Any "plus-size", bigger gals TTC their first? :)

Have loved reading more about my lovely girls so I guess it's my turn!

I am 31, 32 in May. I'm a Taurus and quite true to my sign. Passionate, creative, caring - all to my detriment sometimes because I can be too much of these things!

I have 1 sister who is 29, she got married last year and hasn't started ttc yet. She's also a plus sized gorgeous lady. We are quite close and she's more of a friend than a sister.

Mum and Dad are still going strong, they are fairly young, mum had me when she was 21, they celebrate their coral wedding anniversary in July this year. *We are a close family, they all know we are ttc but they are really good about it, they don't ask but they listen if I want to talk.

Hubby is 32, 33 in October. His birthday is the same day as my little puppy Riley (who's not that little!)

We've been together for 15 years this year, married for 3 in September. We met at college when I was 17 and just shared a couple of smiles in passing. *One day we were all in the library and he was getting hassled by these rough girls that kept trying to ask him and his friend out. Later I was chatting to my friend and noticed he was chatting to his friend saying, "how do we get rid of those skanky girls?" Completely out of character I turned round to him and said "you could always pretend I was your girlfriend if you think that will put her off" he replied "I'd have to know your name first"
And the rest (as they say) was history!

I really enjoy making things, I have a small crochet business and make things to order, it's only an outlet for my creative side, I could never make money through it.

I am a Business Analyst for a well known tv provider in the UK - Richard Branson is my top boss but I've not met him lol!
I am lucky that I can work from home quite a lot, otherwise we wouldn't have our pup, but some weeks I travel a lot and luckily my mother in law has two Bernese mountain dogs too so he goes to play with his friends when I am travelling.

We go on lots of holidays where we just rent a cottage and go on nice walks with the dog, sometimes with family and sometimes just us.
We enjoy good food, watching films, walking, talking and laughing. *Pretty simple stuff really!

So that's me in a nutshell


Awwwwww i Love that your so simple :) lol your a top bird you are :) i met other half in college when i was 17 too :) back then he was soooooooooooooo shy and he kept following me round college just so he could see me, but i think he was just checking out my bum :D im his first relationship so hes not so shy and quiet anymore lol hes far from shy lol we always laugh and have play fights so its stopped us having any major arguements which is good, college romances are the best :) :hugs:
Purple is my favourite colour too :) you have to post a pic BBBunny!

Ohhhhh the peer pressure :rofl:

I have just started watching a pot of purple semi permanent on ebay so fingers crossed I will get that one. If not going to take a trip to superdrug over the weekend and see if they have any. I am a bit accident prone, as we saw from last nights broken crystal :blush: , so I am fully expecting to end up with a purple bathroom and slightly more than a streak in my hair :haha:

All this time wanting AF to stay away and now I know she is coming I just wish she would hurry up so she can go away again. At least she should be here by the weekend so I can have a guilt free drink and get some hardcore gardening in.

In other news a pigeon has made a nest quite low down in a tree in the garden and hatched 2 babies which I saw her feeding today. Between that and the frog spawn I think out garden is turning into a fertility hotspot may have to DTD out there next time :cold:

Go and roll around in the garden! Get that magic spring fertility dust all over you!

Thats not magic spring fertility dust, thats dogs poop :huh:

LMAO omg you girls have just made me throw up lol cant stop laughing and i got a bad chest so it just made me go sick lol too bloody funny :haha: :hugs: :thumbup:
Congrats holdinghope, I am so excited for you! Our first :bfp:! :happydance::happydance::happydance:

BBunny, I think you should go with purple hair! That would be soo much fun. I'm getting mine done soon with raven black and red highlights. I can't wait!

I love getting to know everyone! Guess it's my turn! :blush:

I'm 28, turning 29 in August. I live in Bellingham, Washingoton (The state). I work for a Major Cell phone company as a Customer Service rep. Have to REALLY use my brain for the job, but I like it for the most part. Always kept on our toes! lol For the most part I'm a Happy-go-Lucky kind of girl. I'm pretty shy, which can come off awkward but I'm really loud and crazy once I get to know someone. I have a child-like sounding voice, which I find annoying but sounds more ridicules when I try to make it deeper! I have ALWAYS wanted to be a Mommy and never really saw myself as doing anything else.

