Any "plus-size", bigger gals TTC their first? :)

Melly Belly - LOL @ the spring break and driving to school! I've done that before when it's been a bank holiday over here in the UK.:dohh:
but yay! free time! Hope your mum's party goes well x
Um.. this is Panda and not Melly, lol. I changed the avie so no one gets confused. Guess they were too similar lol.
Morning ladies how is everyone, I don't know about everyone else but I was totally lost last night not been able to he on here :(

Anyways Magic loving the new hairstyle, I had mine cut into a bob a couple of years ago and it actually took me longer to style then than it does now long, so maybe keep it shoulder length so if needs be and it's annoying you you can still tie back out of the way :)
Hope your feeling ok and your kidney infection has cleared up ???

Jo how was your first day back at work, how are you feeling :)

Bbunny you are having no luck with them cheapies maybe you should hang a few more days and see what happens (easier said than done I know ha ha )

Welcome Britnee hope u stick around lovely :)

Hello, Panda, Melly, Ghinspire, kiwi and anyone else I've forgotten, sorry it's still quite early here :)

Afm - still no pos OPK and temp has dropped yesterday and gone back up today, I had tender itchy boobs yesterday but no other ov symptoms at all so I think I maybe haven't ov'd at all or if I did it was earlier in week when I had very faint second lines .... I'm sooo confused and sad that I haven't :( oh well off to work to cheer me up NOT ha ha

Have a good day guys
Xxxxx :). :)
Hey ladies, just a quick one, ill pop back later as me and fella are off out for a lovely walk soon and spend some time together as we have hardly seen anything of each other this week and last week :(

hows everyone doing?? xx

Thank you everyone who commented about the picture :) and after studying it im going to go for a longer length style to that with layers as i know it will probably drive me mad not being about to tie it back but having said that the only thing my fella has been saying is yay finally it will stop you putting your hair up lol he likes it when its down and long and specially when i curl my hair it sends him wild lol :)
New year New me so since ive not had short hair for 20 years im going to be gutsy and get it done on friday :) just hope it doesnt look stupid as i have a thing about my hair and i dont like anyone touching it, i cut my own hair that way if i mess up i can just slap myself :)

Well no sign of af still, kidney pain has gone, just gotta keep up with drinking water (which i have always struggled with) cervix is slightly soft (what does that mean??) boobs are not sore anymore, for the last 2 days i really really thought that was it for me and af was coming but nope, still away, Anyways i will come back later and have a proper look at everyones post and ill reply properly :) Big hugs to everyone xx
Melly Belly - LOL @ the spring break and driving to school! I've done that before when it's been a bank holiday over here in the UK.:dohh:
but yay! free time! Hope your mum's party goes well x
Um.. this is Panda and not Melly, lol. I changed the avie so no one gets confused. Guess they were too similar lol.

Sorry panda!! Lol! My head still hurts :) :dohh:
Nice signature Magic Angel ha ha, your not called Jo too by any chance are you ????
Hi all

Jo - yes I was totally lost last night too! I kept logging on and checking even though it said it wasn't up. I totally missed you guys!!!!
Sorry to hear you haven't pin-pointed ov for definite :( It's soooo bloody hard this ttc game isn't it! Why can't we just have a green light that flashes to tell us it's happening and we need to DTD in the next 24 hours!?!?

Magic angel - aah that's sweet. Enjoy your walk! Reeeeally hoping the :witch: stays away!

AFM - Back to work now after 2 weeks off, it was quite hard to get back into it but I worked from home yesterday so it was nice to ease back in, spent most of the day checking my emails that had built up over the last 2 weeks! Today I am back in the office, nasty fog about here so the 1 hour 45 minute drive was a bit hairy. Not looking forward to the drive home, but I only have to do it 2 days a week, so I guess that's not too bad.
I am all over the place with symptoms and feelings this cycle. I really thought I had done so well and I was feeling different for about 5 days after ov. I kind of felt full and tight around stomach with cramps etc. I was getting excited because my temp was rising too.
I had originally thought I had ov'd on day 13 and then FF moved it to 15. I had peak levels on the CBFM for day 13 and 14 so I don't know why it changed to day 15. That made me worry as I thought we didn't do it on day of Ov then.

My temps are depressing me now too,
CD12 36.3
CD13 36.3
CD14 36.4
CD15 36.4
CD16 36.5
CD17 36.3
CD18 36.6 :)
CD19 36.7 :)
CD20 36.9 :)
CD21 36.5 :(
CD22 36.5 :(
CD23 36.5 :(

Now the last 3 are still above the cover line temp that FF gave me, but they seem a bit low and WTF does a cover line temp mean anyway? especially when FF decided to change it from 36.3 to 36.5. grrrrr.
GUTTED :( I think that's it AF is coming on CD26, I bet she is.
Unless there is a miracle temp surge tomorrow and Thursday, I think she'll be here on Friday.

