Any "plus-size", bigger gals TTC their first? :)

Don't test hun xx save it and see if AF comes in the mean time. It will be worth waiting!
I know how you feel though. It gets to that point when you just wish she'd show if she's on her way and stop teasing you!
Take the dog eating the other tests as a sign you aren't supposed to test xxxx
@Jo - haven't done another temp yet but only as I didn't have time. Will probably wait til the morning now and just hope for the best. I did have major cramps for about 10-20 mins this afternoon though. Worse than before. Maybe implantation? Here's hoping!

And yes, Sunday evenings remind me of when I was a kid and we had to have a bath and go to bed early for school. Now it's work, but the same sinking feeling! :(

Oh Jo, cramps sounds promising, I really hope this is your time you sooo deserve it :bodyb: come on team Jo Jo xxxx
Fingers crossed ur temp rises again tomorrow and it was just because u had a sleepless night, were u dreaming too ??? This is an early PG sign too apparently :dohh:

Magic-Angel you really have been through it this cycle haven't you lovely ??
I certainly wouldn't test at the minute though not with a possible water/kidney infection as this could affect the results and you don't wanna waste anothe HPT
See how you are in the next couple of days and go see your doc tell them about the cramps over the weekend and now your kidney trouble and they will probs do a test for you and make sure your ok :)

Kiwi - welcome on board it always lovely to have new people and new advice
Where are you at with your cycle and how long have you been #ttc if you don't mind me asking :)

AFM - I am still testing with cheap OPK with no positive although again today I had a very faint second line so we managed to squeeze a quick :sex: in :)
Sorry for TMI but I also had creamy CM today so hopefully we have done enough this cycle, fingers crossed :)

Hi to everyone else how are you all doing ???

Love and sticky glue everyone
Magicangel - I'm not sure about going to the docs - but if you go, they can give you a preg test as well and you can get both checked out! Do you temp? As your temps would tell you by now if you're preggers!

Josephine - I'm waiting to O, at least another week away yet though. I'm on CD 13 and my cycles are around 32-37 days long, with a shorter LP of around 11 days. I'm taking B Complex to try and lengthen that! It lengthened from 9 to 11 days last month (first month taking it) so it's moving in the right direction! :thumbup:

We've been TTC since October, but had two cycles off over xmas, so I guess it's only 3 cycles really - 4th one now. I temp as well, to keep track of what is going on!
@Jo - haven't done another temp yet but only as I didn't have time. Will probably wait til the morning now and just hope for the best. I did have major cramps for about 10-20 mins this afternoon though. Worse than before. Maybe implantation? Here's hoping!

And yes, Sunday evenings remind me of when I was a kid and we had to have a bath and go to bed early for school. Now it's work, but the same sinking feeling! :(

Oh Jo, cramps sounds promising, I really hope this is your time you sooo deserve it :bodyb: come on team Jo Jo xxxx
Fingers crossed ur temp rises again tomorrow and it was just because u had a sleepless night, were u dreaming too ??? This is an early PG sign too apparently :dohh:


Thanks sweetie :). Yeah I was dreaming about my temperature lol! Just kept waking up thinking I would miss my temp times! How obsessed can I get!
Come on team JoJo xxxx
@Jo - haven't done another temp yet but only as I didn't have time. Will probably wait til the morning now and just hope for the best. I did have major cramps for about 10-20 mins this afternoon though. Worse than before. Maybe implantation? Here's hoping!

And yes, Sunday evenings remind me of when I was a kid and we had to have a bath and go to bed early for school. Now it's work, but the same sinking feeling! :(

Oh Jo, cramps sounds promising, I really hope this is your time you sooo deserve it :bodyb: come on team Jo Jo xxxx
Fingers crossed ur temp rises again tomorrow and it was just because u had a sleepless night, were u dreaming too ??? This is an early PG sign too apparently :dohh:


Thanks sweetie :). Yeah I was dreaming about my temperature lol! Just kept waking up thinking I would miss my temp times! How obsessed can I get!
Come on team JoJo xxxx

Oh god the similarities scare me Jo, I was exactly the same Friday all I could think about all night was temps and tests I kept waking up and checking the time thinking I was gunna be late ha ha ha. Xxxx
Hope u have a better kip tonight lots of love and sweet dreams :sleep::hugs:
Magicangel - I'm not sure about going to the docs - but if you go, they can give you a preg test as well and you can get both checked out! Do you temp? As your temps would tell you by now if you're preggers!

Josephine - I'm waiting to O, at least another week away yet though. I'm on CD 13 and my cycles are around 32-37 days long, with a shorter LP of around 11 days. I'm taking B Complex to try and lengthen that! It lengthened from 9 to 11 days last month (first month taking it) so it's moving in the right direction! :thumbup:

We've been TTC since October, but had two cycles off over xmas, so I guess it's only 3 cycles really - 4th one now.

I temp as well, to keep track of what is going on!

