Any "plus-size", bigger gals TTC their first? :)

I'm feeling really down today. I thought I had an implantation dip and I was SOOOOOO excited, but now I just don't know what to think. My temp is staying really low (not much higher than PRE-O temps) and it KEEPS dipping below the coverline. I borrowed a copy of TCOYF and i'm worried I have a progesterone deficiency now. :(

oh hun :( is there anything else that could be affecting your temp?

Not that I know of. No stress. Things have been blissfully unstressful lately. I don't mouth-breathe when I it's not that. :( No idea. I'm just confused. :cry:

:hugs: our bodies are rubbish aren't they :(
BBBunny - love the pups!! and those chips look awesome - they have a similar recipe on slimming world. Tonight I am making sweet potato chips so will see how they turn out - similar recipe.

Manda - I think that IB happens between 13-18 DPO, so if my maths are correct then there is still a chance that it could have been IB and just too early to test. I know if must be extra frustrating when AF doesn't show up, but if you managed to pinpoint ovulation then in theory she should arrive soon ish.... Maybe do as Magic suggested and try not to test. It will drive you insane and cost a small fortune!
Good morning :)

Magic - good luck with the pee pot at the docs. I'm secretly hoping that you've been preggers for the last 3 weeks and not realised :D

I'm feeling crap today. Worse than yesterday! I am going to the docs this evening (earliest appointment I could get) as I think it might be a chest infection and I probably need more than lemsips and warm honey to get rid of it.

Still, the sun is shining and I might sit outside in it and read my book, hoping that it makes me feel better.

The good part of not sleeping at the moment is that I totally got stuck into my book last night and am really enjoying it. Going to try and beat my sister to the next book as there are 3 in the series. Not that I'm in any way competitive! LOL!

TTC updates - bleh, none. Still waiting to ov and still can't temp because sleeping on the sofa under a slanket on and off is not condusive to good temp taking. Also forgot to poas for my CBFM this morning as was only half awake and just forgot.
yo yo yo curvys - where ma girls at?

Sorry for the random rapperesque intro.

So this cycle I am drinking pomegranate juice. I've heard it has womb thickening properties to help the bean stick and make it all comfy and padded. It also contains folic acid and lots of magical cancer curing stuff by all accounts.

Anyway, it tastes nice so it's quite an easy one to try - even if the info on it is all crap LOL!

What's everyone else up to?

I've been reading my book in the garden - naughty! Am supposed to be working! bah sod it! How often do we get weather like this? I'll make the time up somewhen :D:D:D
P.S. having re-read my post from this morning and then the one I just posted, sounds to me like pomegranate juice also cheers you up! Am feeling a bit better now obvs.

This always happens though. Just because I booked a docs appointment to see someone about my cough, I now feel a bit better! typical. well I'm still going as I'm sure I will wish I had when I can't sleep again tonight.
hey Jo, I think ive seen somewhere that you are reading the hunger games? How are you liking it? How far in are you? Ive started reading it to im only on chater 7 though! It has me hooked thats for sure!

Im gonna have to try the juice.. even though im not so sure id find it very tastey! lol
Everyone kind of just skipped over my last post.. :/ Sorry it was a huge wall of text, just had to get it off my chest..
Hey there starshine

Sorry your post got skipped its so easy to miss stuff on here as sometimes it can move quite quick. :hugs:

Sounds like you have a plan. If you are moving in June then that gives you a nice amount of time to accomplish everything and get where you want to be weight wise.

If you are not already taking it then Folic acid would be great for you to start taking even now as it helps with so many things and is recommended for pregnant women and those TTC.

It sounds like your grandma will be a great support to you and hopefully we will be too!!

I know what you mean about being on here as I hate when my hubby is trying to see what I am putting on here and he was shocked the other day when I told him we discuss periods :haha: I thought honey you have no idea the sort of things women discuss on here and the pictures I have seen :rofl:

Jo_bean I am gonna have to try the pomegranate juice especially if it puts me in a good mood lol

I am in the middle if my cleaning day but the tv keeps distracting me :blush: my boob muscle is better now though so I have no excuses lol

If I did O really late and that is why I got the stretchy CM on the 21st and the average luteal phase is 14 days then that means it could be the 4th before AF comes again which sucks but there is nothing I can do.

Anyway back to cleaning :thumbup: I am hoping hubs will not be long before he is home as I need to go get some bread and pomegranate juice :happydance:
hey Jo, I think ive seen somewhere that you are reading the hunger games? How are you liking it? How far in are you? Ive started reading it to im only on chater 7 though! It has me hooked thats for sure!

