Any "plus-size", bigger gals TTC their first? :)

He says that Xchyler is pronounced Skylar... he just likes to be wierd I guess.. I like the unique names but i find his obesseion with the name Tyler strange.. I think he just wants a girl and a boy with ryming names lol

I like it, it's very unusual, I have a great nephew named Tyler and he's very boisterous but sweet :)
Could gwt confusing with two so similar ha ha
Yes it could get confusing.. I dont really like the name Tyler.. I know to many and think it would be too wierd... he claims I have no choice as he really likes the name lol... I would say he was right if it was him who will be pushing a baby out of his junk! lol
Urgh can't sleep again. Passed the scales in the bathroom and decided to weigh myself bad idea :dohh: usually when AF is on her way I put on at least 3lb in water weight that goes when she leaves and so far I have put on almost 4lb in about a week :growlmad:

So either AF is deffo on he way :growlmad: or this isn't water weight :growlmad:

I know I have been lazy on the exercise and diet front these last couple of weeks so need to get my butt in gear. I really want to start walking more so I think I should get out there tomorrow.
I'm also trying to conceive my first I am 30 5"5 weigh 320 and my doctor has said I should be able to conceive with no problem but I'm still a little worried hoping to get my bfp soon

It is difficult not to worry. When people know that we are TTC-ing, some will always point out our weight. I've had some of my friends (some co-workers) say that I should lose weight so that I will get pregnant. I know people who are even heavier than me and they conceived without difficulty. As long as you know you're ovulating and that you dh has no problems, you should get your BFP soon. Good luck!

Thank you. I hope to find support here. I guess I'm a little worried not only because I'm obese but also because I have one ovary and Fallopian tube. I had my left ovary and tube removed in 2010 due to a dermis cyst. My husband is about 20 pounds overweight and we are both trying to lose weight. My dream is to have a child of my own I have 2 step daughters but long to have a baby. I have a regular period every month. Some days are harder than others my sister in laws daughter is 22 and about my size and she just found out she's pregnant when I found out it made me sad for myself. I'm hoping I too will soon get my BFP
I'm also trying to conceive my first I am 30 5"5 weigh 320 and my doctor has said I should be able to conceive with no problem but I'm still a little worried hoping to get my bfp soon

It is difficult not to worry. When people know that we are TTC-ing, some will always point out our weight. I've had some of my friends (some co-workers) say that I should lose weight so that I will get pregnant. I know people who are even heavier than me and they conceived without difficulty. As long as you know you're ovulating and that you dh has no problems, you should get your BFP soon. Good luck!

Thank you. I hope to find support here. I guess I'm a little worried not only because I'm obese but also because I have one ovary and Fallopian tube. I had my left ovary and tube removed in 2010 due to a dermis cyst. My husband is about 20 pounds overweight and we are both trying to lose weight. My dream is to have a child of my own I have 2 step daughters but long to have a baby. I have a regular period every month. Some days are harder than others my sister in laws daughter is 22 and about my size and she just found out she's pregnant when I found out it made me sad for myself. I'm hoping I too will soon get my BFP

BBW, your definitely in the right place for support, big hugs to you hun, I hope your BFP is just around the corner for you, if ur having regular periods things must all be working my sis in law gor preggera with just one tube so take hope from that and your neice is at least proof that at our size we can still get preggo, but I feel ur pain, I found out same news yesterday about my neice and whilst I am happy about a new baby for us all to love, I can't help but wish it was mine, I'm determined not to cry, though I'm finding it extremely difficult :hugs:

Lots of love and luck chick :dust:
Hey lovelies :) welcome to all new ladies, i cant keep up with everyone lol, ive resorted to writing everyones names down lol
sorry i havent been on since yesterday as i have had one hell of a headache since 10am yesterday and i fell asleep early last night hoping it would go away but woke up this morning and its hurting more than yesterday :( i have swallowed soooooooooo many glasses of water thinking it was due to that and i have taken pain killers but didnt help anything, i even sat in a dark room and closed my eyes but no joy :( this morning i was coughing and my head feels like its going to explode through the side of my head and going sick this morning didnt help either :(


Hey Magic - you me and Josephine should start a 5 year club!

Actually, you could just change "Team Jo-Jo" to "Team Magic Jo-Jo" LOL!

