Any "plus-size", bigger gals TTC their first? :)

Sounds like you have a massive family Magic!

So the most recent names for boys to become unavailable to me are;
Harry, Brandon, Mason, Logan, George, Harrison, Caden, Lucio, Dillon, Taylor & Tyler. Not that I particularly wanted any of those but they are all from the last 12 months that my friends have chosen for their new bundles of joy.

Recent girls names; Sophia, Bailie, Olivia, Mia, Amelia, Lotti, Zoe, Lucy, Ada, Alice, Scarlett, Betsy, Ivy & Daisy.
Hey gals! Would love to be apart of the "team curvy bumps"! I am 185 pounds and 5 foot nothin! lol OH and I joined the gym a few months back hes lossed 20 pounds and ive been fluctuating (sp?) but going up instead of down :( Heres hoping its just muscle! Having a really hard time staying motivated... especially after getting a BFN every month I just want to eat everything bad in sight cuz it makes me feel so crappy!! Heres hoping this is our month! And all of you ladies as well!
Hiya :hi: you are very welcome here! How long have you been ttc?
Hey gals! Would love to be apart of the "team curvy bumps"! I am 185 pounds and 5 foot nothin! lol OH and I joined the gym a few months back hes lossed 20 pounds and ive been fluctuating (sp?) but going up instead of down :( Heres hoping its just muscle! Having a really hard time staying motivated... especially after getting a BFN every month I just want to eat everything bad in sight cuz it makes me feel so crappy!! Heres hoping this is our month! And all of you ladies as well!

Hey Magan welcome to curvy bumps :) 5 years of ttc and every month that bfn slaps me in the face, it is hard work but i feel like if i dont laugh and try to stay sane i would cry all day and end up doing something daft!! and just before i started to think that i might actually go out and kill someone i found this forum and these fabulous women who are in the same boat as me, and i found that if i dont want to talk about ttc i dont have to on here i can talk about whatever i want and its nice that they just understand everything i am going through, these women are stuck with me now and im glad you came over to join our ever expanding big beautiful women group :) anytime you need to chat we are here :)
As for the wanting to eat all the bad foods, i wish i could too but then i just tell myself that the more bad food i eat the more weight i gain the further away my chances get of having my baby in my arms and i walk away from the fridge and cuboards and i grab an apple instead :) you can do it hun, we can all do it and until then we will just support each other in the good times and bad :)

:hugs: and :dust:
Hey Magic - you me and Josephine should start a 5 year club!
Actually, you could just change "Team Jo-Jo" to "Team Magic Jo-Jo" LOL!
Hello All our lovely ladies and welcome to all our new people, I love how this thread and our team curvy bumps keeps on growing and growing :thumbup:

Sorry I haven't been on for a while, I have been with you all of the way just feeling a bit crappy and full of flu so haven't really had any energy, I've had myself a duvet day today and been very, very lazy, I'm 3 DPO and haven't really any kind of symptoms :winkwink:

Soooo baby names I love are old fashioned and traditional I absolutely love Jane Austen and Jane Eyre novels and love ❤ a good period drama on tv, so my definite fave for a girl is Darcy but OH isn't keen, I also loved Lydia but I already have a great neice with that name so I'm edging towards Emma or Emmy or maybe Kitty but then I also like Jessica as this was my sisters choice of name but she had 2 boys so I thought if I had a girl I would use it for her :)
As for Boys names we only really have one and it's Tommy after OH uncle who passed away 15 years go I already have a nephew Thomas so we would have to have Tommy really (I like Harrison too) :shrug:
There are just too many to choose :)

Hope everyone is well and to those who have the dreaded :witch: in residence let's kick her ass this next month and banish her on her way :thumbup:

Love and luck to you all
Sooooo in between me posting my last piece and now I has just found out that my 27 year old neice is pregnant, she is only person in my family who knows about me TTC and wasn't even trying herself until I told her about me, anyways I knew it would happen they got married last April and was only a matter of time and whilst I am Happy for them, I'm sad for me, it's like all these good things happen to other people why not me ?????
Anyways rant over :((
Welcome Magan!!!! :)

