Any "plus-size", bigger gals TTC their first? :)

Welcome new ladies :flower:

Panda - No we didn't :nope: I had been so sure that I had O'd because I had the pains at the same time my ticker was saying I was due to O. I can't remember but I think it was late in the day when I had the CM and he may have been asleep already lol

Jo - Hope you are feeling better soon :hugs: its no fun being ill

No AF still but I have had a nice long lie in and told hubby last night that I am not doing anything today apart from a shower :haha:
Hey lovely ladies and big welcome to the new girls :) we are all here if you need support :) :hugs:

Very Quick update as i wont be coming on here til this evening whilst OH is in work, just been to docs for my appointment, she did a smear test, took swaps then examined me herself (felt very much like a pin cushion being prodded and poked lol i have to take in a urine sample in the morning for a pregnancy test, i have to give blood on the 11th of april because they want to test for thyroid problems and fasting glucose??? and i have been booked in for a ultra sound which will probably come in 6 weeks, they want to see if i have PCOS so i will find out whats going on with my body as soon as the tests are done and results are ready :/ realllllllllllllllllllllly worried now.... ive avoided that chat with the docs for sooooooooooooooo long b/c i was sooo scared they would tell me that i have something wrong with me but now ive been checked im just hoping the results come back ok!!!

Anyways i will pop back later to reply to all you who have been MIA :) hope your feeling better soon jo and josephine xxx

And hope to get to know all you new ladies this evening when i come back on :)

Gotta dry my really short hair now which will probably take hours to do :haha: and then go over to my aunty who is very poorly and needs looking after, will be back this evening, have a lovely day ladies :hugs:
still need to see a pic of this hair!!!

Hope your Aunty feels better soon. Hopefully catch you online tonight. xxxxxx
Welcome new ladies :flower:

Panda - No we didn't :nope: I had been so sure that I had O'd because I had the pains at the same time my ticker was saying I was due to O. I can't remember but I think it was late in the day when I had the CM and he may have been asleep already lol

Jo - Hope you are feeling better soon :hugs: its no fun being ill

No AF still but I have had a nice long lie in and told hubby last night that I am not doing anything today apart from a shower :haha:

I don't blame you! that sounds lovely. Is the weather nice up in the Midlands? It's glorious here, I'm sat at the table by the patio doors with the sun shining in and a lovely fresh breeze blowing past. What I would really like to be doing is sitting on the sun lounger reading my book! I started reading the Hunger Games last night and it's pretty good, so instead of using my laptop pretending to work when I should be working, I wish I was reading that!

I also have 2 blankets and 4 hats to finish making! I don't know when I will get the time to do those!

grrrrr, maybe I should have got the audio book version so that I could listen to the book whilst crocheting and pretending to work! LOL!
Welcome new ladies :flower:

Panda - No we didn't :nope: I had been so sure that I had O'd because I had the pains at the same time my ticker was saying I was due to O. I can't remember but I think it was late in the day when I had the CM and he may have been asleep already lol

Jo - Hope you are feeling better soon :hugs: its no fun being ill

No AF still but I have had a nice long lie in and told hubby last night that I am not doing anything today apart from a shower :haha:

I don't blame you! that sounds lovely. Is the weather nice up in the Midlands? It's glorious here, I'm sat at the table by the patio doors with the sun shining in and a lovely fresh breeze blowing past. What I would really like to be doing is sitting on the sun lounger reading my book! I started reading the Hunger Games last night and it's pretty good, so instead of using my laptop pretending to work when I should be working, I wish I was reading that!

I also have 2 blankets and 4 hats to finish making! I don't know when I will get the time to do those!

grrrrr, maybe I should have got the audio book version so that I could listen to the book whilst crocheting and pretending to work! LOL!