I have a huge family. One of those your's, mine and ours kind of things. We never counted step or half siblings because the only important part is the sister/brother. Altogether I have 8 sisters and 3 brothers and I have 7 nephews and 4 neices (including my in-law's kids). We're a pretty close family and Holidays are crazy!! Kind of like on My Big Fat Greek Wedding where you have a room compacted w/ ppl and it's loud and chaotic, but nobody really notices? That's us! lol

DH is 32, he'll be 33 in December. We met in late 2006. There was an instant connection. I know it sounds corny but time actually stopped for a minute. We became instant friends and started dating in Jan 2008. We were married on October 12, 2008. :wedding: He's my best friend and the love of my life. We started TTC right away but that back surgery I was telling you Ladies about got in the way. Right now we're NTNP. I was Dx w/ PCOS in Oct 2009 and have been taking Metformin ever since.

We have quite a few pets. I have 2 turtles that I've had since 2002, 3 white mice, parakeets and fish. We're getting a kitten in a few weeks. We're waiting for her to be ready to leave her Mom. She's a beautiful black and white tuxedo kitty.

Baby names we've decided Kahlan (pronounced kaylynn) for a girl and Liam for a boy. Still working on middle names though. Marie will be part of my first little girls name. Kind of a family tradition. For our nursery ideas we have decided Ladybugs for our girl and Dinosaurs for our boy!

I'm really happy and excited to be apart of this group! It's hard sometimes to find and accepting group of women when you're heavy. :hugs:

hey hun, i love the idea of black and red hair but as im naturally blonde and have casper white skin if i coloured my hair like that i would just look dead :/
ive had a lot of pets in my life too, cats called - fish, mogsy, rosie, pheobe, crunchie. dogs called- gemma, gizmo and maya (my current black lab bitch 2 year old) Hamsters called - george, mildred, phsyco, fat *******, sniffer, (going to not count the 7 russian dwarf hamsters we had that turned into 58 hamsters due to inbreeding) Fish called- tea-bag, kettle, milk, coffee and sugar...( thats what you get when you let children name animals lol ) :happydance:
Its so nice to read all about you ladies, i definitely feel like im getting to know you all abit better :hugs: im so glad i found this thread!!

Ok my dilemma for today...i ordered some ic opks off of amazon 30 £5...reading the instructions it says i have to pee in a cup and leave to room temperature (around 20 minutes) now...most of the time i will be testing at work always here, and i can't be walking around with a cup of urine it really necessary to leave for 20 minutes? Will they not work if i use right away...?

again you just made me pee a little lol i am just picturing you walking around talking to everyone holding a cup of pee lol :) funny funny funny :haha: :hugs:

my ones say that you have to leave to room temp before testing too, just find a hiding place, your draw, under a cuboard or hide a book over it lol
Its so nice to read all about you ladies, i definitely feel like im getting to know you all abit better :hugs: im so glad i found this thread!!

Ok my dilemma for today...i ordered some ic opks off of amazon 30 £5...reading the instructions it says i have to pee in a cup and leave to room temperature (around 20 minutes) now...most of the time i will be testing at work always here, and i can't be walking around with a cup of urine it really necessary to leave for 20 minutes? Will they not work if i use right away...?

again you just made me pee a little lol i am just picturing you walking around talking to everyone holding a cup of pee lol :) funny funny funny :haha: :hugs:

my ones say that you have to leave to room temp before testing too, just find a hiding place, your draw, under a cuboard or hide a book over it lol

You know, you could probably get away with that in my office, no-one would even notice!
:haha: i think you should do it and just see how many people notice lol
ps according to ff i should have been on my new cycle and pred ov was on the 18th again like februarys pred ov :( not happy with this cycle at all :/
CD52, oh babe. Are you still DTD lots? Just in case?
CD52, oh babe. Are you still DTD lots? Just in case?

