Any "plus-size", bigger gals TTC their first? :)

Hello Team CurvyBumps,

Thank god the weekend is here :thumbup:has anyone got anything nice planned ?

JoB - how are you today and how is your head, how on earth have you managed to injure yourself hope your ok lovely and no lasting damage, how are you getting on are you still symptom spotting ??

BBunny how are you today are you feeling any better, my SIL had an ectopic 13 years ago ...... she was having twins and sadly one was in her tube which she lost along with the tube a couple of days later the hospital rang to say she was still pregnant and she then went full term and gave us a very sulky (but lovley) 13year old neice to prove it, she also went on to have another daughter years after the ectopic with only one tube giving us another darling neice, proof if needed that it can happen, please do not beat yourself up adding extra pressure to yourself and the struggle you are already going through, I know its easier said than done when your mind is working overtime but we must all try to look on the positive of evrything, sending you lots of hugs and I hope you have a lovely weekend :hugs:

magicangel when are you going to test has your delivery not arrived yet, i dont know how you are holding off, im now doing two tests a day an OPK on a morning and CB on an evening both negative so far but a very, very faint second line tonight, so fingers crossed for tomorrow :happydance:
How are your pains this evening, if you were to really think aboout it, do you feel any different and have you any symptoms beyond the cramping ??

Cdnequestrian - stick to your plan, going back to BCP is only going to delay things further, you're temping and keeping track of your cycle and what your body is doing, so that can only be a good thing also see how you get on this month with the Soy and metformin first and who knows - fingers crossed your next visit to the doc will be with your :bfp:

Panda - hope your cycle sorts itself out keep us updated

melly belly - ditto ........... i too have never seen two lines on a test apart from an OPK, but here's hoping for one SOON :winkwink:

AFM - Im feeling a bit crappy today, ive got a bit of a sore throat and a runny nose and im a bit achey, im hoping its something and nothing and will pass with a good nights sleep! My temps are still steady but im scared if they go up it may be because i have some sort of cold and not because of OV, as i still haven't had a positive, although today i did have a really faint second line, i think i'll just have to wait and see what tomorrow brings :wacko:
i still made sure OH was on call earlier though for :sex: ill or not ha ha

hope evryone is well and hello to anyone i have missed, sorry for blabbing tonight my head is a bit away with it today with the all the cold remedies ha ha ha

lots of love and luck and i look forward to good news from all of you soon xxxx

Hello lovely, im good thank hun. i think i jinxed myself earlier saying that the cramps were few and far between today and then about half hour ago the cramping has started again in right side, water bottle isnt helping! boobs arnt sore but nipples are, bloaty, headache coming and going, peeing all the frigging time, used to be able to hold for 3+hours but now im in every half hour, and when ive gone i feel like i need to go again, apart from that im actually feeling ok, was feeling great this morning, still no af, and no hpk so cant test but ive decided im going to hold off testing until the 16th because of all this cramping n stuff, might just use the last of my willpower :) BUT... if this cramping and twinges are still here after weekend im going to book in to doctors as its getting a little painful now, its like ovulation pains and period pains all rolled into one :(

aww im sorry your sick hun, hope you feel better soon and get OH to supply to cups of tea for you like mine does :) he is good to me when im ill, and i have a horrible immune system so i always get cold or flu :(
big :hugs:
I think I have also jinxed me, because I have just literally started getting really stabby pains in my left side (always my left side is this normal??) so I'm assuming it's the big O Yayyy..... so glad we squeezed a session in earlier as OH is away golfing tomorrow so I'm home alone all day :wacko:

I think you probably are best going to docs if the pain is bad, I suppose they will probs do a test for you too so you won't have to wait until 16th, your symptoms all sound good though especially the going to the loo and the sore nipps, I really hope this is it for you, fingers crossed :hugs: your BFP may start a chain reaction hee hee xxxx

In now off too bed to sleep this crappiness off, thanks for the well wishes,
keep us updated, this is a very exciting time for you xxxxxx