Love it :) put a smile on my face seeing this thank you i needed that :)

team magic jo-jo sounds like we should be hippies lol ive always wanted to be a hippy :) :haha:

Sooooo in between me posting my last piece and now I has just found out that my 27 year old neice is pregnant, she is only person in my family who knows about me TTC and wasn't even trying herself until I told her about me, anyways I knew it would happen they got married last April and was only a matter of time and whilst I am Happy for them, I'm sad for me, it's like all these good things happen to other people why not me ?????
Anyways rant over :((

Aww :hugs: huni its horrible yeh.... i found out yesterday that 2 girls i have babysat for since they were small kids are pregnant and it made my heart sank!!! i have looked after these girls for over 8 years and practically brought them up as their mums were an alcoholic and they lived next door, the mum had 5 kids and the youngest i looked after her when she was 1 day old, when her mum came home from hospital the day after having her she wanted to go out on the drink and didnt come home until 6am paraletic, i had to get up with all 5 kids and get them ready for school, take them to school, get myself to school, come home and get them fed and bathed ready for bed inbetween doing my coursework and that was everyday!!! she is now 17 and having a baby :( devastated!!

Huni it will happen to you!!! you will have a baby inside you when the baby is ready to have you as a mummy not when you want to be a mummy unfortunately :( it will happen for you sweety just have faith in your body!!! i have come to the conclusion that if i keep wanting a baby but keep slagging my body of for failing me and being faulty its not going to like me very much and therefore will not give me what i want!!! (*whispers incase my body is listening) So for now im just sucking up to my body so that it gives me what i want then i will go back to slagging it off :haha:
Awww Magic hunney you really are having it tough lately aren't you ??
I hope that it's all worthwhile and u have a BFP at the end of it, have u done anymore HPT's yourself and are u still on antibiotics for your kidney's ???

Thanks for the support it never gets any easier does it, especially when it comes so close to home, what a selfless and kind person u are bringing up those poor babies, it sticks in my throat when people are blessed with children and they care nothing for them, life is just so unfair !!!! I think the big guy upstairs gets it wrong big time on so many levels :cry:

You are so right about the slagging off the body I get so angry at mine and then
Have to have a quiet word with myself to chill out and stop blaming yourself the time will come ..... I just feel like I'm running out of time so it needs to happen fast :(

Oh and I love our name Magic Jo Jo, I was so meant to be a hippy, I love music festivals and sitting about in fields, chilling out being all at one with nature and at peace ha ha :friends:
I'm also trying to conceive my first I am 30 5"5 weigh 320 and my doctor has said I should be able to conceive with no problem but I'm still a little worried hoping to get my bfp soon

It is difficult not to worry. When people know that we are TTC-ing, some will always point out our weight. I've had some of my friends (some co-workers) say that I should lose weight so that I will get pregnant. I know people who are even heavier than me and they conceived without difficulty. As long as you know you're ovulating and that you dh has no problems, you should get your BFP soon. Good luck!

Thank you. I hope to find support here. I guess I'm a little worried not only because I'm obese but also because I have one ovary and Fallopian tube. I had my left ovary and tube removed in 2010 due to a dermis cyst. My husband is about 20 pounds overweight and we are both trying to lose weight. My dream is to have a child of my own I have 2 step daughters but long to have a baby. I have a regular period every month. Some days are harder than others my sister in laws daughter is 22 and about my size and she just found out she's pregnant when I found out it made me sad for myself. I'm hoping I too will soon get my BFP

Hello :hugs:

I have one tube too after an ectopic when I was about 20 years old. I used to be part of a thread on here where all the ladies had one tube and loads of them got pregnant so it is most definitely possible :)

Magic_angel hope you feel better soon its sucks feeling unwell :hugs:

No AF but I feel a bit wet down there :blush: and I usually start mid day so am expecting her soon. Have run out of HPT's anyway lol.