nope :/ we are just doing it as and when we do it, as ive completely given up with this cycle now!!!! i havent been using opks so on a cycle like this where the end is no where to be seen i havent got a clue as to when i might ovulate!!!!! im willing af to come every morning and every evening and i usually come on during the night but when i wake up no af :( :shrug:
CD52, oh babe. Are you still DTD lots? Just in case?

nope :/ we are just doing it as and when we do it, as ive completely given up with this cycle now!!!! i havent been using opks so on a cycle like this where the end is no where to be seen i havent got a clue as to when i might ovulate!!!!! im willing af to come every morning and every evening and i usually come on during the night but when i wake up no af :( :shrug:

that's horrible :( :hugs: I wish there was a magic button to push and just reset everything!
CD52, oh babe. Are you still DTD lots? Just in case?

nope :/ we are just doing it as and when we do it, as ive completely given up with this cycle now!!!! i havent been using opks so on a cycle like this where the end is no where to be seen i havent got a clue as to when i might ovulate!!!!! im willing af to come every morning and every evening and i usually come on during the night but when i wake up no af :( :shrug:

that's horrible :( :hugs: I wish there was a magic button to push and just reset everything!

so do i :/ well its got to show up eventually..... if it hasnt come by the 26th when i have docs appointment and blood tests are neg im going to ask if there is something they can give me to make af appear... what do you think??

CD52, oh babe. Are you still DTD lots? Just in case?

nope :/ we are just doing it as and when we do it, as ive completely given up with this cycle now!!!! i havent been using opks so on a cycle like this where the end is no where to be seen i havent got a clue as to when i might ovulate!!!!! im willing af to come every morning and every evening and i usually come on during the night but when i wake up no af :( :shrug:

that's horrible :( :hugs: I wish there was a magic button to push and just reset everything!

so do i :/ well its got to show up eventually..... if it hasnt come by the 26th when i have docs appointment and blood tests are neg im going to ask if there is something they can give me to make af appear... what do you think??


:hugs: it must be so frustrating having such long cycles and not knowing when to expect af from month to month. can you not predict when you will start from your chart?? I only started charting 3 days ago so know nothing about how to read them
CD52, oh babe. Are you still DTD lots? Just in case?

nope :/ we are just doing it as and when we do it, as ive completely given up with this cycle now!!!! i havent been using opks so on a cycle like this where the end is no where to be seen i havent got a clue as to when i might ovulate!!!!! im willing af to come every morning and every evening and i usually come on during the night but when i wake up no af :( :shrug:

that's horrible :( :hugs: I wish there was a magic button to push and just reset everything!

so do i :/ well its got to show up eventually..... if it hasnt come by the 26th when i have docs appointment and blood tests are neg im going to ask if there is something they can give me to make af appear... what do you think??


:hugs: it must be so frustrating having such long cycles and not knowing when to expect af from month to month. can you not predict when you will start from your chart?? I only started charting 3 days ago so know nothing about how to read them

Hi hun i dont do temping, i only use ff for the pred ov and predicted af calender, and ive typed everything in based on my 9 months of having 9 regular 30 day cycles, this is the first non 30 day cycle ive had since they started regulating properly! According to FF i was meant to have Af on 2nd march and according to ff calender predicted ov was meant to happen again on the 18th of march like they predicted last ov on the 18th of feb, but then i was meant to have a 30 day cycle, so i have no idea what to do with it lol im just willing af to come and pay me a visit soon :/
Hello Ladies :)

I would talk to the doc when you go in and see what they say although if they are anything like mine they will just tell you to wait it out :growlmad:
I totally feel your frustration though.

I thought I was on a 31 day cycle then when I looked back last cycle was 34 days so I changed my ticker to 34 days no I am on day 35 so I have changed it again. Usually she shows in an afternoon so there is still time today but for a week now I have been so sure that she is there that I have been surprised when there has been nothing.