Josephine: :hug: Been there. Totally know how you feel. :(

Can I admit without being hit that my liking the name "Hannah" is because of 'Secret Diary of a Callgirl'???? lol. No...i'm not hoping my future daughter is a sexy blonde callgirl...(not that I would mind either, as long as she's a high class callgirl....rofl) but I just like the name.....and the show. :) In that order. Mmk? ;)
I think i'm out this cycle anyways. FF is telling me I O'd on CD22, which is when DH was sick, so there was no BDing and there would be no spermies up there. *sigh*

Frickin' FF. I hate you some days. I was SOOOOOOOO sure I o'd on CD18 and that we were done. Blegh.
Magan - Feel free to go into your CP and signature thingy, and post this in there as a pic....i'm terrible at explaining things so hopefully you're a bit savvy and can figure it out or someone else can explain it better if need be...but here's the code for our curvy bumps siggy. Since you're one of us now. ;)

....copy/paste this into the siggy box, but take out the *'s. :)

Thanks for the welcome! This is my 6th cycle now.. still a beginniner but I want this soooo bad.. I wanted to start a cpl years ago but my OH thought it was best for me to go to school and get a job in my field first. I wish it was sooo easy for us all!
I live in a community that teen pregnancys are very high and it just makes me so upset seeing babies having babies. Im the only one in my family of 3 brothers and 2 step brothers and 3 step sisters without any kids! Heck 3 of my nieces and nephews have babies!!!

On the topic of names I really like the name Mikyla Marie for a girl.. OH likes Xchyler.. im iffy on that one
And for boys I like Liam, Landon, Logan, or Xander... OH is really hooked on Tyler for some reason.. but im not at all lol
Thanks for the welcome! This is my 6th cycle now.. still a beginniner but I want this soooo bad.. I wanted to start a cpl years ago but my OH thought it was best for me to go to school and get a job in my field first. I wish it was sooo easy for us all!
I live in a community that teen pregnancys are very high and it just makes me so upset seeing babies having babies. Im the only one in my family of 3 brothers and 2 step brothers and 3 step sisters without any kids! Heck 3 of my nieces and nephews have babies!!!

On the topic of names I really like the name Mikyla Marie for a girl.. OH likes Xchyler.. im iffy on that one
And for boys I like Liam, Landon, Logan, or Xander... OH is really hooked on Tyler for some reason.. but im not at all lol

Oh Magan lovely welcome along i really hope u get ur BFP very soon I'm the only onein my family without kids too, they all think it's our choice and because I feel such a failure I can't bring myself to tell them it's not :cry:

How do u pronounce xchyler ???
I think i'm out this cycle anyways. FF is telling me I O'd on CD22, which is when DH was sick, so there was no BDing and there would be no spermies up there. *sigh*

Frickin' FF. I hate you some days. I was SOOOOOOOO sure I o'd on CD18 and that we were done. Blegh.

CDnE, Hun I also don't think we bd at the right time, according to my calculations we did but on FF I Ov'd a day later, the one day we didn't do it, however we had
:sex: every day leading up to OV day so hopefully there were some little :spermy::spermy: still hanging around ..... Please let there be :shrug:

Fingers crossed for you too xxxxxx:dust:
Love that I found this site! I'm hoping I can help any of you curious about the IVF process or find someone else going through it with me!!

Hubby and I started TTC two years ago on March 17th 2010. We had our embryo transfer March 18th, 2012. We're hoping the luck of the irish will give us a BFP! So now I am in the dreaded 2 week wait before I take my beta pregnancy test.

Here's our story, sorry if it's long: My doctor made me wait a year before he would even discuss infertility with me because of my age. Looking back now I wish I had ignored him and started our fertility testing at 6 months because we wasted a lot of time trying to sort out our issues. Luckily everything inside me was fine besides PCOS, my weight and a slight thyroid issue. Hubby had good sperm count and okay motility, but bad morphology (1%). We were sent right to an RE. They ran every test under the sun for me and found that my thyroid was slightly high (3.1). In the real world anything under 4 is normal but for fertility they want it around 2.5. Went to a thyroid doctor and he suggested waiting for the medicine to kick in and losing as much weight as possible. As hard as it was, I waited 4 months and lost 25 lbs and brought my thyroid down to 1.9. Doc suggested IVF for us because of my hubby's issues and because my PCOS would help me produce a lot of eggs. Started IVF treatment in late February and just had my embryo transfer yesterday. Embryo actually stuck to the catheter, so they say it can be good luck that it will stick to your uterus.
He says that Xchyler is pronounced Skylar... he just likes to be wierd I guess.. I like the unique names but i find his obesseion with the name Tyler strange.. I think he just wants a girl and a boy with ryming names lol
Hello ladies :)