I think I have also jinxed me, because I have just literally started getting really stabby pains in my left side (always my left side is this normal??) so I'm assuming it's the big O Yayyy..... so glad we squeezed a session in earlier as OH is away golfing tomorrow so I'm home alone all day :wacko:

I think you probably are best going to docs if the pain is bad, I suppose they will probs do a test for you too so you won't have to wait until 16th, your symptoms all sound good though especially the going to the loo and the sore nipps, I really hope this is it for you, fingers crossed :hugs: your BFP may start a chain reaction hee hee xxxx

In now off too bed to sleep this crappiness off, thanks for the well wishes,
keep us updated, this is a very exciting time for you xxxxxx


i get the ov pains and cramps and twinges in my right side only, i too wondered if it was normal, glad you got :sex: in, its horrible when you cant get bd at right time, hope your feeling better soon, im about to put a dvd on in bed, laying down eases the cramps more than sitting up, take care hun, thanks for keeping your fingers crossed for me, hope you get your march :BFP:
Night night :) xxx
Hello ladies. Quick fly by from me tonight. My head still hurts and I have a lump on my forehead :(
Still having cramps, sounds like magicangel and Jo ate in the same boat! Let's hope it's all for positive reasons!

Sorry about the cold Jo, try some hit water with honey 2 teaspoons stirred in. Good for colds and good for ttc!

No new symptoms spotted today but temp went up again!

Fx'd for us all!

Sorry for the quickie and hello to everyone else xx
Hello Team CurvyBumps,

Thank god the weekend is here :thumbup:has anyone got anything nice planned ?

Panda - hope your cycle sorts itself out keep us updated

AFM - Im feeling a bit crappy today, ive got a bit of a sore throat and a runny nose and im a bit achey, im hoping its something and nothing and will pass with a good nights sleep! My temps are still steady but im scared if they go up it may be because i have some sort of cold and not because of OV, as i still haven't had a positive, although today i did have a really faint second line, i think i'll just have to wait and see what tomorrow brings :wacko:
i still made sure OH was on call earlier though for :sex: ill or not ha ha

hope evryone is well and hello to anyone i have missed, sorry for blabbing tonight my head is a bit away with it today with the all the cold remedies ha ha ha

lots of love and luck and i look forward to good news from all of you soon xxxx
Thanks, I'm hoping it sorts itself out soon. We'll see. I'm sorry to hear you're not feeling well. I've been sniffly off and on the past week and today it seems to finally have moved on. Hope you got your BD timed well :thumbup:

Me me me! I want to be slim but I want to have a baby more. Mumhood now, diet later!
Hi MrsParker :hi: I totally here you about wantign to be slim, but wanting a baby more. I'm trying to lose wait while also trying for a baby. Once I do get pregnant I'll stop the weight loss effort and just focus on eating healthy and all that.
Hey Ladies :hugs:

Thanks for all the support the other day :hugs:

SO I bought some supermarket own brand HPT's mainly so I would have something to pee on during the 2WW and of course last night as soon as I got home I wanted to try one even though I knew it would be wayyyyyyyy too early for anything to even show. Well I got one out and did it last night about 10pm and it was faulty. The control line didn't show for ages and when it did it was a really thin line and not like it was supposed to be. Later that night I went to the bathroom again and picked up the test and the control line had now appeared but was no where near as thick as it should be and the pink dye had spread giving the appearance of the faintest of second lines. I used the other test and this one too was faulty. Control line again took ages to show and again the dye has spread funny and gone into the indent making it look again like a second very very faint line is there :dohh:

I know they are faulty tests so I am not going to convince myself that they are in anyway positive. I'm just glad I used them now and not closer to the day when a test would work and be disappointed when they didn't work right.

Some slight lower cramping today and feel tired but the tiredness is nothing new :haha:

Hubby now has next week off rather than the end of March and so DIY weekend is going to turn into DIY week. Will post some pics later of the decorating we have been doing on the spare room (hopefully will be a nursery one day).

