Any "plus-size", bigger gals TTC their first? :)

:) Love hearing about you all )

Next one is - diets and we have to be honest, what do you need to eat more of or less of, what is the thing that you cant have in your fridge because you just know you will eat it all.... any tips or cheats, any advice or would like advice on, and what are you going to focus on cutting out of your diet in order to help lose weight...

I havent told ANYONE my weight and when the doc takes my weight he knows he instantly becomes my new hated person so here it is........

Im 18 stone, i lost 4 stone a few years ago for my mums wedding as i bought a dress 3 sizes smaller than me and had to lose 4 stone in 5 months which i did, i lived on Rivita Crackers and Slim fast milkshakes (which i must get back into as they really helped fill me up)

I dont have a sweet tooth for sweets as such but crisps in my cuboard is lethal..... I need to drink WAY MORE water than i do as thats probably why i get kidney infections but im working on that, i cant have cheese cake in my fridge as i will literally starve myself for days just so i can eat the whole thing and not feel bad....

I have no motivation to lose weight or exercise as im still weighting for that one person who will come along and click her fingers and make me thin :) ive been 18 stone for so long now and i just seem to not gain or not lose anything. summer is my best time to lose weight as my aunty told me, i always eat salad and i go on the soup diet which really works for me :)

Oh man, where to start on the diet? I have stomach and digestion issues, so I eat low acidity foods, which means no citrus, mint, chocolate, carbonated drinks, tea, coffee, fried/greasy foods, heavy cream soups/sauces, tomatoes, and stay away from the very spicy! I need to eat more vegetables, and less bread/pasta/red meat (lean as i can get)

Im a muncher, especially when im cooking dinner, im going to try getting some celery and see if that helps, because its not so much what im eating as that im eating it. For lunch i usually eat a small salad (lettuce, cucumber and peppers w croutons, mozzarella and turkey) and soup, our cafeteria gives discounts on items that are healthier for you, like yogurt, water, hummus, salad bar etc. so i take advantage of that and have a giant bottle of water to drink from all day :flower:

My downfall is twofold....i have a desk job where i sit all day (hopefully once i graduate and get an on my feet job some of this weight will come off) and im always so very tired that i dont have the motivation/energy to get up and do things because if im not at work, im at school most likely...but DH and i are getting back some motivation to start walking again now that it is nice, and im sure the doggies with appreciate it :happydance:
My fiancé is 22 and we would like to start (officially) trying this summer after we move to Arizona, but he already knows that I want a baby as soon as possible, and since depo can take up to and over a year to get everything back to normal, I figure I'm in it for the long haul so starting earlier can't hurt. Hello, everyone. First of all, let me introduce myself. My name is Ashleigh, I'm a 20-year-

Right now I'm taking a prenatal multi-vitamin to try and jump start things, and was happil

I hope to get to know you all (I've been skimming through past posts to try and get ca

Anyway, that's my quick intro as I'm pressed for time. Hope to talk to you ladies a lot more! Baby dust to all! :)ught up on who's who and whatnot) and I hope that me being young doesn't put you ladies off. I know I want to be a mom, it's what I'm meant to do, among other things, but I'd like to get all the baby making out of the way while I'm young. y rewarded with a light flow mid-March. Better than nothing, since depo kept my period away for most of the two years I've been on it.old, 5'9, and I weigh 280lbs. (And I'm black/filipino/white, if anyone cares to know that detail). I have been on depo since 2010 around mid-October, which has attributed to much of my weight gain. My last shot was November 23, 2011, and it ran out on February 27, 2012, so maybe I'll finally be able to kick off some of this weight.
Hello, everyone. First of all, let me introduce myself. My name is Ashleigh, I'm a 20-year-old, 5'9, and I weigh 280lbs. (And I'm black/filipino/white, if anyone cares to know that detail). I have been on depo since 2010 around mid-October, which has attributed to much of my weight gain. My last shot was November 23, 2011, and it ran out on February 27, 2012, so maybe I'll finally be able to kick off some of this weight.