The only thing that is stopping me from going insane is that I've had broken sleep for the past 3 or 4 nights and that could potentially affect my temperature. I've been taking my temp later in the day to see what happens and it does go down a bit later. but then how do I know that's not the coffee I just drank!? LOL!

aaaaand, my head still hurts! the pain seems to be centralised a bit now, but every time I brush my hair away from my eyes, or put my hand on my head, it really hurts! I'm beginning to think there's a fracture there!

Oh my, that was a long and moany post from me wasn't it!

Sorry darlings!

love dust and hugs to all!
Lol josephine no my name is kerry lol but i like to support team jo-jo :)

i havent done temping but decided after being the last 2 days im warmer than usual and getting hot and bothered easily i did my temp this morning and its 37.0 what does that mean? i have no idea what im meant to be or anything to do with temping so just thought i would ask you guys if you could help me? got no other temp to compare to so might temp 2moro morning too just to see what it is...
Magic angel - thanks for the support :D:D

That seems like a good high temp, well it would be for me. I guess the only way to definitely monitor your temp is to be able to compare from day to day so that yous ee the rises and dips and create a pattern. You usually find that temps drop if AF is coming, so you could carry on temping and see what happens for the rest of this cycle, if anything happens! hopefully your temp will stay high and you'll not see the :witch:!
Hello everyone!
Just wanted to give an update: I just got my preseed yesterday and tried it last night, it was great! I really liked it and I think my DH did too! I hope it does the trick for us this month! I am currently on cd15, 3 days from ov, hopefully! Second round of clomid. I am irish and hoping my irish luck will come through for us this month!! Last month we BD'd every other day and this month we're going to try everyday this week, leading up to ov. I have done some research online and from what I gather the consensus is when you're ttc the more bd'ing, the better, so here it goes, I am also trying to not put on so much pressure and have fun with it because I think it that also makes a difference....
Hello! whew..that not being able to get on yesterday was killer! i was so eager to find out what everyone is up to!

i havent tested again since that shadowy thing...ive got sore boobs and thats about it, a few twingy crampy feelings...not getting my hopes up (but kinda am :haha:) My CBFM finally stopped asking me for sticks after about four days after O, so i think it realized "oh hey...these are all low now...we can have her stop tossing money down the drain"

Hoping to test on Sat if Af doesnt make an appearance...maybe some St Pattys luck will help :thumbup:
Hey Josephine :hi: I luckily had plans last night so I was only affected by the outage for like an hour and then I wasn't home anyways. Sorry you're body is being mean to you. Mine was this cycle as well, but I just ovulated on day 28 which is very late for me. Totally get the confusing body thing.

Hey Magic! Hope you enjoyed your walk with the hubby. Totally get the not seeing him in awhile thing. Our work shifts are so different so we squeeze in us time when we can. So glad to hear your kidney pain is gone and that AF hasn't shown still. :thumbup: Also, about your temp being 37.0, without knowing what is normal for you at any point in your cycle one temp on it's own doesn't mean anything. The whole point behine temping is being able to see a pattern and deciphering that pattern. Even when you have a whoe cycle's worth of data, you wouldn't look at one temp from one day and try and see what it means. It's the overall pattern. Hopefully you being all warm will be a good sign. :happydance:

Hey Jo_Bean :flower: No worries. Our avatars were pretty similar so I just changed mine a bit. Head pain will do that to ya. Hope being back at work isn't too bad for ya. I couldn't stand the 1 hour 45 minute drive. I've got a 10 minute drive and sometimes that feels too long! :haha: I don't know how celsius compares to farenheit, but your temps all look really close to me so I don't know. Don't worry about doing it on the day of OV either. It's good to get it in there if you csn just to be sure, but most women get pregnant from 1-2 days before ovulation so if you have those days covered you're good. Broken sleep will defintely affect your temps so that may be it. Taking your temp later on in the day is pointless though. Your basal body temp is your body at rest. That's why you need at least 3 hours of unbroken sleep to get an accurate temp. If you take it while you're up and about it doesn't mean anything. Keeping my fingers crossed for you.

Hi MrsF :hi: I haven't tried pressed yet, but I've heard it works wonders. Glad you and hubby enjoyed it. Good luck!

Hello to all the other ladies too!

