Any "plus-size", bigger gals TTC their first? :)

I am loving learning more about all of you lovely ladies, you all have such interesting lives and hobbies, how fab if one day we could all meet up :shrug:

And Bbunny definitely Purple it's my fave colour :)

CDnE - I will make a note of those books for when I go on holiday my favourite reading time :))
So I feel like I'm getting to the party a little late but I'd love to join :)
Im 29. Married for over 2 years together for almost 11. We're both big tall people.. I'm 5'10 and am hovering around 270 (have lost about 25) and he's 6'3 and ?? :)

We're only in the middle of our 2nd cycle TTC and even though I knew this wasn't going to happen that quickly - or if it did how rare that is - my DH just doesn't get it... Whats worse is he told ever person that asked about our plans for TTC - I found that out when we were out to dinner and ran into old friends from high school - they are happy to see us together then ask about kids and my DH just straight out says - we're trying once we get back from our vacation in February... I was shocked - but held it in until we got to the car.. I asked him if he always tells people that when they ask and he said yes. I asked him not to but he said its fine that way people will stop asking...??? WOW... :dohh: So now I am feeling the pressure...

I worry about my weight only because I know how great I feel having lost that 25 and I know based on my friends how hard pregnancy is on your body... I also know it can affect your fertility...

I'm thinking of joining WW - what do you girls think?? I've heard its more liefstyle oriented then crash diet which is appealing...
So I feel like I'm getting to the party a little late but I'd love to join :)
Im 29. Married for over 2 years together for almost 11. We're both big tall people.. I'm 5'10 and am hovering around 270 (have lost about 25) and he's 6'3 and ?? :)

We're only in the middle of our 2nd cycle TTC and even though I knew this wasn't going to happen that quickly - or if it did how rare that is - my DH just doesn't get it... Whats worse is he told ever person that asked about our plans for TTC - I found that out when we were out to dinner and ran into old friends from high school - they are happy to see us together then ask about kids and my DH just straight out says - we're trying once we get back from our vacation in February... I was shocked - but held it in until we got to the car.. I asked him if he always tells people that when they ask and he said yes. I asked him not to but he said its fine that way people will stop asking...??? WOW... :dohh: So now I am feeling the pressure...

I worry about my weight only because I know how great I feel having lost that 25 and I know based on my friends how hard pregnancy is on your body... I also know it can affect your fertility...

I'm thinking of joining WW - what do you girls think?? I've heard its more liefstyle oriented then crash diet which is appealing...

Better late than never sweetie xxxx welcome x
Welcome readytogo :hugs:

I think I may go with purple or maybe all three lol

AF still hasn't shown but I feel a bit damp down there :blush: so she isn't far off.

So plan for next month is

1. Possibly temp gonna look into it a bit more
2. Use the conceive plus every time we DTD
3. Relax more and don't get so stressed about the whole thing
4. DTD every other day from 2 days after AF finishes onwards
5. Vary the times that we DTD trying morning and afternoons when we can
6. Vary positions
7. Prop my bum up after DTD to make sure those spermies stay where they should
8. Get some exercise done
9. Take more notice of CM
10. Be more positive

Have loved reading more about my lovely girls so I guess it's my turn!

I am 31, 32 in May. I'm a Taurus and quite true to my sign. Passionate, creative, caring - all to my detriment sometimes because I can be too much of these things!

I have 1 sister who is 29, she got married last year and hasn't started ttc yet. She's also a plus sized gorgeous lady. We are quite close and she's more of a friend than a sister.

Mum and Dad are still going strong, they are fairly young, mum had me when she was 21, they celebrate their coral wedding anniversary in July this year. *We are a close family, they all know we are ttc but they are really good about it, they don't ask but they listen if I want to talk.

Hubby is 32, 33 in October. His birthday is the same day as my little puppy Riley (who's not that little!)

We've been together for 15 years this year, married for 3 in September. We met at college when I was 17 and just shared a couple of smiles in passing. *One day we were all in the library and he was getting hassled by these rough girls that kept trying to ask him and his friend out. Later I was chatting to my friend and noticed he was chatting to his friend saying, "how do we get rid of those skanky girls?" Completely out of character I turned round to him and said "you could always pretend I was your girlfriend if you think that will put her off" he replied "I'd have to know your name first"
And the rest (as they say) was history!

