Any "plus-size", bigger gals TTC their first? :)

Update on my TWW - looks like the witchy witch is here :(
So I'm giving you all my share of :dust: in the hope one of you will get that bfp!!!

Oh no I hate that B:witch: she has worst timing ever !!!
Big hugs Jo Jo we are all here for you:hugs:
Thanks hun xx I started to expect her cos of temps dropping. The tightness cramps went and were slightly different and bbs only hurt for 1 day.

Oh well! Not sure what to do next cycle as baby would be due Christmas week. Potentially the 25th dec!
Jo_bean I am sorry that witch got you but how exciting that you could have a Christmas baby :hugs:

I think the witch may not be far off for me either. I feel tired and a bit emotional and I am craving junk food which are usually sure signs for me that she is on her way.

Have realised today that my last cycle was 33/34 days which isn't mega long but I have been working things out based on a 31 day cycle so I think my next AF is due either Monday or Wednesday. I wish I had kept a track of my periods while we were taking a break so I could work stuff like this out. I have found out a little diary so have started writing this stuff down so I will hopefully be better prepared next month.

All the baby names mentioned are so lovely :flower: I get the feeling that if I do get a BFP I will be certain about my names but change my mind at the last minute. :haha:

Mothers day this weekend. Hubbys family take his mom and sister in law out for a meal to celebrate but we usually make an excuse as I sometimes feel that sister in law is rubbing it in my face that she is a mum and I am not. I don't know if I am just being sensitive but I find it better not to go.

More cleaning and gardening today. Was hoping to have the house spotless by now but ended up helping hubs with the garden a lot yesterday so didn't get as much as a wanted done.

Hope you all have a great day :flower:
Thanks josephine....
well had gone for the second ultrasound and he follicile size is 12.1 :(
just planning to meet the doctor tonight...
Thanks hun xx I started to expect her cos of temps dropping. The tightness cramps went and were slightly different and bbs only hurt for 1 day.

Oh well! Not sure what to do next cycle as baby would be due Christmas week. Potentially the 25th dec!

Aww hun you seem really down, I really feel for you it's an awful situation, and I i really do know how you feel :hugs:
I say next cycle go for it, a December baby would be lovely and think of all the Christmas themed names:
Mary etc etc

Lots of love xxxxx
Ah thanks ladies. I was hoping for a miracle on mothers day but I can look forward to a Christmas baby instead now :):)

I'm alright. I should be used to it by now lol! But I thought the preseed and Fertilitea would have been the missing ingredients. The good news is that I will have all the temping to compare as this was the first month back on temping etc.
Hello Ladies :)

Where has the day gone today? I cannot believe its already after 3pm!!

So doing my chores today I had plenty of time to think and I have convinced myself that I am out for this month but to try and stay positive I have come up with my top ten reasons why its okay if I do not get my BFP this month.

1. It gives me more time to lose weight.
2. It gives me more time to get the smoking kicked.
3. Baby would have been due on mother in laws birthday.
4. Gives me more time to finish the house and garden.
5. Might get a Christmas baby.
6. There is a lot going on at the moment with grandparents ill etc
7. I will be able to help hubby more with doing up the garden (lifting heavy things etc)
8. Another months worth of Folic acid in my system healthy for me and baby
9. Another month with you ladies :)
10. Good things come to those who wait.

Watching hoarder now so I do not feel so bad about the pile of washing waiting to be put away :haha:
Hello Ladies :)

Where has the day gone today? I cannot believe its already after 3pm!!

So doing my chores today I had plenty of time to think and I have convinced myself that I am out for this month but to try and stay positive I have come up with my top ten reasons why its okay if I do not get my BFP this month.

1. It gives me more time to lose weight.
2. It gives me more time to get the smoking kicked.
3. Baby would have been due on mother in laws birthday.
4. Gives me more time to finish the house and garden.
5. Might get a Christmas baby.
6. There is a lot going on at the moment with grandparents ill etc
7. I will be able to help hubby more with doing up the garden (lifting heavy things etc)
8. Another months worth of Folic acid in my system healthy for me and baby
9. Another month with you ladies :)
10. Good things come to those who wait.

Watching hoarder now so I do not feel so bad about the pile of washing waiting to be put away :haha:

Absolutely LOVE this list! Way to be positive! :thumbup:
Just wanted to chime in with this thread, I'm a bigger lady too and currently waiting to hear back from a private fertility specialist to see if he will consider treating me (I have PCOS and extremely long cycles) with my BMI of 44.
Hello Ladies :)

Where has the day gone today? I cannot believe its already after 3pm!!

