any other over 35 first time mums?

Will look you all up on facebook too. Fab.
Need to be quick again. Crazy times here. Trying to get one flat ready to rent and the other one ready to move into. Plus building work at both. More importantly, Kia has her first morning at nursery tomorrow. I'm feeling quite emotional and it hasn't fully sunk in yet. Will try post more later or tomorrow. Xx
Evening ladies, I would love to have you all on FB, at the minute I'm using my phone and can't work out how to send friend requests, but you will find me on Clios, Esther with the profile pic of L as a much younger baby in a pink hoodie (my friend sent her it from LA and she looked like a wee doll in it)

Anyway I'm going to be selfish tonight I need to unload; 4 nights of hardly any sleep and bug kidney scan today... L had to get isotopes injected into the back of her hand, basically we had to hold my baby down while they put a needle into a vein with no numbing cream, you have to be 12 months for the numbing cream. The Dr (mean female) said they don't use it with babies as they only cry cause you are forceably holding their hand - um no, she wasn't crying til you rammed a ruddy great needle in her hand! She cried, I cried, it was horrible. Then we got to come home for a few hours before the scan. The scan was almost worse, they had to do 4 and each one took about 8 minutes! She was strapped down and we had to hold her again, she was beyong hysterical. She was so upset they let me lift her and give her juice and half strip her as she was dripping in sweat. Really upsetting. Anyway we have to wait for the results but the radiographer unofficially confirmed that yes one of her kidneys is in the wrong position, wrong place and not looking like they would expect it to. So the results now go to get analysed and hopefully we can get more detail in a week. A really traumatic day for mummy, daddy and baby...

Oh and the radiographer explained they dont use numbing cream for under ones as it can make it more difficult to find a vein, which was a much more acceptable explanation!

I have read all your posts but I'm too emotionally drained to make much decent comment, I just wanted to give you all an update xxx

Storm: I am so sorry you and L have to go thru something like this. I was imagining you in there ... That must have been the most difficult thing you have ever had to do :cry:. Poor L has no clue of what is happening and probably wonders why is she being poked and strapped :cry:. :hugs:To you , her and your husband. I hope that after this they will have some kind of good news for you though. Is that mean that one of her kidneys is not working properly? Keep us posted on the results. Really hope you can get some good night of sleep too. :hugs:
storm -- a 'quickie' - hugs, hugs, hugs -- all of you need a hug....cross fingers that they sort it out (my neice has only 1 kidney (born without the other) and seems absolutely fine) and that no more needles, etc.

thanks, leeze and borboleta re: facebook. will try to get angel?, rowan?, clio (although I do remember your first names)...must calls and want to spend a few cuddle minutes with LO....

best wishes
Ok sent requests to all I could. Now I am still missing kosh, Rowan and Skweek naturally. But again, no pressure. I would understand if you wanted to keep your privacy. I even consulted Nick before doing this :) So :hugs:

Oh and I forgot to mention that I finished my painting. I am not pleased with it, I have done much better in the past. I find the picture boring but I guess it will have to do. Nick thinks it's ok so I am hoping he is right and I am being too critical. Sigh. Anyway here is a scan which is a lil blurry and the colours are a bit flat for some reason but it gives an idea.
Ok sent requests to all I could. Now I am still missing kosh, Rowan and Skweek naturally. But again, no pressure. I would understand if you wanted to keep your privacy. I even consulted Nick before doing this :) So :hugs:

Oh and I forgot to mention that I finished my painting. I am not pleased with it, I have done much better in the past. I find the picture boring but I guess it will have to do. Nick thinks it's ok so I am hoping he is right and I am being too critical. Sigh. Anyway here is a scan which is a lil blurry and the colours are a bit flat for some reason but it gives an idea.
View attachment 513437

Wow,great picture Angel!! it's def more than "ok" !!!
I was thinking of you yesterday as I had to make a trip to the Chelsea and Westminster Hospital (not far from you) :flower:
Angel its not boring its beautiful!

No time to type the dogs gone into the river.. wet dog, lovely!
It's beautiful, Angel. What a talent you have. Kia had her first 2 hours at nursery today. She didn't manage a nap but was happily playing in the garden when I went to collect her. So that's a bit of a relief. Just don't want to do it again tomorrow!
Storm, how are you all feeling today? Xx
well, my internet connection at home was disconnected by mistake :dohh:
so just a quick note to say i am alive, although not in a nice place:
i'm back at work and really struggling :nope:
gael has been ill on and off for a month now so sleep is non-existent :wacko:

hope you're doing well ladies and LOs! :flower:

ps - happy bday Kia! :cake:
kosh - :hugs:

angel -- it's beautiful, really lovely....!

will do personals later as am knackered, but wanted to 'touch base', Finn is extra cute and cuddly this afternoon....!

oh storm that sounds an awful time at the hospital huge hugs x

kosh sorry youre having a pants time too x

have sent some fb requests but some folks I cant locate!

