any other over 35 first time mums?

Thanks ladies. You're great. Only got 2 mins but hopefully back later to join in the great food debate xx
Oh Clio, poor you! I find L prefers the Ellas kitchen pouches which she can feed herself, but they are all rather gloopy and if J is used to finger food he probably hates the texture.

Breakfast is becoming a huge struggle for us,vporrudge gets spat out followed by a raspberry so this am was less than half a kiwi and a few cheerios, it worries me her lack of eating and she's dropped
weight since she started cruising round the furniture, she literally doesn't stop! We had a terrible night let night, crying every 20ish minutes.... I'm shattered, hubby was due home 2 hours ago but got stuck on a late call and I'm due at a work lunch in just over an hour with a tired grumpy baby.... Sigh...

Oh storm, so rry to hear about your terrible night and morning. Do you think she is teething? I knew a little boy that the only thing he would eat for lunch or dinner was grilled cheese sandwich! He loved breakfast food abut his poor mommy and daddy were so upset that he would not try different foods! One time I saw her put sugar on his pasta to see if he would try in total despair! he just cried and cried and didn't eat. When she goes for her check ups the doctor will sure tell you if she underweight. Do you think you could give her baby vitamins? Hope you day gets better.:hugs:
hey ladies - M alsep in cot so quick message then must clean bathrooms - oh the glamour!!

Sabrina - Martha loves that cat book - we got it from the library!

I ordered Martha some new baby and baby in mammys tummy books - should be interesting

Martha likes lift the flap books pressy noisy button books and photo books about farms and tractors - that said she is loving a book about a busy baby at the mo! (library again)

Clio J is doing so well - and so are you - you will laugh your socks off one day re the pre packaged food debacle!

we currently have a system whereby M grabs a spoon, feeds herself and then i have another spoon put food on she grabs that - i retrieve the other spoon and this is how it goes on - I have taken to wearing a pinny as Im getting through a lot of clothes! lol!

she isnt wanting breakfast at all (after her milk ofc) porridge is out and Ive taken to giving her yoghurt and fruit puree but someone at playgroup yesterday suggested cheerios so Ill try them!

we went swimming today with a friend and her 6 mth old - I thought it would be a mare getting ready etc but it was fine - Martha cried at first but clung onto me for dear life and warmed up and started splashing after a bit - were going to try and go every week

right - best head off and clean...have a good day/night everyone x
sounds like everybody is having some food issues, real advice to offer as LO seems to be happy with his food/bottles, although we do get a bit of reflux/upset tummy almost daily (there's one particular outfit that I think is 'cursed' as he has never gone more than an hour before getting paint, food, vomit, poopie, etc., on it and it has to be changed....)

Finn likes the ella's organic pouches as he can cram the pouch into his mouth (not the food, just the pouch) as he can't with the jars. Last night, I gave LO a cardboard toilet roll for him to explore and although he was sitting in my OH's lap, started, no, dear OH -- he's not a hamster, but it was for visual fun, NOT oral thinks my OH can't multi-task, e.g. watch TV and hold the baby....

oh, well -- it's the weekend (yeah!!!!!!!!), OH's night with LO (even bigger YEAH!) and only a few hours until I can open a bottle of wine (I wait until about 5ish....and not every day, just Fridays....!)

Afternoon all, I'm officially a bad mum, we have a new tooth - that's 7 so far, this might be part of our current food issues! Work lunch was a disaster although L was pretty good.. then to top it all hubbys granny died suddenly this morning, she was very old but she literally just dropped.. that said my last surviving grandparent died 24 years ago so he's been lucky to have her this long!

That wasn't very cheerful and its coming round to baby feeding time again...
Afternoon all, I'm officially a bad mum, we have a new tooth - that's 7 so far, this might be part of our current food issues! Work lunch was a disaster although L was pretty good.. then to top it all hubbys granny died suddenly this morning, she was very old but she literally just dropped.. that said my last surviving grandparent died 24 years ago so he's been lucky to have her this long!

That wasn't very cheerful and its coming round to baby feeding time again...

I think YOU need a glass of wine more than me (and condolences to you and your OH).....

best wishes

ps. YOU'RE NOT a bad mum -- after LO got his two bottom teeth (back in July), he started all this crying and screaming in September and I was about to call an ambulance....he was teething the top ones, which finally broke through a week or so ago (and 4 at one time)....
SK--that's really funny about your hamster-child and single-tasking husband. J leaves the oatmeal pouches to put under his hands to cruise around faster, and instead uses the little jars of puree we bought way back as teethers. Waste not, want not, I suppose he's thinking!

