Any "plus-size", bigger gals TTC their first? :)

Ha ha Jo, you sound just like me, I too get excited to temp and test .... Oh dear I just read that back and that is really sad:dohh:

I was thinking maybe the 27th-28th for testing, we are off to London for the weekend on the 23rd so hopefully this will take my mind of AF's approach or testing for a few days and when we get back I may POAS just for fun ha ha :thumbup:

Ohhh Nooo Magic angel this is not good news, your pooch must have thought there was some kind of treat in there, hope your new ones arrive tomorrow,
And hopefully your pain will ease off soon xxxxx
magic-angel. i know that doesnt make you happy what your puppy did but i thought it was kind of cute. maybe thats her way of telling you not time to test yet!! On another note i hope you get to feeling better.

For me I am currently waiting for my positive. I think it will be either tomorrow or saturday. On my monitor it hasnt shown the egg yet but it has been at the second elevated level for two days. I am on day 16 right now so i hope it is just around the corner. fx's for all of us ladies.....

Ha ha Jo, you sound just like me, I too get excited to temp and test .... Oh dear I just read that back and that is really sad:dohh:

I was thinking maybe the 27th-28th for testing, we are off to London for the weekend on the 23rd so hopefully this will take my mind of AF's approach or testing for a few days and when we get back I may POAS just for fun ha ha :thumbup:

Ohhh Nooo Magic angel this is not good news, your pooch must have thought there was some kind of treat in there, hope your new ones arrive tomorrow,
And hopefully your pain will ease off soon xxxxx

Yeh i know i cant be mad at her because shes too bloody cute. i guess its a blessing as i was thinking about testing but i would have kicked myself... well i think ive become a poas aholic you girls are rubbing off on me lol i had one opk that wasnt destroyed so i pee's on it just for fun lol its nice seeing 2 lines, i went into dream world whilst looking at it and i pretended for a little while that it was a hpk instead of an opk, first 2 lines ive seen in a long time lol oh well just going to wait lol
magic-angel. i know that doesnt make you happy what your puppy did but i thought it was kind of cute. maybe thats her way of telling you not time to test yet!! On another note i hope you get to feeling better.

For me I am currently waiting for my positive. I think it will be either tomorrow or saturday. On my monitor it hasnt shown the egg yet but it has been at the second elevated level for two days. I am on day 16 right now so i hope it is just around the corner. fx's for all of us ladies.....

Ha ha Jo, you sound just like me, I too get excited to temp and test .... Oh dear I just read that back and that is really sad:dohh:

I was thinking maybe the 27th-28th for testing, we are off to London for the weekend on the 23rd so hopefully this will take my mind of AF's approach or testing for a few days and when we get back I may POAS just for fun ha ha :thumbup:

Ohhh Nooo Magic angel this is not good news, your pooch must have thought there was some kind of treat in there, hope your new ones arrive tomorrow,
And hopefully your pain will ease off soon xxxxx

Yeh i know i cant be mad at her because shes too bloody cute. i guess its a blessing as i was thinking about testing but i would have kicked myself... well i think ive become a poas aholic you girls are rubbing off on me lol i had one opk that wasnt destroyed so i pee's on it just for fun lol its nice seeing 2 lines, i went into dream world whilst looking at it and i pretended for a little while that it was a hpk instead of an opk, first 2 lines ive seen in a long time lol oh well just going to wait lol

At least your dog didn't pee on them! I wonder if they work on dogs!?
magic-angel. i know that doesnt make you happy what your puppy did but i thought it was kind of cute. maybe thats her way of telling you not time to test yet!! On another note i hope you get to feeling better.

For me I am currently waiting for my positive. I think it will be either tomorrow or saturday. On my monitor it hasnt shown the egg yet but it has been at the second elevated level for two days. I am on day 16 right now so i hope it is just around the corner. fx's for all of us ladies.....