As for me, I'm so happy this morning! I had a good tie out with my mom and sis last night celebrating mom's b-day. Went to dinner, went home and had some cake, hung out for a while and called it a night. She just hit the big 50 so we made fun of her for being old a little bit. She has a good sense of humor about that kind of stuff. Also, my temp spiked yesterday so I was thinking I had O'd the day before, but it could also just be a fluke high temp, but today it got even higher. Woohoo! I ovulated a whole week later than last cycle so I was starting to think it wasn't happening this time. Now, I'm officially in the 2ww, but it's hard to be hopeful because the only time we DTD anywhere near O was the day before it. Hopefully once was enough. :thumbup: And... I feel like I just wrote a novel, lol. Hope all you lovely ladies have a wonderful day.
Hello! whew..that not being able to get on yesterday was killer! i was so eager to find out what everyone is up to!

i havent tested again since that shadowy thing...ive got sore boobs and thats about it, a few twingy crampy feelings...not getting my hopes up (but kinda am :haha:) My CBFM finally stopped asking me for sticks after about four days after O, so i think it realized "oh hey...these are all low now...we can have her stop tossing money down the drain"

Hoping to test on Sat if Af doesnt make an appearance...maybe some St Pattys luck will help :thumbup:
Hey Melly :hi: Keeping my fingers crossed for you. Maybe the luck of the Irish will do it. So funny about the tossing money down the drain thing :rofl:
Hey Josephine :hi: I luckily had plans last night so I was only affected by the outage for like an hour and then I wasn't home anyways. Sorry you're body is being mean to you. Mine was this cycle as well, but I just ovulated on day 28 which is very late for me. Totally get the confusing body thing.

Hey Magic! Hope you enjoyed your walk with the hubby. Totally get the not seeing him in awhile thing. Our work shifts are so different so we squeeze in us time when we can. So glad to hear your kidney pain is gone and that AF hasn't shown still. :thumbup: Also, about your temp being 37.0, without knowing what is normal for you at any point in your cycle one temp on it's own doesn't mean anything. The whole point behine temping is being able to see a pattern and deciphering that pattern. Even when you have a whoe cycle's worth of data, you wouldn't look at one temp from one day and try and see what it means. It's the overall pattern. Hopefully you being all warm will be a good sign. :happydance:

Hey Jo_Bean :flower: No worries. Our avatars were pretty similar so I just changed mine a bit. Head pain will do that to ya. Hope being back at work isn't too bad for ya. I couldn't stand the 1 hour 45 minute drive. I've got a 10 minute drive and sometimes that feels too long! :haha: I don't know how celsius compares to farenheit, but your temps all look really close to me so I don't know. Don't worry about doing it on the day of OV either. It's good to get it in there if you csn just to be sure, but most women get pregnant from 1-2 days before ovulation so if you have those days covered you're good. Broken sleep will defintely affect your temps so that may be it. Taking your temp later on in the day is pointless though. Your basal body temp is your body at rest. That's why you need at least 3 hours of unbroken sleep to get an accurate temp. If you take it while you're up and about it doesn't mean anything. Keeping my fingers crossed for you.

Hi MrsF :hi: I haven't tried pressed yet, but I've heard it works wonders. Glad you and hubby enjoyed it. Good luck!

Hello to all the other ladies too!

As for me, I'm so happy this morning! I had a good tie out with my mom and sis last night celebrating mom's b-day. Went to dinner, went home and had some cake, hung out for a while and called it a night. She just hit the big 50 so we made fun of her for being old a little bit. She has a good sense of humor about that kind of stuff. Also, my temp spiked yesterday so I was thinking I had O'd the day before, but it could also just be a fluke high temp, but today it got even higher. Woohoo! I ovulated a whole week later than last cycle so I was starting to think it wasn't happening this time. Now, I'm officially in the 2ww, but it's hard to be hopeful because the only time we DTD anywhere near O was the day before it. Hopefully once was enough. :thumbup: And... I feel like I just wrote a novel, lol. Hope all you lovely ladies have a wonderful day.