I really enjoy making things, I have a small crochet business and make things to order, it's only an outlet for my creative side, I could never make money through it.

I am a Business Analyst for a well known tv provider in the UK - Richard Branson is my top boss but I've not met him lol!
I am lucky that I can work from home quite a lot, otherwise we wouldn't have our pup, but some weeks I travel a lot and luckily my mother in law has two Bernese mountain dogs too so he goes to play with his friends when I am travelling.

We go on lots of holidays where we just rent a cottage and go on nice walks with the dog, sometimes with family and sometimes just us.
We enjoy good food, watching films, walking, talking and laughing. *Pretty simple stuff really!

So that's me in a nutshell

Purple is my favourite colour too :) you have to post a pic BBBunny!
So I feel like I'm getting to the party a little late but I'd love to join :)
Im 29. Married for over 2 years together for almost 11. We're both big tall people.. I'm 5'10 and am hovering around 270 (have lost about 25) and he's 6'3 and ?? :)

We're only in the middle of our 2nd cycle TTC and even though I knew this wasn't going to happen that quickly - or if it did how rare that is - my DH just doesn't get it... Whats worse is he told ever person that asked about our plans for TTC - I found that out when we were out to dinner and ran into old friends from high school - they are happy to see us together then ask about kids and my DH just straight out says - we're trying once we get back from our vacation in February... I was shocked - but held it in until we got to the car.. I asked him if he always tells people that when they ask and he said yes. I asked him not to but he said its fine that way people will stop asking...??? WOW... :dohh: So now I am feeling the pressure...

I worry about my weight only because I know how great I feel having lost that 25 and I know based on my friends how hard pregnancy is on your body... I also know it can affect your fertility...

I'm thinking of joining WW - what do you girls think?? I've heard its more liefstyle oriented then crash diet which is appealing...

I've done WW, I'm now on slimming world, I just find SW is more flexible and easier to maintain as a normal lifestyle because you don't have to count points, but when I did WW I did lose 2.5 stone (put it back on though) I find it easier to keep off with SW
Purple is my favourite colour too :) you have to post a pic BBBunny!

Ohhhhh the peer pressure :rofl:

I have just started watching a pot of purple semi permanent on ebay so fingers crossed I will get that one. If not going to take a trip to superdrug over the weekend and see if they have any. I am a bit accident prone, as we saw from last nights broken crystal :blush: , so I am fully expecting to end up with a purple bathroom and slightly more than a streak in my hair :haha:

All this time wanting AF to stay away and now I know she is coming I just wish she would hurry up so she can go away again. At least she should be here by the weekend so I can have a guilt free drink and get some hardcore gardening in.

In other news a pigeon has made a nest quite low down in a tree in the garden and hatched 2 babies which I saw her feeding today. Between that and the frog spawn I think out garden is turning into a fertility hotspot may have to DTD out there next time :cold:
Purple is my favourite colour too :) you have to post a pic BBBunny!

Ohhhhh the peer pressure :rofl:

I have just started watching a pot of purple semi permanent on ebay so fingers crossed I will get that one. If not going to take a trip to superdrug over the weekend and see if they have any. I am a bit accident prone, as we saw from last nights broken crystal :blush: , so I am fully expecting to end up with a purple bathroom and slightly more than a streak in my hair :haha:

All this time wanting AF to stay away and now I know she is coming I just wish she would hurry up so she can go away again. At least she should be here by the weekend so I can have a guilt free drink and get some hardcore gardening in.

In other news a pigeon has made a nest quite low down in a tree in the garden and hatched 2 babies which I saw her feeding today. Between that and the frog spawn I think out garden is turning into a fertility hotspot may have to DTD out there next time :cold:

Go and roll around in the garden! Get that magic spring fertility dust all over you!
Purple is my favourite colour too :) you have to post a pic BBBunny!

Ohhhhh the peer pressure :rofl:

I have just started watching a pot of purple semi permanent on ebay so fingers crossed I will get that one. If not going to take a trip to superdrug over the weekend and see if they have any. I am a bit accident prone, as we saw from last nights broken crystal :blush: , so I am fully expecting to end up with a purple bathroom and slightly more than a streak in my hair :haha:

All this time wanting AF to stay away and now I know she is coming I just wish she would hurry up so she can go away again. At least she should be here by the weekend so I can have a guilt free drink and get some hardcore gardening in.