So doing my chores today I had plenty of time to think and I have convinced myself that I am out for this month but to try and stay positive I have come up with my top ten reasons why its okay if I do not get my BFP this month.

1. It gives me more time to lose weight.
2. It gives me more time to get the smoking kicked.
3. Baby would have been due on mother in laws birthday.
4. Gives me more time to finish the house and garden.
5. Might get a Christmas baby.
6. There is a lot going on at the moment with grandparents ill etc
7. I will be able to help hubby more with doing up the garden (lifting heavy things etc)
8. Another months worth of Folic acid in my system healthy for me and baby
9. Another month with you ladies :)
10. Good things come to those who wait.

Watching hoarder now so I do not feel so bad about the pile of washing waiting to be put away :haha:

All good reasons, except number 9 - do you really think if you got your bfp we'd let you disappear!?!?! We are team curvy bumps and we will stay together til the last one of us gets that curvy bump lady! and don't you forget it! :hugs: xxxxxxx
Hi ladies!
Jo_Bean - so sorry to hear the witch got you! Keep some of that baby dust and put it in your pocket for next month :flower: I don't really want a Christmas baby (hubby's birthday is DEc 19th and he hates it so close to Christmas), but I won't stop trying just because a date will fall where I don't want it. It could be THE month. :thumbup: I saw you talking about one born every minute. Love that show! I make my hubby watch it with me sometimes. I just hope all the crazy stuff that goes on between all the family members in the room doesn't go on when it's my turn.

Bbbunny- Great list and way to stay positive. Love it! Do you know when you ovulate? If you can pinpoint ovulation then you'll know when to expect AF. The second half of your cycle tends to always be the same length, maybe off a day, but the first half can vary. Hopefully the :witch: just stays away though.

Magic- So sorry to hear about everything going on with you! I hope the pain subsides soon and AF will make her appearence if you really aren't pregnant so you can get back to trying. :hugs:

Josephine- Congrats on the +OPK. Get to :sex: you know what to do ;)

Welcome to all the new ladies! There always seems to be a few more of you every time I log in. :flower:

So I see you ladies talking about baby names. I have a huge list (in my signature) of baby names. There are just so many I love! I have a pretty unconventional naming style and most people don't like my names. I'm ok with that though. I lvoe them and that's all that matters. For a girl my current fave is Emerson Grace or Pandora Grace and for a boy Jackson Levi and also Reese. I don't know what to put as a middle name for that one. I try and do the more traditional spellings if I can, but most Americans would look at Rhys and absolutely butcher it so Reese it is. Maybe Reese Alexander? I need like 20 children to get all the names I love in there somewhere, lol! I already have nicknames for Emerson, Pandora, and Jackson too- Emmy, Panda and Jax. I just think they're so cute.

So today I am 4dpo, but I already feel like AF is coming which is super weird. I normally can tell when she is coming a few days before, but my luteal phase should be around 15 days so way to early still. I don't know what to make of that. Keeping my fingers crossed it's a good sign.
Fx'd and :dust: Panda!!!!

And thanks for your support xxxxx I wouldn't choose a Christmas baby but I could live with it! Beggars can't be choosers as we say!
so far ive been successful in not testing...though tonight is so tempting...but i feel like AF is right around the corner...which would put her exactly on schedule...boooo! I know i not out yet, but still gearing myself up for it :growlmad: hoping hoping hoping that maybe im wrong, but i guess there is always next month...i wouldnt mind a little christmas present :thumbup:
so far ive been successful in not testing...though tonight is so tempting...but i feel like AF is right around the corner...which would put her exactly on schedule...boooo! I know i not out yet, but still gearing myself up for it :growlmad: hoping hoping hoping that maybe im wrong, but i guess there is always next month...i wouldnt mind a little christmas present :thumbup:

You are the same as me lol I know AF is on her way been getting the dull cramps, have put a bit of water weight on and feel tired and emotional which usually means she will be rearing her ugly head pretty soon. I even checked a few times last night as I thought she was already here but nothing so far.

My last few cycles she seems to come in an afternoon rather than overnight so will keep checking today.