The weather is hot here too, however i really struggle with hot weather because im very fair skinned and i burn easily, i get really grumpy and groggy when im sitting out in the sun, i have terrible eyes and im meant to wear glasses but i dont, i have sensitive eyes and need tinted glasses to stop me getting migranes... I am most deffinately a snow, wind and rain girl :) spent years as a kid standing outside when its poaring it down in just my nighty and slippers, thats probably why i have a low immune system lol, i cant cool down if im warm and i am the worst person to be around when that happens... I would love to move somewhere where it snows a lot and rains the rest of the time :)

anyways i have to make food, walk dog, clean living room, take care of my 29 year old big kid and then i will be able to kick him out the door and come online to talk to you girls :) hope everyones ok :)
P.s jo, i have to get the camera fixed n stuff before i can get a photo up so ill deffo work on getting that done for you :) speak to you later babe xx
Hey Everyone? :wave: Care if I join in? I'm new to the scene and SOO happy I found this for plus size ladies TTC. My DH and I have been TTC for almost 3 years with no luck yet. :cry: Anyways, just looking for some support from others that are going through some of the same things I am. :hugs:

hi :wave:
trust me your not the only one going threw this im also happy i found this it relieves alot of stress having people to talk to about this:hugs:. I hope you get a BFP when the time is due and just keep your head up:thumbup:. Im new to this and i hope that we can keep in touch on our TTC journey :happydance::dust::dust::dust:
I'm feeling really down today. I thought I had an implantation dip and I was SOOOOOO excited, but now I just don't know what to think. My temp is staying really low (not much higher than PRE-O temps) and it KEEPS dipping below the coverline. I borrowed a copy of TCOYF and i'm worried I have a progesterone deficiency now. :(
Cd36, bfn n no af n ff doesnt say i have o'd yet. Hope its not too long
Vic s
I'm feeling really down today. I thought I had an implantation dip and I was SOOOOOO excited, but now I just don't know what to think. My temp is staying really low (not much higher than PRE-O temps) and it KEEPS dipping below the coverline. I borrowed a copy of TCOYF and i'm worried I have a progesterone deficiency now. :(

oh hun :( is there anything else that could be affecting your temp?
Hey Team Curvy's, hope ur all well ???

It has been so busy on here which is great to see and lots of new people, welcome to you all I hope we all have some good news to share soon ???

Jo - I hope ur now on the mend I felt awful when I was ill, and I think the night
time coughing was the worst bit ... I hate broken sleep, but fingers crossed ur over the worst now and ready for lots of :sex:

Magic - I feel ur pain I too am fair skinned and have auburn hair so don't deal with the sun very well, although I try my best, my oh has olive skin and just has to look at it to get a tan, which is so unfair !!
I hope with all of these tests they finally find out what is wrong with you, fingers crossed its a BFP :hugs:

Bbunny - sending u big hugs hun you really do sound really fed up chick and I
know there's nothing worse than seeing that BFN all the time, AF needs to hurry herself up so u can crack on with the next cycle :hugs:
Have u been in ur garden today it's glorious up here in the north east I'm app glad I had today off :) u will have to post us some finished garden pics :thumbup:

AFM - had a lovely weekend away in London and cold has now all gone sonim feeling loads better, a little bit down that I know the dreaded :witch: is on her way, especially finding out last week that my niece was expecting.
I've tried not to dwell on it but i just keep going over it in my head and I can't stop, i am happy for her and I'll be chuffed to bits when baby is here but at the minute I'm sorry for Me and I think I'm allowed to be really !! Some people just seem to have all the luck and their life just all falls neatly in to place, I don't know if u ladies do this but I try to find explanations and sometimes think maybe I'm being punished in some way (I don't know why or who bu as I'm a good person ) but what other reason could there be ??? and if I'm truly honest with myself I'm devastated my niece is preggo and I'm devastated AF is coming and now the tears are here as I'm typing, because I want it so bad :cry:

So I'm getting a grip and pulling myself together because I'm a
Strong happy go lucky person and will deal with it, AF will come and by the weekend she'll be gone again and I'll be back on the merry go round of temping and poas because that's what we do.
I'm also kick starting my diet after my weekend and tomorrow will be a different day :)

Sorry for venting ladies but I know ur the only ones who
Understand lots and love and luck to us all
Joooooooooooooooooooooooo - I've missed you!

