato, carrot etc) and she projectile hurls, I keep trying her with stuff but it usually ends up with her choking and me doing the baby Heimlich maneuver, banana this am was a good example...this aftie I cooked up some veg and popped it out for her to feed herself and again with the choking..she is fine with rice cakes, biscuits and sandwiches, toast etc tho - any ideas? Is she doing fine and Im just a worrypot?

skweek bless you - aye no point fiddling up there if you don't need it - I didnt get a S&S til 41 weeks from my mw - hope you go into labour before that! congratulations on your nephew!

stormjet hope you have a better night tonight!

leeze M had 2 naps today totalling 1.5 hours which was amazing - normally she does one or two 20 min naps so no sleep for me - actually I didnt today either I started my photobook for my folks Christmas pressie - we lost months worth of photos of M when our laptop broke :( pants! just shows you need to print actual photos!!
Hello ladies,

I am back. My sister left today :cry:. Really going to miss my family but hopefully next year we will be able to go to Brasil to spend some time with them and show my country to Thiago and my husband:).

Let's see if I remember everyone:

Angel: My goodness gracious!!!! Your boys are soooo beautiful. And I love that they have their own look ( Dom the curly hair and Sebastian the straight hair). and yeah for Dom sleeping so good for you!!!! you deserve it!!!

Leeze and Rowan: The girls of the group look like little princesses. They are just so different then what I imagine :haha:. Boys will be at the door when they get older :haha:. Watch out daddys!!!:haha: And sorry about the lack of sleep. :sleep:

Clio: as I am writing you I have Thiago on my lap. The boy will play a little by himselp but as soon as he notices us he wants to be picked up. So not a lot of ideas of how to change the behaiviour from my end!! Although I know that with a second baby things change because they dont get as much attention as the first. So maybe something to think about it :haha:.
Thiago has been sleeping better although last night he decided to wake up at 2AM :dohh: and we brought him to bed and after about 45 min of trying to stop the crying and hubby saying we shouldnt give him a bottle I decided to go against his will and gave the milk to the boy and he then slept till about 8AM.
Halloween was great! Lots of kids at our door since we like decorating the yard :winkwink:. Thiago did his job and got us some candy too:). We can have a chocolate party at my house everybody!!:happydance:

Sabrina: Yes I am brazilian!! So cool you are trying to learn portuguese!! Since you know a little spanish that should help. Hubby has Rosetta Stone to learn portuguese too. And yes I hope Thiago will be speaking both languages and actually hope he will learn spanish too:). We want to see Finn's picture:)

Storm: So Sorry about your lack of sleep and having to go back to work. And I forgot L is other little princess of the group! So cool that we have more girls here:). Hang in there Storm. My mom was a working mom her hole life and I still loved her:). Hard on the mommies and not so much on the babies.

Kosh: Gael is so chique!! Classic beauty:). And you hubby is right there with your son :haha:. very handsome himself.

skweek: hope little woman decides to show up soon. poor you, i know the feeling!!!

okay thiago is chewing on his hair brush have to go. but here are some photos of him at halloween. by the way he hated his outfit. no smiles from him :haha:.



So, I managed to get Kia to settle at 7.30pm tonight. So proud of myself. And the bloody neighbours have just woken her up with very loud fireworks at 11pm. Not a happy Mummy at all. Borboleta, Thiago looks adorable in his little outfit. I bet he charmed everyone! Skweek, this time last year I was desperate for Kia to come. I had 2 sweeps and she ended up being 10 days overdue. Every day felt like a week. It's so hard at the end but soon it'll be over and you'll be meeting your precious bundle of love! Have you got any names picked yet? Xx
Thanks for all your replies, everyone! Though it looks like I'm stuck wearing him. Or making food at more opportune times. One thing is that his behaviour is just so startling--he's never been like this before. He can usually play independently so well. But more with my husband, it seems. He's far clingier when it comes to me.