Ha ha Jo, you sound just like me, I too get excited to temp and test .... Oh dear I just read that back and that is really sad:dohh:

I was thinking maybe the 27th-28th for testing, we are off to London for the weekend on the 23rd so hopefully this will take my mind of AF's approach or testing for a few days and when we get back I may POAS just for fun ha ha :thumbup:

Ohhh Nooo Magic angel this is not good news, your pooch must have thought there was some kind of treat in there, hope your new ones arrive tomorrow,
And hopefully your pain will ease off soon xxxxx

Yeh i know i cant be mad at her because shes too bloody cute. i guess its a blessing as i was thinking about testing but i would have kicked myself... well i think ive become a poas aholic you girls are rubbing off on me lol i had one opk that wasnt destroyed so i pee's on it just for fun lol its nice seeing 2 lines, i went into dream world whilst looking at it and i pretended for a little while that it was a hpk instead of an opk, first 2 lines ive seen in a long time lol oh well just going to wait lol

At least your dog didn't pee on them! I wonder if they work on dogs!?

lol I hope not lol it cost me 150 pounds to get her spayed at 6 months old :) one pain in the but lab was quite enough :) although 2 years old im regretting getting her done as i wish i could have seen her puppies :) i had a lab for 15 years and she was a bit of a hussy geting pregnant every time she had just given birth and they were just adorable :)
magic-angel. i know that doesnt make you happy what your puppy did but i thought it was kind of cute. maybe thats her way of telling you not time to test yet!! On another note i hope you get to feeling better.

For me I am currently waiting for my positive. I think it will be either tomorrow or saturday. On my monitor it hasnt shown the egg yet but it has been at the second elevated level for two days. I am on day 16 right now so i hope it is just around the corner. fx's for all of us ladies.....

Ha ha Jo, you sound just like me, I too get excited to temp and test .... Oh dear I just read that back and that is really sad:dohh:

I was thinking maybe the 27th-28th for testing, we are off to London for the weekend on the 23rd so hopefully this will take my mind of AF's approach or testing for a few days and when we get back I may POAS just for fun ha ha :thumbup:

Ohhh Nooo Magic angel this is not good news, your pooch must have thought there was some kind of treat in there, hope your new ones arrive tomorrow,
And hopefully your pain will ease off soon xxxxx

Yeh i know i cant be mad at her because shes too bloody cute. i guess its a blessing as i was thinking about testing but i would have kicked myself... well i think ive become a poas aholic you girls are rubbing off on me lol i had one opk that wasnt destroyed so i pee's on it just for fun lol its nice seeing 2 lines, i went into dream world whilst looking at it and i pretended for a little while that it was a hpk instead of an opk, first 2 lines ive seen in a long time lol oh well just going to wait lol

At least your dog didn't pee on them! I wonder if they work on dogs!?

lol I hope not lol it cost me 150 pounds to get her spayed at 6 months old :) one pain in the but lab was quite enough :) although 2 years old im regretting getting her done as i wish i could have seen her puppies :) i had a lab for 15 years and she was a bit of a hussy geting pregnant every time she had just given birth and they were just adorable :)

Aw so cute! My mother in law used to breed Bernese mountain dogs. In one litter there were 9 of them and we had a long plank of wood with little holes cut out for food bowls so they would all eat in a line. They were like little bear cubs!
Aw so cute! My mother in law used to breed Bernese mountain dogs. In one litter there were 9 of them and we had a long plank of wood with little holes cut out for food bowls so they would all eat in a line. They were like little bear cubs!

Awww they are gorgeous looking pups those :) our lab used to have a litter of 6 everytime but the runt died every time and was always half the size of the others! she was the runt of her litter too, almost died when we took her, we syringe fed her and plumped her up and she was the best family dog you could ask for! but she was a crap mum, she had a bad time delievering her first litter and almost died so me and my mum (baring in mind i was about 8 the first time i helped) we used to have to help her and actually (tmi) go in and pull them out! After my dog realised it was easier us doing the hard work for her she didnt even bother trying after that so we delievered A LOT of puppies from her! used to sit in my long hair whilst watching tv lol and they slept in there every now and then :)
Hey Ladies :)

In a bit of a tizzy tonight as I think I may have got my dates muddled. I have on average a 31 day cycle and have been putting into the ovulation predictor calculators that the first day of my last period was the 17th or 18th and tonight I found a little note on a calender that I started on the 15th but I cannot remember if that was from the month before :shrug:

If I did start my last one on the 15th then the day it gave me for ovulation would be wrong and so we may have DTD too late. Arghhh I wish I kept better notes of when my period starts. :dohh:

The only thing that makes me think that I did O at the right time is that I had some pain and cramping a couple of days ago so hopefully that was ovulation pain. I am definitely buying a diary at the weekend that will be just for TTC stuff. I can put the days where I start and finish my period and symptoms and things like that in it :thumbup:

Almost ready to write this month off already. I read an article online last night where this Dr that is supposedly a fertility specialist was saying how hard it will be to conceive after an ectopic and how you are a lot more likely to have another one and and how 20-30% end up infertile which scared me to death even the title of the article 'one ectopic often predicts another' made me :cry:

Went on another couple of sites that didn't seem so doom and gloom about the whole thing and that calmed me a little but it has still been playing on my mind all day.

I keep having phases like this where I think that I am in some way infertile and I know that it would be hard getting help from the doctor at the weight that I am so while I am TTC I am going to have to get my weight down as much as I can so that if we do reach the 12 month mark and we have still had no success then I can go to the docs and not have to be humiliated by being told I need to lose weight before they will help me.

On a lighter note I am loving the puppy talk :thumbup: we have a 5 year old (who we still think of as a puppy) yorkie/bichon cross and a bearded collie mix who is 14 in June. I am only slightly embarrassed to say that we will be having a birthday party for him :blush: Please note that we do not normally do that kind of thing but as it falls the day before my hubbys birthday and we usually have a few family members round for that, I asked him if he wouldn't mind sharing it so he is now quite miffed that he is having to share his day with the dog :haha:
Hey Ladies :)

In a bit of a tizzy tonight as I think I may have got my dates muddled. I have on average a 31 day cycle and have been putting into the ovulation predictor calculators that the first day of my last period was the 17th or 18th and tonight I found a little note on a calender that I started on the 15th but I cannot remember if that was from the month before :shrug:

If I did start my last one on the 15th then the day it gave me for ovulation would be wrong and so we may have DTD too late. Arghhh I wish I kept better notes of when my period starts. :dohh:

The only thing that makes me think that I did O at the right time is that I had some pain and cramping a couple of days ago so hopefully that was ovulation pain. I am definitely buying a diary at the weekend that will be just for TTC stuff. I can put the days where I start and finish my period and symptoms and things like that in it :thumbup:

Almost ready to write this month off already. I read an article online last night where this Dr that is supposedly a fertility specialist was saying how hard it will be to conceive after an ectopic and how you are a lot more likely to have another one and and how 20-30% end up infertile which scared me to death even the title of the article 'one ectopic often predicts another' made me :cry:

Went on another couple of sites that didn't seem so doom and gloom about the whole thing and that calmed me a little but it has still been playing on my mind all day.

I keep having phases like this where I think that I am in some way infertile and I know that it would be hard getting help from the doctor at the weight that I am so while I am TTC I am going to have to get my weight down as much as I can so that if we do reach the 12 month mark and we have still had no success then I can go to the docs and not have to be humiliated by being told I need to lose weight before they will help me.

On a lighter note I am loving the puppy talk :thumbup: we have a 5 year old (who we still think of as a puppy) yorkie/bichon cross and a bearded collie mix who is 14 in June. I am only slightly embarrassed to say that we will be having a birthday party for him :blush: Please note that we do not normally do that kind of thing but as it falls the day before my hubbys birthday and we usually have a few family members round for that, I asked him if he wouldn't mind sharing it so he is now quite miffed that he is having to share his day with the dog :haha:

:haha: poor hubby having to share :haha: made me chuckle lol, on the subjest of one ectopic follows another, its not always true hun, my ex boyfriends sister had an ectopic then went on to have 3 children all ages close together!!! chin up and big hugs xx
Thanks magic_angel I needed that. I think I am just having one of those days where I think it will never happen for us. My miscarriage and ectopic was with with a previous partner so my hubby doesn't like talking about it at all but sometimes I need to have a little weep over the whole thing and how it may affect our chances.

