Any "plus-size", bigger gals TTC their first? :)

Hi Ladies!

I am so sorry I haven't been on! There are sooo many new faces! Very good to see! And I REALLY love the sparkly siggy! Super cute :wohoo:

I have good news and bad news with my MRI findings.

Good news - My back is healing amazingly, I did not re-injure it! YAY!:happydance:

Bad news - The extreme pain I have everyday is severe nerve damage. He said my injury was in the top 2% of bad back injury's (not that there is a good one lol). So the nerve damage, even though is worse than he thought, is to be expected. He said this will be a forever thing. It's not going anywhere anytime soon. :cry:

Good news - I have FINALLY been cleared to start working out again!! YAY! :happydance:

It's taken me a few weeks to pick myself up about this. This is the worse case that I was dreading. Well, almost worst case. At least I'm not looking at another surgery!

However, I've decided to no longer be down about it or keep placing my plans on hold. We were TTC when I hurt my back in 5/09. I had to put it on hold and I am not waiting anymore. So new plan: Work on getting some weight off, start temping and charting again, get my cycle back on tract, Then return to actively TTC, :sex: our heads off and finally, HOPEFULLY get a little miracle! Or two, I'm not picky :blush:

I really hope this plan works! LOL

I hope all of you are doing amazingly tonight! :hugs:
Hello, hello! Don't know how I missed this thread but I am so, so, so glad to see so many other lovely plus-size ladies to talk to. I'm currently a bit over 200 lbs (size 18/20). I had lost a lot of the weight back in 2007 (got down to 150 lbs and at 5'4'' that's almost in the normal range!), but I put it all back on in 2010 when I quit smoking. And YES! I have stayed quit! and I am so, so, so glad. :D I've tried to lose the weight again, but realized I was NOT being healthy in how I was going about it. With quitting smoking my metabolism took a tragic nose dive that I'm still recovering from, and for the first few months I stopped ovulation/menstruating altogether. At this point, I'm just trying to learn to eat healthy foods and worry about losing weight later. Right now I am concentrating on taking care of myself exactly how I am! The good news is that I haven't gained any more weight in the last month and I actually dropped a couple pounds. I hope to eventually lose the weight but do it WITHOUT counting calories.

The only real downside to my size right now is that it makes my cycles so irregular- which is frustrating! But OPK's are being helpful, so it's not so bad. I just wish I had nice, short cycles like I see so many other ladies having! My husband and I picked up a Qigong DVD this past week, so hopefully we'll start doing that soon. :)

Anyway! It's wonderful to meet all of you! And I'm looking forward to getting to know everyone. :hugs:

AF got me today, too! Big big BIG SIGH! Oh well, maybe we'll be lucky next month. And having a Christmas baby is not ideal but I will definitely take it!!!

Sorry to hear that horrble witch got you fingers crossed for this cycle :hugs:

Well as for me, Af still not here for me :(
I went to vistit my aunt yesterday, had a long chat about what the doctor said and she asked me about all my symptoms, she doesnt know that im ttc, i told her that for the past week and half ive had metallic taste in my mouth, my urine has white floaty bits in (have no idea what that is) nipples are sore and not so pinkish anymore, more pale (as im white as a ghost i noticed the change in colour), really really tired and cant seem to stay awake if i stare at something for a little longer than usual i find my self nodding of which ive never done, urinating every 10 minutes and cant go through the night anymore, have to pee at least 10 times uring the night (so bbt charting at the moment is a no go), boobs are tingly but not everyday its more like every other day, and they feel so full, like im touching water balloons..... she looked at me and said it doesnt matter what the pregnancy test at the doctors say, i think you might be pregnant as everyone she knows that has been pregnant for the last 4 years have mentioned all that list to her when they have gone round to hers for a chat. she said maybe blood work would show up a pregnancy...

im not holding up anymore hope though as i think its just a matter of time before she shows up and i think my body is going back to 45-65 day cycles :( anyhooo as you can imagine im willing this bloody witch (pardon the pun) to visit me so i can get back into a normal cycle.....Fed up of waiting now!!!!

