Any "plus-size", bigger gals TTC their first? :)

Awww Magic hunney you really are having it tough lately aren't you ??
I hope that it's all worthwhile and u have a BFP at the end of it, have u done anymore HPT's yourself and are u still on antibiotics for your kidney's ???

Thanks for the support it never gets any easier does it, especially when it comes so close to home, what a selfless and kind person u are bringing up those poor babies, it sticks in my throat when people are blessed with children and they care nothing for them, life is just so unfair !!!! I think the big guy upstairs gets it wrong big time on so many levels :cry:

You are so right about the slagging off the body I get so angry at mine and then
Have to have a quiet word with myself to chill out and stop blaming yourself the time will come ..... I just feel like I'm running out of time so it needs to happen fast :(

Oh and I love our name Magic Jo Jo, I was so meant to be a hippy, I love music festivals and sitting about in fields, chilling out being all at one with nature and at peace ha ha :friends:

Aww thanks hun :hugs:

I will help anyone hun i never ask for anything in return, im just glad i could bring them up to make better decisions than their mother made, i looked after them until she came off the booze and i made her realise that she has what most women would die for and she was throwing it all away for the sake of the booze, just a shame that the place we live has a lot of bad crowds of kids and no where for any of them to go so they get themselves into trouble.... its hard to see for me as a lot of "kids" i used to look after are all pushing prams around or are pregnant and i try to be pleased for them but i do question why them and not me everytime i see another one of them get pregnant!!! but we are all our own worst enemies as we all know that stress is a major factor of periods and pregnancy and every month we stress about everything so if we all just made a pact and not talk about ttc and all the other stuff and just spent a month getting to know each other and talk about all sorts of nothing and everything we would de stress and hopefully get a lot of BFP's :)

I can just see up all hanging out in a field :cold: singing songs by a camp fire lol bliss :) :friends:

What a brilliant idea Magic we can swap recipes and talk about books we are reading and films we have seen and not mention TTC until we have a BFP to announce ha ha :thumbup:
You are going to get your rewards sooner than you think i just know it, all of those kind things you have done for all of those kids in the past has gotta count for something and its gunna be your turn to have something nice happen to you, you deserve all the happiness in the world :hugs:

Lots of love and luck chick xxx
Good Morning Ladies!! So I'm a little excited but at the same time a little confused. Had my day 21 bloodwork and the doc said I probably didnt ovulate because the number was only a 6.7 So she sent in a new perscription for me to up my clomid again. So i am suppose to start my period yesterday or today and really have had no symptoms of it. So i decided just for fun to take a hpt just to get it off my mind and there was a very faint line. So I waited until this am and took another and there is still a faint line. I dont want to get too ahead of myself...tell me what you think!!!

I deffo see it :)
Ohhh could that be our first BFP keeping my fingers crossed for you :hugs:

Did a HPT tonight and not even a hint of a second line got one more left so will try and save it. Think I am deffo on a longer cycle than I thought so still time for the witch to get me.

How is everyone else getting on? Hope you are feeling better magic and that AF is staying away keeping fingers crossed for you too :hugs:

Still got a bit of a jippy tummy I am alright until I eat something then my belly starts hurting.

Had a bit of a game tonight. Went to Morrisons to pick up some bits and pieces and picked up the HPT. Of course as soon as I got home I dashed up to the loo to use it. Forgot my pee glass lol so grabbed the nearest thing which was a small glass crystal bowl that is from a dressing table set that my nan gave me ( I know I know but I was desperate :blush: ).
Of course the thing drops out of my hand down the toilet and smashes into pieces :dohh: Have fished it out and will try and glue it but explaining to hubby that I had tried to pee in it was a bit embarrassing :blush:

Oh Bbunny what a Silly Billy lol, but at least it has put a smile on our faces, thanks :thumbup:
I too have done a HPT yesterday (when I had my news from Niece) and again today and i couldn't have gotten a BIGGER FATTER NEGATIVE than if Ben Mitchell had struck me over the head with the test stick like he did poor Heather Trott on Eastenders ha ha ha (sorry international ladies i'm referring to tonights storylines from a UK Soap Opera) :dohh:

How did you manage to fish out the pieces if you dont mind me asking ha ha ha:shrug::shrug:
Awww Magic hunney you really are having it tough lately aren't you ??
I hope that it's all worthwhile and u have a BFP at the end of it, have u done anymore HPT's yourself and are u still on antibiotics for your kidney's ???