I never was much of a drinker until J was born. But now, when J goes down, I'll come down to a glass of red wine on the coffee table where my husband has left it for me. It's such a wonderful sight!

Storm--I'm so sorry about your OH's grandmother. But I also never expressed my condolences about your own mother. I had once read back over the thread--I do that sometimes when bored--and saw that she passed on the same day and in the same hospital that L was born. I'm sorry to take so long to say something, but what a shock to the system that must have been. I can't even imagine... It seems like you've had a rough time of it lately. :hugs:

And all this waking, teething and not-eating. Seriously, someone up there owes you one. It seems to make sense that LOs would drop some weight when they become more active, but I really know nothing about it. (J hasn't seen his pedi since he was 5 months old so no one has weighed him or tracked his growth and weight since then.) But why on earth do you think you're a bad mum??? It's so obvious that this is the furthest from the truth possible. Plus, you sound exhausted. I think you need to cut yourself a ton of slack! :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Leeze--you might have already answered this, and if so, just point me to the post, BUT, what do you have planned for Sunday? Our first one year old! :wohoo:

Borboleta--still waiting for those pics! I posted the downward dog one after seeing T's on FB.

Angel--that rice cake incident sounds very scary! I don't even bother with rice cake for J. The two times I made him lunch with them, he picked them up in their entirety (and they had something goopy on them both times), held them high, and just dropped them on the floor, where, of course, they landed face down...

Okay, I'm just about to fall asleep, so I'll continue later...
hmm I wrote a long post earlier and it said it would be posted once it received modifier approval - but its not here?! not sure what that's about! cant think that i wrote anything controversial!

what did I write? gah..

storm so sorry about your oh grandma - and youre not a bad mam at all! Marthas eaten less today so I think we may be revving up for more teething action...gah

Martha loves the this is my kitten - well mainly pressing the button lol! she loves books with flaps and buttons and books with photos in - mainly of farm animals and tractors - altho shes loving a book called busy baby at the mo! Ive ordered some books about a new baby and mammys got a house in her tummy sort of thing...

Leeze happy birthday Kia - wowser one! what a milestone!

Clio - youre a fab mam and you will laugh your socks off one day about that feeding debacle! Yey J for his fab walking!

re breakfast - Martha is totally off breakfast - wont eat porridge anymore, wont eat cereal (unless its mine) or toast, o Ive been giving her yoghurt and fruit puree - am going to try cheerios tmro!

well today I took Martha swimming with a friend - was fab - was worried about the logistics of getting ready etc on my own and after swim but it was fine - yey! also bathed Martha for the first time on my own - (dh at football) so all in all good times! although my word I am tired - my bump aches...still pots to sort, bottles and plastics to wash yet before a sit best crack on!!

dh is a bit down this week - he always is before an anniversary of his parents loss - but hes not aware I think that thats what it is...v snappy and grumpy and down..but were going out for a meal with his sisters and their dh's on sunday so a bit of family time may help - I was saying something tonight about "we need"...and he said "to get out more"....(I was going to say vinegar) lets take that on board - he wants to see the new Bond film so Im not going to turn a chance to watch daniel craig down lol! going to check out the times and also see if theres anything else on locally we would fancy...

right ladies - have a good night! :flower:
Evening ladies, Clio just a quick clarification, my mum was in a different hospital with severe back pain and bowel issues for a few days before I had L, she was diagnosed with terminal cancer at exactly the same time I was leaving the house to go to a different hospital, she got out 2 days later, the same day as me so I have some precious non hospital photos, she was only out 2 days. She died when L was 4 weeks and 1 day old :( she was my best friend and I loved her with all my heart, I miss her desperately...

Thanks for all your kind words re DH grandma, he's upset but understands she had a good and long life!

I am once again exhausted, also premenstrual which isn't helping... L has collapsed at last so sleep for me soon, its been a long day and only this weekend and then the big kidney scan I'm dreading.

Oh in other news L bit my finger so hard earlier I screamed and cried and so did she... She did get some calpol and teething gel though, those gums must hurt!
Here are the pics I promised:).

Rowan: So funny your OH wants to watch Bond. Mine too!! But I hate Bond movies ( all the same to me) so I am letting him go with his dad and I will stay home with little T.

Storm: So sorry to hear about your OH Grandma. I still have mine. She is 96 years old and I am almost sure she will get to be 100!!! Nothing wrong with the lady just some dementia I think:). She is healthier than most of us! My dad is actually taking her on a 8 hour car ride to see her 5 other sisters during a family reunion. So she is 96, the next one is 94, then 92, then 90, then 87 and finally 85 years old ladies!!! All lost their husbands but they are still here strong and healthy!! It just amazes me!!!

