any other over 35 first time mums?

SK I don't know how you cope with a baby and a hangover! I just couldn't....

Clio I love the oatmeal pic and I love Jonah's baby gros, they are so cool!

Lyds has been a terrible sleeper pretty much since day one, reflux etc.. and now we've been thrown the kidney curveball. Im pretty sure she is teething again, runny bum, red cheeks etc... But to be honest our night's can be so bad anyway sometimes I don't notice the difference and I'm back to work in 7 weeks! How?!? I just don't know..

Clio I loved your walking tips, we shall be practicing tomorrow, she already uses me to pull herself up and can stand briefly unsupported so I loved your tips!

Hope Kias party goes well...

Night all and yes its 9.11 I'm just beat!
Hey Angel, don't feel bad about the kitty, you did what was best for you both and you tried so hard!

L has always had explosive nappies, but since weaning they did improve, I think these are teething ones now... Who knows. Your botty shape comment made me laugh!

We must have posted around the same time so I didn't see your last one til now :)
Hi all. Angel, that's great progress to have only 2 wake-ups a night. You must feel like a different person. Sounds like you did the right thing with Felina. This way you can a cat you feel relaxed with and she can go to a home where she can be a mischievous kitten with no-one worrying about the impact on the family. The home should really have thought it through a bit better. Hopefully they'll get you a better match soon.
Storm, what a difficult night for you. You must be exhausted. Is there any possibility for you to nap in the daytime? How are you feeling about going back to work? I'm going back the week after next and am mostly dreading it although there's a tiny bit of me that's looking forward to being able to do things with 2 hands on a few days a week. And things like eat a meal without jumping up straight afterwards and getting indigestion. And maybe reading a magazine from start to finish while on the bus!
Sabrina, I find it annoying too that OH seems to think my days with Kia are somehow 'days off'. I'd like him to spend a day with her on his own at some point to see how tiring it is. Much as it's also amazing. And see if he can manage to cook a meal, do clothes washing and wash the dishes while looking after her.
Clio, loving the photo of Jonah with his oatmeal. He knows his mind, that's for sure. I agree he seems to have a great sense of humour. What a lovely quality and hopefully it makes you feel proud that you've helped to develop this in him. I love baby humour. I worry a bit about when Kia gets a bit older and more mischievous because I think I'll be too busy laughing and having fun with her and not be able to hold boundaries. It all seems so far away right now!
So, my precious little darling is 1 tomorrow! I've been thinking a lot about the birth today as it's a year ago today when I went through most of the labour as she was born at 1am. At this point in the evening it was quite a scary bit as she was in distress and lots of medical staff kept running into the room and poking and prodding us both. What a year it's been though and what a lot I've learnt. Re her party, I probably won't post pictures on here because I don't know if other mums would want their babies photos on a public forum but maybe I can find another way to share with you guys? Facebook perhaps? And, was it Angel who said about making new friends so LOs would have friends at their birthdays? It's funny actually, because there's a much better turnout planned for tomorrow compared to my normal birthday celebrations! Kia's got more friends than me! What's also funny is that none of my childless friends are coming but nearly all my new Mummy friends are. Although some of that might be because they don't get invited out much! :haha:
quick question re: vomiting. The last two nights right before bed-time, LO has thrown a bit of formula up, but he ate/drank okay both days -- anything to worry about? (he has no temperature and seems in good spirits)....

as for personals, am exhausted (my hangover wasn't too bad, but combined with the end of a cold, not fantastic), so will answer/comment later, except....Leeze, don't worry about party pictures, hopefully, just one of the birthday girl? and Angel, sorry about the kitty, BUT I think you did the right thing, sigh.

bye.........(LO has been up since 6.30am and I must go and play!)
Angel--absolutely the right thing about the kitten. As Leeze said, you shouldn't have to add the extra stress to your family's life. And the kitty will be happy in a place where she can do what 7 month old kittens are meant to do: wreak havoc. I hope the home and new family keeps the name Felina!