Hope you had a good time away.

I know exactly what you mean, I try to find meaning in why it hasn't happened and sometimes feel like I'm being punished. Hard as I try thouhg I can't imagine a reason why we shouldn' tbe parents. People who don't know we are trying tell me I'd be a great mum all the time. So for now I choose to believe that it's because there is a good reason it hasn't happened yet. That maybe because the baby is going to be so special and some kind of magical being that it has to happen at the right time.

It's hard though. Sometimes it's just hard to know what to say or do because it doesn't really matter what we say or do, the same thing happens over and over again. but like you say, we get stuck back into temping and poas every cycle because there's nothing else we can do!

If babies were conceived because people deserved them, it would be a completely different story.

I am still looking for the answers, why everyone else but us? Maybe we'll never know :(

I agree with Josephine - BBBunny, we need to see some pictures of this garden when it's done!
I'm feeling really down today. I thought I had an implantation dip and I was SOOOOOO excited, but now I just don't know what to think. My temp is staying really low (not much higher than PRE-O temps) and it KEEPS dipping below the coverline. I borrowed a copy of TCOYF and i'm worried I have a progesterone deficiency now. :(

oh hun :( is there anything else that could be affecting your temp?

Not that I know of. No stress. Things have been blissfully unstressful lately. I don't mouth-breathe when I it's not that. :( No idea. I'm just confused. :cry:
Sorry for the loooooooooooooooong reply now girlies, everytime i dont sign in for a while i end up with loads to catch up with so ill take over a page and try to get back to you all :)

Where are all the ladies hiding at huh? hope your all doing ok :hugs:
Hey there :flower:
Doing OK still no AF so no idea what is going on with that :shrug:
Pulled some muscles yesterday moving some stuff so the muscle in my one boob is REALLY hurting so I am whimpering around the garden trying to get stuff done lol
How are things with you?
Hows the boob muscles doing?? I did that a few months back and its really sore :( i couldnt lift my arm up without shooting pains in my boob so i feel for you :hugs: Hope your feeling better x

Hey ladies. Congrats on all the BFPs! I have a question for you ladies, i'm really confused right now. I haven't had a period since jan 30, 2012. My cycles are on average 48 days since I have been off the pill in June 2010. My fiance and I constantly have sex with out protection. We are getting married in October and we think I could be pregnant since I havent had a period in so long. I also have alot of pregnancy symptoms. I pee alot, eat things i normally don't like, i'm constantly hungry, my boobs have went up two cup sizes. This morning I took a pregnancy test (it was a cheap one) first thing and it came up negative. My period was suppose to come two weeks ago. Am I pregnant? I'm so confused. I really want this expecially since I had a miscariage in Novemeber

Exactly the same as me hun, My last period was 31st of Jan and i have a 30 day cycle but still no sign on AF..... had 2 appointments with the docs and they tested me for pregnancy on the first app but BFN and im to bring in urine sample in the morning so they can do a pregnancy test again..... No idea whats going on and ive given up this cycle!! will just wait and see i guess... hope you get your BFP soon hun :) let me know how you get on :hugs:

I'm also trying to conceive my first I am 30 5"5 weigh 320 and my doctor has said I should be able to conceive with no problem but I'm still a little worried hoping to get my bfp soon

Hello everyone!

Welcome to the new ladies :hi:

Sorry I've been MIA a bit lately, I've had a stinking cold and just not felt up to doing anything at all!
Blimey, it has been busy on here hasn't it!

Nothing new with me - still waiting to Ov. I've not been able to temp for the last 3 days because I've not slept a wink and I've been sleeping on the sofa because I was keeping hubby awake at night with my coughing fits. Poor bloke, he has the cold too now and unlike me, he has to go to work - I am working from home all week, so lack of sleep isn't as much of a problem as I don't have to drive anywhere.
He came down this morning and said, I miss you at night time :( but I feel so bad keeping him awake and I sleep better downstairs with this cough because it's colder, the bedroom gets so hot and the air is so dry.