In other news a pigeon has made a nest quite low down in a tree in the garden and hatched 2 babies which I saw her feeding today. Between that and the frog spawn I think out garden is turning into a fertility hotspot may have to DTD out there next time :cold:

Go and roll around in the garden! Get that magic spring fertility dust all over you!

Thats not magic spring fertility dust, thats dogs poop :huh:
Purple is my favourite colour too :) you have to post a pic BBBunny!

Ohhhhh the peer pressure :rofl:

I have just started watching a pot of purple semi permanent on ebay so fingers crossed I will get that one. If not going to take a trip to superdrug over the weekend and see if they have any. I am a bit accident prone, as we saw from last nights broken crystal :blush: , so I am fully expecting to end up with a purple bathroom and slightly more than a streak in my hair :haha:

All this time wanting AF to stay away and now I know she is coming I just wish she would hurry up so she can go away again. At least she should be here by the weekend so I can have a guilt free drink and get some hardcore gardening in.

In other news a pigeon has made a nest quite low down in a tree in the garden and hatched 2 babies which I saw her feeding today. Between that and the frog spawn I think out garden is turning into a fertility hotspot may have to DTD out there next time :cold:

Go and roll around in the garden! Get that magic spring fertility dust all over you!

Thats not magic spring fertility dust, thats dogs poop :huh:

Don't roll in that! You'll not smell very attractive!
Congrats holdinghope, I am so excited for you! Our first :bfp:! :happydance::happydance::happydance:

BBunny, I think you should go with purple hair! That would be soo much fun. I'm getting mine done soon with raven black and red highlights. I can't wait!

I love getting to know everyone! Guess it's my turn! :blush:

I'm 28, turning 29 in August. I live in Bellingham, Washingoton (The state). I work for a Major Cell phone company as a Customer Service rep. Have to REALLY use my brain for the job, but I like it for the most part. Always kept on our toes! lol For the most part I'm a Happy-go-Lucky kind of girl. I'm pretty shy, which can come off awkward but I'm really loud and crazy once I get to know someone. I have a child-like sounding voice, which I find annoying but sounds more ridicules when I try to make it deeper! I have ALWAYS wanted to be a Mommy and never really saw myself as doing anything else.

I have a huge family. One of those your's, mine and ours kind of things. We never counted step or half siblings because the only important part is the sister/brother. Altogether I have 8 sisters and 3 brothers and I have 7 nephews and 4 neices (including my in-law's kids). We're a pretty close family and Holidays are crazy!! Kind of like on My Big Fat Greek Wedding where you have a room compacted w/ ppl and it's loud and chaotic, but nobody really notices? That's us! lol

DH is 32, he'll be 33 in December. We met in late 2006. There was an instant connection. I know it sounds corny but time actually stopped for a minute. We became instant friends and started dating in Jan 2008. We were married on October 12, 2008. :wedding: He's my best friend and the love of my life. We started TTC right away but that back surgery I was telling you Ladies about got in the way. Right now we're NTNP. I was Dx w/ PCOS in Oct 2009 and have been taking Metformin ever since.

We have quite a few pets. I have 2 turtles that I've had since 2002, 3 white mice, parakeets and fish. We're getting a kitten in a few weeks. We're waiting for her to be ready to leave her Mom. She's a beautiful black and white tuxedo kitty.

Baby names we've decided Kahlan (pronounced kaylynn) for a girl and Liam for a boy. Still working on middle names though. Marie will be part of my first little girls name. Kind of a family tradition. For our nursery ideas we have decided Ladybugs for our girl and Dinosaurs for our boy!

I'm really happy and excited to be apart of this group! It's hard sometimes to find and accepting group of women when you're heavy. :hugs:
Here is the pigeon and her two babies
Congrats holdinghope, I am so excited for you! Our first :bfp:! :happydance::happydance::happydance:

BBunny, I think you should go with purple hair! That would be soo much fun. I'm getting mine done soon with raven black and red highlights. I can't wait!

I love getting to know everyone! Guess it's my turn! :blush:

I'm 28, turning 29 in August. I live in Bellingham, Washingoton (The state). I work for a Major Cell phone company as a Customer Service rep. Have to REALLY use my brain for the job, but I like it for the most part. Always kept on our toes! lol For the most part I'm a Happy-go-Lucky kind of girl. I'm pretty shy, which can come off awkward but I'm really loud and crazy once I get to know someone. I have a child-like sounding voice, which I find annoying but sounds more ridicules when I try to make it deeper! I have ALWAYS wanted to be a Mommy and never really saw myself as doing anything else.