Clio and Angel here are the pics:


Forgot to ask something. Thiago loves when you hold his hands and walk with him. He will try to grab on you so he can try to stand and he thinks he can walk all by himself so he tries to take of without you :wacko:. of course he falls down! Is like he has no fear!!! Do any of your LOs do that?

And another question: He wakes up between 4 and 6 AM and I bring him to bed with me and give him a bottle because I am too tired to try to put him on his own bed. He then normally falls asleep with us for a couple of hours more. I am worried that we are creating a bed habit of bringing him to bed. If we just have him I dont mind but if we decide to have another one that would be a little difficult i guess. I always remember me saying that i would never have a kid on my bed :dohh:! Look at me now!!! Maybe I should try to bring the bottle in his room and see what happens. :shrug: Maybe he will fall asleep again in his own bed.

Here are a couple of other pictures of him:)
First one is my brazilian soccer boy:) and the second is him driving on the driveway. He loves it. My husband goes up and down the driveway with him!


Lovely photos Borboleta. He's such a smasher. Great genes in your family then! OH's Mum is 88 and she's got 4 older sisters that are all still going. 2 of them are over 100! Re bringing him in to bed in the morning, we do this sometimes too. I wouldn't worry about it. They'll only be this little for a short time. If you have another one Thiago will be a different little fella by then.
Storm, I wrote a post about this earlier then Kia started crying and I lost the post somehow. You're not a bad Mum, it's so hard when they can't tell us what's wrong. You guys had a really rough night but you were there for her and that's what she needed. I hope you get some rest tonight. So sad about losing your Mum in the way you did and what a touching way to describe her. Sounds like you had a great role model of how to do a lovely mother daughter bond, what an amazing gift your mum gave you that will live on through you both. Re breakfasts, Kia normally has half a fruit pot mixed in with a spoonful of organix 7 month porridge and a bit of milk. This mostly goes down well but I haven't really been very adventurous with her breakfasts. I made her scrambled egg once but she wasn't impressed. She often has days where she won't eat much although she's been a lot better this last week or so thankfully. Normally if all else fails she'll eat chicken thigh strips, pitta bread, corn on the cob and yoghurt so I try to make sure I've always got all of these in as a back-up option. Clio, sounds like Jonah has got good taste if he doesn't much like the baby food. Did you taste it yourself? I've started tasting the ones I give to Kia and some of them taste horrible. Like cheap tinned soup. She's still a bit hit and miss with the jars and pouches and what I've discovered is that if I can manage to get just one mouthful in her then she will quite likely have some more willingly. Sometimes I have to distract her so give her 2 spoons or little stacking cups to play with while I shove the first mouthful in and then she'll open her mouth for more. Sometimes she wants to feed herself using the spoon or her fingers. This is very merry business and often it gets spread about all over her tray, in her hair, on the floor, over any nearby furniture etc. On a positive note, I had lunch with a friend the other day and her daughter who is 8 months older than Kia. She did BLW and her daughter sat happily feeding herself using a fork. Very impressive and very little mess. Before we know it, we'll be there and we'll look back on this time with fondness and relief!
Kosh, how's it going? Is work ok? How's Gael doing at nursery?
Sabrina, your Friday night sounds lovely. I'm a little envious. I had a glass of bubbly the other day when out shopping with a friend and Kia was sleeping in her buggy and I knew I'd be able to leave it 3 hours before her next breastfeed as she was due her dinner when she woke up. It was heavenly. I drink so rarely these days that I felt it take the edge of things! I do feel quite uptight a lot of the time and I think this largely has to do with not drinking or not having much outlet for stress! Are you feeling a lot better now then? Rowan, I think it's amazing you've got the energy to run round after Martha. I can't imagine how tiring it must be.
Angel, how's the boys' sleeping these days? Is it still improving? You deserve it after all those really tough nights in the early days.
Skweek, I'm hoping no news is good news! Hopefully you're holding your precious little bundle by now!
Re Kia's birthday. I can't remember if I said already. We're going out for lunch near to our new flat. We won't have moved in yet but need to do a few things over there. There's going to be 10 adults, 2 children and 6 babies! Luckily it's a very child-friendly place and is quite noisy so we won't need to worry about disturbing anyone! Can't believe she's almost one. What a year! Xx
nothing much here -- am throughly enjoying my bottle of wine!

Finn is in good spirits, but OH isn't so much -- I wrote down ALL the stuff I did today on our 'whiteboard on the fridge', e.g. changed litter trays, hoovered living room, etc., and his response was: 'well, you only work part-time!' - growl!