Re: the infamous bread!--I am so buying a bread maker. That was the most ridiculous exercise ever. The bread turned out just fine, but the making of it! And this was even labelled "Easy Bread" in the cookbook. Leeze, I'm just paranoid about sodium, period. And I'm always surprised when the recipes in the "official" cookbook call for things that are laden with sodium. Example: tuna croquettes. Tuna--sodium. Breadcrumbs--sodium. Cheese--sodium. So I'm looking for the lowest sodium alternatives possible. I've found low sodium canned tuna and salmon. I only give him Swiss Cheese (lowest amount of all cheeses). But the biggest betrayal was the bread--I just never thought about it. He never did have more than one slice a day (if even that--he typically sucked whatever was on the bread off and then smooshed the rest between his fingers). Actually, the bigger betrayal was a double betrayal. After realizing that store-bought breadcrumbs had lots of sodium in them (and breadcrumbs are a common ingredient), I got smart and made my own out of whole wheat bread. Until I realized that the bread itself had sodium! So, I figured that the only way to control this and assuage my anxiety was to make my own.

So J has learned some new words. The one from two days ago was "duck," but I hadn't heard it since. But while we were taking a stroll around the living room and kitchen today, hand in hand, he said "duck." I wasn't sure I had heard him right, but on our way back to the living room, I saw that his rubber duckie was next to Tigger. Again, he said "duck," bent down, picked it up and on our way we went, as he chewed on duck.

Then last night, I was changing him and he farted. Whenever he does that, my husband and I automatically say "toot!." This time, he smiled and said "toot!" right back. Yup. That's my boy. Klassy.

Let's see, what else? Oh, I'm still trying to encourage a love of books in him. I'm now playing dirty and tricking him. Yesterday I sat down with Pig and Tigger in my lap and pulled out one of his new books: "That's not my dinosaur!" (I bought some more...) I told him to go about his business with his cups and whatnot, and I was just going to read his friends a story. And so I did, taking Pig's ear (his hands are sewn together) and Tigger's paw to touch the pages. He snuck glances each time I turned a page, but then turned back to his own stuff. But when I started with "That's not my monkey!", he came and sat next to me and listened, and after Tigger and Pig had their turn, he touched the pages, too. Ethically, I'm not sure about this parenting move, but you know, ends, means, blah blah blah.

Oh, I am so woefully behind on personals! Forgive me, please!

Angel--you asked about "sledging" (British-speak is so quaint!). I would take him tobogganing if I didn't live on the friggin' prairie... Well, I'm sure that there are some hills around here somewhere, but skiing is the big thing here. Eric can ski like he was born to and he'll be taking J to the Rockies to learn as soon as he can. I think we're waiting until he's four or five and then they'll go. I'm not a skier, though. I've gone a number of times, and am absolutely certain that each time I'm going down the hill that I'm going to die. Seriously.

Yaaay for Dom sleeping! It seems like it's over, doesn't it? You made it through!!! :wohoo:

Rowan--you must be exhausted. I can't remember--is M typically a good sleeper? Is it Michael who is keeping you up?!? Oh my, I STILL can't believe that not only are you pregnant, but you're half-way there! As for J, playpen and new toys--he gets bored really quick, so he just cycles through his toys over and over. So that wouldn't help the playpen situation. We've used it probably less than 20 times, anyway, so he's not used to being in it.

***I'm writing this as OH and I tag-team getting J back to sleep. He's teething and we've already been through the Tylenol and the Advil. All that remains is rocking him and pleading with him. It's OH's turn again, and he's decided to start with pleading.***

Okay. It is now 2 hours later and waaaay past my bedtime. OH gave up, passed the baton back to me, I took him downstairs b/c at least he won't cry down there, and now just spent 45 min. FINALLY rocking him to sleep. So much for catching up on personals... I owe all those I didn't get to (which appears to be almost everybody). Babies! AAAArrrggghhh!