Jo_bean we have to hear the story about your injury hope you are feeling better now :flower:
Oh I've made my injury sound far more exciting that it actually is lol! The long story is because we have broken the back door which is a sliding patio door and have to lock it by pushing the little pin in. Sometimes this gets a bit stiff and I get angry with it. Well the other day I decided to move the kitchen table an chairs to make the kitchen look a bit tidier and so that night I was getting mad at the back door and bent down to have a look at why the lock wasn't going in and then smacked my head on the chair really hard! I have still got a sore forehead now! Two days later!
The only reason we haven't fixed it yet is because we need a new door and instead of getting a new door we are looking into getting a conservatory.
It reeeeeally hurt!

In other news, my temp went up again today but FF decided that it meant I ovulated later than it originally said. So now it appears (according to FF) that I didn't BD on day of ov. Stupid FF and temping. So now I'm not sure if I am 5DPO or 7DPO.

Also, just been out for lunch with 2 pregnant friends. Nice but am feeling very left out now :(

How is everyone else doing?
Oh I've made my injury sound far more exciting that it actually is lol! The long story is because we have broken the back door which is a sliding patio door and have to lock it by pushing the little pin in. Sometimes this gets a bit stiff and I get angry with it. Well the other day I decided to move the kitchen table an chairs to make the kitchen look a bit tidier and so that night I was getting mad at the back door and bent down to have a look at why the lock wasn't going in and then smacked my head on the chair really hard! I have still got a sore forehead now! Two days later!
The only reason we haven't fixed it yet is because we need a new door and instead of getting a new door we are looking into getting a conservatory.
It reeeeeally hurt!

In other news, my temp went up again today but FF decided that it meant I ovulated later than it originally said. So now it appears (according to FF) that I didn't BD on day of ov. Stupid FF and temping. So now I'm not sure if I am 5DPO or 7DPO.

Also, just been out for lunch with 2 pregnant friends. Nice but am feeling very left out now :(

How is everyone else doing?

Oopsie, that sounds like something I would do, so long as there's no lasting damage ha ha, as for FF if your tracking your own temps and B'ding then I'm sure you probs o'd at the right time and Dtd at the right time too and ur temp may have shot up for another reason, you were quite a way ahead of me and if u were to be 5dpo that would put us only days apart ???
Just go with what u think, you know ur own body well enough now :winkwink:

AFM I'm feeling lots better today and am even going to have a glass of wine
to celebrate, we have friends round for takeaway so I'm gunna put all temp and TTC thoughts out of my head tonight :happydance:

Hope everyone else is ok xxx

Magic angel how's the pain xxx
Bbunny - hope ur ok and looking fwd to DIY week

Melly, Panda and CDnE how are you all xxx

Lots of love to you all xxxxxx
Well of course i couldnt resist peeing on something...and i swear i saw a shadow...but prob line eye :wacko: its like fifth urine of the day and im totally early anyway...but im holding out hope for now :blush:
Morning ladies.

I am up super early this morning, I just couldn't stay in bed a i was tossing and turning and getting really hot. My temp has dropped from 36.9 to 36.5, that seems a massive drop and now I'm a little bit gutted as the high temps were making me feel positive. The biggest problem is I have to wait 24 hours to see if it was just because of my broken sleep and if it goes back up tomorrow grrrrrr

All we do is wait wait wait, always.

How is everyone else?
Morning ladies.

I am up super early this morning, I just couldn't stay in bed a i was tossing and turning and getting really hot. My temp has dropped from 36.9 to 36.5, that seems a massive drop and now I'm a little bit gutted as the high temps were making me feel positive. The biggest problem is I have to wait 24 hours to see if it was just because of my broken sleep and if it goes back up tomorrow grrrrrr

All we do is wait wait wait, always.

How is everyone else?

Morning Jo,

I too have been up with the gods this morning, all my chores are done :laundry::dishes: it's a lovely day here up north skies are blue, birds are singing and washing is on the line:hangwashing:

I'm sure your temps are easy explained maybe the drop is a result of your broken sleep, maybe do another at tea time just to see where it's at just for your peace of mind, it can't hurt anything can it :thumbup:

I still havent had a positive on my OPK yet and I've no OV symptoms, however my temps have gone up this morning so fingers crossed this is it xxx

Have you any nice plans for the rest of your day, I'm taking my mother out for lunch for her 81st birthday a nice girly day with her and 5 of my nieces

Have a lovely day everyone hope your all ok :dust:
Well of course i couldnt resist peeing on something...and i swear i saw a shadow...but prob line eye :wacko: its like fifth urine of the day and im totally early anyway...but im holding out hope for now :blush:

Oh dear I think we are all guilty of being a little impatient ha ha
But hey could be promising if you seen a faint line ???
Fingers crossed xxxxx:winkwink:
Morning ladies.