Missing hubs now he is back at work and there are rumours that they will be working away again soon which is what stopped us TTC last year as he was never here when it was O time :growlmad:

I have told him to deposit some in the freezer if that happens :haha: I said it as a joke but I think he thought I was serious lol
Thanks for the welcome! This is my 6th cycle now.. still a beginniner but I want this soooo bad.. I wanted to start a cpl years ago but my OH thought it was best for me to go to school and get a job in my field first. I wish it was sooo easy for us all!
I live in a community that teen pregnancys are very high and it just makes me so upset seeing babies having babies. Im the only one in my family of 3 brothers and 2 step brothers and 3 step sisters without any kids! Heck 3 of my nieces and nephews have babies!!!

Magan I'm in a similar position as you. Been trying for six months so far, really desperate for a baby. I also live in a community with a high teen pregnancy rate, I'm 25 and have a great niece and nephew by marriage and another one on the way, and at least half of the people I went to school with have children, one girl has just had her fourth child!

It sucks that it's not easy for us all. At least we can come on forums like this and speak to people in the same situation as us and feel a little less alone
Thanks for the welcome! This is my 6th cycle now.. still a beginniner but I want this soooo bad.. I wanted to start a cpl years ago but my OH thought it was best for me to go to school and get a job in my field first. I wish it was sooo easy for us all!
I live in a community that teen pregnancys are very high and it just makes me so upset seeing babies having babies. Im the only one in my family of 3 brothers and 2 step brothers and 3 step sisters without any kids! Heck 3 of my nieces and nephews have babies!!!

Magan I'm in a similar position as you. Been trying for six months so far, really desperate for a baby. I also live in a community with a high teen pregnancy rate, I'm 25 and have a great niece and nephew by marriage and another one on the way, and at least half of the people I went to school with have children, one girl has just had her fourth child!

It sucks that it's not easy for us all. At least we can come on forums like this and speak to people in the same situation as us and feel a little less alone

Hey ELR, I think about 80% of the people I went to school with have children now.. I think from my the people I graduated elemintary school with theres maybe only a handful of us without kids! lol.. OH and I went out shopping this weekend and I seen so many teens pushing strollers so I asked him how come babies get to have babies and we dont.. his response was well I guess we are to old.. at least he can find humour in the situation lol
Awww Magic hunney you really are having it tough lately aren't you ??
I hope that it's all worthwhile and u have a BFP at the end of it, have u done anymore HPT's yourself and are u still on antibiotics for your kidney's ???

Thanks for the support it never gets any easier does it, especially when it comes so close to home, what a selfless and kind person u are bringing up those poor babies, it sticks in my throat when people are blessed with children and they care nothing for them, life is just so unfair !!!! I think the big guy upstairs gets it wrong big time on so many levels :cry:

You are so right about the slagging off the body I get so angry at mine and then
Have to have a quiet word with myself to chill out and stop blaming yourself the time will come ..... I just feel like I'm running out of time so it needs to happen fast :(

Oh and I love our name Magic Jo Jo, I was so meant to be a hippy, I love music festivals and sitting about in fields, chilling out being all at one with nature and at peace ha ha :friends:

Aww thanks hun :hugs:

I will help anyone hun i never ask for anything in return, im just glad i could bring them up to make better decisions than their mother made, i looked after them until she came off the booze and i made her realise that she has what most women would die for and she was throwing it all away for the sake of the booze, just a shame that the place we live has a lot of bad crowds of kids and no where for any of them to go so they get themselves into trouble.... its hard to see for me as a lot of "kids" i used to look after are all pushing prams around or are pregnant and i try to be pleased for them but i do question why them and not me everytime i see another one of them get pregnant!!! but we are all our own worst enemies as we all know that stress is a major factor of periods and pregnancy and every month we stress about everything so if we all just made a pact and not talk about ttc and all the other stuff and just spent a month getting to know each other and talk about all sorts of nothing and everything we would de stress and hopefully get a lot of BFP's :)

I can just see up all hanging out in a field :cold: singing songs by a camp fire lol bliss :) :friends:
Good Morning Ladies!! So I'm a little excited but at the same time a little confused. Had my day 21 bloodwork and the doc said I probably didnt ovulate because the number was only a 6.7 So she sent in a new perscription for me to up my clomid again. So i am suppose to start my period yesterday or today and really have had no symptoms of it. So i decided just for fun to take a hpt just to get it off my mind and there was a very faint line. So I waited until this am and took another and there is still a faint line. I dont want to get too ahead of myself...tell me what you think!!!


