Any "plus-size", bigger gals TTC their first? :)

Hi ladies, I too am a plush lady at a size 18, my OH and I have been trying 4 months this month CD 9. I worry constantly if there is something wrong, or if my weight is the issue, I find comfort in a + OPK and AF for the past three months. My concn is that AF is only lasting 3 days since i came off the pill in november :-k. we must remember though, it takes time, overweight or not, a normal couple TTC can take up to 12 months to get the BFP! I'm excited to share this journey with women who understand and appreciate the rollercoaster that is baby making for the first time! :dust:

Welcome babyseed, I love your description of plush size lady ha ha sounds so much nicer than Plus size :flower:
My AF generally only sticks around 3 days so I wouldn't worry about that in fact I'd be happy about that because some people's can last lots longer, I would hate that, the sooner it's gone the quicker for me :)

Good luck and welcome along for the ride :dust:

Mine too!
Hello! whew..that not being able to get on yesterday was killer! i was so eager to find out what everyone is up to!

i havent tested again since that shadowy thing...ive got sore boobs and thats about it, a few twingy crampy feelings...not getting my hopes up (but kinda am :haha:) My CBFM finally stopped asking me for sticks after about four days after O, so i think it realized "oh hey...these are all low now...we can have her stop tossing money down the drain"

Hoping to test on Sat if Af doesnt make an appearance...maybe some St Pattys luck will help :thumbup:
Hey Melly :hi: Keeping my fingers crossed for you. Maybe the luck of the Irish will do it. So funny about the tossing money down the drain thing :rofl:

Thanks! also, your avatar is now 20% cooler...i love rainbow dash too :thumbup:

So far, nothing else going on, a little gassy but that is about it for now...holding on til saturday! :haha:
Hello ladies hows everyone doing? Quick update before i have to go out i will pop back later to see how everyone is doing :)

Well, i was in a fairly bad way last night, fever, sickness, couldnt keep anything down and curled over in agony, so i decided enough was enough, i called the doctors this morning at 9am and they told me to come in about half 10, i just got home now, i was told to give urine sample and they gave me a pregnancy test, test was negative and urine sample lit up like a christmas tree (nurses words), i have a bad kidney and urine infection, im now on anti biotics and pain killers so i think thats me out this month, ive been booked in by my doctor to have a smear test and examination on the 26th of march and she will be looking for reasons as to why my af has been all over the place and if my af hasnt arrived by then (which will be over 3 weeks late) they want to do another pregnancy test, just a waiting game for af now i guess!!
Anyways i wanted to keep you all posted and i want to thank you all for all the support this month, you girls are true angels xx :hugs: xx
Hello again ladies. I have been gone for a few days and it seems like so much happens even when you are just gone for a day!!

Well for me I dont think that I ever ovulated this month. Felt like I was in a drug factory every morning here for the last two weeks. Take my temp as soon as I wake in bed (first month temping) and then using the CBFM (first month using this also) and then doing regular opk's also. Trying to get a hint somewhere along this journey. Well with the CBFM I have not recieved a peak yet at all. I had low all along until day 15. and it has stayed high through today cd 22. never truend to a peak and never got a positive on the opk either. but temp FF says I ovulated on day 18. I am so confused with my body on this whole thing.

Yesterday I went and had my bloodwork done on day 21 and I have to call today and see where my progesterone was. My first two months of Clomid on 50mg it was only at a 2.87. So doc up'd me to 100mg this month and she said if it isnt at least at a 10 then she wants to up it to 150 next month. I just wish I could understand why my body isnt wanting to work on its own. I know I'm over weight but I have lost over 40 lbs and have been active and it still just isnt wanting to do its thing!!

Has anyone else that is using the CBFM stay at high for 8+ days and never go to peak? Im just kind of surprised that it has stayed high for so long....
Hi ladies :hi: Just popping in real quick. Fertility friend finally gave me my crosshairs so I am now officially 3dpo. I'm not sure if this is gonna be my month so I just ordered OPKs and conceive plus and a reorder of my Fertilaid and FertileCM. Definitely going all out on this next cycle. :haha: Hopefully I won't need any of it, but just in case I'll have it all ready when the time comes :thumbup:
Hello ladies I have been MIA for a while any new BFP's and how is everyone doing any new doctors orders :)
Hello again ladies. I have been gone for a few days and it seems like so much happens even when you are just gone for a day!!