Thanks for the support it never gets any easier does it, especially when it comes so close to home, what a selfless and kind person u are bringing up those poor babies, it sticks in my throat when people are blessed with children and they care nothing for them, life is just so unfair !!!! I think the big guy upstairs gets it wrong big time on so many levels :cry:

You are so right about the slagging off the body I get so angry at mine and then
Have to have a quiet word with myself to chill out and stop blaming yourself the time will come ..... I just feel like I'm running out of time so it needs to happen fast :(

Oh and I love our name Magic Jo Jo, I was so meant to be a hippy, I love music festivals and sitting about in fields, chilling out being all at one with nature and at peace ha ha :friends:

Aww thanks hun :hugs:

I will help anyone hun i never ask for anything in return, im just glad i could bring them up to make better decisions than their mother made, i looked after them until she came off the booze and i made her realise that she has what most women would die for and she was throwing it all away for the sake of the booze, just a shame that the place we live has a lot of bad crowds of kids and no where for any of them to go so they get themselves into trouble.... its hard to see for me as a lot of "kids" i used to look after are all pushing prams around or are pregnant and i try to be pleased for them but i do question why them and not me everytime i see another one of them get pregnant!!! but we are all our own worst enemies as we all know that stress is a major factor of periods and pregnancy and every month we stress about everything so if we all just made a pact and not talk about ttc and all the other stuff and just spent a month getting to know each other and talk about all sorts of nothing and everything we would de stress and hopefully get a lot of BFP's :)

I can just see up all hanging out in a field :cold: singing songs by a camp fire lol bliss :) :friends:

What a brilliant idea Magic we can swap recipes and talk about books we are reading and films we have seen and not mention TTC until we have a BFP to announce ha ha :thumbup:
You are going to get your rewards sooner than you think i just know it, all of those kind things you have done for all of those kids in the past has gotta count for something and its gunna be your turn to have something nice happen to you, you deserve all the happiness in the world :hugs:

Lots of love and luck chick xxx

Agreed :) :) xxx
looool @poor heather

I have one of those grabber things that I use to pick up leaves and stuff off the back garden so I got that down there. :blush:

Bare in mind that I was desperate for a pee at the time too but some stupid part of my brain thought that it would be disrespectful to pee ON it while it sat in the loo cos my nan had give it me even though 5 minutes before I was prepared to pee IN it. :dohh:
looool @poor heather

I have one of those grabber things that I use to pick up leaves and stuff off the back garden so I got that down there. :blush:

Bare in mind that I was desperate for a pee at the time too but some stupid part of my brain thought that it would be disrespectful to pee ON it while it sat in the loo cos my nan had give it me even though 5 minutes before I was prepared to pee IN it. :dohh:

ha ha the things that cross our minds :dohh::dohh:
looool @poor heather

I have one of those grabber things that I use to pick up leaves and stuff off the back garden so I got that down there. :blush:

Bare in mind that I was desperate for a pee at the time too but some stupid part of my brain thought that it would be disrespectful to pee ON it while it sat in the loo cos my nan had give it me even though 5 minutes before I was prepared to pee IN it. :dohh:

ha ha the things that cross our minds :dohh::dohh:

Those grabbers have so many uses too :thumbup:
Grr this forum being so slow for me today!!

I just saw what magic put we just need a field now :flower:

Been thinking that I might do something every month when AF comes so at least I will have something to look forward to. Like when AF comes this month I may do something crazy like put a pink or purple streak in my hair or something. Just something to make me feel a bit better so I can be like yeah this sucks but at least I get to do something cool lol

As far as getting to know each other better

I am 31 going to be 32 in July.
I have a hubby who is almost 29 and is a gas fitter/plumber.
We have been married for almost 8 years and bought a house 5 years ago that we are constantly doing something to because hubby loves DIY.
I do not work (or claim benefits) instead I am a housewife although I am qualified as a legal secretary and a nursery nurse.
I like to be organised but I am the queen of procrastination.
We have two dogs and a cat who we love.
I put off TTC as I had a miscarriage and an ectopic within months of each other that almost killed me when I was around 19/20. It was with a previous partner and I wish so much that as soon as I met my hubby we had started TTC as I would have loved to have had a large family.
I was brought up by my mum after my dad died when I was little and I have one brother that just turned 30 who I tolerate in small doses lol.
Nobody knows we are TTC.
I am a born worrier and hypochondriac.
I love arts and crafts and nothing makes me happier than making something myself.
I have one niece that we spoil rotten but do not get to see often.
I spend far to much time online and watching TV in my pyjamas.

