Any "plus-size", bigger gals TTC their first? :)

Well, ladies, it seems that my original NTNP plan until the serious TTC in the summer is not going over so well. I'm not trying (just hoping) but he's the one preventing. We DTD twice and both times he pulled out and, well, you know, finished. I asked him about it afterwards this morning and he couldn't give me a real answer. Looks like someone has cold feet about actually trying. So hopefully I can talk to him more after I get off work, but it seems like I'm waiting to TTC. I mean we could at least be NTNP but that doesn't seem to be working out..

I'm so upset about this. I finally get a chance to try after 2 years on depo and he changes his mind at the last minute. I know he doesn't mind waiting, but I'm been ignoring these baby urges for 2 years. Ughh. I just don't know. I'm tired of waiting, especially when I know I'll be waiting anyway for a while until depo is completely gone (6 months-1 year!).

Sending you massive amounts of :hugs: hun, you sound like you could really use them :( that sucks hun, i think a heart to heart is in order to find out whats wrong and how to proceed, hope you get it back on track huni xx

Thank you, I really appreciate it. And yes, a definant heart to heart is in order. Earlier this year, before my depo ran out, I had mentioned going on a low dose birth control pill to help regulate my period so I hope he doesn't bring that up. This was all before I actually got it on my own, but who knows if it'll even show this cycle.
I think that now our plans are starting to seem more real to him he's backing off and rethinking things. He'll probably end up pressuring me to wait and that we'll get a puppy or kitten instead after we move this summer. I'm all for that, as my beloved cat went missing last December and I'm pretty sure someone picked her up and kept her, even after going door to door asking everyone in the neighborhood (plus shelters and what not). But as much as I love our furry 3-year-old pit/boxer mix, I want my own child.. Sooner rather than later. ):
Well, ladies, it seems that my original NTNP plan until the serious TTC in the summer is not going over so well. I'm not trying (just hoping) but he's the one preventing. We DTD twice and both times he pulled out and, well, you know, finished. I asked him about it afterwards this morning and he couldn't give me a real answer. Looks like someone has cold feet about actually trying. So hopefully I can talk to him more after I get off work, but it seems like I'm waiting to TTC. I mean we could at least be NTNP but that doesn't seem to be working out..

I'm so upset about this. I finally get a chance to try after 2 years on depo and he changes his mind at the last minute. I know he doesn't mind waiting, but I'm been ignoring these baby urges for 2 years. Ughh. I just don't know. I'm tired of waiting, especially when I know I'll be waiting anyway for a while until depo is completely gone (6 months-1 year!).

Sending you massive amounts of :hugs: hun, you sound like you could really use them :( that sucks hun, i think a heart to heart is in order to find out whats wrong and how to proceed, hope you get it back on track huni xx

Thank you, I really appreciate it. And yes, a definant heart to heart is in order. Earlier this year, before my depo ran out, I had mentioned going on a low dose birth control pill to help regulate my period so I hope he doesn't bring that up. This was all before I actually got it on my own, but who knows if it'll even show this cycle.
I think that now our plans are starting to seem more real to him he's backing off and rethinking things. He'll probably end up pressuring me to wait and that we'll get a puppy or kitten instead after we move this summer. I'm all for that, as my beloved cat went missing last December and I'm pretty sure someone picked her up and kept her, even after going door to door asking everyone in the neighborhood (plus shelters and what not). But as much as I love our furry 3-year-old pit/boxer mix, I want my own child.. Sooner rather than later. ):

Yeh i love my 2 year old bitch lab and i got her to stop me feeling broody but if anything its made me want a baby that much more, i go round to my cousins houses to get cuddles with my baby cousins to get my fix and when i leave feeling better i end up hearing my fella say aww your so good with kids, your going to be a great mum and i cant wait to have kids with you.... defeats the whole object of getting my broody cuddles and going home happy, its just strange that suddenly hes pulling out and stopping all ttc all of a sudden, has something happened maybe or hes been speaking to some one whos telling him kids cost the earth? hmmm strange one, im here for hugs anytime you need them hun and hope you get it sorted soon xx :hugs:
Where are all the ladies hiding at huh? hope your all doing ok :hugs:
Well I got my results and in fact am pregnant...still very early (3weeks 6days) number are good..hcg was 73 and prlgestrone was 14.43 so fingers crossed things continue to progress nicely!!