I've been very good though, completely cleaned the house at the weekend, even though I had to keep sitting down because I felt ill with the cold. It's on it's way out now thank goodness as I am totally fed up with it!

We've had some lovely weather here too, so although lack of sleep and illness has been getting me down, being able ot sit in the garden and get some fresh air has been really nice.

How is everyone else doing?
Hey hun you ok? You feeling better? My fella is the same if i dont sleep in bed, i know i disturb him with the coughing but when i say that to him he keeps saying your not waking me i want you to sleep in bed, some nights ive snuck out the bedroom and slept on the sofa and he just wakes up, walks in the living room and grabs me lol we are both too stubborn to be in a stable relationship lol :haha: hope you're you hun :hugs: xx

I'm feeling really down today. I thought I had an implantation dip and I was SOOOOOO excited, but now I just don't know what to think. My temp is staying really low (not much higher than PRE-O temps) and it KEEPS dipping below the coverline. I borrowed a copy of TCOYF and i'm worried I have a progesterone deficiency now. :(
Sending you massive amounts of :hugs: hun you really sound like you could use them :( keep positive hun i know its easier said than done but try not to stress, have you spoken to your GP about your concerns or is it just a recent thing? If so maybe check with the doctor will help?!? hope your ok darlin :hugs: xx

Hey Team Curvy's, hope ur all well ???

It has been so busy on here which is great to see and lots of new people, welcome to you all I hope we all have some good news to share soon ???

Jo - I hope ur now on the mend I felt awful when I was ill, and I think the night
time coughing was the worst bit ... I hate broken sleep, but fingers crossed ur over the worst now and ready for lots of :sex:

Magic - I feel ur pain I too am fair skinned and have auburn hair so don't deal with the sun very well, although I try my best, my oh has olive skin and just has to look at it to get a tan, which is so unfair !!
I hope with all of these tests they finally find out what is wrong with you, fingers crossed its a BFP :hugs:

Bbunny - sending u big hugs hun you really do sound really fed up chick and I
know there's nothing worse than seeing that BFN all the time, AF needs to hurry herself up so u can crack on with the next cycle :hugs:
Have u been in ur garden today it's glorious up here in the north east I'm app glad I had today off :) u will have to post us some finished garden pics :thumbup:

AFM - had a lovely weekend away in London and cold has now all gone sonim feeling loads better, a little bit down that I know the dreaded :witch: is on her way, especially finding out last week that my niece was expecting.
I've tried not to dwell on it but i just keep going over it in my head and I can't stop, i am happy for her and I'll be chuffed to bits when baby is here but at the minute I'm sorry for Me and I think I'm allowed to be really !! Some people just seem to have all the luck and their life just all falls neatly in to place, I don't know if u ladies do this but I try to find explanations and sometimes think maybe I'm being punished in some way (I don't know why or who bu as I'm a good person ) but what other reason could there be ??? and if I'm truly honest with myself I'm devastated my niece is preggo and I'm devastated AF is coming and now the tears are here as I'm typing, because I want it so bad :cry:

So I'm getting a grip and pulling myself together because I'm a
Strong happy go lucky person and will deal with it, AF will come and by the weekend she'll be gone again and I'll be back on the merry go round of temping and poas because that's what we do.
I'm also kick starting my diet after my weekend and tomorrow will be a different day :)

Sorry for venting ladies but I know ur the only ones who
Understand lots and love and luck to us all

Oh sweety :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: Its sooooooo hard when its in your face and specially when we have seen so many people around us fall pregnant so fast you even question ifthey even had sex or not... We can be so hard on ourselves, hating our bodies for either looking like they do or not working like they should, constantly worrying about whats wrong with us or not wrong with us, questioning what them and not me, we are stressing out our bodies to the point where they just dont want to play ball, its no surprise that when women try to get pregnant for sooooooooooooo long and are unsuccessful, when they go on holiday and decide not to ttc and just give themselves a break and stop stressing that they fall pregnant..... i know that sound so simple and such a lie but we all will make perfect parents one day and its down to the baby to decide when they want us as parents, then we will be ready... you will be the best mum in the world hun one day and it will happen for you, just believe in yourself like we do!! :flower: xx
I'm feeling really down today. I thought I had an implantation dip and I was SOOOOOO excited, but now I just don't know what to think. My temp is staying really low (not much higher than PRE-O temps) and it KEEPS dipping below the coverline. I borrowed a copy of TCOYF and i'm worried I have a progesterone deficiency now. :(

oh hun :( is there anything else that could be affecting your temp?