I hope after all that you feel you know me a bit better now lol :haha:
Well I got my results and in fact am pregnant...still very early (3weeks 6days) number are good..hcg was 73 and prlgestrone was 14.43 so fingers crossed things continue to progress nicely!!

Who is going to be next and join me?? I will continue to spread the babydust to u ladies as it has been done for me!! Thanksgiving for the support here ladies...

See big girls can do it!!
Well I got my results and in fact am pregnant...still very early (3weeks 6days) number are good..hcg was 73 and prlgestrone was 14.43 so fingers crossed things continue to progress nicely!!

Who is going to be next and join me?? I will continue to spread the babydust to u ladies as it has been done for me!! Thanksgiving for the support here ladies...

See big girls can do it!!

Yay Congrats hun :hugs: wishing you a wonderful and healthy 9 months xx
Well I got my results and in fact am pregnant...still very early (3weeks 6days) number are good..hcg was 73 and prlgestrone was 14.43 so fingers crossed things continue to progress nicely!!

Who is going to be next and join me?? I will continue to spread the babydust to u ladies as it has been done for me!! Thanksgiving for the support here ladies...

See big girls can do it!!

Congratulations hunney heres hoping this is the first of many BFP's on this thread, don't be stranger :)

Xxxxxxxx well done
Hey Bbunny thanks for sharing,

I'll go next:

I'm 37 other half 39 we have been together 12 years and met at work,
He is a warehouse manager and I'm a stock controller :)
We got engaged on holiday in September last year we don't like to rush into things and we both are very private people who dont like fuss.
My parents are in their eighties I absolutely adore them, they had me later in life and We are both 1 of 5 children and between us we have 14 nieces and nephews and 10 great nieces and nephews, one on the way and 6 godchildren, we absolutely love kids and will make the best parents, no one knows we are TTC only a handful of friends :)
We have no pets as we both work full time and it would t be fair to leave them all day, hubby likes to play Golf and I love going to Zumba and spending time with my family.
We bought our house 6 years ago and still have one room to finish, the spare room/nursery which I am loathe to do.
We also live going to gigs and festivals and have seen well over 200 bands and singers over the years.
I am a worrier too Bbunny and I over analyze everything from the way someone looks at me to why my hair won't go right ????? I wish I was more couldn't care less but I'm not :(
So that's me, looking fed to hearing from everyone else :)

Xxxxxx :hugs:
I like these getting to know you games but never quite know what to say...ummm a little about me...

Im 27, 28 in October
i have been ntnp for 6 years and this will be my first month of proper trying but i feel like...if it doesn't happen naturally, i will be ok with that i don't know if i want to go down the route of doctors, tests, ops, meds etc if it doesn't happen i will travel, be selfish and get a dog
me and my bf broke up in January after 4 years together and im still at a loss as to what to do with myself.
I am ttc with my male best friend/fwb so...technically i would be a single mother but he would be there for me always and any child we may conceive
i work 60 hours a week as a security receptionist which is very boring and soul destroying lol
i have one nephew who is 16 but lives in lancashire so i never get to see him.
My younger sister is 3 months pregnant and i can't wait to be an aunt again!
I love to read and right now im obsessed with paranormal romance!
Getting myself to the gym is a struggle but once im there, i love it!
[/QUOTE]What a brilliant idea Magic we can swap recipes and talk about books we are reading and films we have seen and not mention TTC until we have a BFP to announce ha ha :thumbup:
You are going to get your rewards sooner than you think i just know it, all of those kind things you have done for all of those kids in the past has gotta count for something and its gunna be your turn to have something nice happen to you, you deserve all the happiness in the world :hugs:

Lots of love and luck chick xxx

Aww thanks hun your sweet :) xxx

Well I got my results and in fact am pregnant...still very early (3weeks 6days) number are good..hcg was 73 and prlgestrone was 14.43 so fingers crossed things continue to progress nicely!!

Who is going to be next and join me?? I will continue to spread the babydust to u ladies as it has been done for me!! Thanksgiving for the support here ladies...

See big girls can do it!!

Mahoosive congrats hun :) lets start that storm of BFP's now that we know it can actually happen to us :) happy and healthy 9 months and dont be a stranger :) xx

About me - I am 27-28 in june, i am part of a 300+ family and a lot more that i havent met yet, im half welsh half scottish, i am the oldest child, i have 2 brothers(one in the army) and a sister, i also have 2 step sisters, 1 half brother (who is 4) and 2 step brothers lol man thats a long list for xmas prezzies huh!!!

my fella is 30 in november which hes not looking forward to, we have been together 3 and a half years after 10 years of liking each other in college,

im his first :) :blush:

ive had really bad relationships until now, starting with my first bf at 14 he was extremely violent to me for 5 years and i actually was pregnant once, after an attack from him i fell down 3 lots of stairs and lost my baby boy and doctors said i might struggle to get pregnant or carry a baby, it took me a long time to deal with that but i got through it and started looking after children and elderly people, i was changing nappies before i was out of them so i always knew i wanted children, ive cared for the elderly since i was 17 and all i need to do is learn too drive and then i can work as a home carer and give round the clock care.