Had cramps earlier in the week but nothing now but lots of stretchy clear CM the other day which I read was a sign she was imminent. The thing is I am positive I am out this month. I have had zero pregnancy symptoms and do not 'feel' in anyway pregnant plus I have been getting BFN's all the way along including yesterday which was I think DPO 14.

Just as I am writing this have starting getting some cramps so maybe she will be here today. I just wish she would hurry up as if she comes today that means my cycle isn't as off as I thought it may be. To be honest I would be worried if I got a BFP this cycle due to my lack of any symptoms.

I just want to get on with it now and get stuck into the next cycle so I am getting a bit :wacko: Last time we were TTC as soon as we started AF just went mental and one cycle I was almost 2 weeks late. It just feels like my body is working against me not with me.

To add to it all hubby is getting broodier than me :dohh: and I am starting to feel like I am letting him down and there has been times I think he would be better off in different relationship as he would probably have a baby by now.

Arghh I just need to get over myself and be thankful for what we have not get wrapped up in what we don't.
Hello Ladies :)

I would talk to the doc when you go in and see what they say although if they are anything like mine they will just tell you to wait it out :growlmad:
I totally feel your frustration though.

I thought I was on a 31 day cycle then when I looked back last cycle was 34 days so I changed my ticker to 34 days no I am on day 35 so I have changed it again. Usually she shows in an afternoon so there is still time today but for a week now I have been so sure that she is there that I have been surprised when there has been nothing.

Had cramps earlier in the week but nothing now but lots of stretchy clear CM the other day which I read was a sign she was imminent. The thing is I am positive I am out this month. I have had zero pregnancy symptoms and do not 'feel' in anyway pregnant plus I have been getting BFN's all the way along including yesterday which was I think DPO 14.

Just as I am writing this have starting getting some cramps so maybe she will be here today. I just wish she would hurry up as if she comes today that means my cycle isn't as off as I thought it may be. To be honest I would be worried if I got a BFP this cycle due to my lack of any symptoms.

I just want to get on with it now and get stuck into the next cycle so I am getting a bit :wacko: Last time we were TTC as soon as we started AF just went mental and one cycle I was almost 2 weeks late. It just feels like my body is working against me not with me.

To add to it all hubby is getting broodier than me :dohh: and I am starting to feel like I am letting him down and there has been times I think he would be better off in different relationship as he would probably have a baby by now.

Arghh I just need to get over myself and be thankful for what we have not get wrapped up in what we don't.

See if i really think about how different i feel this cycle to all my others, i do feel different... my boobs have been twinging every other day and on the days inbetween my nipples have been sticking out and sore all day long, cramps during the 2ww and every other few days since, i walked into town yesterday which is a 30 minute walk there and 30 minute walk back and i was breathing really heavy, half way into town and i felt really light headed and queezy, and on the way home i had to stop every so often because i felt really sick, i know im a big lass but i can walk 30 minutes without feeling like i am going to pass out, it wasnt hot outside either, i just dont understand because my body is making me think that somethings going on inside me and yet the hpks are saying otherwise, anyways i guess i just have to wait it out this cycle and hopefully it wont take another 9 months to get regular periods again....
i feel like that too, i always say to my fella that he should find someone who is fertile as he is wanting a baby before hes 30 and he is 30 in november, ive always wanted to have kids before im 30 and im 28 in june...

Going to have a break after this is over.
Im going to do one month of bbt everyday.

But not going to bd if i ov and i am not going to figure anything out.... been a stressful cycle...
Im just going to focus on getting my diet chart on the go, exercise my butt off with davina mcall and do CM and CP charts, i dont check them everyday and i really need to try and check so i really need to just draw a load of charts and get them all ready for the next cycle that i do bd etc.....
Whew i have missed a bunch!

Okay, the internet cheapie tests i have say to wait until the urine is room temp also...but that has never made a difference, i waited the 20 minutes *once* after dipping one right away and got the same results/color everyyyything (OPKs) im so impatient i dont think i could hold out that long :haha:

Okay now about me :happydance:

I am 31 going to be 32 in October.