My fiancé is 22 and we would like to start (officially) trying this summer after we move to Arizona, but he already knows that I want a baby as soon as possible, and since depo can take up to and over a year to get everything back to normal, I figure I'm in it for the long haul so starting earlier can't hurt.

Right now I'm taking a prenatal multi-vitamin to try and jump start things, and was happily rewarded with a light flow mid-March. Better than nothing, since depo kept my period away for most of the two years I've been on it.

I hope to get to know you all (I've been skimming through past posts to try and get caught up on who's who and whatnot) and I hope that me being young doesn't put you ladies off. I know I want to be a mom, it's what I'm meant to do, among other things, but I'd like to get all the baby making out of the way while I'm young.

Anyway, that's my quick intro as I'm pressed for time. Hope to talk to you ladies a lot more! Baby dust to all! :)

(Don't know why my phone butchered my other post, but I couldn't figure out how to delete it. I so need a new phone. Sorry)
My fiancé is 22 and we would like to start (officially) trying this summer after we move to Arizona, but he already knows that I want a baby as soon as possible, and since depo can take up to and over a year to get everything back to normal, I figure I'm in it for the long haul so starting earlier can't hurt. Hello, everyone. First of all, let me introduce myself. My name is Ashleigh, I'm a 20-year-

Right now I'm taking a prenatal multi-vitamin to try and jump start things, and was happil

I hope to get to know you all (I've been skimming through past posts to try and get ca

Anyway, that's my quick intro as I'm pressed for time. Hope to talk to you ladies a lot more! Baby dust to all! :)ught up on who's who and whatnot) and I hope that me being young doesn't put you ladies off. I know I want to be a mom, it's what I'm meant to do, among other things, but I'd like to get all the baby making out of the way while I'm young. y rewarded with a light flow mid-March. Better than nothing, since depo kept my period away for most of the two years I've been on it.old, 5'9, and I weigh 280lbs. (And I'm black/filipino/white, if anyone cares to know that detail). I have been on depo since 2010 around mid-October, which has attributed to much of my weight gain. My last shot was November 23, 2011, and it ran out on February 27, 2012, so maybe I'll finally be able to kick off some of this weight.

Hey hun, welcome to the group :) we lovely ladies do not discrimanate against anything in this group least of all age, if the instinct to me a mum is there then it doesnt matter how old you are and to be honest with you, ive wanted to be a mum since i was 18 and always said to myself you are too young to be thinking about kids, live your life and then one day it will happen, i wish i had started early now as im 28 next and i still dont have my bundle of joy..... i spent soooooo many years taking the pill and trying not to get pregnant and now im desperate to be a mum...
i chose the pill as contraception as i know i lot of friends who were on the depo injection and they all gained about 3 stone whilst on it and also it took some of them quite a while to fall pregnant after stopping it so i didnt want to chance it, but on the other side i also know other friends who were on it and they never gained an ounce and fell pregnant after a few months of stopping it so as i have a yoyo weight problem i knew i would gain weight on it... i gained a stone after being on the pill but then im just going to stick with that story.... it probably didnt have anything to do with me eating cheese cake and cakes and junk.....:blush: :haha:

anyways its nice to meet you hun, all the ladies in this group are lovely and welcoming so you will fit right in and the group is expanding by the day as we are the most awesome group of ladies on this site :)
Welcome starshinebby :flower:

Food wise I was doing so well and lost 20lb before the new year but since January I just seem to stay the same. Sometimes I put on then lose but all in all I basically stay at the same weight.

Now spare room is finished I have moved exercise equipment in there and from Monday will be exercising a heck of a lot more.
When I was losing the weight an average day would be breakfast of museli with zero fat yoghurt, a lunch of humus with baby spinach leaves and wholemeal cobs with turkey meat on then for dinner I would have rice with veggies or fish or a soup with wholemeal rolls and for a treat in the evenings I would have a weight watchers hot chocolate with a eight watchers biscuit. It worked really well and I lost weight even when I didn't exercise and I didn't feel hungry so it was great.

Just lately though I have been tempted way too much by the foods I love such as pizza, chips and burgers (comfort food) and have been really slacking on the exercise so I neeeeeeeeeeeed to get back on track.