And it's amazing about Dom's sleeping. I'm so glad for you that it's finally over. :happydance:

KIA!!!--HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!! :cake: Oh Leeze, although I'm not there yet, I keep thinking about when I went into labour too and can't believe it's almost a year ago. Or that we moved into this house a year ago. Or that J grew and changed so much. Look at your change in avatar--it's rather symbolic. You had a tiny baby up for the longest time, and then, bam, a young girl! I understand completely about not putting up pics of other people, but I agree with SK--we need one of the birthday girl. But I would also love to add you to my Facebook account. My email address is [email protected] and my name is Eva Kater (how strange to write that now, after so many months of being together on this thread!). I'd like to have some people in my friends list who are actually my friends... My avatar is a green monster, but I'll change it to a recent one of J. Maybe the oatmeal one... Okay, just changed it.

Actually, Storm and SK, I don't have you on FB either and would love to add you. I'm not very active on it, but I love looking at pictures.

And, yes, ugh, I tried tasting the pre-packaged meal, and it was awful. It was even organic! Though I'm not sure that un-organic would have tasted any differently. I had also bought J some Gerber cereal which I fed him the next morning as an alternative to oatmeal and while J ate it, when I tasted it, I was appalled by how incredibly sweet it was. It was like giving J Frootloops or something. I tossed the box immediately.

Storm--I can't believe that they changed the appt to Christmas Eve's day. You sure are being tested these days. Oh, and re: the standing tips, I realized that although I had written that I kept my hands around his waist, I now remember it being higher up, around his torso. Perhaps you should try the laundry basket trick as well--letting her push it around on a slippery floor.

SK--you booze hound, you. That's all I'm saying. :wine:

AFM--I'm certain I've missed people, but eyes are closing again. Soon I'll be back.
Too tired to update tonight ladies but if anyone wants my FB details send me a message!
Storm--I've sent my request! Cool. I already love the picture of you and L. I can't wait to see more!
Clio - I just sent you a friend request. Hopefully it'll be obvious who I am!!! Anyone else if you want to be FB friends then PM me.

We had a lovely day today. Kia cried a bit at her party, I think it was a bit much for her. But we had a lovely time. Lots of adults having adult company with our babies around too in a very baby-friendly place. Chat more later. Thanks all for birthday wishes. I feel very lucky today xx
Storm--huh. Somehow I screwed up and asked another Esther to be my friend. BUT, I think I've figured it out now (I finally found a pic of you and your husband that I recognized!) and I think you should now get the friend request. Hope you feel better and get some sleep!

Leeze--I'm glad that Kia and you had such a great time! I loved the pics I saw on FB!

Angel--Wow--you are lovely! Now I know why Dom and Seb look the way they do!

Hope everyone else is doing well!
had a tough time last night -- terrible teething and crankiness due to being so tired and not going to sleep, e.g. it took until 11 pm (or 3 hours) to get Finn to sleep -- I know not as bad as some you guys, but given that I pulled a muscle in my shoulder, it was hard. Fortunately, OH was there as well.....what teeth are/is he getting now? He has his top four and his bottom two?

will send a pm to you all re: facebook, but am myself cranky, sore shoulder and tired even though it was OH's night last night....grumble....


ps. well, me thinks the bit of vomit was pre-amble to teething nightmare....
hey ladies M asleep in her cot - were defo teething again even the sticky vingery nappies yuk!

sabrina have you been able to have a peek to see if the molars have started? Marthas started about a month ago - she has 2 teeth through on the bottom and now two properly on the top but the top molars started breaking through weeks ago and he bottom molars are starting and also the next right bottom middle tooth - they dont seem to be following the standard pattern - Marthas definately more sicky when were due another bout of teething

leeze Glad you had a lovely party for Kia - so cute!

hope everyone is ok! Hope skweek is doing ok!

were just pootling today - going to my folks later - they were supposed to look after Mon saturday but they got up late and then said it would be hours before they came round so too late for what we wanted to do - you have to laugh! there's no way they could look after Martha if I was going back to work even one day a week lol! They march to their own beat!
Hey everyone!