It only takes once Panda, so everything crossed for the next two weeks hun xxxxxxx :)
Hi ladies, I too am a plush lady at a size 18, my OH and I have been trying 4 months this month CD 9. I worry constantly if there is something wrong, or if my weight is the issue, I find comfort in a + OPK and AF for the past three months. My concn is that AF is only lasting 3 days since i came off the pill in november :-k. we must remember though, it takes time, overweight or not, a normal couple TTC can take up to 12 months to get the BFP! I'm excited to share this journey with women who understand and appreciate the rollercoaster that is baby making for the first time! :dust:
hello ladies...
even m a "Plus size" , have been TTC since a year now ... curently m on my 3rd cycle of clomid and even have HMG injections on day 3 and day 7 this mnt. my right ovaries have 2 follicles of 11.7 mm and 10mm ... have to go for another u/s tomorrow.. just hope the follicle is of the right size to ovulate...
good to know their are so many like me here in this thread...
Hey Jo_Bean No worries. Our avatars were pretty similar so I just changed mine a bit. Head pain will do that to ya. Hope being back at work isn't too bad for ya. I couldn't stand the 1 hour 45 minute drive. I've got a 10 minute drive and sometimes that feels too long! I don't know how celsius compares to farenheit, but your temps all look really close to me so I don't know. Don't worry about doing it on the day of OV either. It's good to get it in there if you csn just to be sure, but most women get pregnant from 1-2 days before ovulation so if you have those days covered you're good. Broken sleep will defintely affect your temps so that may be it. Taking your temp later on in the day is pointless though. Your basal body temp is your body at rest. That's why you need at least 3 hours of unbroken sleep to get an accurate temp. If you take it while you're up and about it doesn't mean anything. Keeping my fingers crossed for you.

Thanks Panda. I guess I will find out soon enough. I think what is stressing me out is that I've been having broken sleep for about 4-5 nights now. So not only am I tired, I also know that my temps probably don't mean anything. So that gives me a little bit of hope, although in my gut I feel like this isn't going to be the cycle.

On the positive side, at least I've collected lots of data to compare next cycle to if this isn't the one.
Hi ladies, I too am a plush lady at a size 18, my OH and I have been trying 4 months this month CD 9. I worry constantly if there is something wrong, or if my weight is the issue, I find comfort in a + OPK and AF for the past three months. My concn is that AF is only lasting 3 days since i came off the pill in november :-k. we must remember though, it takes time, overweight or not, a normal couple TTC can take up to 12 months to get the BFP! I'm excited to share this journey with women who understand and appreciate the rollercoaster that is baby making for the first time! :dust:

Welcome babyseed, I love your description of plush size lady ha ha sounds so much nicer than Plus size :flower:
My AF generally only sticks around 3 days so I wouldn't worry about that in fact I'd be happy about that because some people's can last lots longer, I would hate that, the sooner it's gone the quicker for me :)

Good luck and welcome along for the ride :dust:
hello ladies...
even m a "Plus size" , have been TTC since a year now ... curently m on my 3rd cycle of clomid and even have HMG injections on day 3 and day 7 this mnt. my right ovaries have 2 follicles of 11.7 mm and 10mm ... have to go for another u/s tomorrow.. just hope the follicle is of the right size to ovulate...
good to know their are so many like me here in this thread...

Welcome Charanpreet - good luck with your ultrasound fingers crossed for you hun xxx
Good Morning Team Curvy's how is everyone today:flower:

I'm a bit down in the dumps today, still no positive OPK and temp still same, I really feel like I haven't OV so I guess I'm out this month, I feel a bit empty to be honest and thinking why do I bother, I know I'll pick myself back up and keep going because I want it so bad, it just all makes me sooo mad arggghhhhhh :growlmad:

Anyhooo - Jo how are you doing, I have my fingers crossed for you i know exactly how frustrating all this temping can be :hugs:

Magic how are you feeling another day closer to the chop are u excited ??

Just a flying visit from me this morning as I'm work and just sneaking a peak will check back in later today :)

How are all our other lovely ladies Panda, Melly, Bbunny, CDnequestrian, Kiwi, GHinspire and anyone else i've forgotten so sorry but we have such a large team now xxxxxx love and hugs to all

Hey Team Curvy Bumps :)

Josephine Please do not feel sad :hugs: even with temping OPK's etc we still do not know 100% what is going on with our bodies so until AF comes anything is possible. I do not temp yet so cannot offer you any practical advice as I don't really understand it all yet.

I am going nutso in this TWW trying not to symptom spot too much but yesterday had a tight feeling across the top of my tummy and have been having twinges in my sides.

Does everyone here get lots of CM because I don't think I do :shrug: I have never really noticed it before not even when I wipe so it worries me a bit

Got a huge day of cleaning ahead and not looking forward to it at all. The inlaws visit every Friday night so have to make sure the place is looking ok for their visits and thought I would get a head start today so I can help hubby in the garden tomorrow.

Diet is at a full stop at the minute. Have been eating okay but not doing the exercise so my weight is just staying the same. As hubby is off work we just end up driving places that I would normally walk to so need to get my bum in gear next week and get some of this weight gone.

Welcome to the new comers our little group is expanding all the time now :thumbup:

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