I would love to be a UK size 14/16 as I think I would look better at that size. I also really worry how its affecting my TTC chances and that my doctor wouldn't help me with anything like Clomid if I went in at this weight. My mom lost weight when was preggo with me but put on 4 stone with my brother so I have always had it at the back of my mind that I should lose 4 stone before getting pregnant incase I put that much on.

She is still not here so took an HPT tonight and got a humongous negative, not even a slight glimpse of something that I could keep holding up to the light and agonising over. I am still giving it a couple of days before I officially call her late as I know how she can be at times. I am about 15DPO but as I do not temp or use OPKs I can only estimate but I did have what I think were ovulation pains around the 7th :shrug:
Welcome starshinebby :flower:

Food wise I was doing so well and lost 20lb before the new year but since January I just seem to stay the same. Sometimes I put on then lose but all in all I basically stay at the same weight.

Now spare room is finished I have moved exercise equipment in there and from Monday will be exercising a heck of a lot more.
When I was losing the weight an average day would be breakfast of museli with zero fat yoghurt, a lunch of humus with baby spinach leaves and wholemeal cobs with turkey meat on then for dinner I would have rice with veggies or fish or a soup with wholemeal rolls and for a treat in the evenings I would have a weight watchers hot chocolate with a eight watchers biscuit. It worked really well and I lost weight even when I didn't exercise and I didn't feel hungry so it was great.

Just lately though I have been tempted way too much by the foods I love such as pizza, chips and burgers (comfort food) and have been really slacking on the exercise so I neeeeeeeeeeeed to get back on track.

I would love to be a UK size 14/16 as I think I would look better at that size. I also really worry how its affecting my TTC chances and that my doctor wouldn't help me with anything like Clomid if I went in at this weight. My mom lost weight when was preggo with me but put on 4 stone with my brother so I have always had it at the back of my mind that I should lose 4 stone before getting pregnant incase I put that much on.

She is still not here so took an HPT tonight and got a humongous negative, not even a slight glimpse of something that I could keep holding up to the light and agonising over. I am still giving it a couple of days before I officially call her late as I know how she can be at times. I am about 15DPO but as I do not temp or use OPKs I can only estimate but I did have what I think were ovulation pains around the 7th :shrug:

Oh i remember the days when i was a size 14 :( i always thought i was big though, even back then when i was 5ft 10 with a B-C cup, hour glass figure with only one stretch mark that was barely visible.... i wish i could go back to myself and slap her and tel her to get down the gym just to stay in shape and moisturise my skin everyday..... now i just worry constantly that if i lose weight will i have loads of sagging skin that will just look worse with the more weight i lose :( i look around at some of the girls that live round here and think how i should have their figure instead of them as all they do is abuse it and i would look after myself more but then i am what i am and my fella loves me if i was a size zero or a size 30, its not about what weight you are at its about getting to your happy weight and im not at that stage yet, i need to lose about 4 stone before i get there and thats going to take some pure motivation and a kick up the backside.....

i think we should all aim to lose a stone together what do you think ladies???... motivate and support each other.... who needs slimming world support group when i got the best support group on here :) :hugs:
Sounds like a good idea might be the kick up the bum I need lol

I worry about the excess skin too my boobs already look like two socks with golf balls in :blush:

I have always been a 'big girl' and know I will never be a size 8 I just wish I could look in the mirror and not be repulsed lol.

I seem to have developed an extra belly at the bottom that hangs like an apron which grosses me out and I would love for that to be gone I also have bingo wings that I think I could actually fly with if I tried hard enough :haha:

I am so tired of being the big one at family occasions and feeling like a frump!!
Sounds like a good idea might be the kick up the bum I need lol

I worry about the excess skin too my boobs already look like two socks with golf balls in :blush:

I have always been a 'big girl' and know I will never be a size 8 I just wish I could look in the mirror and not be repulsed lol.

I seem to have developed an extra belly at the bottom that hangs like an apron which grosses me out and I would love for that to be gone I also have bingo wings that I think I could actually fly with if I tried hard enough :haha:

I am so tired of being the big one at family occasions and feeling like a frump!!