I have a big family but i dont speak to them, and ive not actually spoken to my mum or siblins in over 4 months, they see me as the person to pick on and im the family joke so i figured i had enough of being put down by them all just for their entertainment so i cut ties, i couldnt go through all this ttc process of trying to be positive when i was always being knocked down so i chose a baby to concentrate on! thats why you ladies have been my saviour, not having anyone to talk to in my family anymore makes me a little lonely and you girls have just made me feel like part of another family (a family i actually like :haha:)

i live with my partner and a black labrador who is 2 years old and shes a huge pain in my butt, fella adores her but then he would do as he never did the potty training and poop scoops or midnight pee runs, not to mention the training lol but she can now high five me and im currently working on teaching her to make me a cup of tea ;)

I love to paint, draw, make things, knitting, dancing, and talking to you lovelies ofcourse :), music, im learning to play an accoustic quitar with the help of my fella, he is a bass guitarist and he is in an all male band who play rock music, some killers, biffy clyro, black sabboth (yes it can get very loud at times) i love photography and when i can afford to buy a mental camera i will be like a kid at xmas :)


ive already got a box of baby stuff :) a little blue wolly hat that i mad by accident will now be worn by my baby boy when he shows up, a baby book, some little i love mommy, my daddy rocks tea shirts, teddies, mits, socks etc :)

(so sorry its long)
Well I got my results and in fact am pregnant...still very early (3weeks 6days) number are good..hcg was 73 and prlgestrone was 14.43 so fingers crossed things continue to progress nicely!!

Who is going to be next and join me?? I will continue to spread the babydust to u ladies as it has been done for me!! Thanksgiving for the support here ladies...

See big girls can do it!!


Our first of many I hope :thumbup:

Loving reading all the info on people makes me feel like I know you all better :flower:

Big huge BFN for me this morning and loads of really stretchy clear CM (trying to pay more attention to CM). That combined with some dull cramps makes me sure AF will be here today. At least it means that my cycle is quite regular as it will have been 34 days last month and 34 days this month. Oh well onwards and upwards :thumbup:

Does anyone else keep the negative HPT's? I keep mine until AF comes then I throw them away. No idea why :shrug:

Will be picking some up on the weekly shop all through this cycle so that when it is TWW time again I will have loads to play with :happydance:

Oh just remembered that if I am sticking with my plan of doing something a little different each unsuccessful cycle then I will be trying to find a colourful hair dye this week!!!
Well I got my results and in fact am pregnant...still very early (3weeks 6days) number are good..hcg was 73 and prlgestrone was 14.43 so fingers crossed things continue to progress nicely!!

Who is going to be next and join me?? I will continue to spread the babydust to u ladies as it has been done for me!! Thanksgiving for the support here ladies...

See big girls can do it!!


Our first of many I hope :thumbup:

Loving reading all the info on people makes me feel like I know you all better :flower:

Big huge BFN for me this morning and loads of really stretchy clear CM (trying to pay more attention to CM). That combined with some dull cramps makes me sure AF will be here today. At least it means that my cycle is quite regular as it will have been 34 days last month and 34 days this month. Oh well onwards and upwards :thumbup:

Does anyone else keep the negative HPT's? I keep mine until AF comes then I throw them away. No idea why :shrug:

Will be picking some up on the weekly shop all through this cycle so that when it is TWW time again I will have loads to play with :happydance:

Oh just remembered that if I am sticking with my plan of doing something a little different each unsuccessful cycle then I will be trying to find a colourful hair dye this week!!!

I keep my hpks too not sure why but my bag is filled with them lol

loving your plan to do something wacky :) what colour is your hair now ? x
Well I got my results and in fact am pregnant...still very early (3weeks 6days) number are good..hcg was 73 and prlgestrone was 14.43 so fingers crossed things continue to progress nicely!!

Who is going to be next and join me?? I will continue to spread the babydust to u ladies as it has been done for me!! Thanksgiving for the support here ladies...

See big girls can do it!!