Well for me I dont think that I ever ovulated this month. Felt like I was in a drug factory every morning here for the last two weeks. Take my temp as soon as I wake in bed (first month temping) and then using the CBFM (first month using this also) and then doing regular opk's also. Trying to get a hint somewhere along this journey. Well with the CBFM I have not recieved a peak yet at all. I had low all along until day 15. and it has stayed high through today cd 22. never truend to a peak and never got a positive on the opk either. but temp FF says I ovulated on day 18. I am so confused with my body on this whole thing.

Yesterday I went and had my bloodwork done on day 21 and I have to call today and see where my progesterone was. My first two months of Clomid on 50mg it was only at a 2.87. So doc up'd me to 100mg this month and she said if it isnt at least at a 10 then she wants to up it to 150 next month. I just wish I could understand why my body isnt wanting to work on its own. I know I'm over weight but I have lost over 40 lbs and have been active and it still just isnt wanting to do its thing!!

Has anyone else that is using the CBFM stay at high for 8+ days and never go to peak? Im just kind of surprised that it has stayed high for so long....

Hiya, I didn't get a peak reading on my first 2 cycles with CBFM I did on the 3rd. It apparently takes a while to get to know you lol!
Hello ladies I have been MIA for a while any new BFP's and how is everyone doing any new doctors orders :)

I'm still waiting for either AF or a bfp. I'm putting my money on AF as I've just depressed myself comparing my temping chart on Fertility Friend. Only 3% of people with charts like mine got preggers :(:nope:
Hi ladies :hi: Just popping in real quick. Fertility friend finally gave me my crosshairs so I am now officially 3dpo. I'm not sure if this is gonna be my month so I just ordered OPKs and conceive plus and a reorder of my Fertilaid and FertileCM. Definitely going all out on this next cycle. :haha: Hopefully I won't need any of it, but just in case I'll have it all ready when the time comes :thumbup:

Woo!! Welcome to the TWW officially!
Hello ladies hows everyone doing? Quick update before i have to go out i will pop back later to see how everyone is doing :)

Well, i was in a fairly bad way last night, fever, sickness, couldnt keep anything down and curled over in agony, so i decided enough was enough, i called the doctors this morning at 9am and they told me to come in about half 10, i just got home now, i was told to give urine sample and they gave me a pregnancy test, test was negative and urine sample lit up like a christmas tree (nurses words), i have a bad kidney and urine infection, im now on anti biotics and pain killers so i think thats me out this month, ive been booked in by my doctor to have a smear test and examination on the 26th of march and she will be looking for reasons as to why my af has been all over the place and if my af hasnt arrived by then (which will be over 3 weeks late) they want to do another pregnancy test, just a waiting game for af now i guess!!
Anyways i wanted to keep you all posted and i want to thank you all for all the support this month, you girls are true angels xx :hugs: xx

Aw babe :hugs: that totally sucks! There's still hope though so I will cross everything for you :dust: hope you start to feel better soon xxx
Hello ladies hows everyone doing? Quick update before i have to go out i will pop back later to see how everyone is doing :)

Well, i was in a fairly bad way last night, fever, sickness, couldnt keep anything down and curled over in agony, so i decided enough was enough, i called the doctors this morning at 9am and they told me to come in about half 10, i just got home now, i was told to give urine sample and they gave me a pregnancy test, test was negative and urine sample lit up like a christmas tree (nurses words), i have a bad kidney and urine infection, im now on anti biotics and pain killers so i think thats me out this month, ive been booked in by my doctor to have a smear test and examination on the 26th of march and she will be looking for reasons as to why my af has been all over the place and if my af hasnt arrived by then (which will be over 3 weeks late) they want to do another pregnancy test, just a waiting game for af now i guess!!
Anyways i wanted to keep you all posted and i want to thank you all for all the support this month, you girls are true angels xx :hugs: xx