Aww babe :hugs: i feel exactly the same so dont worry your not on your own, i cant see knickers when im wearing them because my belly hangs over so now i dont wear them lol thats one way to stop me feeling depressed whenever i wear them lol :haha:

i own a pair of magic knickers and they suck everything in, just a shame you cant go to the toilet at all if your wearing them as its not so easy being drunk in charge of a pair of magic knickers lol you can struggle to get into them but cant get out of them lol
just a shame you cant go to the toilet at all if your wearing them as its not so easy being drunk in charge of a pair of magic knickers lol you can struggle to get into them but cant get out of them lol

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Ohhhh how I know that feeling. I gave up on "body contouring" clothing when I realized how much time it was taking to get in/out of it. 20 minute bathroom breaks are just too much! :dohh:
just a shame you cant go to the toilet at all if your wearing them as its not so easy being drunk in charge of a pair of magic knickers lol you can struggle to get into them but cant get out of them lol

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Ohhhh how I know that feeling. I gave up on "body contouring" clothing when I realized how much time it was taking to get in/out of it. 20 minute bathroom breaks are just too much! :dohh:

Lol tis true they are a nightmare and i bet the clever ass women who created the damn things was a size zero and struggled to keep a pair of knickers up as she was too skinny lol
So 1 stone in a month is 3 and a half lb per week for four weeks.

When did you want to start? I think doing it like this might motivate me!!

I am ok to start whenever. Just give me a days notice so I can stuff myself full of cake while I have the chance :haha:
Hi my curvy ladies. I've missed so much, but I've read and caught up on it all.

Let's see, about me. I'm 27 and I will be 28 in June. My hubby is 32. We met when we were both really young as our sisters were best friends in elementary school. I ran into him years later (December 2001) through some mutual friends and we had an instant connection. We started dating February 2002 and were married May 2004. I work as a customer service/cash office/cashier trainer at a grocery store, but I also am attending college. My major is in photography and I hope to one day have my own portrait studio. My hubby is a machinist. We have 3 cats (2 black and white tuxedos, Billy and Oreo and a gray cat named Shadow) and 2 dogs (a shiba inu named Mozilla and a puggle named Daisy). If it was up to me we'd probably have more, but hubby put his foot down, lol. As for family it's pretty small. I've got my mom, dad, brother, sister, brother in law, nephew, and my mother and father in law, and sister in law. I have an uncle and grandma who are pretty close distance wise, but I don't really speak to them much. I do a little bit of jewelry making and I'm learning leathercrafting. Hubby and I have been TTC since September, but I had been trying to convince him to try for the last couple years. He has just never felt comfortable that we make enough money to support a family. I told him that whether he liked it or not we are going to try now. He can either DTD with no protection or not DTD at all. I'd like to have my first baby before I'm 30 and the older I get with being overweight doesn't help matters. He has come around to my way of thinking. He worries still of course, but he'll get over it.

Now onto weight loss. I am a major sweetaholic. I pretty much have a sweet tooth craving 24/7 that only temporarily goes away if I eat something sweet. It comes right back in a few hours maybe so I have that to struggle with. Whenever I give in I always ask myself why did I eat that? I know it's bad for me and the craving will be right back. Hubby and I also have a bad habit of eating out because neither one of us really cooks (I don't like it and he works a lot of overtime so he really doesn't have time to). I'm trying to get better about eating overall, but progress is slow. In October I weighed 264, but I'm down to 247 now. I kind of slacked off this past month so I gained back a few pounds, but I've gone back down a few in the past week. I'm not really good at excersizing. I have a bunch of videos and some equipment, but they are gathering dust. I should pull them back out and start working out again. On the plus side, since the weather has turned nice here I've been taking my dogs out for walks. Tonight we went for a little over an hour. My legs are killing me! I'm going to try taking a walk every day and aim for an hour. Let's see if I can stick to it!

And... novel complete. :haha: All you never wanted to know about me and more!
Ok I love everything about this thread!! So glad I found it! Most posts I feel like I'm reading something about myself - so nice and refreshing!!

Ok so here's my story...