Not that I know of. No stress. Things have been blissfully unstressful lately. I don't mouth-breathe when I it's not that. :( No idea. I'm just confused. :cry:

Are you temping orally hun?? :hugs:
Hey everyone :)

Will deffo post some pics when garden further along. Even as a kid I have never had a nice garden, it was always taken over with either weeds or veggies and then after my Dad died my mom just never really bothered much with the garden so they were never very nice. I would love a garden I can enjoy so we have lots of plans :)

Still no AF but as Panda says it could be that I O'd really late and if I understand right that would make AF late :shrug: (you would think after all this time I would know a womans reproductive system like the back of my hand but I still struggle lol ). My plan is that next cycle we DTD every other day from 2 days after AF vanishes up until she comes again just to make sure I don't miss that O again. :thumbup:

Enjoyed a day of doing nothing then cooked this for dinner which was so yummy and low fat

Oh I have also ordered this


Got a big house clean in mind for tomorrow as house went to pot after weekend of gardening and a day off today. My mom is visiting Wednesday so it needs to be done for that and also I have a cross stitch project that I NEED to get done for Easter so I must must must make time to get that done.

CDN - I do not understand temping and stuff so I cannot give much advice but all I will say is please don't worry and stress about the possibility of having something like progesterone deficiency. There could be a million and one reasons why your temp is being as it is. I know its hard not to worry BELIEVE ME!! but you are not out until AF shows and all this worry could have been for nothing :hugs:

Weather has been great here too lovely and warm I am hoping that it stays for the weekend as I am thinking about having a BBQ just me and hubs and the fur kids.

Speaking of which here they are!! The pic is from a couple of christmas ago and we have redecorated since then lol
Hey Ladies! Sorry for the lack of posts. I’ve been reading and getting caught up. It’s amazing how many posts are on here even after just a few days! Hello to all of the new Ladies!! Welcome :flower:

Sorry for such a long post!!!

magic_angel: I am soooo relieved to not have to have another surgery! DH and I are still NTNP until October so we can give my body a year from the surgery date to heal before carrying a bean. But I’m secretly hoping that I’m going to get a :bfp: soon! My Cycle is so weird! I haven’t had a visit from the :witch: since 7/11. The week in August I was supposed to have her come was the week I took a fall down the stairs. That’s when the most damage happened to my back and I think it just knocked everything off balance. Before that I was having between 31 and 34 day cycles. I am excited to see your new hair cut! It sounds super cute! How is everything else going for you? Have you received any news yet? I know it’s scary when you don’t know what your body is doing. The good thing though is the sooner you know what is going on, the sooner it can be fixed (or helped) and get you on a more straight path. :happydance:

Bbbunny: I’m sorry to hear you pulled a muscle. Are you ok? Such an uncomfortable place to pull one too, not that there’s a good spot! Lol How are you feeling now?

josephine75: Your weekend in the country sounds amazing! I’ve never been to the UK, but it’s in my top 3 places I want to see before I die. Sorry about the effect on your feet though. Hopefully you’ll be back on your feet soon! (Some pun intended! LOL) I know how you feel w/ your niece. My little sister got pregnant in the end of 2010 when she was 17. She was barely 18 when she had my nephew. I had such a hard time with it. Don’t get me wrong, I love her to death and I was happy for her and I love my nephew, but why was she able to get a :baby: without even trying or in a place in her life to even be having a child, when DH and I are in trying and would make amazing parents and not getting anywhere. The father, when she told him about the baby told her he wanted nothing to do w/ him and to get an abortion. There is a lot more to the story and she’s an amazing Mother but I had a really hard time with it. I felt so guilty for having those thoughts in the first place. I know there is a plan for everyone and I know that we will make amazing Mommas when the time is right. I just wish that time was now! LOL