Hope everyone is good, whats happening with you all?? fingers crossed for you all as if anyone deserves to be a momma its you lovely ladies!!!!
Big :hugs: and lots of :dust: xxxxx
Im so happy i found this thread!! Im 5'6 and 210 pounds and ttc! For 6 years i have been ntnp and nothing has ever happened :( i have been eating healthier and going to the gym on and off since august and lost more than 20 pounds...considering its from august its not alot but its a start! :D i have pretty regular cycles 26-29 days af always lasts 5 days i am healthy haven't been to the doctor in nearly 10 years, can out last girls half my size at the i don't know what is wrong with me and why its never happened! :( but this month will be my first month really tryinwith charting my temp, opks, conceive plus and trying the smep plan! Currently cd3 and I am giving myself til Feb 13 and if im still not pregnant, it will be time to bite the bullet and go visit my doctor. here's hoping to lots of big beautiful BFPs for 2012!! Good luck ladies.
Well hello :hi: everyone! been a bit busy on here then, ok working backwards

ICJames - welcome! we're happy you found us too! Let's hope that it's just been a matter of timing befor enow and that if you start charting and temping it will happen! :dust: to you and glad you're here!

Magic - Bless you, your Aunt sounds like a wise old oracle who everyone goes to visit for guidance! I wish I had a magic button to switch for you so that you forgot about it all until witch shows up or until you get a bfp! Fingers crossed it's a bean and not just the witch being a bitch!

Pinksprinkles - :hi: welcome! Nice to have you. I put all my weight back on when I gave up smoking too. But now that you have quit the positive side is, you still don't smoke and that is now in the past. One job down :) well done! I know you don't want to count calories, but I find slimmingworld helps me. It's not like a diet, just a bit of re-education on what's good and bad, and the support you get at the group meetings is great. Just an idea, it works for me.

MandaPanda - glad to see you back. Great news that you don't have to have the op! Bad news about the nerve damage. But it must help to know what it is and why and begin to find ways of managing the pain. Go you! Get :sex: and catch that sticky bean!!!

BBBunny - oh no! that's a rubbish way to start the day :( :hugs: you must be knackered! Is there anything you can take for tension pains? SOmething herbal and relaxing? Do you drink honey, cinnamon and milk before bed? It really helps to chill me out and helps with TTC! Still hope for you this cycle though hun, think positive!

Bunny and Magic - try some visualisation, positive thoughts, just imagine there is a bean in there burrowing away, making itself comfy ready to sprout arms and legs and grow nice and big and healthy. Just keep thinking that's the case, maybe it will be!

Sooshiewoosh - sorry AF got you, you must only be a few days behind me - let's do it this cycle!! COME ON!!!

Panda - sorry the witch you got you too :( 6 days LP?? that does sound weird. I have read in a few places here that Ferileaid can affect cycles. Sounds like a good plan, give it one more month to properly settle in and if it messes you around next cycle too, I'd give it a miss the one after. Also, it will get you through the slightly undesirable Christmas baby window without technically not trying.

CdnEquestrian - Hello you, I keep missing you lately. Hope everything is ok :) :hugs: Also agree with the normal comments. 5 years for me, so I'm defo not normal. But then probably never was! I always worried anyway, I think that's just natural.

Sorry if I missed anyone! That was a mammoth update!

:dust: :hugs: :dust: :hugs: :dust: :hugs: :dust: :hugs: :dust: :hugs: :dust: :hugs: :dust: :hugs: :dust: :hugs: :dust: :hugs: :dust: :hugs: :dust: :hugs: :dust: :hugs: :dust: :hugs: :dust: :hugs: :dust: :hugs: :dust: :hugs: :dust: :hugs: :dust: :hugs:
Well hello :hi: everyone! been a bit busy on here then, ok working backwards

ICJames - welcome! we're happy you found us too! Let's hope that it's just been a matter of timing befor enow and that if you start charting and temping it will happen! :dust: to you and glad you're here!