ETA: Rowan--I've been meaning to say, if M can handle all those other things right now, then I think you're doing well. J still doesn't swallow everything--he'll suck on some stuff and spit it out.He knows what he can get down. And when you say choking, is it gagging/coughing, or real, not able to breathe choking? The first is normal and necessary. The second, well, it's good you know the baby Heimlich...
Clio, I hadn't even thought through the amount of sodium in all those foods. Mind you, Kia tends to be a fairly picky eater at the moment and her fave things are peas, corn on the cob and yoghurt. Except pitta bread, which she loves. But so much of it she spits out again. How amazing that J has got some new words. What a clever little guy. And you are such a great storyteller, I don't think you need to worry about him not becoming more and more interested in books. What a cute story about you reading to his toys.
Rowan, not sure if I said this before ... But I did read that often babies prefer lumps that are predictable rather than things with lumpy bits of all different sizes. So with finger foods or rice cakes etc they can bite off a piece that they're happy with whereas a stew or something with veg of all different sizes can be confusing for them. Kia often spits out big mouthfuls of food I give from jars and pouches, but if she's in the right mood she might eat a whole corn on the cob or mini burger etc. Mind you, sometimes she spits just about everything out except her favourites as per my previous post to Clio. I think she would happily eat yoghurt or smooth purees all day if I would let her and nothing with nasty lumps in!
hello! (ola to Borboleta!)....

nothing much here -- my hands are pretty bad (how can you pull a muscle in your hand? I didn't think it possible until I did it....), so have had to put needlepoint away for a few days...

clio -- you are amazing, making bread and all those meals for J. We use jars (organic stuff mostly) for his meals as I am just too lazy. Plus, I don't really eat bread myself as I try to stick to pitta (brown)....our own dinners are usually salad with chicken, etc., for me and potatoes, meat and a veg for OH, plus, I give LO his 'dinner' before we eat (around 5-6ish); I guess I should put some our food into a small container and serve the next day as we have a blender that purees, etc....sigh, another thing to worry about....

as for housecleaning, I do it as I go along, plus the cleaner who comes every two weeks, does the bathrooms, etc. I do hoover the living room every day when we get home from creche with LO sitting in his chair, watching -- it's a signal that mummy is about to put the activity centre down and play with LO, so Finn doesn't mind that noise!

we have our 9-month appointment with the nurse on Tuesday (Finn is 9 months today!) and I am a little worried about his not crawling. He can sit up on his own now (we still have him on the couch for safety), but whenever he rolls over to his tummy, he does lift his head and body up, and then...rolls back onto his back -- he's much happier as a bum shuffler (as I was). Socially and hand-eye-coordination and hand skills are great, so I guess I shouldn't worry (but I do....)

re: teething; LO got all four front top teeth at once -- no wonder he was so fussy last week! and now, he has a 'real' bite.....

no time for real personals, sorry.....

thanks ladies :) feel much better now! she gags which usually enjoys up with projectile vomit but she also properly chokes and i need to bash her back and turn her upside down to try and free her airways and then shes either sick or I can grab whatevers stuck - shes always been a choker - when she was tiny she would choke a few times a night until she could sleep on her side now she sleeps on her tummy and if shes sick in the night shes pretty good at shouting and getting out of the way of it :)

shes also a bit greedy at times and will shove too much in her mouth! lol! gets it off her dad!

my folks looked after M for 4 hours today - I was feeling the old separation anxiety on my way to pick her up but she was fine :) busy busy as usual! she came over and gave me a big hug tho when she noticed me - ahh! Got , soooo much done! housework, months worth of post sorting and paperwork filing and also sorted out my working tax credits -= phew!

sabrinakat - most of my friends lo didn't crawl at all they missed that stage out and just went straight to walking when they were about a year so maybe Finn will be the same? yey re teeth! phew! hopefully that will mean a bit of relief for a while!

leeze you have some great ideas for foods to try!

clio yey for Js new words :) its so fab! good idea re the reading too! M was a good sleeper til teeth! so the last 3 months really have been a challenge! But last night she only woke twice yey!!!! it was amazing! ofc I was up and down going to the loo but oh the relief of getting sleep!

borboleta - love the new pics!!! what a cutie!