I have a huge family. One of those your's, mine and ours kind of things. We never counted step or half siblings because the only important part is the sister/brother. Altogether I have 8 sisters and 3 brothers and I have 7 nephews and 4 neices (including my in-law's kids). We're a pretty close family and Holidays are crazy!! Kind of like on My Big Fat Greek Wedding where you have a room compacted w/ ppl and it's loud and chaotic, but nobody really notices? That's us! lol

DH is 32, he'll be 33 in December. We met in late 2006. There was an instant connection. I know it sounds corny but time actually stopped for a minute. We became instant friends and started dating in Jan 2008. We were married on October 12, 2008. :wedding: He's my best friend and the love of my life. We started TTC right away but that back surgery I was telling you Ladies about got in the way. Right now we're NTNP. I was Dx w/ PCOS in Oct 2009 and have been taking Metformin ever since.

We have quite a few pets. I have 2 turtles that I've had since 2002, 3 white mice, parakeets and fish. We're getting a kitten in a few weeks. We're waiting for her to be ready to leave her Mom. She's a beautiful black and white tuxedo kitty.

Baby names we've decided Kahlan (pronounced kaylynn) for a girl and Liam for a boy. Still working on middle names though. Marie will be part of my first little girls name. Kind of a family tradition. For our nursery ideas we have decided Ladybugs for our girl and Dinosaurs for our boy!

I'm really happy and excited to be apart of this group! It's hard sometimes to find and accepting group of women when you're heavy. :hugs:

I don't post much on this thread but I read everything :coffee: and I just had to comment on your post because my name is Cailin (pronounced Kaylynn) and my dad's name is Liam..... nice choices! LOL :thumbup:
Congrats holdinghope, I am so excited for you! Our first :bfp:! :happydance::happydance::happydance:

BBunny, I think you should go with purple hair! That would be soo much fun. I'm getting mine done soon with raven black and red highlights. I can't wait!

I love getting to know everyone! Guess it's my turn! :blush:

I'm 28, turning 29 in August. I live in Bellingham, Washingoton (The state). I work for a Major Cell phone company as a Customer Service rep. Have to REALLY use my brain for the job, but I like it for the most part. Always kept on our toes! lol For the most part I'm a Happy-go-Lucky kind of girl. I'm pretty shy, which can come off awkward but I'm really loud and crazy once I get to know someone. I have a child-like sounding voice, which I find annoying but sounds more ridicules when I try to make it deeper! I have ALWAYS wanted to be a Mommy and never really saw myself as doing anything else.

I have a huge family. One of those your's, mine and ours kind of things. We never counted step or half siblings because the only important part is the sister/brother. Altogether I have 8 sisters and 3 brothers and I have 7 nephews and 4 neices (including my in-law's kids). We're a pretty close family and Holidays are crazy!! Kind of like on My Big Fat Greek Wedding where you have a room compacted w/ ppl and it's loud and chaotic, but nobody really notices? That's us! lol

DH is 32, he'll be 33 in December. We met in late 2006. There was an instant connection. I know it sounds corny but time actually stopped for a minute. We became instant friends and started dating in Jan 2008. We were married on October 12, 2008. :wedding: He's my best friend and the love of my life. We started TTC right away but that back surgery I was telling you Ladies about got in the way. Right now we're NTNP. I was Dx w/ PCOS in Oct 2009 and have been taking Metformin ever since.

We have quite a few pets. I have 2 turtles that I've had since 2002, 3 white mice, parakeets and fish. We're getting a kitten in a few weeks. We're waiting for her to be ready to leave her Mom. She's a beautiful black and white tuxedo kitty.

Baby names we've decided Kahlan (pronounced kaylynn) for a girl and Liam for a boy. Still working on middle names though. Marie will be part of my first little girls name. Kind of a family tradition. For our nursery ideas we have decided Ladybugs for our girl and Dinosaurs for our boy!

I'm really happy and excited to be apart of this group! It's hard sometimes to find and accepting group of women when you're heavy. :hugs:

Yay for Washington - I'm just out of Seattle!!
Its so nice to read all about you ladies, i definitely feel like im getting to know you all abit better :hugs: im so glad i found this thread!!