I am up super early this morning, I just couldn't stay in bed a i was tossing and turning and getting really hot. My temp has dropped from 36.9 to 36.5, that seems a massive drop and now I'm a little bit gutted as the high temps were making me feel positive. The biggest problem is I have to wait 24 hours to see if it was just because of my broken sleep and if it goes back up tomorrow grrrrrr

All we do is wait wait wait, always.

How is everyone else?

Morning Jo,

I too have been up with the gods this morning, all my chores are done :laundry::dishes: it's a lovely day here up north skies are blue, birds are singing and washing is on the line:hangwashing:

I'm sure your temps are easy explained maybe the drop is a result of your broken sleep, maybe do another at tea time just to see where it's at just for your peace of mind, it can't hurt anything can it :thumbup:

I still havent had a positive on my OPK yet and I've no OV symptoms, however my temps have gone up this morning so fingers crossed this is it xxx

Have you any nice plans for the rest of your day, I'm taking my mother out for lunch for her 81st birthday a nice girly day with her and 5 of my nieces

Have a lovely day everyone hope your all ok :dust:

Hiya x
We went for a nice walk this morning with the dog. Quite early before anyone else was around. It was really nice. Then spent the day at the in laws, they've just come back from NZ and had lots of pics to show us. It was good as it took my mind off the TWW for a while. Now we're having a quick tidy round before we settle down for a nice chilled eve. Back to work tomorrow for me :( it's going to be hard after two weeks off! It sure did go quickly!

Nice sunshine today too which makes everything seem nicer!
Morning ladies.

I am up super early this morning, I just couldn't stay in bed a i was tossing and turning and getting really hot. My temp has dropped from 36.9 to 36.5, that seems a massive drop and now I'm a little bit gutted as the high temps were making me feel positive. The biggest problem is I have to wait 24 hours to see if it was just because of my broken sleep and if it goes back up tomorrow grrrrrr

All we do is wait wait wait, always.

How is everyone else?

Morning Jo,

I too have been up with the gods this morning, all my chores are done :laundry::dishes: it's a lovely day here up north skies are blue, birds are singing and washing is on the line:hangwashing:

I'm sure your temps are easy explained maybe the drop is a result of your broken sleep, maybe do another at tea time just to see where it's at just for your peace of mind, it can't hurt anything can it :thumbup:

I still havent had a positive on my OPK yet and I've no OV symptoms, however my temps have gone up this morning so fingers crossed this is it xxx

Have you any nice plans for the rest of your day, I'm taking my mother out for lunch for her 81st birthday a nice girly day with her and 5 of my nieces

Have a lovely day everyone hope your all ok :dust:

Hiya x
We went for a nice walk this morning with the dog. Quite early before anyone else was around. It was really nice. Then spent the day at the in laws, they've just come back from NZ and had lots of pics to show us. It was good as it took my mind off the TWW for a while. Now we're having a quick tidy round before we settle down for a nice chilled eve. Back to work tomorrow for me :( it's going to be hard after two weeks off! It sure did go quickly!

Nice sunshine today too which makes everything seem nicer!

Ooh sounds like you've had a lovely day :winkwink:
I hate the feeling I get on a Sunday knowing its back to work on a Monday, hope you have a nice easy day on your first back :thumbup:
How you feeling today did you do another temp or are u going to wait until tomorrow xxxxxx
@Jo - haven't done another temp yet but only as I didn't have time. Will probably wait til the morning now and just hope for the best. I did have major cramps for about 10-20 mins this afternoon though. Worse than before. Maybe implantation? Here's hoping!