Angel your pic is Amazing!!!

Leeze glad Kia was ok at nursery - hopefully she'll love it!

M is asleep in cot but oh her darn teeth! lots of meds and upset today :( Ive got to go for flu jab soon as well - oh shes awake - gah need to get her cganged and fed then set off!

best dash ladies x
Oh Kosh you poor thing, I'm dreading going back to work, its coming around too soon and I don't know how I will cope with the lack of sleep too!

Leeze, big day for little Kia, hope it all went well!

I think L has forgotten about yesterday, I haven't! She was in nursery today, she did ok, I did have a minor meltdown with the manageress though. I was tols 34 pounds a day, then find for 2 data a week they work it out over 12 months so I'm actually paying nearly 37 and to top it all they close half day Christmas eve and obviously Christmas day which would be 2 of L 8 days for December so I'm expected to pay 295 for 6 days, when I didnt even choose the days of week they did. Come January when she's full time its 628 UK pounds a month and they aren't cutting me any slack for the settling in days... Sigh. For those of you near London this is probably cheap but for Belfast its not!

Anyway better go make little madam some dinner.

Catch up later when L is in bed!
Storm: so sorry to hear about the crèche. It must be really hard when you have to go back to work full time after you spent so much time with your baby. Here most moms have to go back to work after 3 months or less :wacko:!!! Just crazy. Glad to hear L has forgotten the hospital ordeal yesterday but I am sure that the whole thing will stay in your mind for a while. It will be in my mind!!

Rowan: I forgot about adding you too on facebook!!! I will check to see if I have a friend request:). Sorry that M is giving you a hard time with teething! It must be hard to deal with the lack of sleep while pregnant. How is the little man doing? Have you felt him kick?

Claire: glad to see you back here:)l how is your little one?

Kosh: :hugs:. Lack of sleep + work + sick baby = how do you do it? :hugs:

Angel: you are a true artist!!! My goodness your drawing is beautiful!!!! I would love to get a Christmas card like that in the mail :haha:. You pick the right business to be in it. How long did it take you to finish? I bet that a long time since is so detailed. Where did you get your inspiration from? By the way I love the boys pictures on Facebook! I can see that they get their good looks not only from their daddy but From their mommy too:). Love the shots of you with a red lipstick:). And as it for me thank you so much for the compliments but remember photoshop and make up does wonder in a picture.

Got to go. Thiago is waking up and he has a lunch meeting with a buddy of his :haha:.
think almost everybody now connected on fb.....funny seeing everybody's real name!

Finn fell out of his bouncy chair today, whilst I was closing down the computer last time I was on -- we're normally so good about locking him in, but....he was fine, has a little red spot on his head and I think the shock (he tumbled over himself rather than on himself, if that makes sense) was worse than any real injury. Somewhat fussy with the teething, tho -- we think it's the third back teeth coming in, e.g. he has the top four, my OH thinks it's the ones are either side of those now coming in....I have an old picture of me when I was about 1 year old and it appears that I had most of my teeth -- I must have been so much fun for my mum with an older brother only 14 months older!

storm - how annoying re: the creche. To go full-time here at my creche is about 1100 euros and I pay 710 euros for mornings (so prehaps similar in price to Belfast?)....

query to all: ideas for christmas presents for LO? I'm thinking boxes with lots of wrapping paper for LO to play with, but OH is thinking actual presents...ideas?

Storm: so sorry to hear about the crèche. It must be really hard when you have to go back to work full time after you spent so much time with your baby. Here most moms have to go back to work after 3 months or less :wacko:!!! Just crazy. Glad to hear L has forgotten the hospital ordeal yesterday but I am sure that the whole thing will stay in your mind for a while. It will be in my mind!!

Rowan: I forgot about adding you too on facebook!!! I will check to see if I have a friend request:). Sorry that M is giving you a hard time with teething! It must be hard to deal with the lack of sleep while pregnant. How is the little man doing? Have you felt him kick?

Claire: glad to see you back here:)l how is your little one?