Congrats!! I jsut started my first cycle of clomid. Hoping for a BFP soon!!
Well I got my results and in fact am pregnant...still very early (3weeks 6days) number are good..hcg was 73 and prlgestrone was 14.43 so fingers crossed things continue to progress nicely!!

Who is going to be next and join me?? I will continue to spread the babydust to u ladies as it has been done for me!! Thanksgiving for the support here ladies...

See big girls can do it!!


Our first of many I hope :thumbup:

Loving reading all the info on people makes me feel like I know you all better :flower:

Big huge BFN for me this morning and loads of really stretchy clear CM (trying to pay more attention to CM). That combined with some dull cramps makes me sure AF will be here today. At least it means that my cycle is quite regular as it will have been 34 days last month and 34 days this month. Oh well onwards and upwards :thumbup:

Does anyone else keep the negative HPT's? I keep mine until AF comes then I throw them away. No idea why :shrug:

Will be picking some up on the weekly shop all through this cycle so that when it is TWW time again I will have loads to play with :happydance:

Oh just remembered that if I am sticking with my plan of doing something a little different each unsuccessful cycle then I will be trying to find a colourful hair dye this week!!!

I keep my hpks too not sure why but my bag is filled with them lol

loving your plan to do something wacky :) what colour is your hair now ? x

My real hair colour is like a mousy/browny blonde so I have been dying it for years. At the moment it is a brighter blonde but could do with a touch up. Might have to get some blonde dye and then give it a couple of days and put the streak in. Can't decide between purple, pink or blue. Hubby will go nuts so I think I will put the colour in the back underneath so you can only see it when I have it up in a pony tail :haha:
Well I got my results and in fact am pregnant...still very early (3weeks 6days) number are good..hcg was 73 and prlgestrone was 14.43 so fingers crossed things continue to progress nicely!!

Who is going to be next and join me?? I will continue to spread the babydust to u ladies as it has been done for me!! Thanksgiving for the support here ladies...

See big girls can do it!!


Our first of many I hope :thumbup:

Loving reading all the info on people makes me feel like I know you all better :flower:

Big huge BFN for me this morning and loads of really stretchy clear CM (trying to pay more attention to CM). That combined with some dull cramps makes me sure AF will be here today. At least it means that my cycle is quite regular as it will have been 34 days last month and 34 days this month. Oh well onwards and upwards :thumbup:

Does anyone else keep the negative HPT's? I keep mine until AF comes then I throw them away. No idea why :shrug:

Will be picking some up on the weekly shop all through this cycle so that when it is TWW time again I will have loads to play with :happydance:

Oh just remembered that if I am sticking with my plan of doing something a little different each unsuccessful cycle then I will be trying to find a colourful hair dye this week!!!

I keep my hpks too not sure why but my bag is filled with them lol

loving your plan to do something wacky :) what colour is your hair now ? x

My real hair colour is like a mousy/browny blonde so I have been dying it for years. At the moment it is a brighter blonde but could do with a touch up. Might have to get some blonde dye and then give it a couple of days and put the streak in. Can't decide between purple, pink or blue. Hubby will go nuts so I think I will put the colour in the back underneath so you can only see it when I have it up in a pony tail :haha:

Iwas gonna suggest purple :)
CONGRATS holdinghope99!!!! Our very first BFP! :)

Well...i'm 27. Hubby is 38. I have 2 step-daughters, ages 17 and 18. I've been TTC off and on for the past 5+ years. Most recently we've been NTNP for a year, and then TTC for the last 4 months. This is my first cycle on soy. :)

DH is a wellhead technician in the oil patch, but last year injured his shoulder and is on WCB. He just had shoulder surgery in December and is still doing physio and healing up. Hoping he can go back to work soon, but so far he's been having problems with pain and limited mobility. :( They're going to do another MRI, since we just talked to the surgeon yesterday (he's an hour away from us) and he wants to know what's going on.

I am a retired vet assistant and SPCA worker since I am now disabled. I have an autoimmune condition and suffer from chronic pain.

This will be MY first, and his third child. I'd like a girl, and DH thinks a boy would be fun since he already has 2 girls, but both of us would be happy with either a boy or long as they're healthy. (so

We live in beautiful British Columbia, Canada with 7 cats (yes...SEVEN. We foster for the SPCA, so not all of them are ours. lol), 2 dogs (one is a rescue that we are rehoming, and we think she may have a new home) and 3 horses. :)

I like to show the horses in the summer, and ride dressage and showjumping.

Hmm...I think that's it about me. :)

If you guys haven't read them yet (or watched the movie) my favorite books right now are 'Something Borrowed' and 'Something Blue' by Emily Giffin. :)

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