Had conversation with hubby last night as he could tell I was feeling down about the whole thing. I asked him what we do if this just isn't gonna happen for us and he said we will cross that bridge if we come to it I just feel like it seems to be so easy for so many people it's just so typical that we would have problems. Sometimes it just feels like everything I try and do has to be a struggle when other people just don't have to even try. Had my gran on the phone nagging me about it all yesterday saying that we need to have one now as I am getting older etc etc. Felt like crying and putting the phone down.

Arghhh got those dull AF cramps again now every time I get them its like a reminder that I have failed again.

Well that's enough feeling sorry for myself!! I will be looking over the weekend more about temping. Can anyone recommend what thermometer is the best for it and also if I temp will that definitely show if I am ovulating or not as one of my fears is that I do not ovulate.

Woke up this morning to a pile of decking sitting in the back garden so I think hubby has decided on another project to keep him busy.

Have a great day everyone :) I cannot believe its the weekend again already :happydance:
Aw bunny, I know exactly what you mean. Some people get all the glorious and wonderful things that seem to come so easily. Why do we have to work twice, three or ten times as hard as everyone else to get anywhere near what they just have naturally?
Makes me so angry.

My Gran is the same, she is always saying "better hurry up and have a baby" she even says "you know what you've got to do, I can't help you" and I get so mad, she adopted as she and my grandfather couldn't have kids, so you'd think she'd understand even more, but no. She just goes on and on. I want to shout at her, but then she's an old lady and I don't want to upset her, so I just keep it to myself.

I wish I could sometimes un-know all the ttc things that I know. To transport myself back to a time when we just thought it would happen when I stopped the pill. Just to experience those first few months of innocent trying and see if it would happen naturally without having to learn as much about my body as I do.

The only thing that keeps me going just before AF is that when my friend got pregnant she said she felt exactly the same as if AF was coming and if she hadn't been late she wouldn't have thought of testing. So maybe the symptoms of bfp are soooo similar to AF for some of us that there is still that little bit of hope.

and if not, we brush ourselves off, pick ourselves up and get back on that horse.

because what other options do we have!?

I hate not being in control of my life, to the point of thinking about buying something ridiculously stupid, just so I can say to myself, I want it, so I'll have it.

ttc is the only thing I can't get control of and it drives me round the bend!
Wow, this is such a great forum. I didn't even think I'd find something where I can fit in like the rest of this group!
I JUST quit my bc for the first time in 10 years... We have decided we are TTC our 1st but haven't been trying too hard. I've wanted children ALL my life and to finally be trying is a wonderful feeling.
I am over 200 lbs but hoping to lose a bit before we actually do conceive. Btw, my name is Jenn.
Right, I haven't changed my ticker yet because I thought AF was here, but then she went. She wasn't her normal self.

I always get backache and then dead legs when she arrives full force, and hadn't had that until right now.

So I'm thinking that the possibility is she got here early, realised she was early, went home again, repacked her suitcase and now is just taking the exit off the motorway to arrive at my house in the next couple of hours.


it was implantation bleeding. (but I swear I saw red and not just brown)

I'm going to keep my ticker the way it is for luck, until she comes back. Which I'm sure she will.

But hope she doesn't.

I hate my body, it's so bloody confusing! You'd think after nearly 5 years I'd know what I was doing, but nope. Body has a mind of it's own, separate to the one in my head.

And it's cruel, cruel I tell you! LOL!
Wow, this is such a great forum. I didn't even think I'd find something where I can fit in like the rest of this group!
I JUST quit my bc for the first time in 10 years... We have decided we are TTC our 1st but haven't been trying too hard. I've wanted children ALL my life and to finally be trying is a wonderful feeling.
I am over 200 lbs but hoping to lose a bit before we actually do conceive. Btw, my name is Jenn.

Hi Jenn :hi: welcome!

This is officially the coolest thread on the entire board of course! LOL!

Well we think so becaus ethe ladies are so fantastic.

Welcome and how exciting that you are at the beginning of your fabulous journey! Wishing you loads of :dust: and my advice would be, just enjoy it and have loads of :sex: that should help with the weight loss too :D
Just found this thread. I am 193 lbs. Used to be 220...went down to 169 and back up to 193 again. I am trying to excerise and walk more but I am worried that my weight may be an issue.

Any BFPs in here yet?!
Just found this thread. I am 193 lbs. Used to be 220...went down to 169 and back up to 193 again. I am trying to excerise and walk more but I am worried that my weight may be an issue.

Any BFPs in here yet?!

:hi: come and join us! Well done on your weight loss so far! :thumbup:

no official bfps to report from team curvy bump just yet, but we're all hopeful!

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