Leeze -- you must put a picture or two of LO's party -- our first 1st birthday!
Borboleta - taking LO into bed for a few hours sounds lovely! Definitely NOT setting up for later problems as an extra cuddle, etc., is only good for LOs!
storm- again, condolences. My dad's parents died about 10 years ago, when I was in my mid-30s (they were 89 (grand-father) and 85 (grandmother)) and I still miss them! also, I'm sure that your mum is looking down on you and LO even now -- my FIL died a few years ago, and in the first months after Finn came, he would look over my shoulder from the moses basket and I wonder if his grand-dada was there, waving and saying hello -- he would have loved his only grandson and am so sorry that Finn won't meet him....
clio- how's the kitty?
rowan- yea! on This is My Kitten -- we love this book (I only do the left page, but it calms LO down when I recite away from the book, if that makes sense?)

off to order a few books...

nothing much here -- am throughly enjoying my bottle of wine!

Finn is in good spirits, but OH isn't so much -- I wrote down ALL the stuff I did today on our 'whiteboard on the fridge', e.g. changed litter trays, hoovered living room, etc., and his response was: 'well, you only work part-time!' - growl!


Afternoon ladies! Another terrible night for us, regular random crying from 11pm all night, I'm a broken woman.. the sleep deprivation is terrible. Then I went to Tesco with ny dad, its sort of our Saturday thing since my mum died or he doesn't shop and L was really clingy, didn't even want grandpa, just me. Got back to my dads and she had explosive nappy, it was everywhere! I hope she feels better now its gone.

DH is away to his grandpa's, they are bringing his grannys body back to the house today, some people do that over here. So we are spending the day with my dad who is watching the rugby

I got really upset this am, we got another letter from the hospital, they have changed L appointment with the paediatrican when her tests are complete from 10th Dec to the 24th! What if its bad news and on Christmas eve? There is also no way DH will get Christmas eve and Christmas day off work!

Anyway enough about us, oh apart from we have ordered the kitten book. Borboleta love the photos, what a cutie!

Happy birthday Kia and I hope you all have a lovely birthday meal! Would love to see some photos!

Re sleeping, L has been so bad she co sleeps with me, something I swore I would never do but I thought I was cracking up with the tiredness! Well I still am :)
Storm--I'm so sorry things are so rough right now. Are L's sleep problems new--related to teething--or something you've been dealing with for a while? I can't remember--are you also back at work and dealing with these awful nights? I have no idea how you function, whether you're working or not! Know that I'm thinking of you and your OH. :hugs:

Borboleta--what awesome pictures! I love them. The one with him driving the car is to hilarious. Maybe he'll become a race car driver? And yay for downward dog! I only took the one of J because I saw yours on Facebook.

Re: trying to walk--I think they're meant to fall. If I fell as hard and as often as J has in his short "upright" career, I would have concussion after concussion. But how else can they learn? When J would grab onto my pants to help him stand (well, loose sweat pants--they're all I wear because they're the only things that fit anymore), I started to walk slowly around the kitchen, or wherever I was, so he had to learn to balance himself if he wanted to stay attached to me. But it's fabulous that he's trying to take off on his own! What an ambitious and determined little guy!

Have you tried balancing him on his feet yet? It's just like the sitting exercise, where you keep your hands close, but not on him (I think I had my hands around his waist) and see what muscles he engages to stay upright. Once I figured that out, and he himself was able to see what he needed to stand (it was his core muscles, of course), I would set him down with my hands actually on him, wait until he had found his centre of gravity, and slowly let go. He'd fall, certainly, but he was able to stand for longer and longer periods. After a while, I'd stand him up and let go before he was properly balanced, so he had to engage the muscles quickly. From what I remember, it didn't take him long to learn (can you tell that I miss training young horses to balance themselves?). Then, after he could properly stand, I'd hold an object out to him, close to his body, and each time I would lower it a little, so as he reached for it, his abs got even stronger and he grew steadier and steadier. It was really fun doing this with him, and he got a kick out of it, too.

I think I'm going to teach him how to fly next.

Well, after writing that treatise, I'm about to fall asleep, but have in no way finished the personals. I'll return to them later this aft.