Sounds like your very clued up on what u need to be doing, well done with the B complex hopefully that was a step in the right direction and this could be your month fingers crossed :thumbup:
I didn't have a clue about temping at all until I joined this site :dohh:which is a bit poor really considering we have been trying so long, I guess we just kept muddling through thinking it would come, anyways I am now addicted in a good way to temping, poas and this thread ha ha

Lots of luck xxxxx
Magicangel - I'm not sure about going to the docs - but if you go, they can give you a preg test as well and you can get both checked out! Do you temp? As your temps would tell you by now if you're preggers!

Josephine - I'm waiting to O, at least another week away yet though. I'm on CD 13 and my cycles are around 32-37 days long, with a shorter LP of around 11 days. I'm taking B Complex to try and lengthen that! It lengthened from 9 to 11 days last month (first month taking it) so it's moving in the right direction! :thumbup:

We've been TTC since October, but had two cycles off over xmas, so I guess it's only 3 cycles really - 4th one now. I temp as well, to keep track of what is going on!

hey vankiwi, i dont temp as OH has his work patterns all over the place so i was having disturbed sleep so i tend to not use bbt, i use fertility friend just to keep track of everything else really, ill see how i am over the next couple of days and if its still the same ill make appointment with the docs to find out for sure :)

fingers are crossed you get your :BFP: soon :)
On a different note, Im crapping myself, i am getting my hair cut on friday!!!!! ive been growing my hair for years, buut ive had enough of it, it gets everywhere, im sick of it blocking the bath, im sick of taking ages styling it sooooooooooooooo ladies, ive decided to go short!!!! :O/ im scared!!!! ive not had short hair since i was 8 years old, ive also decided to get a side swept fringe too (which if you know me you would know that this hairstyle would never happen for me as i dont trust anyone near my hair and i promised myself i would never go short every again, so i am terrified right now!!!!! fella keeps saying "ohh you know im not going to be able to stay home and watch you getting it done because i will jump on you :) lol ) and hes been against all conversations about me cutting my hair as he loves my long hair!!! (i think he just likes something to hold onto ;) lol ) we shall see if there will be one less mobile hairdresser living round here or not lol her life is at stake lol :)

this is the hair style im going for, going to tweak it slightly with layers and not sure if i should go with a slightly longer version, weight comes off my face straight away when i lose weight so with this hairstyle i will have to slim my face down slightly but will be much easier to style what do you ladies think? either way im getting my hair cut on friday at 7pm so if you ladies have any picture ideas for short- medium length hair cuts could you post a message with pic on my profile page please ladies, im struggling to find the perfect hairstyle and this one is the one i will go with if i cant find any others :) thanx :) xx
i was recently diagnosed with pcos after curiosity of why i wasnt getting pregnant. (im 19 and in a US size 22 jeans) i just started metformin about a week ago, i really hope it helps. how do you track your cycle days? is cd1 the day when you start your period? im really hoping to have some luck on metformin... i know i have always wanted to have kids, and its been really fustrating me with all these problems... i just need to talk to people who understand how i feel, i see more and more people around me each day getting pregnant and having their beautiful babies and im just wondering will mine ever come?
Ooh Magicangel! I will defo look for some pics. I cut all my hair off to a shorter style after my wedding, and now I'm growing it long again :)

Loving your sig too! So sweet :) we need to cheer you on too... :dust::dust::dust:
i was recently diagnosed with pcos after curiosity of why i wasnt getting pregnant. (im 19 and in a US size 22 jeans) i just started metformin about a week ago, i really hope it helps. how do you track your cycle days? is cd1 the day when you start your period? im really hoping to have some luck on metformin... i know i have always wanted to have kids, and its been really fustrating me with all these problems... i just need to talk to people who understand how i feel, i see more and more people around me each day getting pregnant and having their beautiful babies and im just wondering will mine ever come?

Hi britnee :hi: welcome!
Have a look at Fertility Friend. You can join for free and it enables you to chart lots of stuff about your cycle. I always count CD1 as the first day of my period. Not spotting or anything but proper full on period.
You are in the right place, lots of girls here feel the same.
There are also a couple of lovely ladies on this thread who know about PCOS etc.

Good luck! And stick around here, we are a nice group of ladies xx
Hello Ladies :)

So much to catch up on hope you all had a great weekend :)

@Jo_Bean Hope you are feeling better after your injury :flower: and that the cramps are a sign of implantation. That lunch would have been my idea of hell so you have my sympathy.

@Josephine Hope you enjoyed your lunch for your moms birthday and that you get a positive opk soon. :)

@Melly Belly I really hope that shadow turns into something :flower:

@Magic Angel I hope you are feeling better now and that hair cut looks fab!!