Kosh: :hugs:. Lack of sleep + work + sick baby = how do you do it? :hugs:

Angel: you are a true artist!!! My goodness your drawing is beautiful!!!! I would love to get a Christmas card like that in the mail :haha:. You pick the right business to be in it. How long did it take you to finish? I bet that a long time since is so detailed. Where did you get your inspiration from? By the way I love the boys pictures on Facebook! I can see that they get their good looks not only from their daddy but From their mommy too:). Love the shots of you with a red lipstick:). And as it for me thank you so much for the compliments but remember photoshop and make up does wonder in a picture.

Got to go. Thiago is waking up and he has a lunch meeting with a buddy of his :haha:.

Hi Borboleta, glad you remembered me! lol I haven't really posted much on BnB apart from the terrible sleeper thread by Kosh.
I know some of you will know from that thread that my Mum has been very ill in hospital and nearly died. Thankfully she is well on the road to recovery, but it has been a really tough couple of months:wacko::wacko:
My little Lucy is doing great (if you ignore the crap sleeping! lol)
I'm a bit gutted that I haven't kept up to speed on this thread as you all seem to be friends now on FB.:nope:
Hope you are well?
Hi everyone. Claire, that sounds like an awful thing to go through with your Mum. What a worry that must have been for you. Sorry to hear your LO is a bad sleeper. Has she always been like that? Kia goes through phases of bad sleeping but at the moment it's not too bad. But I know what it's like so really sympathise.
Kosh, lovely to hear from you. Sorry to hear you're struggling. Is it mainly through missing Gael or are there other reasons too? I found it quite hard this morning when I collected Kia. Like I felt guilty for leaving her there and was convinced her spirit was broken somehow. Actually, after a good nap on me this afternoon she was back to her lovely lively self. Are you back full-time? Is there any chance you could reduce your hours or work from home sometimes? If Gael is ill can you take time off sick? Otherwise, all I can suggest is to get back on the TTC train! :haha: Sabrina, it's horrible when they have accidents and hurt themselves, isn't it? Luckily they seem to be pretty sturdy little creatures. How's your work going? Is Finn still doing ok at the creche?
Borboleta, you always have such interesting questions for everyone. Very thoughtful too. I really enjoy reading your posts because you get me thinking. Sometimes I feel like since having Kia my brain has gone numb and I'm not able to communicate in the way I used to! That's incredible that most women have to go back to work after 3 months where you are. I just can't imagine that. Must be really tough. Clio, I meant to say the other day - what you describe with Jonah and going to sleep. That doesn't sound like CIO to me. I think of CIO as being when a baby cries hysterically and falls asleep through exhaustion after about an hour or more of crying. I think 10 mins of crying then falling asleep is something totally different.
Can't remember what else I want to say so will post this and then re-read others posts xx
Claire: So sorry to hear about your mom, but glad to hear she is okay now:). I was just talking to a lady yesterday saying how I miss my mom sometimes ( she passed when she was 58). So to you ladies that still have your mommies around just cherish them as much as you can:). So Lucy is not a good sleeper? Does she takes good naps at least? Are you going to stay home with her or going back to work? And I would love to add you on Facebook:). Here is my name: Danielle Setchfield. Love looking at the babies pictures:).

Sabrina: I just made a list on amazon for family and friends of presents to buy for THiago :haha:. I guess we are going with gift although I am sure he could care less :haha:. I really want to get him a portable dvd player for the car ( since he STILL hates the car seat!!!) and see if a little ELmo will help. And I would love to get him a wagon so we could go for walks with him. But as it now we will wait to see about OH job ( almost there :thumbup:).

Question: Do you ladies have blankets on LOs crib? I have about 3 in Thiago's but they are all baby blankets and he gets out of it and now that is getting cold when I go pick him up he feels cold. I am thinking about buying a toddler like blanket that is bigger. Do you think is okay?
Borboleta, we use baby sleeping bags so that Kia can't kick out of them. You can get them in different thickness so can use whichever one is right for the room temperature.
Oh, and re car journeys. Kia is a lot better since we started playing an ipod with baby songs on and letting her hold the mini speakers. Also we all sing along and do actions etc and try to make it fun being in the car
Re xmas, I want to get Kia a lovely toy storage trolley I saw today on the Vertbaudet website. She loves pushing things around and storage is always useful too! Probably some clothes and books too. Maybe This is my Kitten! I told my brother about the This is my ... books and he got her This is my monster and This is my robot for her birthday. The robot one is particularly good as it's got lots of textured bits as well as making a great noise. Right, i'm going to bed as she's just gone to sleep and we've got nursery again in the morning

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