This two week wait is going to be a hard one I can tell already. One minute I am ready to write this month off and the next I am convinced this is our month. :wacko:

Going shopping tomorrow and have added HPT's to the shopping list I think I will get extras as I know full well that I will be peeing on one of them this weekend even though it is wayyyyyyy too early. I have to hide them in case my mom visits and sees them lol.

I am one of those women who rips the suckers open afterwards to get a better look and holds them up to the light a million times squinting for some trace of a line :blush: When I was about 19 I got pregnant (which ended in a miscarriage) and I took about 5 tests one after the other as I didn't believe the first one and even after the 5th very clear positive I still thought I must have done the test wrong lol.

We have the inlaws coming tomorrow night and they will want to see the decorating we have been doing so I am sure that there will be mentions of it becoming a nursery so I will have to bite my tongue and plaster a smile on my face and hopefully change the subject quick.

Can't believe it is Friday tomorrow already. :happydance: We have a weekend of DIY planned. Its the nieces 3rd birthday Monday and they are having a little party for her on Sunday but we are making our excuses and taking her out for a day next week instead of going. I just cannot face sitting in a room full of toddlers and babys and pregnant women :cry:

Have a fab weekend girlies :hugs:

Team curvy bumps needs our first BFP veryyyyyy soon and I think that for once I will not be jealous at someone else getting pregnant I will just be happy :hugs:
Thanks magic_angel I needed that. I think I am just having one of those days where I think it will never happen for us. My miscarriage and ectopic was with with a previous partner so my hubby doesn't like talking about it at all but sometimes I need to have a little weep over the whole thing and how it may affect our chances.

This two week wait is going to be a hard one I can tell already. One minute I am ready to write this month off and the next I am convinced this is our month. :wacko:

Going shopping tomorrow and have added HPT's to the shopping list I think I will get extras as I know full well that I will be peeing on one of them this weekend even though it is wayyyyyyy too early. I have to hide them in case my mom visits and sees them lol.

I am one of those women who rips the suckers open afterwards to get a better look and holds them up to the light a million times squinting for some trace of a line :blush: When I was about 19 I got pregnant (which ended in a miscarriage) and I took about 5 tests one after the other as I didn't believe the first one and even after the 5th very clear positive I still thought I must have done the test wrong lol.

We have the inlaws coming tomorrow night and they will want to see the decorating we have been doing so I am sure that there will be mentions of it becoming a nursery so I will have to bite my tongue and plaster a smile on my face and hopefully change the subject quick.

Can't believe it is Friday tomorrow already. :happydance: We have a weekend of DIY planned. Its the nieces 3rd birthday Monday and they are having a little party for her on Sunday but we are making our excuses and taking her out for a day next week instead of going. I just cannot face sitting in a room full of toddlers and babys and pregnant women :cry:

Have a fab weekend girlies :hugs:

Team curvy bumps needs our first BFP veryyyyyy soon and I think that for once I will not be jealous at someone else getting pregnant I will just be happy :hugs:

Aww hun cut yourself some slack, just try and chill, have fun, try and i know its hard but try not too test as you will start off the chain and try and do something that will give your mind a rest for a little while, im here if you want to chat and let off steam i know it feels better when i chat to you ladies on here, it will happen for you sweety you just have to have faith in yourself too, god these twinges in right ovary area are really starting to hurt now :( its been happening most of the evening now and my stomach has gone into aching mode because of it! i feel like ive got a really bad stitch that wont bugger off :(

OH is due home any minute from work so if he sees me on this he will know ive been on it most of the night lol, going to take the dog out for a wee in a minute see if that helps my belly :( ill speak to you 2moro lovely, get some rest and sweet dreams :hugs:
Thanks for the reply ladies, god i dont like these twinges, they are bloody painful.... dare i say it i can handle period pains much better than these pains, absolutely gutted right now, just went into living room and there laying on my sofa in my 2year old labrador wagging her tail.. why??? because shes happy!!! why you ask??? because shes got into my box that ive been storing the last 2 hpks and a few opks in and chewed the hell out of them... slober all over them... i guess shes been watching me going in and out of the box all week and took her chance when i was in the shower!!!!! :cry: going to have to wait until the other hpks arrive from amazon now before testing as im pretty sure urine and dog slobber wont give me a good reading!!! i ordered them a few days ago so im kinda hoping they turn up 2moro or friday anyway!!! :dohh: going to dog proof my belongings 2moro lol xx
Sorry you're in so much pain Magic. Hopefully that's the sign of something good. Fingers crossed for you. I totally know how it is having your dog get into something they aren't supposed. My younger dog was a puppy at the time and somehow managed to get her teeth on *ahem* an adult toy. :blush: Needless to say I was laughing my butt off! Hope your new tests show up super fast.