Magic - Bless you, your Aunt sounds like a wise old oracle who everyone goes to visit for guidance! I wish I had a magic button to switch for you so that you forgot about it all until witch shows up or until you get a bfp! Fingers crossed it's a bean and not just the witch being a bitch!

Pinksprinkles - :hi: welcome! Nice to have you. I put all my weight back on when I gave up smoking too. But now that you have quit the positive side is, you still don't smoke and that is now in the past. One job down :) well done! I know you don't want to count calories, but I find slimmingworld helps me. It's not like a diet, just a bit of re-education on what's good and bad, and the support you get at the group meetings is great. Just an idea, it works for me.

MandaPanda - glad to see you back. Great news that you don't have to have the op! Bad news about the nerve damage. But it must help to know what it is and why and begin to find ways of managing the pain. Go you! Get :sex: and catch that sticky bean!!!

BBBunny - oh no! that's a rubbish way to start the day :( :hugs: you must be knackered! Is there anything you can take for tension pains? SOmething herbal and relaxing? Do you drink honey, cinnamon and milk before bed? It really helps to chill me out and helps with TTC! Still hope for you this cycle though hun, think positive!

Bunny and Magic - try some visualisation, positive thoughts, just imagine there is a bean in there burrowing away, making itself comfy ready to sprout arms and legs and grow nice and big and healthy. Just keep thinking that's the case, maybe it will be!

Sooshiewoosh - sorry AF got you, you must only be a few days behind me - let's do it this cycle!! COME ON!!!

Panda - sorry the witch you got you too :( 6 days LP?? that does sound weird. I have read in a few places here that Ferileaid can affect cycles. Sounds like a good plan, give it one more month to properly settle in and if it messes you around next cycle too, I'd give it a miss the one after. Also, it will get you through the slightly undesirable Christmas baby window without technically not trying.

CdnEquestrian - Hello you, I keep missing you lately. Hope everything is ok :) :hugs: Also agree with the normal comments. 5 years for me, so I'm defo not normal. But then probably never was! I always worried anyway, I think that's just natural.

Sorry if I missed anyone! That was a mammoth update!

:dust: :hugs: :dust: :hugs: :dust: :hugs: :dust: :hugs: :dust: :hugs: :dust: :hugs: :dust: :hugs: :dust: :hugs: :dust: :hugs: :dust: :hugs: :dust: :hugs: :dust: :hugs: :dust: :hugs: :dust: :hugs: :dust: :hugs: :dust: :hugs: :dust: :hugs: :dust: :hugs:

Thanks so much Jo_bean i hope so too :hugs: but I've always had this feeling like it just wouldn't happen for me...yet every month i always get my hopes up and end up disappointed lol. now my little sister is 3 months pregnant its even harder but, i will be eternally optimistic :)
I have been reading back through the pages and in regards to baby names if i ever have a girl her name will be Illyria Christina James that has been her name for about the same time i have been ttc, her last name changes sometimes tho lol, but regardless what anyone thinks i adore tht name...I've never been able to settle on a boys name th but i like riley or Oliver...
ICJames - I totally know how you feel, really do. How old are you (if you don't mind me asking) because technically you could go to the docs sooner rather than later. Sometimes it can be quite a long process, so no reason not to get the ball rolling. Up to you though, I did find it to help put our minds at ease but I wish we had gone sooner.

RE: names - I love the name Riley, but I used it for my dog! Not meant as an insult or anything at all as he is my baby and I love him more than anything. I do sometimes wish I'd saved it for a boys name though, nothing jumps out at me for a boy. I just think there is less choice for boys in general, especially if you aren't into slightly more modern/out there names, which I'm not really, well not for a boy.
ICJames - I totally know how you feel, really do. How old are you (if you don't mind me asking) because technically you could go to the docs sooner rather than later. Sometimes it can be quite a long process, so no reason not to get the ball rolling. Up to you though, I did find it to help put our minds at ease but I wish we had gone sooner.