BBWttc29: 8 pounds is amazing!! Keep it up, you’ll get to your goal soon! I read somewhere that in terms of losing weight to help w/ TTC all you need to loose is 30 pounds to start helping. You’re already on your way :happydance:

Jo_Bean: I’m sorry you’ve been sick :hugs: I’m not sure what vitamins you’re taking, but vitamin C, Echinacea, and garlic are a good mix to knock a stubborn cold away. I hope you get feeling better soon! I agree with what you said about the hard go of not getting bfp yet while others get theirs easy. It’s a hard place to be in but know that once it does happen, we’re going to appricate it so much more because of the wait. Which is so much more easier to say then to wait. One day we’ll look back and laugh about how we feel now and how much worth the wait it was. Of course this is now and I want the wait over with!! :blush:

CdnEquestrian: I’m sorry you’re temps are being so difficult. I really detest it when you get the dip and think its FINALY happened and get excited, then AF comes. Hopefully it’s not a progesterone issue and just a weird cycle. :hugs:

Little bit on my current situation and I need some help/advice on something. I’m not even sure what CD I am on. I quit counting after CD150. July 14, 2011 was CD 1. Because of the PCOS and the year I’ve had I’m not all that surprised that the :witch: hasn't shown up and this is not the first time I’ve gone so long with out her visits. However I am very positive that I Ovulated March 8 (got some pretty good “pinches” and good stretchy CM) and we :sex: w/ preseed. I wasn’t expecting anything to happen, especially b/c of the extremely long cycle I’m on. Last Monday 3/19 I started spotting. I was excited thinking the long cycle was over, but I was wrong. It was a nice Dark brownish-red and it only lasted 3 days, 3/19 – 3/21, never passing the “spotting” stage. On 3/22 my chest started hurting while I was at work. It caught me off guard a bit. It was like someone had put clamps on my nipples (sorry for the TMI) and has happened everyday since. I've also had some dizzy spells and an upset tummy on and off for a few days. I’ve have never in all my life had such dark brown bleeding or such intense pain in my chest. So I did some Google searches and read a bit about implantation bleeding and of course now I’m getting a little excited, but did a test this morning and it was a :bfn:! :cry: I’m not sure what’s going on here? Has this happen to any of you? Maybe I’m testing to early? What do you think?
Hey Ladies! Sorry for the lack of posts. I’ve been reading and getting caught up. It’s amazing how many posts are on here even after just a few days! Hello to all of the new Ladies!! Welcome :flower:

magic_angel: I am soooo relieved to not have to have another surgery! DH and I are still NTNP until October so we can give my body a year from the surgery date to heal before carrying a bean. But I’m secretly hoping that I’m going to get a :bfp: soon! My Cycle is so weird! I haven’t had a visit from the :witch: since 7/11. The week in August I was supposed to have her come was the week I took a fall down the stairs. That’s when the most damage happened to my back and I think it just knocked everything off balance. Before that I was having between 31 and 34 day cycles. I am excited to see your new hair cut! It sounds super cute! How is everything else going for you? Have you received any news yet? I know it’s scary when you don’t know what your body is doing. The good thing though is the sooner you know what is going on, the sooner it can be fixed (or helped) and get you on a more straight path. :happydance:

Bbbunny: I’m sorry to hear you pulled a muscle. Are you ok? Such an uncomfortable place to pull one too, not that there’s a good spot! Lol How are you feeling now?