Thanks magic_angel I needed that. I think I am just having one of those days where I think it will never happen for us. My miscarriage and ectopic was with with a previous partner so my hubby doesn't like talking about it at all but sometimes I need to have a little weep over the whole thing and how it may affect our chances.

This two week wait is going to be a hard one I can tell already. One minute I am ready to write this month off and the next I am convinced this is our month. :wacko:

Going shopping tomorrow and have added HPT's to the shopping list I think I will get extras as I know full well that I will be peeing on one of them this weekend even though it is wayyyyyyy too early. I have to hide them in case my mom visits and sees them lol.

I am one of those women who rips the suckers open afterwards to get a better look and holds them up to the light a million times squinting for some trace of a line :blush: When I was about 19 I got pregnant (which ended in a miscarriage) and I took about 5 tests one after the other as I didn't believe the first one and even after the 5th very clear positive I still thought I must have done the test wrong lol.

We have the inlaws coming tomorrow night and they will want to see the decorating we have been doing so I am sure that there will be mentions of it becoming a nursery so I will have to bite my tongue and plaster a smile on my face and hopefully change the subject quick.

Can't believe it is Friday tomorrow already. :happydance: We have a weekend of DIY planned. Its the nieces 3rd birthday Monday and they are having a little party for her on Sunday but we are making our excuses and taking her out for a day next week instead of going. I just cannot face sitting in a room full of toddlers and babys and pregnant women :cry:

Have a fab weekend girlies :hugs:

Team curvy bumps needs our first BFP veryyyyyy soon and I think that for once I will not be jealous at someone else getting pregnant I will just be happy :hugs:
:hugs: You totally sound like you needed one of those. :hugs: Yes, ectopic pregnancies can happen after one previously, but it's also possible you had that one and won't have another one again. I know it's almost impossible to not worry. Hopefully your DIY weekend can help keep you occupied. :thumbup:

Hooray! I can see my cute little sparkly siggy!! :happydance:
:happydance: Yay you got it working!

As for me, I don't know what's going on this cycle. I'm pretty sure I haven't ovulated yet, but my body was sure trying to. I had a really long patch of fertile CM, but no rise in temps yet and the fertile fluid went bye-bye. :cry: My body is being mean to me this cycle. I did just start taking fertilaid and fertilecm at the beginning of this cycle and I know it can throw your cycles off a bit when you first start taking it. I was just hoping it wouldn't. Wishful thinking I know. My cycles can be on the long side so I'm still in the range of it happening. Guess we'll just have to wait and see.
Hey Ladies :)

In a bit of a tizzy tonight as I think I may have got my dates muddled. I have on average a 31 day cycle and have been putting into the ovulation predictor calculators that the first day of my last period was the 17th or 18th and tonight I found a little note on a calender that I started on the 15th but I cannot remember if that was from the month before :shrug:

If I did start my last one on the 15th then the day it gave me for ovulation would be wrong and so we may have DTD too late. Arghhh I wish I kept better notes of when my period starts. :dohh:

The only thing that makes me think that I did O at the right time is that I had some pain and cramping a couple of days ago so hopefully that was ovulation pain. I am definitely buying a diary at the weekend that will be just for TTC stuff. I can put the days where I start and finish my period and symptoms and things like that in it :thumbup:

Almost ready to write this month off already. I read an article online last night where this Dr that is supposedly a fertility specialist was saying how hard it will be to conceive after an ectopic and how you are a lot more likely to have another one and and how 20-30% end up infertile which scared me to death even the title of the article 'one ectopic often predicts another' made me :cry:

Went on another couple of sites that didn't seem so doom and gloom about the whole thing and that calmed me a little but it has still been playing on my mind all day.