RE: names - I love the name Riley, but I used it for my dog! Not meant as an insult or anything at all as he is my baby and I love him more than anything. I do sometimes wish I'd saved it for a boys name though, nothing jumps out at me for a boy. I just think there is less choice for boys in general, especially if you aren't into slightly more modern/out there names, which I'm not really, well not for a boy.

I don't mind at all im quickly learning on this site there is no question too personal and no such thing as tmi lol. im 27, 28 in October and i always thought if i go to the doctor he will tell me im too fat and to go and lose weight before i come back...which is what i am doing this year and...if im not pregnant by September, then i am going to go to Vegas so...not sure its worth going to the docs before then..? Its so funny how you spend all of your teens trying to prevent this then you think it will be so easy and years later you are stil trying :(
Hello everyone! AF got me on Friday, so i had a mopey weekend, though i did get to spend the day with my DH on Saturday hitting some yard sales (hooray for the nice weather!)

Welcome to all the new curvybump ladies! I wonder if there is a way to add that to the thread name?

Anyway, on to the next cycle for me, I had my day of sad and now im ready for the witch to pack her cauldron and leave so we can get on with the next one! :winkwink:
Exactly, I just think that all those years I was taking the pill and I didn't need to be!

I was 27 when we started ttc. We had our last lot of tests last year when I was 30. This year I will be 32 and still not with bump.

If your doctor is any good they will tell you about the weight, but it won't be the focus of their conversation. Their answer to everything is lose weight, but ours were quite supportive, they did the tests anyway and helped iwth other ideas.
Hello everyone! AF got me on Friday, so i had a mopey weekend, though i did get to spend the day with my DH on Saturday hitting some yard sales (hooray for the nice weather!)

Welcome to all the new curvybump ladies! I wonder if there is a way to add that to the thread name?

Anyway, on to the next cycle for me, I had my day of sad and now im ready for the witch to pack her cauldron and leave so we can get on with the next one! :winkwink:

Hi Melly - sorry :witch: got you. Looks like we'll probably ov around the same time this cycle. Let's go for it!

Oh I think we'd need DontWorry to do it, as she started the thread, although I've not seen her for ages.
I love the name riley but fella doesnt, see we clash with one thing and that is common/not so common names for our kids as he likes common and i dont lol, ive been thinking of girls names for as long as i can remember, i wanted Brooke for a girl but my aunty stole that name from me when she had her little girl 10 years ago and i loved wesley for a boy but she stole that too :( i then wanted aimee for a girl and my other aunty named her daughter that 9 years ago when i mentioned it, so i keep names away from my family now lol

Fella wants names like emily, chloe, sammi and holly for a girl but i keep telling him that they are all names that my cousins have so for now we are liking Kaitlyn Louise, Kimberly Louise, Ellie Rose (which he doesnt like the rose for a middle name) and Layla Marie..... for a boy i want scott as a middle name as its fellas middle name, so we are liking Cameron scott, Kayden Scott (i like, he doesnt so im working my magic on that one) Corey and thats all we have lol i have a HUGE list of girls names and only a few boys, hense the reasons ive told fella he can choose a girls name lol i havent told him that im crap at choosing boys names lol My dog is called miya and im soooooooo gutted i gave that name away as i wanted to name my daughter that but as shes only 2 years old im weening her off that name, i now call her fat head and she answers to that lol so she has a new name if i decide to steal her name back off her lol :) xx
Oh Magic, I actually laughed out loud. I can imagine you out walking the dog, "come here fat head" :rofl:

I actually do call Riley monkey brains or monkey man. So maybe he'll be used to that one day LOL

Aimee is on my shortlist as it's French for beloved and if psycho Gail is correct with her predictions, then I'll have a little girl next Feb around Valentines day. LOL! (I'll take anything to believe in right now)

My sister's name is Kimberley. Kimberley Laura Jane. Mum and Dad wanted to call her Kimberley Jane but apparently (I was 3) I made them add the Laura in too. I dont' know why, I have nothing against the name (apart from my ex ran off with a Laura behind my back, but he did me a favour really as I met my hubby) but it's not like it's my favourite name in the world. Obvs was when I was 3 LOL!
Hmm i don't have a bf so nobody to dispute the names with me Haha :p
I always think Lucas sounds nice with Scott