Nothing much to report today no AF as yet but I think I will give it another couple of days until I count her as late as I may be on a longer cycle this month. Not so much cramping as a bit of tummy ache but have had a bit of a jippy tum for a couple of days now so could be down to that.

BFN again this morning which I expected so it didn't upset me too much. I just have a strong feeling that AF is going to get me within the next couple of days so I am already planning next cycle. I am thinking I may temp and use the conceive plus more as we only used it once this cycle. I got a cheapie thermometer to practice with I am not sure how accurate it will be as it was only £1 lol but thought that I will try getting used to taking my temp every morning and will scope out ebay for a better one closer to the time. My only worry is that hubby is sometimes up at 5am for work and often wakes me just to say bye and then I go back to sleep.
Sooooo in between me posting my last piece and now I has just found out that my 27 year old neice is pregnant, she is only person in my family who knows about me TTC and wasn't even trying herself until I told her about me, anyways I knew it would happen they got married last April and was only a matter of time and whilst I am Happy for them, I'm sad for me, it's like all these good things happen to other people why not me ?????
Anyways rant over :((

Oh babe :hugs: that's crap :(
Hello ladies :)

Nothing much to report today no AF as yet but I think I will give it another couple of days until I count her as late as I may be on a longer cycle this month. Not so much cramping as a bit of tummy ache but have had a bit of a jippy tum for a couple of days now so could be down to that.

BFN again this morning which I expected so it didn't upset me too much. I just have a strong feeling that AF is going to get me within the next couple of days so I am already planning next cycle. I am thinking I may temp and use the conceive plus more as we only used it once this cycle. I got a cheapie thermometer to practice with I am not sure how accurate it will be as it was only £1 lol but thought that I will try getting used to taking my temp every morning and will scope out ebay for a better one closer to the time. My only worry is that hubby is sometimes up at 5am for work and often wakes me just to say bye and then I go back to sleep.

If that is the case then you should quickly take your temp at 5am then go back to sleep. Lots of thermometers remember the last temp taken so if you get one of those then it won't matter if you fall asleep with it in your mouth, as long as you don't choke on it obvs!!
Love that I found this site! I'm hoping I can help any of you curious about the IVF process or find someone else going through it with me!!

Hubby and I started TTC two years ago on March 17th 2010. We had our embryo transfer March 18th, 2012. We're hoping the luck of the irish will give us a BFP! So now I am in the dreaded 2 week wait before I take my beta pregnancy test.

Here's our story, sorry if it's long: My doctor made me wait a year before he would even discuss infertility with me because of my age. Looking back now I wish I had ignored him and started our fertility testing at 6 months because we wasted a lot of time trying to sort out our issues. Luckily everything inside me was fine besides PCOS, my weight and a slight thyroid issue. Hubby had good sperm count and okay motility, but bad morphology (1%). We were sent right to an RE. They ran every test under the sun for me and found that my thyroid was slightly high (3.1). In the real world anything under 4 is normal but for fertility they want it around 2.5. Went to a thyroid doctor and he suggested waiting for the medicine to kick in and losing as much weight as possible. As hard as it was, I waited 4 months and lost 25 lbs and brought my thyroid down to 1.9. Doc suggested IVF for us because of my hubby's issues and because my PCOS would help me produce a lot of eggs. Started IVF treatment in late February and just had my embryo transfer yesterday. Embryo actually stuck to the catheter, so they say it can be good luck that it will stick to your uterus.

Hello :hi: welcome to our gang :) you're very welcome here!

We might be going private for IVF this year, just waiting to see the consultant. I have to lose weight before we can get our 1 free try at IVF so we're saving up to pay ourselves. I am trying to lose weight and it's coming off but not very quickly, I have another 33lbs to go!

Would love to hear more about the IVF and what happens!

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