Today is Day Two of 1970s parenting again (I know, I didn't write about Day One--wanted to see how it went). OH and I both talked to our mothers and again, the mention of the monitor came up. They didn't have one, and they don't remember getting up 5 times a night, especially at 11 months, for a baby with no hunger or teething problems and who just wants cuddles or wants to go downstairs. J's just been getting worse and worse.

Turns out, on his nights, my husband has been getting up at any little noise from the monitor. When I found that out, I wanted to strangle him, because it explained a lot. J used to only get up once a night for a bottle, and would go right back to sleep. Then, strangely, the number of times started to increase, until it hit five and I had to find out what was going on. Plus, he NEVER wanted a bottle. At that point, my husband admitted to his "extra diligence." So, two nights ago, we ignored his now-consistent 9 o'clock cry, and the boy slept through until four, his regular wake up time (I'm working on changing that too--that's also a product of my husband's "gut instinct" that this is when J wanted to get up). So, it's worked; last night, we didn't even get the 9 pm cry. I sleep in the room right next to J's (separate bedrooms finally--a long story, and a dream come true for me...), and don't even need the monitor, and I heard nothing. :wohoo:

At the same time, we've instituted a nap policy on Oma's instructions (I'm probably the only mother in the world who eagerly listens to her MIL's advice. This woman knows her stuff). J's managed to get away with NO naps for weeks now. We know he's tired, and we try to put him down, but he pysically fights us to make sure we can't rock him to sleep. So, we just give up. But this a boy that used to give us at least one really long nap in the morning, and then at least an hour in the afternoon. Oma's instructions: choose a nap time, put him in his crib, and let him cry until he figures out no one is coming to save him from the evil nap. It's worked for two days now. He's cried, certainly, but no longer than ten minutes. And yesterday, he gave us a 2 1/2 nap. He's down again right now, so let's see what happens.

I know that CIO is controversial, and I may have offended some of you, but my feeling is this: J knows that we are always there for him. We are not breaking any trust bonds, especially at this age. I also don't think, in the slightest, that it's right for every baby. My gut just tells me that it's right for our situation. And when he begins to teeth again, we'll have to reassess this new policy.

Borboleta--re: my real name--I know, it's a weird mental leap, isn't it? Apart from Leeze, it's been weird to know the name for every one of you, my dear new friends on FB.

Rowan--you're already on molars??? J's just got 4 teeth, and I don't see any more coming in the near future. I'd wish he'd just hurry up so we can get past this!

SK--I hope that things are going better with both of you now. How's your shoulder? All the rocking I had to do with J lately has made my SI joint really painful, so I can totally understand what you're going through.

Leeze--I've been going through the baby stages, and you now officially have a toddler! Apparently 1 yr is the end of infant-hood, regardless if they're toddling or not.

Skweek--I hope you and the wee one are alright. It's disconcerting to not hear from one of us for a few days, even if you obviously have a good reason!)

Storm--has life become easier for you yet? :hugs: Oh, and the reason it took the friend request took so long to come through is because I asked the wrong person at first!
Hi ladies,

Sorry to hear about the teething and lack of sleep. Looks like that is the soundtrack of our lives at the moment isn't it :haha:. It gets better for a a couple of weeks then starts again :dohh:.

And before I forget I would love to be friends of you girls on Facebook:). Here is my real name: Danielle Setchfield:). With this last name you will find me for sure:). And Clio it is still strange to think about you as Eva:)!lovely name but I still think of you as Clio :haha:. Storm, leeze, angel and Sabrina I don't have you girls on facebook :winkwink:.

Thiago is doing good. His crawling is getting better and faster, but he still has no idea that he can explore the house using this new technique. He just stays mainly in the living room :dohh:. I have to be the one that puts him in different places :haha:. And yesterday was the first time he stood up on the crib holding on the railings all by himself. My husband and I where laughing while watching him thru the video monitor. :haha: of course he was very proud of himself:winkwink:.

It finally got cold in here ( maybe a spring like weather for most of you :haha:) but cold for us:). About 60F. Really enjoying the weather!