Aw babe :hugs: that totally sucks! There's still hope though so I will cross everything for you :dust: hope you start to feel better soon xxx

Thanks darlin :) just feeling a bit down today but i guess that will be due to illness, im just going to take things easy until my next docs app and they will test me again if af hasnt shown up by then, im also going to ask them to do blood work even though i really dont want to as im petrified of needles but needs must if af and bfn keeps hiding away!! until then there isnt really a lot i can do!!! im just worried that if i am pregnant or will potentially be pregnant wont the anti-biotics and painkillers im taking ruin my chance for the bean to stick???!!!???!!!??? xx
Hello Ladies :)

Hope you are feeling better now magic_angel I should imagine that they would take any possible pregnancy into account before prescribing anything so don't worry and just concentrate on getting better :hugs:

Feel absolutely knackered tonight and have already got my pyjamas on. Feeling a bit emotional too. Was round inlaws and saw a fridge magnet that was from a baby club and almost started crying felt like a right idiot lol.

Will be getting some HPT's on Friday when I do the grocery shopping so as long as AF stays away I will be testing from then onwards.

Hope you all had a great day :flower:
Hello ladies hows everyone doing? Quick update before i have to go out i will pop back later to see how everyone is doing :)

Well, i was in a fairly bad way last night, fever, sickness, couldnt keep anything down and curled over in agony, so i decided enough was enough, i called the doctors this morning at 9am and they told me to come in about half 10, i just got home now, i was told to give urine sample and they gave me a pregnancy test, test was negative and urine sample lit up like a christmas tree (nurses words), i have a bad kidney and urine infection, im now on anti biotics and pain killers so i think thats me out this month, ive been booked in by my doctor to have a smear test and examination on the 26th of march and she will be looking for reasons as to why my af has been all over the place and if my af hasnt arrived by then (which will be over 3 weeks late) they want to do another pregnancy test, just a waiting game for af now i guess!!
Anyways i wanted to keep you all posted and i want to thank you all for all the support this month, you girls are true angels xx :hugs: xx

Aw babe :hugs: that totally sucks! There's still hope though so I will cross everything for you :dust: hope you start to feel better soon xxx

Thanks darlin :) just feeling a bit down today but i guess that will be due to illness, im just going to take things easy until my next docs app and they will test me again if af hasnt shown up by then, im also going to ask them to do blood work even though i really dont want to as im petrified of needles but needs must if af and bfn keeps hiding away!! until then there isnt really a lot i can do!!! im just worried that if i am pregnant or will potentially be pregnant wont the anti-biotics and painkillers im taking ruin my chance for the bean to stick???!!!???!!!??? xx

Ohhh Magic so sorry your not well lovely :hugs: I still have everything crossed for you so don't give up hope, maybe bfn is because its still too early to tell, just hurry and get better and hopefully things will sort themselves out :thumbup: we're all here for you xxxx
Hello ladies hows everyone doing? Quick update before i have to go out i will pop back later to see how everyone is doing :)

Well, i was in a fairly bad way last night, fever, sickness, couldnt keep anything down and curled over in agony, so i decided enough was enough, i called the doctors this morning at 9am and they told me to come in about half 10, i just got home now, i was told to give urine sample and they gave me a pregnancy test, test was negative and urine sample lit up like a christmas tree (nurses words), i have a bad kidney and urine infection, im now on anti biotics and pain killers so i think thats me out this month, ive been booked in by my doctor to have a smear test and examination on the 26th of march and she will be looking for reasons as to why my af has been all over the place and if my af hasnt arrived by then (which will be over 3 weeks late) they want to do another pregnancy test, just a waiting game for af now i guess!!
Anyways i wanted to keep you all posted and i want to thank you all for all the support this month, you girls are true angels xx :hugs: xx

Aw babe :hugs: that totally sucks! There's still hope though so I will cross everything for you :dust: hope you start to feel better soon xxx