Met DH the day after 19th birthday - and right before his 20th... we're just 4 days apart! We started dating right away and moved in together pretty quick... I made it VERY clear I wanted kids since day 1 and its only taken him this long to get on the same page! :happydance: We got our careers settled and bought a house then got married just over 2 years ago. We have two dogs and they are our furry babies! One 7 year old "little" boy (about 85 lbs) and one 1 1/2 year old little girl - they're hilarious and pretty much our favorite things ever. As far as family its strained right now. Families are interesting little things sometimes... :wacko:

Honestly I feel like I've been in cleanup mode in my life right now. I am trying to better my eating, exercise more, and rid myself of the negativity in my life - which sometimes is easier said than done! Its a nice feeling though!

As far as weight loss I am looking into a plan and after someone on here (I'm sorry I don't know how to figure out who while I'm in a post??) said something about slimming world I looked it up. And after talking to a friend today about WW I am thinking more about slimming world... I'm ready to learn how to change my lifestyle and maintain it. I was even thinking about just working with a nutritionist until i finally get the hang of things. I feel like I missed that part growing up where you learned about portions and what is really good for you.. Like eating a sandwich on wheat bread vs a salad... We ate out EVERY night. seriously.. We played sports everyday so it didn't "matter" in terms of our weight but now - after sports regularly - ouch.. it matters. Plus now I know how bad fast food is. I need to gain a solid foundation....

Oh! COCONUT OIL! Someone just told me about it...Take a look! I am obsessed with it!!
Lol you guys crack me up!! I loved the comment about the boobs that look like socks with golf balls....that is so me too!!! 4 years ago i was a size 14 and also thought i was im pushing near a 20 and i honestly never even felt the weight creeping back up and oe day i looked in the mirror and was like 'woah' WTH happened?! Well the last time i weight myself i was 15s10ibs and i weighed myself this morning and im 15st2ibs so...8 pounds down!! Woohoo :D i have been really stressed out this week with ex stuff and really I've only been eating a sandwich and soup for lunch and that's it for the appetite seems to have well as my sex drive :( my fwb wanted to meet last night and honestly...the thought of bd'ing with him made me sik :/ tomorrow is cd8 and if i am going to do with smep plan this month we have to get bd'ing....but i decided i will just force myself but if it doesn't work this first month i am going to forget ttc until i get back from Vegas and im going to throw myself as hard as i can into the weight loss. i WIlL be at least a size 12 for Vegas!!!
Omg u gals are so funni.
About 5 yrs ago i went from a 18 to a 12/14 n like u i felt big then, i look at the pics n clothes i used to wear ( yes i stil have the clothes, waiting for that day i fit back into themlol ) n wonder y i wasnt happy n y i felt big, i wud love to be that small again, n i wud make sure i kept that weight. I was 18.7 n im now 15.8, n thats since may last yr, im only 5.1 so really i shud weigh like 2st for my bmi to be healthy lol. So got lots more to lose. I also have a apron belly, dont think it will ever go :(
My brother has lost 9st in 2 yrs hes now 13st n hes 6.1, his bmi is perfect, n im so proud of him. But he now wants to have a tummi tuck to get rid of the belly skin, the rest of his body is toned, its jus his belly that didnt stretch back, i no the same will happen for me. But it wont stop me.
But heres to losin weight n gettin our bfp's
Vic x
Omg u gals are so funni.
About 5 yrs ago i went from a 18 to a 12/14 n like u i felt big then, i look at the pics n clothes i used to wear ( yes i stil have the clothes, waiting for that day i fit back into themlol ) n wonder y i wasnt happy n y i felt big, i wud love to be that small again, n i wud make sure i kept that weight. I was 18.7 n im now 15.8, n thats since may last yr, im only 5.1 so really i shud weigh like 2st for my bmi to be healthy lol. So got lots more to lose. I also have a apron belly, dont think it will ever go :(
My brother has lost 9st in 2 yrs hes now 13st n hes 6.1, his bmi is perfect, n im so proud of him. But he now wants to have a tummi tuck to get rid of the belly skin, the rest of his body is toned, its jus his belly that didnt stretch back, i no the same will happen for me. But it wont stop me.
But heres to losin weight n gettin our bfp's
Vic x