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Good Morning Ladies!! So I'm a little excited but at the same time a little confused. Had my day 21 bloodwork and the doc said I probably didnt ovulate because the number was only a 6.7 So she sent in a new perscription for me to up my clomid again. So i am suppose to start my period yesterday or today and really have had no symptoms of it. So i decided just for fun to take a hpt just to get it off my mind and there was a very faint line. So I waited until this am and took another and there is still a faint line. I dont want to get too ahead of myself...tell me what you think!!!

I see it...hopefully this is your bfp! FX'd for you! let us know how it turns out! :happydance:
Good Morning Ladies!! So I'm a little excited but at the same time a little confused. Had my day 21 bloodwork and the doc said I probably didnt ovulate because the number was only a 6.7 So she sent in a new perscription for me to up my clomid again. So i am suppose to start my period yesterday or today and really have had no symptoms of it. So i decided just for fun to take a hpt just to get it off my mind and there was a very faint line. So I waited until this am and took another and there is still a faint line. I dont want to get too ahead of myself...tell me what you think!!!

I see it for sure. Test again and see if it gets darker. Good luck!!!
Good Morning Ladies!! So I'm a little excited but at the same time a little confused. Had my day 21 bloodwork and the doc said I probably didnt ovulate because the number was only a 6.7 So she sent in a new perscription for me to up my clomid again. So i am suppose to start my period yesterday or today and really have had no symptoms of it. So i decided just for fun to take a hpt just to get it off my mind and there was a very faint line. So I waited until this am and took another and there is still a faint line. I dont want to get too ahead of myself...tell me what you think!!!

I see it :) good luck hun got fingers crossed for you :)
Can I join...29, 233, PCOS. My symptoms are that I do not ovulate, overweight, and cysts all over my ovaries (both sides). Already did an HSG and my tubes looks great. I was up to 262 lost 63 pounds 2 years ago, got married and my weight went back again. I was 240 and already lost 7 pounds. We are going to go see a FS next month (saved up as much as we can) and I cannot wait to see those beautiful double lines!!

Hello everyone...
thanks guys. I am kind of in disbelief with it so i talked to one of my girlfriend and she convinced me to go and get my bloodwork done so I should have at least some sort of an answer within a few hours. fingers are crossed at least for the next couple hours!!! I will let you all know when I know something!!
Ohhh could that be our first BFP keeping my fingers crossed for you :hugs:

Did a HPT tonight and not even a hint of a second line got one more left so will try and save it. Think I am deffo on a longer cycle than I thought so still time for the witch to get me.

How is everyone else getting on? Hope you are feeling better magic and that AF is staying away keeping fingers crossed for you too :hugs:

Still got a bit of a jippy tummy I am alright until I eat something then my belly starts hurting.

Had a bit of a game tonight. Went to Morrisons to pick up some bits and pieces and picked up the HPT. Of course as soon as I got home I dashed up to the loo to use it. Forgot my pee glass lol so grabbed the nearest thing which was a small glass crystal bowl that is from a dressing table set that my nan gave me ( I know I know but I was desperate :blush: ).
Of course the thing drops out of my hand down the toilet and smashes into pieces :dohh: Have fished it out and will try and glue it but explaining to hubby that I had tried to pee in it was a bit embarrassing :blush:
Ohhh could that be our first BFP keeping my fingers crossed for you :hugs:

Did a HPT tonight and not even a hint of a second line got one more left so will try and save it. Think I am deffo on a longer cycle than I thought so still time for the witch to get me.

How is everyone else getting on? Hope you are feeling better magic and that AF is staying away keeping fingers crossed for you too :hugs:

Still got a bit of a jippy tummy I am alright until I eat something then my belly starts hurting.

Had a bit of a game tonight. Went to Morrisons to pick up some bits and pieces and picked up the HPT. Of course as soon as I got home I dashed up to the loo to use it. Forgot my pee glass lol so grabbed the nearest thing which was a small glass crystal bowl that is from a dressing table set that my nan gave me ( I know I know but I was desperate :blush: ).
Of course the thing drops out of my hand down the toilet and smashes into pieces :dohh: Have fished it out and will try and glue it but explaining to hubby that I had tried to pee in it was a bit embarrassing :blush:


I actually just wee'd myself a little bit with laughter bbbunny!

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