Oh, but here's J's interpretation of how to eat his oatmeal:

As we were rinsing him down afterwards, I told my husband to get the oatmeal out of his hair. Eric refused, saying that he had to keep it there as a "badge of shame."

have a wee hangover today....sigh, but LO seems in good form.

to be honest, nothing much -- we're watching the movie 'Ted' (OH 'downloaded') and am drinking loads of sparkling water. On a positive, my OH said that he noticed I'd lost some weight (haven't weighed myself recently as was having AF), and I then counted up all the walking I am doing now back at work, e.g. from creche to bus stop (5 min), bus to work (5-10 mins), walk from work to bus (15 mins), home from creche (15 mins), so without trying much, am walking 45 mins+....I did lose weight before having LO, in preparation for IVF, by eating more healthily (is that a word), exercise bike and walking. Now am trying to get back to eating healthily (ha, just had a salad with salmon on it and am STILL hungry) and trying to find a home for the exercise bike (LO's changing table is there now)....oh, to get the chocolate souffle out of the oven - LOL!

food-wise, tomorrow, we're going to have chicken tomorrow and I'm going to put some in little containers after mashing with potato for a few dinners this week for LO -- it's my attempt to be a yummy-mummy....hehehe!

sorry to hear of continued sleeping problems, storm -- and how annoying to have an appointment 24th December....?
borboleta -- I do love the pictures of thiago!
Leeze - I think LO's party is tomorrow?....
hugs to the rest (love your oatmeal baby, clio)....!

Storm Losing your mum must have been incredibly painful, I am so sorry. I know How lucky I am to have mine still and cannot imagine life without her. :hugs: :hugs:
Also, belated condolences for your GIL (Grandma-in-law). I know how painful it is to lose them - even if they had a good innings. My own Oma died 3 years ago at age 94 and I still miss her every day :(
I am so sorry sleep is still not improving. :( Do you think the explosive nappy had something to do with that too (like a tummy bug maybe)or is it teeth? If so, I bet you count them down by now. Poor L to suffer so! And poor you with so little sleep! :hugs:
As for the explosive nappies though, we have this most days and several times (cause they both tend to go several times a day still), so I feel your pain. It really seems that there are no nappies that will contain it. :( This morning when I got Dominic up it was all down his leg. Usually it is all over his back. Thing is, it doesn't seem to bother him. It wakes him in the morning of course but during the day he will just continue shouting and babbling and laughing at us as if nothing happened. And Nick has a really bad nose so that he doesn't always realise what happened when he is in charge. So maybe my poor baby is just used to sitting in his own poo till mummy gets closer. I had to order two extra bouncy covers cause Dom so often leaks onto them :( Sebastian has never had a poo leak so I just don't understand it. Maybe Dominic has a strange shaped botty? :haha:

Borboleta how utterly adorable! Thiago is soooo cute! I Love the pic with him on the little bicycle seat! And the downward dog slays me! So sweet and so funny! Thank you for posting :D

Leeze thank you for asking, mostly Dom will now only wake twice during the night. Any time between 12ish and 2ish and then again any time between 4 and 5ish. And then both boys now want to be up at 6ish :wacko: But my golly what an improvement! I read over some old entries in my journal here and there was a time when he woke every 20 minutes through the night and cried all day, everyday. Naturally he was tired. That whole time is like a haze or fog in my brain, probably due to no sleep lol. So yes I am so grateful for how well he sleeps now :D
Kia's birthday sounds lovely! I hope you will have great fun :) I was just telling Nick that we really should start going to baby groups so that the boys will have little friends to invite for their first birthday perhaps. :)

Skweek I am sure the silence must mean good news! I am so excited for you and am looking forward to seeing pics :D

Sabrina :growlmad: at your DH! How dare he! Hope you had a chance to enjoy your bottle anyway and had some time to relax today too and that your slight hangover is all better. I don't drink alcohol at all but I imagine it must be relaxing and feel like a slice of adulthood in a day that is so given over to babyhood. :)

Clio I swear your son has the bestest sense of humour! He is soo cute and so funny! I love the pic with the oatmeal! He must make you laugh so much :) I hope you are feeling better and better now and aren't weeping in your corner any more. At any rate I am sending tons :hugs: :)

As for us, we brought Felina back to the cat home today. We decided this, this morning after she pounced on Dom's head just cause he was bouncing up and down a bit in his bouncer. She didn't hurt him but it really was only a matter of time till she would. I must admit that I did cry cause in a way I feel I failed her. I know I gave her loads of chances and she just wouldn't calm down and will probably be happier with people who will not have to tell her off so often. But I am still not very happy I had to give up on her :( The ppl in the home were very nice about it though and are keeping an eye out for a kitty that would be more suitable for us. They reassured us also that Felina would find a new home very easily and that they will let me know via email when she is adopted again.
I think this is all for now.
Hope everyone is well. xxx

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