Who is going to be next and join me?? I will continue to spread the babydust to u ladies as it has been done for me!! Thanksgiving for the support here ladies...

See big girls can do it!!

Hey hun how you getting on? hope everything is good and keep us posted, i know ive used an old quote but i just cant keep up with all the new faces and im trying to check in with everyone and see how your all getting on :)

I'm also trying to conceive my first I am 30 5"5 weigh 320 and my doctor has said I should be able to conceive with no problem but I'm still a little worried hoping to get my bfp soon

Hey BBWttc hows things? are you using anything to help ttc? im totally new to all the ttc talk and short hand for all the medications and i have never used anything as i wouldnt know where to start asking docs for certain advice on medication so im learning new things on this site :) Hope your doing ok :)

You ok hun? Hows the stress levels now? hope your relaxing more!?! I was stressed out every month until i found this site and joined Team curvy bumps and i must admit just talking to these ladies everyday about something or nothing made me relax a lot more, the getting to know topics were a lovely change as i could sit and read about you all over and over and always find something that is similar to my life in all of you :) you dont need to stress on your own, just come by and have a chat it will make you feel better because it did for me i know that much :) Anyway i hope your doing ok :)

AF got me today, too! Big big BIG SIGH! Oh well, maybe we'll be lucky next month. And having a Christmas baby is not ideal but I will definitely take it!!!

Hows things with you? how long is your cycle hun? what day are you on now? hope everythings good :)

Hi Ladies!

I am so sorry I haven't been on! There are sooo many new faces! Very good to see! And I REALLY love the sparkly siggy! Super cute :wohoo:

I have good news and bad news with my MRI findings.

Good news - My back is healing amazingly, I did not re-injure it! YAY!:happydance:

Bad news - The extreme pain I have everyday is severe nerve damage. He said my injury was in the top 2% of bad back injury's (not that there is a good one lol). So the nerve damage, even though is worse than he thought, is to be expected. He said this will be a forever thing. It's not going anywhere anytime soon. :cry:

Good news - I have FINALLY been cleared to start working out again!! YAY! :happydance:

It's taken me a few weeks to pick myself up about this. This is the worse case that I was dreading. Well, almost worst case. At least I'm not looking at another surgery!

However, I've decided to no longer be down about it or keep placing my plans on hold. We were TTC when I hurt my back in 5/09. I had to put it on hold and I am not waiting anymore. So new plan: Work on getting some weight off, start temping and charting again, get my cycle back on tract, Then return to actively TTC, :sex: our heads off and finally, HOPEFULLY get a little miracle! Or two, I'm not picky :blush:

I really hope this plan works! LOL

I hope all of you are doing amazingly tonight! :hugs:

Hey chick, good to hear you dont have to have surgery and that your back is healing :) i bet that is a relief for you :hugs: how are you getting on? whats happening in your cycle? how long is your average cycle? ive lost all hope with this cycle of mine this month as it was meant to be 30 days but as you can see from my ticker im a little bit over that lol 50 something and im done counting lol just waiting for someone to send :witch: over to me but shes taking her sweet time :grr: but got my hair cut yesterday so im happy and im just going day by day :) hope your ok :)
Where are all the ladies hiding at huh? hope your all doing ok :hugs:

Hey there :flower:

Doing OK still no AF so no idea what is going on with that :shrug:

Pulled some muscles yesterday moving some stuff so the muscle in my one boob is REALLY hurting so I am whimpering around the garden trying to get stuff done lol

How are things with you?
Hey Ladies and welcome newbies,

I have so much to catch up, I have missed u all so much :(
I'm currently in the big smoke having a Weekend sightseeing and shopping and my feet are ruined, we have walked miles !!!
Anyways I just wanted to say hope u are all ok and don't forget me hee hee :flower:

I'll be back properly on Monday when AF is also due. So I'll be able to check in properly, love to you all girls Xxxx :hugs:

Ok so I'm watching this online movie a friend posted on facebook and thought of this thread so I thought I'd share! Its about so many things but weight loss is the largest topic so far. Its free for another week or so I think.. I don't know about the whole thing - I'm only 40 minutes in so far but I'm liking it and its making a lot of sense to me... let me know if any of you watch it!!!
Hey ladies. Congrats on all the BFPs! I have a question for you ladies, i'm really confused right now. I haven't had a period since jan 30, 2012. My cycles are on average 48 days since I have been off the pill in June 2010. My fiance and I constantly have sex with out protection. We are getting married in October and we think I could be pregnant since I havent had a period in so long. I also have alot of pregnancy symptoms. I pee alot, eat things i normally don't like, i'm constantly hungry, my boobs have went up two cup sizes. This morning I took a pregnancy test (it was a cheap one) first thing and it came up negative. My period was suppose to come two weeks ago. Am I pregnant? I'm so confused. I really want this expecially since I had a miscariage in Novemeber.
Well I got my results and in fact am pregnant...still very early (3weeks 6days) number are good..hcg was 73 and prlgestrone was 14.43 so fingers crossed things continue to progress nicely!!

Who is going to be next and join me?? I will continue to spread the babydust to u ladies as it has been done for me!! Thanksgiving for the support here ladies...

See big girls can do it!!

Hey hun how you getting on? hope everything is good and keep us posted, i know ive used an old quote but i just cant keep up with all the new faces and im trying to check in with everyone and see how your all getting on :)

I'm also trying to conceive my first I am 30 5"5 weigh 320 and my doctor has said I should be able to conceive with no problem but I'm still a little worried hoping to get my bfp soon

Hey BBWttc hows things? are you using anything to help ttc? im totally new to all the ttc talk and short hand for all the medications and i have never used anything as i wouldnt know where to start asking docs for certain advice on medication so im learning new things on this site :) Hope your doing ok :)

You ok hun? Hows the stress levels now? hope your relaxing more!?! I was stressed out every month until i found this site and joined Team curvy bumps and i must admit just talking to these ladies everyday about something or nothing made me relax a lot more, the getting to know topics were a lovely change as i could sit and read about you all over and over and always find something that is similar to my life in all of you :) you dont need to stress on your own, just come by and have a chat it will make you feel better because it did for me i know that much :) Anyway i hope your doing ok :)

AF got me today, too! Big big BIG SIGH! Oh well, maybe we'll be lucky next month. And having a Christmas baby is not ideal but I will definitely take it!!!

Hows things with you? how long is your cycle hun? what day are you on now? hope everythings good :)

Hi Ladies!

I am so sorry I haven't been on! There are sooo many new faces! Very good to see! And I REALLY love the sparkly siggy! Super cute :wohoo:

I have good news and bad news with my MRI findings.

Good news - My back is healing amazingly, I did not re-injure it! YAY!:happydance:

Bad news - The extreme pain I have everyday is severe nerve damage. He said my injury was in the top 2% of bad back injury's (not that there is a good one lol). So the nerve damage, even though is worse than he thought, is to be expected. He said this will be a forever thing. It's not going anywhere anytime soon. :cry:

Good news - I have FINALLY been cleared to start working out again!! YAY! :happydance:

It's taken me a few weeks to pick myself up about this. This is the worse case that I was dreading. Well, almost worst case. At least I'm not looking at another surgery!

However, I've decided to no longer be down about it or keep placing my plans on hold. We were TTC when I hurt my back in 5/09. I had to put it on hold and I am not waiting anymore. So new plan: Work on getting some weight off, start temping and charting again, get my cycle back on tract, Then return to actively TTC, :sex: our heads off and finally, HOPEFULLY get a little miracle! Or two, I'm not picky :blush:

I really hope this plan works! LOL

I hope all of you are doing amazingly tonight! :hugs:

Hey chick, good to hear you dont have to have surgery and that your back is healing :) i bet that is a relief for you :hugs: how are you getting on? whats happening in your cycle? how long is your average cycle? ive lost all hope with this cycle of mine this month as it was meant to be 30 days but as you can see from my ticker im a little bit over that lol 50 something and im done counting lol just waiting for someone to send :witch: over to me but shes taking her sweet time :grr: but got my hair cut yesterday so im happy and im just going day by day :) hope your ok :)

I'm doing ok. I am not taking any medications. I have decided to try to lose weight maybe that will help me get my bfp I started Atkins on Tuesday and I've lost 8 pounds in 4 days. I'm hoping by me getting to under 300 pounds will help me. I really want a baby.. On Monday I weighed 325 I now weigh 317.. So I'm happy with my progress. I'm hoping maybe by summer I'll get my bfp
Hi there!