I was having some brown pitta with hommous and gave LO a taste of the pitta and....he ate it right up, so guess having those teeth means that he can now have bread, etc. We're going to try a little brown bread toast tomorrow am since in the creche they give a corner of brown bread toast to the children (he eats porridge/oatmeal for breakfast as well) and I think with all those new teeth, he should be fine!

thanks, rowan - re: crawling; it's just M's so fast on her feet that I was feeling a little worried!

was having horrible tummy pains, thinking, I preggers or the flu? but no, my AF arrived a day early -- since I had such erratic cycles pre-LO and now, on the thyroid meds, it's every 27-30 days (normal-ish now)....I can't get used to these normal cycles - LOL!

must run, OH is home, LO is in his jumperoo and I promise, will post some pictures tomorrow as we took a few of him sitting up like a big boy (and he can sit up on his own for a few minutes ---!)

Oh. My. God.

I don't know how you guys do it/did it. Last night, all night, J wouldn't stop. Down, up, screaming, down, up, screaming, down, up, well, I think you can figure out the rest. When I got up this morning, he had been up for a while with my husband, screaming all the time. There's nothing wrong, as far as we can tell; when you calm him down, he acts totally normally. I sent my husband upstairs (with his breakfast!) because he was just soooo frustrated and angry by then. And J calmed down as if nothing were wrong. :shrug: I know he was picking up on and reacting to OH's frustration, but it still doesn't explain the original problem.

OH is taking him to Oma's this afternoon, so we'll get a break.

Re: lumpy stuff--I didn't know that about the lumps needing to be the same size. I know with J that if something is too big, he'll spit it out again, but then pick it up, put it back in his mouth, spit it out again, etc. Turns out, he needs the saliva to break down the "lump." I've watched entire chunks of chicken or pork become softer and far, far more manageable as this process continues. It's like a crock pot in his mouth. In the end, the piece has broken up enough that he can swallow portions of it. Though it takes a million years...

Ooh, crock pot. I should look into recipes for that! Meat will be soft, my work will be minimal...

SK--if I could have followed a normal weaning schedule, I so would have. I'm actually jealous of you guys. I wouldn't have to worry about shutting down his kidneys because of too much sodium; I wouldn't have to pull down the skin beneath his eyes to see if he's anemic; I wouldn't have to wonder how much he is actually getting down... It's just that he would NOT eat the purees. And it was so easy in the beginning. Give him watermelon and a cucumber! How about broccoli? Why yes, he takes it! But then the real cooking started, and it's a pain in the arse. So I freeze A LOT. And I recycle things, A LOT (total BLW no no). The boy has eggs almost every single day, I think. Oh, and his veggies? All from frozen. I just stick them in a bowl with water, stick that in the microwave for 3 minutes, and voila! Done. Not exactly the "organic" way to go. I'M the anxious one here! You seem totally normal. By the way, I love your ornament. It is so sweet!

Leeze--thank you for your reassurances regarding J's impending illiteracy. It has become a joke by now, though. The kid will hate all books if I keep this up. He's not dumb, and his language skills are progressing nicely. It's just that I loved them so much as a child that I want him to experience the same wonder I did. And, well, those stupid websites about child development say kids who were read to as babies have higher IQs and do better in school, blah, blah, blah. (And I don't even believe in the concept of an IQ, so I'm being an idiot.) But, it's true, he hears stories all the time, but actually not from me. My husband, whenever they're in the car together, will tell him all about his day, and I think he's incapable of not talking silly. And the poor boy is going to grow up believing the cat can time travel, fly an airplane, came up with "String Bean Theory" and is the lead vocalist in a band called Morgan and the Dust Bunnies. I guess I also feel guilty; when I bought him his first books at around 2 months, I got SO bored reading them to him that I just stopped. And never really started again, until now.

Borboleta--smiling or not, T looks so incredibly cute in his costume! Where did you find it?

Last night I was looking on FB (which I rarely do), and saw the pic of T in the "downward dog" position. It's so adorable! Now when J does it, I turn it into a summersault and he LOVES it.

Okay, nap time... For me, that is.

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