I keep having phases like this where I think that I am in some way infertile and I know that it would be hard getting help from the doctor at the weight that I am so while I am TTC I am going to have to get my weight down as much as I can so that if we do reach the 12 month mark and we have still had no success then I can go to the docs and not have to be humiliated by being told I need to lose weight before they will help me.

On a lighter note I am loving the puppy talk :thumbup: we have a 5 year old (who we still think of as a puppy) yorkie/bichon cross and a bearded collie mix who is 14 in June. I am only slightly embarrassed to say that we will be having a birthday party for him :blush: Please note that we do not normally do that kind of thing but as it falls the day before my hubbys birthday and we usually have a few family members round for that, I asked him if he wouldn't mind sharing it so he is now quite miffed that he is having to share his day with the dog :haha:

Oh babe, sorry I went to bed early after smacking my head really hard on a chair (long story) otherwise I would have replied last night.

Have you thought about using fertility friend? There is an app for the iPhone/iPad too so you can log things on the go. You don't have to temp if you don't want to but it's really helping me. This is my first proper month temping and charting and it's going well.

Oh bless abut the birthday, my dog and husband have the same birthday! We usually got on a walking holiday in Wales and they both get a cake and pressies lol
YAY! I LOVE the sparkly siggy!!!! :) Great job! :D

I'm still feeling really good about this cycle...which is good because I saw my doctor today and she was SUPPOSED to refer me to the FS....but instead, thinks I should do 6 MONTHS of BCP to "try regulate my cycles" before TTC again. I told her "but....i'd still like to get pregnant and 6 more months is a LONG time) and so we agreed on 3 months....but honestly, i'm wrestling with the idea and I don't think i'm going to take them. Like DH don't HAVE to take the BCP's if you don't want to. :(

I just don't get it. We had a plan...and now she's changing it. Not fair. :(
I feel like she doesn't want me to TTC at all. I normally love my doctor and I don't want to have to change doctors over this...

Anyways....back to my positive cycle. :) My temps are still good, even though I missed the last 2 days because of crazy home stuff. We had a very sick kitty and in the hustle to get her taken care of, I lost my BBT. I found it on top of the fridge tonight. lol

Still on the metformin, and took soy CD 2-6 this cycle.
I found some fertility-friendly lube locally today, so I bought that and we used that tonight. We've been doing SMEP, since I don't know when/if I Ov. I am using OPK's still but nothing yet. :(

I also "helped myself out" tonight after DTD because it was a quickie (DH was tired) and I didn't O. So, I got the job done, hoping my cervix will suck up the spermies. :)

I just really want this cycle to give me my BFP so I can play dumb and tell her "Oh...I thought you wanted me to start the BCP on my next cycle. Oh well...too late now that i'm pregnant!" lol

One can dream. ;)

Also....glad to hear i'm not the only one that looks at an OPK and sometimes pretends it's a HPT. lmao. ;)
YAY! I LOVE the sparkly siggy!!!! :) Great job! :D

I'm still feeling really good about this cycle...which is good because I saw my doctor today and she was SUPPOSED to refer me to the FS....but instead, thinks I should do 6 MONTHS of BCP to "try regulate my cycles" before TTC again. I told her "but....i'd still like to get pregnant and 6 more months is a LONG time) and so we agreed on 3 months....but honestly, i'm wrestling with the idea and I don't think i'm going to take them. Like DH don't HAVE to take the BCP's if you don't want to. :(

I just don't get it. We had a plan...and now she's changing it. Not fair. :(
I feel like she doesn't want me to TTC at all. I normally love my doctor and I don't want to have to change doctors over this...