I am 22, 23 in may, and weigh 220. As odd as it seems, i am ttc but my bf is just ntnp. He has 5 children already, but knows what it means to me to have one of my own, so he is being careless in hopes that my baby wishes will happen. :) I have been frustrated and my weight definitely crossed my mind until I realized that the other two women who bore his children are as heavy or heavier than me and they conceived the first or second time...It is frustrating that he and I have tried at least 3 times a month for 3 months and still nothing :( it hurts to think that it is my womb that is the problem. If you need to talk or vent, i am here for you :) best of luck
Hey ladies. Congrats on all the BFPs! I have a question for you ladies, i'm really confused right now. I haven't had a period since jan 30, 2012. My cycles are on average 48 days since I have been off the pill in June 2010. My fiance and I constantly have sex with out protection. We are getting married in October and we think I could be pregnant since I havent had a period in so long. I also have alot of pregnancy symptoms. I pee alot, eat things i normally don't like, i'm constantly hungry, my boobs have went up two cup sizes. This morning I took a pregnancy test (it was a cheap one) first thing and it came up negative. My period was suppose to come two weeks ago. Am I pregnant? I'm so confused. I really want this expecially since I had a miscariage in Novemeber.

Hi youngmommie, it's possible you could be pregnant or you could just be on a longer cycle. If you got a BFN, but you're not really believing it, you can get a blood test at your doctors office. They are usually more accurate than a urine test. Good luck!
Hey everyone, thanks for all the love. I cannot wait to move and get actual internet so I'm not stuck on my blackberry all the time. (Although it's perfect for when I'm on the go, plus fiancé doesn't know I'm on here and I'm rather embarrassed to let him know) But anyway, just popping in to keep everyone updated.

I haven't talked to him about it TTC, but considering that we're currently living with his parents until we move in June, (we were with roommates but that ended badly with me almost being assaulted by some racist arrian skin-heads) I can understand why trying and maybe getting pregnant right now wouldn't make the situation any better. :/

I do have hope though, thanks to my loving and supportive Grandmother. She practically raised me so I think of her more as a mom and a friend. She had her kids when she was 19, and my mother had me when she was 19, and my fiancé's mother had him when she was just turning 18 so young mothers run in both of our families. It just feels natural to have one now, especially since I've raised my little brother and he'll be 2 in May (5 days after me! I'm the 24th).

But anyway, she says she thinks I'll be pregnant by the end of the year. And she's totally supportive of me wanting to do this. I don't know about my mother, but her opinion on this honestly doesn't matter to me. She's 39 and recently found out she's pregnant again, which felt like a slap in the face to me since I was planning on trying to conceive this year and she gets pregnant because "the condom broke". Mind you she's not married and me and my four siblings all have different fathers, the youngest and the one on the way are from the same dumbass father that denies the baby and left. (She really knows how to pick 'em)

So I'm feeling a lot better about the whole thing. I'll have to wait probably until the end of May to start trying, but this gives me enough time to make sure my cycle is normal, if not I found a supplement I would love to try. It's called FertilAid, I'm sure you've ladies heard of it, and I was going to get a few months of that to help set everything straight. This also allows me to loose some weight, kick smoking, and settle down in Arizona. I don't look at it as a long hard wait, more like I'm preparing myself for what's ahead. And with my Grandmother's blessing I know it'll happen. It will be hard sometimes, my mom's due to find out the gender of her baby and that'll probably bring a cloud over my head, but with talking to all you lovely ladies and being able to rant my heart out (I know you guys don't mind).

So, looks like I'm preparing to TTC. Hopefully this give my fiancé enough time to get use to the idea of trying for a baby. And there's no guarantee that it'll happen fast, but if I'm pregnant before the end of 2012, I will be one super happy camper! :)

Plus this gives me a chance to prepare myself even more, both mentally and especially physically. I weighed in at 282.5 today! ): So I would love to drop those 82lbs, luckily it'll be easier once I move. We have a built in pool, a park, and a nice long walking route in our new neighborhood. It's a great place to raise kids, and I'm so excited. I'm going to start working out on the bowflex we have with my OH, right now it's nothing more than a coat hanger in the garage. Haha.