josephine75: Your weekend in the country sounds amazing! I’ve never been to the UK, but it’s in my top 3 places I want to see before I die. Sorry about the effect on your feet though. Hopefully you’ll be back on your feet soon! (Some pun intended! LOL) I know how you feel w/ your niece. My little sister got pregnant in the end of 2010 when she was 17. She was barely 18 when she had my nephew. I had such a hard time with it. Don’t get me wrong, I love her to death and I was happy for her and I love my nephew, but why was she able to get a :baby: without even trying or in a place in her life to even be having a child, when DH and I are in trying and would make amazing parents and not getting anywhere. The father, when she told him about the baby told her he wanted nothing to do w/ him and to get an abortion. There is a lot more to the story and she’s an amazing Mother but I had a really hard time with it. I felt so guilty for having those thoughts in the first place. I know there is a plan for everyone and I know that we will make amazing Mommas when the time is right. I just wish that time was now! LOL

BBWttc29: 8 pounds is amazing!! Keep it up, you’ll get to your goal soon! I read somewhere that in terms of losing weight to help w/ TTC all you need to loose is 30 pounds to start helping. You’re already on your way :happydance:

Jo_Bean: I’m sorry you’ve been sick :hugs: I’m not sure what vitamins you’re taking, but vitamin C, Echinacea, and garlic are a good mix to knock a stubborn cold away. I hope you get feeling better soon! I agree with what you said about the hard go of not getting bfp yet while others get theirs easy. It’s a hard place to be in but know that once it does happen, we’re going to appricate it so much more because of the wait. Which is so much more easier to say then to wait. One day we’ll look back and laugh about how we feel now and how much worth the wait it was. Of course this is now and I want the wait over with!! :blush:

CdnEquestrian: I’m sorry you’re temps are being so difficult. I really detest it when you get the dip and think its FINALY happened and get excited, then AF comes. Hopefully it’s not a progesterone issue and just a weird cycle. :hugs:

I need some help/advice on something. I’m not even sure what CD I am on. I quit counting after CD150. July 14, 2011 was CD 1. Because of the PCOS and the year I’ve had I’m not all that surprised that the :witch: hasn't shown up and this is not the first time I’ve gone so long with out her visits. However I am very positive that I Ovulated March 8 (got some pretty good “pinches” and good stretchy CM) and we :sex: w/ preseed. I wasn’t expecting anything to happen, especially b/c of the extremely long cycle I’m on. Last Monday 3/19 I started spotting. I was excited thinking the long cycle was over, but I was wrong. It was a nice Dark brownish-red and it only lasted 3 days, 3/19 – 3/21, never passing the “spotting” stage. On 3/22 my chest started hurting while I was at work. It caught me off guard a bit. It was like someone had put clamps on my nipples (sorry for the TMI) and has happened everyday since. I've also had some dizzy spells and an upset tummy on and off for a few days. I’ve have never in all my life had such dark brown bleeding or such intense pain in my chest. So I did some Google searches and read a bit about implantation bleeding and of course now I’m getting a little excited, but did a test this morning and it was a :bfn:! :cry: I’m not sure what’s going on here? Has this happen to any of you? Maybe I’m testing to early? What do you think?

Is that last part from you manda????
Yes, sorry! After re-reading it I guess it isn't very clear is it? LOL The last part is what's going on with me right now. :blush:
ah right :) i just write Update or AMF (or the full as for me) then our part that way i dont confuse myself when posting comments lol

I would wait hun, i know its soooooooo hard because i caved a few times..... i instantly became a pee on a stick-aholic, ive not bought any since my dog ate my stash and i aint getting anymore until next cycle starts or during 2ww..... im trying to convince myself here lol... please wait, try and do something to take your mind off testing... it will drive you crazy like it has done to me this cycle and if i peed on a stick every other day since 2ww i would be skint by now!!!! What are your hobbies? I love to paint and draw but mainly i love to doodle, so i am doing that to take my mind off it, i will keep it up until i find my pigging knitting needles and wool which they seemed to have chosen to hide from me and its not funny anymore as i really want to do my patches again :(
anyways hun, fella is in work until 7am and i have to be up early to take urine sample to docs office 2moro and its 2.33am so i need beauty slee[ and i want to take full advantage of my big empty bed and sprawl out :) i will reply back to you 2moro as soon as i can :) night night :hugs:

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