EDIT: Just realised, the reason that it sounds nice to me is that I totally had a crush on Lucas Scott out of One Tree Hill :rofl:

EDIT AGAIN: He was hot tho... :D
I always think Lucas sounds nice with Scott

EDIT: Just realised, the reason that it sounds nice to me is that I totally had a crush on Lucas Scott out of One Tree Hill :rofl:

EDIT AGAIN: He was hot tho... :D

Lol i agree, he is hot!
Oh Magic, I actually laughed out loud. I can imagine you out walking the dog, "come here fat head" :rofl:

I actually do call Riley monkey brains or monkey man. So maybe he'll be used to that one day LOL

Aimee is on my shortlist as it's French for beloved and if psycho Gail is correct with her predictions, then I'll have a little girl next Feb around Valentines day. LOL! (I'll take anything to believe in right now)

My sister's name is Kimberley. Kimberley Laura Jane. Mum and Dad wanted to call her Kimberley Jane but apparently (I was 3) I made them add the Laura in too. I dont' know why, I have nothing against the name (apart from my ex ran off with a Laura behind my back, but he did me a favour really as I met my hubby) but it's not like it's my favourite name in the world. Obvs was when I was 3 LOL!

aww its lucky my mum didnt take my advice for naming my 2 brothers and 1 sister (all younger than me) as i went round calling my sister chucky and my youngest brother shmoosh when they were kids lol

Lol glad i could make you chuckle but it really is true, my dog has a MAHOOOOSIVE head and it could cause earthquakes in china when she flops it down on your lap, so we started messing around with the fat head name a few months back just adding it into conversation whenever she was around and now when shes laying on us snoring away and one of us says man look at that fat head or oi fat head she looks up at us straight away and pounces on us lol, we sometimes (when outside) dont get a reaction when we say her name so now we just started calling her fat head instead of miya and she responds everytime :) that one way of getting my name back :) fella wanted to get a jack russel puppy and call her layla but i told him i wanted to save that name, he really likes that name too so no more animals are getting my precious names!!!! :happydance:
Oh Magic, I actually laughed out loud. I can imagine you out walking the dog, "come here fat head" :rofl:

I actually do call Riley monkey brains or monkey man. So maybe he'll be used to that one day LOL

Aimee is on my shortlist as it's French for beloved and if psycho Gail is correct with her predictions, then I'll have a little girl next Feb around Valentines day. LOL! (I'll take anything to believe in right now)

My sister's name is Kimberley. Kimberley Laura Jane. Mum and Dad wanted to call her Kimberley Jane but apparently (I was 3) I made them add the Laura in too. I dont' know why, I have nothing against the name (apart from my ex ran off with a Laura behind my back, but he did me a favour really as I met my hubby) but it's not like it's my favourite name in the world. Obvs was when I was 3 LOL!

aww its lucky my mum didnt take my advice for naming my 2 brothers and 1 sister (all younger than me) as i went round calling my sister chucky and my youngest brother shmoosh when they were kids lol

Lol glad i could make you chuckle but it really is true, my dog has a MAHOOOOSIVE head and it could cause earthquakes in china when she flops it down on your lap, so we started messing around with the fat head name a few months back just adding it into conversation whenever she was around and now when shes laying on us snoring away and one of us says man look at that fat head or oi fat head she looks up at us straight away and pounces on us lol, we sometimes (when outside) dont get a reaction when we say her name so now we just started calling her fat head instead of miya and she responds everytime :) that one way of getting my name back :) fella wanted to get a jack russel puppy and call her layla but i told him i wanted to save that name, he really likes that name too so no more animals are getting my precious names!!!! :happydance:

I like the name Layla, that's pretty.

You'll have to choose any future pets by looking for an outstanding feature. Here white paw, here spotty, here wrinkle bum.

Love the name Shmoosh :D

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