And yes, Sunday evenings remind me of when I was a kid and we had to have a bath and go to bed early for school. Now it's work, but the same sinking feeling! :(
Well hello lovely ladies, hows things??

Jo-bean hope the temp rise sorts itself out hun fingers crossed for you xx

Josephine hope you have hdrukad a lovely day with your family :) xx

How is everyone doing today? How are the new comers getting on with their cycle? xx

AFM, cramping hasnt happened for me today so im hoping i havent just jinxed myself, i think i have a slight kidney infection, i basically lived in my bathroom yesterday and last night, i drunk about 50 pints of water yesterday to the point where i had a belly ache, but it must have worked as im not getting any pain in kidney area now, do you think that the kidney infection could have messed with af and thats why its not come yet? cervix was low yesterday but is high today and moist, boobs are tender, metalic taste in mouth after drinking water ( water is and has been normal tasting for 2 years of living here) but for the past 2 days ive had metalic taste in my mouth, urinating is very frequent now, every 10 mins or so if im lucky, i have always been able to hold all night whilst sleeping but last night i got out of bed 7 times during the night.
Well hello lovely ladies, hows things??

AFM, cramping hasnt happened for me today so im hoping i havent just jinxed myself, i think i have a slight kidney infection, i basically lived in my bathroom yesterday and last night, i drunk about 50 pints of water yesterday to the point where i had a belly ache, but it must have worked as im not getting any pain in kidney area now, do you think that the kidney infection could have messed with af and thats why its not come yet? cervix was low yesterday but is high today and moist, boobs are tender, metalic taste in mouth after drinking water ( water is and has been normal tasting for 2 years of living here) but for the past 2 days ive had metalic taste in my mouth, urinating is very frequent now, every 10 mins or so if im lucky, i have always been able to hold all night whilst sleeping but last night i got out of bed 7 times during the night.

Hi magic angel,

I've been lurking here for a while and eagerly awaiting to see if you have your BFP or not! But just wanted to say that if something was up with your kidney, it could cause you to ovulate late, but if you've already ovulated, it won't affect when you get AF. So if you ovulated when you thought you did, you kidney thing wouldn't affect AF. So, still looking good for BFP then! :thumbup:
Hi ladies,

Thought I should introduce myself! I'm 230lbs and 5'2", and my DH and I are trying for our first. I've been off BCP since September, and taking Vit B to lengthen my LP. Fingers crossed for us all!
Oh magicangel, poor thing. You are really being dragged through it this cycle aren't you?! Let's hope it's all for a good reason xxxxx :dust:

Hi vankiwi :hi: glad you came out of hiding! Welcome to our team xxx GL to you this cycle xx
Oh magicangel, poor thing. You are really being dragged through it this cycle aren't you?! Let's hope it's all for a good reason xxxxx :dust:

Hi vankiwi :hi: glad you came out of hiding! Welcome to our team xxx GL to you this cycle xx

Hi sweety yeh i think ive had enough of this cycle to be fair, but without you ladies keeping me sane, i would have just cracked.... i just hate the not knowing part, if im not pg then i just want af to show so i can start again trying to figure out my cycles again, just got into a regular rhythm too :( got one hpk, thats it! im so tempted to use it but i need talking out of it as i cant get anymore until next week, 9 days late now, 20 something days past ov, losing count now lol hoping its all for a good reason too :) xxx

vankiwi said:
Hi magic angel,

I've been lurking here for a while and eagerly awaiting to see if you have your BFP or not! But just wanted to say that if something was up with your kidney, it could cause you to ovulate late, but if you've already ovulated, it won't affect when you get AF. So if you ovulated when you thought you did, you kidney thing wouldn't affect AF. So, still looking good for BFP then! :thumbup:

Hi vankiwi and welcome :) kidney pain has only been around for 2-3 days, i think, it was very evident yesterday and was really painful but i have been having cramping and twinges 2 days ago so i have put that down to the start of kidney infection, OV was on the 18th, i dont have to go to docs about this kidney pain no? if i keep drinking my water and its keeping the pain away does that mean im ok not to see docs?
thanks for the reply, all the lovely ladies on this post are amazing and will welcome you with open arms :)

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