I have a hubby who is 34 and is supervisor for customer service for a technology company.

We have been married for almost 8 years and bought a house 4 years ago that i would like to be painting and decorating, but there just isnt enough time in a day!

I work full time for an insurance company, doing claims adjustments and answering provider correspondence questions

Id like to be organized but I am the queen of... omg, whats that shiny thing over there?.

We have two dogs, two cats and a ferret who we love.

I put off TTC because hubby wasnt feeling ready for it, and i have fibromyalgia which was not under control at the time (currently much improved, been tampering down my medication dose).

I was born and raised in NJ, about 10 minutes from the beach. We hardly ever went, because all the tourists are irritating. I would go sometimes at night and sit and watch the waves, just to think and clear my head.

Nobody knows we are TTC with the exception of our Drs and hubbys best friend because he let it slip to him one day :haha:.

i am currently in a nursing program, graduating in December.

I love music and would go nuts without my favorite radio station or my ipod

I have two nieces and a nephew that we do not get to see often, as my family lives in NJ.

I spend far too much time online, playing video games and doing homework!

yay! and hopefully i can keep up with all the news...congrats to our first BFP! woohoo!
Ive been busy with work the last couple days and just got caught up as well, so I'll take a turn too!

I am 26, I am a Developmental Service Worker, I have 2 jobs. I work in a group home and I work with a 10 year old boy. Some days I go from one job to the other which gets very exausting and sometimes stressful :( .
OH is 36 and he is the head machanic for the toyota dealership here in town. We are from Ontario, Canada. We have been together for 3 and half years and just bought our first house! We get the keys in May im super excited! We have been TTC since October, hoping to have our first child soon as he says he doesnt want any kids after hes 40 and I would like more then 1! We have 2 Siberian Huskies Seqoiua is 9 and Koda is 8.

I have 3 brothers. 44 (he has 3 kids.. one of his kids has 2 kids and one has 1 kid) 35 (he has 3 kids) and 32 (he has 1 kid. I have 2 step brothers and 3 step sisters and between then they have 11 kids, and one of them has a kid.
OH has 2 brothers each has 2 and one of there kids has a kid too!
I dont want to be the only one without anymore!! LOL
:) Love hearing about you all )

Next one is - diets and we have to be honest, what do you need to eat more of or less of, what is the thing that you cant have in your fridge because you just know you will eat it all.... any tips or cheats, any advice or would like advice on, and what are you going to focus on cutting out of your diet in order to help lose weight...

I havent told ANYONE my weight and when the doc takes my weight he knows he instantly becomes my new hated person so here it is........

Im 18 stone, i lost 4 stone a few years ago for my mums wedding as i bought a dress 3 sizes smaller than me and had to lose 4 stone in 5 months which i did, i lived on Rivita Crackers and Slim fast milkshakes (which i must get back into as they really helped fill me up)

I dont have a sweet tooth for sweets as such but crisps in my cuboard is lethal..... I need to drink WAY MORE water than i do as thats probably why i get kidney infections but im working on that, i cant have cheese cake in my fridge as i will literally starve myself for days just so i can eat the whole thing and not feel bad....

I have no motivation to lose weight or exercise as im still waiting for that one person who will come along and click her fingers and make me thin :) ive been 18 stone for so long now and i just seem to not gain or not lose anything. summer is my best time to lose weight as my aunty told me, i always eat salad and i go on the soup diet which really works for me :)

I love fruit, struggle with veg but will eat it if there is a gun to my head, chicken is my favourite meat, i dont like beef, turkey, pork or lamb (i had a little pet lamb i was allowed to look after him on my grans farm when i was little and when we went to visit we had a lamb dinner, when i went out to find my friend in the field and he wasnt there i asked my gran where he was and she pointed to my dinner plate and said right there... broke my heart and ive never eaten lamb since:( wasnt happy)
i love cooking so i love to experiment and now that i have other half trying different foods maybe i can introduce a healthier diet to him and that will make me want to change my eating habits... :)

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