Thanks darlin :) just feeling a bit down today but i guess that will be due to illness, im just going to take things easy until my next docs app and they will test me again if af hasnt shown up by then, im also going to ask them to do blood work even though i really dont want to as im petrified of needles but needs must if af and bfn keeps hiding away!! until then there isnt really a lot i can do!!! im just worried that if i am pregnant or will potentially be pregnant wont the anti-biotics and painkillers im taking ruin my chance for the bean to stick???!!!???!!!??? xx

It sounds like the docs know there could be a chance of it, I don't think they would give you antibiotics if it could harm a potential bean xxx
I really hope you are!
Hello Ladies :)

Hope you are feeling better now magic_angel I should imagine that they would take any possible pregnancy into account before prescribing anything so don't worry and just concentrate on getting better :hugs:

Feel absolutely knackered tonight and have already got my pyjamas on. Feeling a bit emotional too. Was round inlaws and saw a fridge magnet that was from a baby club and almost started crying felt like a right idiot lol.

Will be getting some HPT's on Friday when I do the grocery shopping so as long as AF stays away I will be testing from then onwards.

Hope you all had a great day :flower:

Ooooh fingers crossed she stays away! AF is due for me on Friday, here's hoping we both get a bfp!
Are any of my curvy bump ladies watching one born every minute?

My weds routine after tea is bringing the iPad upstairs and chatting to you ladies whilst watching OBEM. I cry every week! Lol!
Thanks girls :) big :hugs: xx

Im not going to symptom spot or stress anymore until the 26th, got my fingers crossed for all you lovely ladies, i was kinda hoping that i could join you all in the 2ww again but i'll deffinately be cheering you all on and praying you all get that magical BFP this month :) xx

As for me, Ive told the other half to go spent some time with his neglected best friend for the night so i guess that involves the typical beer, football talk and and whatever else they get up to :) i am going to get my hot water bottle ready, take my tablets with a nice cup of tea and a movie in bed snuggled up to my dog who warms my bed up nicely :) only got 2 hours sleep last night because i was in pain so i will be taking FULL advantage of my bed and not worry about getting kicked out of it in the middle of the night lol (fella likes to do star shapes in bed so i get no room lol ) im signing out for the night lovelies so i will catch up with you all 2moro :) night night and sweet dreams :) and lots and lots of :dust: xxxxxxx
Are any of my curvy bump ladies watching one born every minute?

My weds routine after tea is bringing the iPad upstairs and chatting to you ladies whilst watching OBEM. I cry every week! Lol!

i have them all on record to get my fix :) i too cry lol, ive even had the fella in the room watching it with me, hes mentally taking notes on the do's and donts when it happens for us :) he knows i hate being hot (even though im a june baby) so he said to me dont worry i will make you a fan, get the cold cloths ready and a spray bottle with water in to you you cool :) he also said he will rub my back and do anything i ask him to do lol ive got a good one here :) better than some of those dads on that Maternity ward one where a father was just playing games on his phone whilst his wife was in pain on her own, when my fella see's those men he just looks at me, shakes his head and says i wont do that i promise lol :haha:
Hello Lovelies,

Oh, I feel like such a fraud after my rant this morning, I'm so sorry girls - I came home form work tonight and decided to give myself one last chance and i'm so glad i did as it was there i got my second line on the OPK ??? A little bit giddy and shocked, I decided to use my last CB Digi and got my smiley happy face (my first) :shrug: I was convinced it was over and i'd missed it !!
I'm so confused, I cannot believe the games our bodies play with us, just when we think we know what we are doing, they throw us a curveball !
Obviously i'm over the moon and we will carry on Bd'ing as we have been
im just so shocked :thumbup: thank you all for your support and encouragement it means a lot been able to let off steam or talk about how i'm feeling to people who understand :hugs:

Good luck to all of you who will be testing this weekend, it would be great if you had BFP's to report together, I'm hoping just one will have a domino effect for us all :winkwink:


Are any of my curvy bump ladies watching one born every minute?

My weds routine after tea is bringing the iPad upstairs and chatting to you ladies whilst watching OBEM. I cry every week! Lol!

I record and watch when OH isn't here as I like to cry alone ha ha
I love watching it thought xxxxx:flower:

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