On Friday we are going to drive to Santa's wonderland and have a picture of thiago with Santa made:). He has been the Santa that my SIL has been using for years with her kids. So we decided to keep the tradition and drive 1 hour to see Santa. I will let you know how thiago reacts to him :haha:. He has never cried when a stranger holds him but not sure about a old man with a red suit and a white beard :haha:.

Leeze: glad to hear the party went well!!! Amazing to think you have a 1 year old:)! Can't wait to see the pics on Facebook:). I am getting excited about planning thiago's first birthday too:)!!! Although we have other LOs in front of us:).
my facebook is pamela marin (dublin, ireland) -- if anybody wants to try....?

nothing much here....we tried to give LO some home-cooked food and after a few 'bites', was not impressed. Odd, though as in creche, he gets proper food (chicken, potato and carrot, which he has eaten in creche) ...or else, he doesn't like my OH's, will have to think of something else.

clio - if it works for you, then, it's the best for YOU. No judgement here at all...:hugs:

LO is currently 'crying' to get my attention, even though he is sitting only five feet away with my OH - LOL!

will try Borboleta on facebook....(sent a friend request...)

Hello my lovely ladies :)

First of all, Happy belated Birthday Kia! I am sorry I am late with this, somehow I totally missed it yesterday :( I am glad the party went well though :)
Leeze your comment about your new mummy friends all coming cause they don't get invited out much made me grin and also gave me a pang. My best friend here in London is Sebastian's godfather. He and I would always go to exhibitions and art fairs and parties together (Nick is unsocial and a homebody). Now I cannot go so much any more, he is taking Nelly, his other best friend and Sebastian's (official) godmother. I am trying to not be envious and feel bad for feeling like this. But please don't think I don't know how lucky I am. I do and I feel it more every day :). But I do sometimes long for a bit of culture. Sigh.

clio thank you for your compliment, I don't look like that any more though (not that I think I was all that anyway, even then). I do think that pregnancy and lack of sleep have taken a toll on me. Plus I am a good 10kg heavier than pre preg :(
I love J's pic that you have as a cover pic. He is so adorable! And I think you look lovely! You shouldn't be so down on yourself. :hugs:

Leeze and Storm I would love to add you also on FB. I have Clio already and saw you in her timeline. May I send you an invite?

Sabrina Would love to add you as well :)

Borboleta I'll send you a request :)
Great news on Thiago crawling so well. But are you sure you want him to find out that he can roam through the house? How much easier if he stays in the living room :haha:
Looking forward to seeing pics from the Santa wonderland :)

Rowan are you on FB too? No problem if you want to keep that side private though, I would totally understand :)
I am sorry Martha is suffering so with her teeth and you as a result too! How are you otherwise? Not much longer till you are 20 weeks! Will you get a scan again then or did you already have that one when you found out the gender?
I am sorry your parents let you down again :( Real bummer. So will it be nursery for her when you go back to work or will you not go back at all now with the new baby on the way?

clio I for one am not judging you at all. And from the sound of it, J had gotten into bad habits and didn't really need you that often at night. I agree that he is at an age where he can understand what is expected. Yay also for naps! Sounds blissful! I would totally do the same as you if my boys didn't feed off each other when it comes to crying. Yesterday night at 10 Sebastian was whimpering cause he wanted his dummy and I think was in a bit of discomfort from teething and he woke Dominic. Dominic started crying and that woke Seb completely and he then started crying loudly too. And so on. :wacko: But I am so glad it is working for you and that J is getting enough sleep finally! :)

Skweek I am thinking of you and looking forward to welcoming your LO to the world and our little group. :hugs:

As for us, not much new. Tried giving stage 2 food again and Sebastian threw it up and some of the milk he had before :( Dom just clamps his mouth shut, leans his face sideways and looks at me and smiles slightly. But that is it. Sigh.
Dominic woke crying at 10 and last night and OH had to rock him back to sleep but then Dom slept till 3am and then 6! So that was only one feeding again :) Of course I kept waking between 1 and 3 checking the monitor expecting him to call any minute so didn't get to make the most of the sleep but hey, here is hoping Dom will do this more and more and both OH and I can get used to getting more kip :) And I guess 6am is it for waking for the day, until summer time anyway. Ack! But it is OH's night tonight so YAY. I am now off to have a bath with bubbles and salts! Yay again :D
Evening ladies, I would love to have you all on FB, at the minute I'm using my phone and can't work out how to send friend requests, but you will find me on Clios, Esther with the profile pic of L as a much younger baby in a pink hoodie (my friend sent her it from LA and she looked like a wee doll in it)

Anyway I'm going to be selfish tonight I need to unload; 4 nights of hardly any sleep and bug kidney scan today... L had to get isotopes injected into the back of her hand, basically we had to hold my baby down while they put a needle into a vein with no numbing cream, you have to be 12 months for the numbing cream. The Dr (mean female) said they don't use it with babies as they only cry cause you are forceably holding their hand - um no, she wasn't crying til you rammed a ruddy great needle in her hand! She cried, I cried, it was horrible. Then we got to come home for a few hours before the scan. The scan was almost worse, they had to do 4 and each one took about 8 minutes! She was strapped down and we had to hold her again, she was beyong hysterical. She was so upset they let me lift her and give her juice and half strip her as she was dripping in sweat. Really upsetting. Anyway we have to wait for the results but the radiographer unofficially confirmed that yes one of her kidneys is in the wrong position, wrong place and not looking like they would expect it to. So the results now go to get analysed and hopefully we can get more detail in a week. A really traumatic day for mummy, daddy and baby...

Oh and the radiographer explained they dont use numbing cream for under ones as it can make it more difficult to find a vein, which was a much more acceptable explanation!

I have read all your posts but I'm too emotionally drained to make much decent comment, I just wanted to give you all an update xxx
Oh my gosh Storm that sounds terrible! Like torture for poor little L! Sending tons and tons of :hugs: I hope the result won't be anything too awful. Hope you get a good night's sleep at least after this ordeal. xxx
Evening ladies, I would love to have you all on FB, at the minute I'm using my phone and can't work out how to send friend requests, but you will find me on Clios, Esther with the profile pic of L as a much younger baby in a pink hoodie (my friend sent her it from LA and she looked like a wee doll in it)

Anyway I'm going to be selfish tonight I need to unload; 4 nights of hardly any sleep and bug kidney scan today... L had to get isotopes injected into the back of her hand, basically we had to hold my baby down while they put a needle into a vein with no numbing cream, you have to be 12 months for the numbing cream. The Dr (mean female) said they don't use it with babies as they only cry cause you are forceably holding their hand - um no, she wasn't crying til you rammed a ruddy great needle in her hand! She cried, I cried, it was horrible. Then we got to come home for a few hours before the scan. The scan was almost worse, they had to do 4 and each one took about 8 minutes! She was strapped down and we had to hold her again, she was beyong hysterical. She was so upset they let me lift her and give her juice and half strip her as she was dripping in sweat. Really upsetting. Anyway we have to wait for the results but the radiographer unofficially confirmed that yes one of her kidneys is in the wrong position, wrong place and not looking like they would expect it to. So the results now go to get analysed and hopefully we can get more detail in a week. A really traumatic day for mummy, daddy and baby...

Oh and the radiographer explained they dont use numbing cream for under ones as it can make it more difficult to find a vein, which was a much more acceptable explanation!

I have read all your posts but I'm too emotionally drained to make much decent comment, I just wanted to give you all an update xxx

Hugs to Mummy,Daddy and baby! that sounded just awful :cry: I winced when I read your post,poor wee mite.
I really hope the results don't show anything too serious.
I hope after this day you can at least get a good nights sleep?!
Storm, that sounds hideous. I'm feeling emotional just reading it. So sorry you all had to go through that. Poor little Lydia. Big hugs. Hopefully this will all be worth it and mean they can give her any care or treatment she might need in the future. I hope you're ok. Xx

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