Lol vic, i still got all my old size 14 stuff too. we WILL fit back into them this year!!" unless....we got a preggy bump first! :p
Omg u gals are so funni.
About 5 yrs ago i went from a 18 to a 12/14 n like u i felt big then, i look at the pics n clothes i used to wear ( yes i stil have the clothes, waiting for that day i fit back into themlol ) n wonder y i wasnt happy n y i felt big, i wud love to be that small again, n i wud make sure i kept that weight. I was 18.7 n im now 15.8, n thats since may last yr, im only 5.1 so really i shud weigh like 2st for my bmi to be healthy lol. So got lots more to lose. I also have a apron belly, dont think it will ever go :(
My brother has lost 9st in 2 yrs hes now 13st n hes 6.1, his bmi is perfect, n im so proud of him. But he now wants to have a tummi tuck to get rid of the belly skin, the rest of his body is toned, its jus his belly that didnt stretch back, i no the same will happen for me. But it wont stop me.
But heres to losin weight n gettin our bfp's
Vic x

Lol vic, i still got all my old size 14 stuff too. we WILL fit back into them this year!!" unless....we got a preggy bump first! :p

ME TOO ME TOO :haha: i will not throw them away until i can AT LEAST get them over my tree trunk legs :)
So 1 stone in a month is 3 and a half lb per week for four weeks.

When did you want to start? I think doing it like this might motivate me!!

I am ok to start whenever. Just give me a days notice so I can stuff myself full of cake while I have the chance :haha:

well we all are here to support each other, and we are all learning about each other and we all see a little of ourselves in each others stories so whilst we know we are BIG BEAUTIFUL WOMEN we also know deep down that we could all lose a little weight in order to help us get those beautiful bundles of joy.

Now i dont know about you all but for me the thought of going to the local gym where all the skinny minis go to get their leg over and me sweating it out in front of them terrifies me so i would rather do it myself with a little help from my fabulous girls on here.
We dont have to lose a lot of weight to start with just see how it goes, we can help each other and advice can be given on foods that you eat that fills you up and helps lose weight, now i hate weighing myself so i use a tape measure and measure and write down - top of arms, armpits, around the nipples, under boobs, above belly button, around big part of belly (which for me is below belly button), bum, top of thighs and calfs,.... that way when i come to measure i can see where im dropping inches, and when we check on here everyday we can write a little diary piece telling everyone what they did for the day and end of week weight ourselves or leave it to do every 2 weeks if we want....they say that if you lose even a little weight it can help get that BFP :happydance:
I still have all my old "skinny" clothes from highschool... 60 pounds ago.. I have some high hopes!! Lol

As for my eating I do a lot of eating out although a sat down last month and made myself figure out what im spending on eating out in a month and I was shocked at what I was seeing! I use my debit card for everything which makes it easy to track. I was spending $250 a month on eating out! I could have a brand new car with that! So instead of trying "cut out" eating out so it doesnt seem forbidden I am trying to cut back my spending! Then that brings me to eating at home.. My drug of choice is lots of pasta :S That is my comfort food. I need to eat less of that and more veggies.
I am also trying to cut out caffine which is really hard when you are dependant on it and get headaches, Ive slowed down on pop but havnt completley cut it out just yet and have limited myself to just my morning cup of coffee.. I need to drink more water!

OH and I joined the gym a couple months ago and I was doing really well with going 3 times a week.. but then I got my BFN and was so down in the dumps.. I think I have gone once in 2 weeks :s
I know what you guys mean about the gym, i joined in august and some weeks im really on and will go 4 times a week then miss 3 weeks. i really do love it when i go but dragging myself after a 12 hour shift just takes some determination...which i don't have! Today I've had 2 coffees (bad, i need to give up this caffeine habit!!) turkey breast with a bag of baby spinach, natural yogurt with honey and cinnamon sprinkled in cos i saw a thread where Jo said its good for trying to conceive and a punnet of far so good apart from the coffees :haha: i think its a good idea if we do a weekly or fortnight weigh in that way i think it keeps us motivated if were all doing it together..

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