Welcome to vankiwi and Brittnee :flower:

I am seriously going to have to give up my POAS addiction. As I said the other day I got two cheapies and they both were faulty and showed very very faint lines but as the dye had run in them they were useless and I definitly think this is why they were looking like positives. So I got some more cheapies over the weekend and of course tried one and this time nothing showed on it apart from the control line so I left it on the side and put my shoes on and when I came back there were three lines on it :wacko: Thats right THREE lines :dohh: I have tried to take a pic of it but the macro on my camera is rubbish but if you tilt your screen you can just about see something I think.

The lines have almost zero colour in them so that combined with the fact it is way to early meant that instead of getting into a flap about it we just laughed it off. I took another one and that was definitely negative so I am stopping myself from testing again until it is closer to the time. Just my luck though took 4 tests and 3 were faulty and looked like faint positives :dohh:

Hubby has scrapped most his plans for this week and has decided to lay a patio instead. I think he will be glad to go back to work on Monday as I always make sure I keep him busy when he has any time off :haha:

I am keeping out of the way and doing housework.

Symptom wise I have had some slight cramping and I feeling like someone is poking me a bit sharp near my hip I am also really tired and slept really late today. I am seriously thinking about charting my temps next month. ( I don't have an iphone yet so will use the online thingy)

Will check back in soon :flower:
Hi ladies :hi: Welcome to the new girls :flower:

Magic_angel - good luck with the hair cut. The pic you posted looks super cute. I got tired of my super long hair this past summer and chopped it all off into a pixie cut. I'm going to start letting it grow back out a bit, but keeping it relatively short. I'll probably end up with something similar to what you're going for.

Bbbunny - I can only imagine the frustration of defective tests. I haven't had that happen yet, but it would be so bad if it did. I don't buy the cheapies at all. I've only bought the expensive ones when I think I'm late for AF (really I just have a long cycle, but I never knew that before I was charting and all that. I thought anything past 28 days was late, lol!). Now that I chart I know when I'm supposed to get AF so I won't even bother buying any tests until I know I am late.

Brittnee- welcome to the thread. I don't know anytginf about PCOS, but I hope the metformin does the trick for you. Yes, cycle day 1 is the very first day of flow of your period. Not any spotting you might get before. If you want to maximize your chances I would suggest stopping by like Jo_Bean suggested. You can track all sorts of things there, but at the very least you can track when you start your flow and all that so you know how long your cycles are. Most women ovualte about 12-16 days before they get their period so if you know your normal cycle length you have your target time for DTD. Good luck! :thumbup:

As for me, I think I finally ovulated yesterday. I had a big temp spike today and my CM is creamy and not watery any more and my nipples hurt so bad! Hopefully FF confirms it in a few days. Problem is, we only DTD once in the past 5 days! Once is all it takes, but more is better. I just hope it was enough.
Hope all you ladies are having a good day even though it's Monday. I got up today to go to school, drove 40 minutes, pulled into the parking lot and no one was there. It's spring break and I forgot! Lol and duh! :wacko: I'd go back to bed, but we're doing a little surprise party for my mom today (her 50th birthday is tomorrow) so I should just start getting ready for that I guess.
BBBunny - I can see something when I tilt my screen! but 3 lines! WTF!!
I haven't even had an evap or anything :( ever!

could still be early to show maybe? fx'd!

Melly Belly - LOL @ the spring break and driving to school! I've done that before when it's been a bank holiday over here in the UK.:dohh:
but yay! free time! Hope your mum's party goes well x

Magic Angel - I love your hair now! but I know what you mean about wanting a change. I would do anything to swap! My hair is stupid, it's not straight or curly and it just looks a mess if I don't straighten it :( Maybe go for a mid length style? that way it will still be different but not so short that you want to stick it back on??? You have a really pretty face so I think it will suit you either way. I don't think you have to get a thin face either, sometimes shorter styles are surprisingly slimming :) and you don't have chubby cheeks!
I'm due for my period this week. We'll see if it comes. This was the first time with my PCOS and with my higher dose of Metformin that I got a POSTIVE on my Clear Blue Easy Monitor. Sadly though hubby was away on business. Talk about frustration!

So I'm not really holding my breath. All I can hope for is that I ovulate again.
Im lovin the new hair style ur goin for, looks really trendy. My hair is nearly at my bum, i had to cut to shoulders 4 yrs ago, since then its grown loads, keep thinkin i mite change it, but scares me lol.
I'm due for my period this week. We'll see if it comes. This was the first time with my PCOS and with my higher dose of Metformin that I got a POSTIVE on my Clear Blue Easy Monitor. Sadly though hubby was away on business. Talk about frustration!

So I'm not really holding my breath. All I can hope for is that I ovulate again.

I read that the cbfm dont work properly if u have pcos, is this wrong. It obviously worked for u?
Vic x
I'm due for my period this week. We'll see if it comes. This was the first time with my PCOS and with my higher dose of Metformin that I got a POSTIVE on my Clear Blue Easy Monitor. Sadly though hubby was away on business. Talk about frustration!

So I'm not really holding my breath. All I can hope for is that I ovulate again.

Is there a small chance that you did it at an ok time? It only takes once!!!!!

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