Anyways....back to my positive cycle. :) My temps are still good, even though I missed the last 2 days because of crazy home stuff. We had a very sick kitty and in the hustle to get her taken care of, I lost my BBT. I found it on top of the fridge tonight. lol

Still on the metformin, and took soy CD 2-6 this cycle.
I found some fertility-friendly lube locally today, so I bought that and we used that tonight. We've been doing SMEP, since I don't know when/if I Ov. I am using OPK's still but nothing yet. :(

I also "helped myself out" tonight after DTD because it was a quickie (DH was tired) and I didn't O. So, I got the job done, hoping my cervix will suck up the spermies. :)

I just really want this cycle to give me my BFP so I can play dumb and tell her "Oh...I thought you wanted me to start the BCP on my next cycle. Oh well...too late now that i'm pregnant!" lol

One can dream. ;)

Also....glad to hear i'm not the only one that looks at an OPK and sometimes pretends it's a HPT. lmao. ;)
I'm glad you like the siggy. It was easy to make (did it on a web site). I'm sorry about your doctor changing plans up on you. I wouldn't take those BCP either if I was you. They might regulate your cycles while you are on the pill, but they will prevent you from getting pregnant and what's to stop your cycle from getting all wonky again after you get off of them? How awesome would it be if you got your BFP and could go back to her and rub it in her face :haha: I see you're taking soy. Is this your first cycle with it? I started taking fertilaid and fertilecm, but I'm considering switching to soy and EPO. Do you feel any different with it, anyt side effects? I'm just curious.
Hello lovely curvies :) hows everyone doing??

I am home alone again as OH has left for work so i get to just chill and do nothing this evening!! My stomach feels like ive done 200 sit ups this morning as the gramps from last night has made my stomach very very delicate today!! cramps are no where near as bad as they were last night, they've still been coming and going throughout the day and evening but i can handle them a lot better :) STILL no AF, got no patience for things today, i just need to know whats going on with my body!!! Im a woman who NEEDS answers now lol oh well, i think im going to surf youtube for videos that might cheer me up this evening :)

Hows everyone getting on?
Rants and raves about anything?
Cute stories?
lol hope everyones ok,
sending lots and lots of :hugs: and :dust: And Hope we all get our :bfp: really soon :)
Hello Team CurvyBumps,

Thank god the weekend is here :thumbup:has anyone got anything nice planned ?

JoB - how are you today and how is your head, how on earth have you managed to injure yourself hope your ok lovely and no lasting damage, how are you getting on are you still symptom spotting ??

BBunny how are you today are you feeling any better, my SIL had an ectopic 13 years ago ...... she was having twins and sadly one was in her tube which she lost along with the tube a couple of days later the hospital rang to say she was still pregnant and she then went full term and gave us a very sulky (but lovley) 13year old neice to prove it, she also went on to have another daughter years after the ectopic with only one tube giving us another darling neice, proof if needed that it can happen, please do not beat yourself up adding extra pressure to yourself and the struggle you are already going through, I know its easier said than done when your mind is working overtime but we must all try to look on the positive of evrything, sending you lots of hugs and I hope you have a lovely weekend :hugs:

magicangel when are you going to test has your delivery not arrived yet, i dont know how you are holding off, im now doing two tests a day an OPK on a morning and CB on an evening both negative so far but a very, very faint second line tonight, so fingers crossed for tomorrow :happydance:
How are your pains this evening, if you were to really think aboout it, do you feel any different and have you any symptoms beyond the cramping ??

Cdnequestrian - stick to your plan, going back to BCP is only going to delay things further, you're temping and keeping track of your cycle and what your body is doing, so that can only be a good thing also see how you get on this month with the Soy and metformin first and who knows - fingers crossed your next visit to the doc will be with your :bfp:

Panda - hope your cycle sorts itself out keep us updated

melly belly - ditto ........... i too have never seen two lines on a test apart from an OPK, but here's hoping for one SOON :winkwink:

AFM - Im feeling a bit crappy today, ive got a bit of a sore throat and a runny nose and im a bit achey, im hoping its something and nothing and will pass with a good nights sleep! My temps are still steady but im scared if they go up it may be because i have some sort of cold and not because of OV, as i still haven't had a positive, although today i did have a really faint second line, i think i'll just have to wait and see what tomorrow brings :wacko:
i still made sure OH was on call earlier though for :sex: ill or not ha ha

hope evryone is well and hello to anyone i have missed, sorry for blabbing tonight my head is a bit away with it today with the all the cold remedies ha ha ha

lots of love and luck and i look forward to good news from all of you soon xxxx
Me me me! I want to be slim but I want to have a baby more. Mumhood now, diet later!

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