I'm loving you guys all already! Sorry I don't reply to others post much, hard to squeeze it in with OH always looking over my shoulder. I don't know why I'm so embarrassed by coming here, I guess I'm afraid it'll make him more unsure about all this. Though he really should be greatful that I'm so focused on being as prepared for this as I can be, especially at this age. I want a planned pregnacey, one where I can be all, "Your father and I sat down and decided we wanted to add you to our family. I had wanted and looked forward to having you even before you were growing inside me." :)

Anyway, sorry for the long rant/announcement. If anyone of you lovely ladies would like to email me (as I get those faster than I check BnB) please feel free to message me for my email. I'll put it up later once I figure out how.
Hi Ladies,
Would it be OK if I joined?
Been ttc for about a year now, plus size and getting irritated. Trying femara for the first time this cycle, keeping my fingers crossed.
Welcome Cajun coco :hugs:

Well still no AF :growlmad:

Just getting frustrated now. My last HPT was on Friday morning and that was a BFN. I am now 100% convinced I am out this month so if she is comin I just wish she would HURRY UP!!!

So the basics of it are

17th February - AF
5th-7th - Had what I think might have been Ovulation cramps around the time my ticker said I was due to O
5th-8th - DTD almost every night
16th-18th - AF type cramps
21st - Lots of clear very stretchy CM

Last cycle was 34 days so AF would have been due last Thursday :shrug:

I am sooooooo frustrated. I had the cramps and everything just no AF.

Sorry for venting I am just so tired of it now. I knew as soon as we starting TTC again this would happen. I cannot face any more HPT's at the moment. Just seeing that empty space where I want to see a line makes me upset and annoyed.

Last year I had a really late period and doc said just to wait it out so I think that is what I am going to do this time.

Been tired and achy all day from doing the gardening but at least that is coming along nicely. I just feel like having a chill out day tomorrow and watching telly in bed all day :haha:
Hey bbbunny, did you and hubby DTD around the time you were seeing the clear and stretchy CM? You may not have ovulated earlier like you think you did. Most women get theat stretchy CM around the time they ovulate.
Hi ladies mind if I join, i'm new to this but i'm also a plus size mom ttc. Really stressful because I already have two kids. My son is 8 and my daughter is 5. I started using fertilaid for women and fertile cm. i'm happy to see that I have support when I read some of the stories. all of you ladies make me feel much better. Oh by the way i'm on my TWW I hope I get a BFP. :)
Hey Everyone? :wave: Care if I join in? I'm new to the scene and SOO happy I found this for plus size ladies TTC. My DH and I have been TTC for almost 3 years with no luck yet. :cry: Anyways, just looking for some support from others that are going through some of the same things I am. :hugs:
Hello everyone!

Welcome to the new ladies :hi:

Sorry I've been MIA a bit lately, I've had a stinking cold and just not felt up to doing anything at all!
Blimey, it has been busy on here hasn't it!

Nothing new with me - still waiting to Ov. I've not been able to temp for the last 3 days because I've not slept a wink and I've been sleeping on the sofa because I was keeping hubby awake at night with my coughing fits. Poor bloke, he has the cold too now and unlike me, he has to go to work - I am working from home all week, so lack of sleep isn't as much of a problem as I don't have to drive anywhere.
He came down this morning and said, I miss you at night time :( but I feel so bad keeping him awake and I sleep better downstairs with this cough because it's colder, the bedroom gets so hot and the air is so dry.

I've been very good though, completely cleaned the house at the weekend, even though I had to keep sitting down because I felt ill with the cold. It's on it's way out now thank goodness as I am totally fed up with it!

We've had some lovely weather here too, so although lack of sleep and illness has been getting me down, being able ot sit in the garden and get some fresh air has been really nice.

How is everyone else doing?
So sorry about being sick.. it's never fun when you're sick and can't spend any time with your DH. :nope: I hope you both recover soon!
So sorry about being sick.. it's never fun when you're sick and can't spend any time with your DH. :nope: I hope you both recover soon!

Thanks :) I'm just glad that it isn't ov time yet and hopefully the cold will be gone by then because we won't be DTD much if we're sleeping in seperate beds! LOL!

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