Ok my dilemma for today...i ordered some ic opks off of amazon 30 £5...reading the instructions it says i have to pee in a cup and leave to room temperature (around 20 minutes) now...most of the time i will be testing at work always here, and i can't be walking around with a cup of urine it really necessary to leave for 20 minutes? Will they not work if i use right away...?
Lol leave it for 20 mins, iv never heard that or done that. My opks came with a little plastic pot.
Vic x

Its so nice to read all about you ladies, i definitely feel like im getting to know you all abit better :hugs: im so glad i found this thread!!

Ok my dilemma for today...i ordered some ic opks off of amazon 30 £5...reading the instructions it says i have to pee in a cup and leave to room temperature (around 20 minutes) now...most of the time i will be testing at work always here, and i can't be walking around with a cup of urine it really necessary to leave for 20 minutes? Will they not work if i use right away...?
Lol leave it for 20 mins, iv never heard that or done that. My opks came with a little plastic pot.
Vic x

Its so nice to read all about you ladies, i definitely feel like im getting to know you all abit better :hugs: im so glad i found this thread!!

Ok my dilemma for today...i ordered some ic opks off of amazon 30 £5...reading the instructions it says i have to pee in a cup and leave to room temperature (around 20 minutes) now...most of the time i will be testing at work always here, and i can't be walking around with a cup of urine it really necessary to leave for 20 minutes? Will they not work if i use right away...?

thanks vic :hugs: i don't mind peeing in a cup and testing straight away but waiting 20 minutes does seem strange, the other tests i have don't say anything about that but they look more like a hpt which i prefer but they are so expensive £20 for just 7 lol
So I feel like I'm getting to the party a little late but I'd love to join :)
Im 29. Married for over 2 years together for almost 11. We're both big tall people.. I'm 5'10 and am hovering around 270 (have lost about 25) and he's 6'3 and ?? :)

We're only in the middle of our 2nd cycle TTC and even though I knew this wasn't going to happen that quickly - or if it did how rare that is - my DH just doesn't get it... Whats worse is he told ever person that asked about our plans for TTC - I found that out when we were out to dinner and ran into old friends from high school - they are happy to see us together then ask about kids and my DH just straight out says - we're trying once we get back from our vacation in February... I was shocked - but held it in until we got to the car.. I asked him if he always tells people that when they ask and he said yes. I asked him not to but he said its fine that way people will stop asking...??? WOW... :dohh: So now I am feeling the pressure...

I worry about my weight only because I know how great I feel having lost that 25 and I know based on my friends how hard pregnancy is on your body... I also know it can affect your fertility...

I'm thinking of joining WW - what do you girls think?? I've heard its more liefstyle oriented then crash diet which is appealing...

:haha: i loved it when you said you were bothe big tall people lol me and my fella are big tall people too lol im 5 10" like you and fella is 6 4" :)
dont feel pressure hun just come on here and talk about everything and anything or crap if you want, this is why we have decided to have a get to know you month as it has already taken stress off us and we are not saying you cant come on and talk about ttc b/c you can its just a de stress month so you came at the right time :) :hugs:
Ohhhhh the peer pressure :rofl:

I have just started watching a pot of purple semi permanent on ebay so fingers crossed I will get that one. If not going to take a trip to superdrug over the weekend and see if they have any. I am a bit accident prone, as we saw from last nights broken crystal :blush: , so I am fully expecting to end up with a purple bathroom and slightly more than a streak in my hair :haha:

All this time wanting AF to stay away and now I know she is coming I just wish she would hurry up so she can go away again. At least she should be here by the weekend so I can have a guilt free drink and get some hardcore gardening in.

In other news a pigeon has made a nest quite low down in a tree in the garden and hatched 2 babies which I saw her feeding today. Between that and the frog spawn I think out garden is turning into a fertility hotspot may have to DTD out there next time :cold:

:haha: you are a funny lady lol never fail to make me laugh lol i too wish i knew whats going on with this cycle, i have completely forgotten what dpo and cd i am i will just wait til i sent this and then have a look on my ticker :/

See im a gemini so ive had all the conversations with my split personalities and they are all saying the same thing....."my body sucks and the witch is a bitch" I HAVE NO MORE PATIENCE TO WAIT ANYMORE........ roll on the 26th when they get to stick a needle in my arm.... i actually have a phobia of them but right now ill take what i can get :)

Hardcore gardening huh??!!!?? :haha: sounds fun lol

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