Im gonna have to try the juice.. even though im not so sure id find it very tastey! lol

:haha: i dont like it either but i sure will be getting some an will be forcing it down my throat in future :)

thanks jo :)
Hey there starshine

Sorry your post got skipped its so easy to miss stuff on here as sometimes it can move quite quick. :hugs:

Sounds like you have a plan. If you are moving in June then that gives you a nice amount of time to accomplish everything and get where you want to be weight wise.

If you are not already taking it then Folic acid would be great for you to start taking even now as it helps with so many things and is recommended for pregnant women and those TTC.

It sounds like your grandma will be a great support to you and hopefully we will be too!!

I know what you mean about being on here as I hate when my hubby is trying to see what I am putting on here and he was shocked the other day when I told him we discuss periods :haha: I thought honey you have no idea the sort of things women discuss on here and the pictures I have seen :rofl:

Jo_bean I am gonna have to try the pomegranate juice especially if it puts me in a good mood lol

I am in the middle if my cleaning day but the tv keeps distracting me :blush: my boob muscle is better now though so I have no excuses lol

If I did O really late and that is why I got the stretchy CM on the 21st and the average luteal phase is 14 days then that means it could be the 4th before AF comes again which sucks but there is nothing I can do.

Anyway back to cleaning :thumbup: I am hoping hubs will not be long before he is home as I need to go get some bread and pomegranate juice :happydance:

:haha: You are one funny lady lol you have probably sent your hubby away with crazy images in his poor head lol :rofl:
Magan and magic - sainsburys do a nice one with blueberry in it. As long as you drink it chilled it's not too sickly sweet xxx

Magan - Yes! I am reading the hunger games. I bought the trilogy months ago and never picked them up. I was hooked from the start too. It's refreshingly written and moves quickly. After a marathon reading sesh last night when I couldn't sleep I am now on chapter 23 and had to put it down to come to the docs. Am sat in the waiting room right now wishing I had brought it with me lol!
Bbbunny lol! My hubby does that too but has no clue what we are talking about and would faint if he knew half of it! I just say, women's things that are scientific and graphic and airy fairy crap, neither of which you will be interested in! Lol!
Magan and magic - sainsburys do a nice one with blueberry in it. As long as you drink it chilled it's not too sickly sweet xxx

Magan - Yes! I am reading the hunger games. I bought the trilogy months ago and never picked them up. I was hooked from the start too. It's refreshingly written and moves quickly. After a marathon reading sesh last night when I couldn't sleep I am now on chapter 23 and had to put it down to come to the docs. Am sat in the waiting room right now wishing I had brought it with me lol!

I have a list of a few things sitting by my computer of things ive read on here that are suposed to help.. OH seen it and was like what the heck do you need this stuff for? BUSTED! lol.. he just shook his head when I told him lol.

And yeah I know what you mean its an awesome book however work keeps me really busy and when I am home I have so much other stuff to catch up on :( So I am only on Chapter 8. But I pushed myself to the gym yesturday and discovered that I love reading while on the treadmil and the bike! LOL .. I also tried bring it with us for breakfast this weekend.. OH wouldnt let me read thoug while we waited for food... hes such a blabber mouth lol!
ughhhh...i am so behind on everyones postings! Enjoying my last few hours before classes start again and im back to study study study! (and finding time to dtd in between there :blush:)

Welcome to all the new girls, starshine, ill have to go back and find your post, im sooo far behind, i think im in first :haha:

Almost time for O according to my cbfm, thank goodness it didnt immediately start asking for sticks and never stop this time...yay! :happydance:
Hi there ladies! I'm new here after being referred to this forum while googling for ovarian drilling. It's been an awesome read!

I'm 31, size US16 and is TTC for #1 for 2 year plus. Currently on hospitalization leave after abdominal myomectomy 2 weeks ago. So now basically having lots of free time to rest. Lol.

Looking forward to interact with all of you! :)
Hey everyone, thanks for all the love. I cannot wait to move and get actual internet so I'm not stuck on my blackberry all the time. (Although it's perfect for when I'm on the go, plus fiancé doesn't know I'm on here and I'm rather embarrassed to let him know) But anyway, just popping in to keep everyone updated.

I haven't talked to him about it TTC, but considering that we're currently living with his parents until we move in June, (we were with roommates but that ended badly with me almost being assaulted by some racist arrian skin-heads) I can understand why trying and maybe getting pregnant right now wouldn't make the situation any better. :/

I do have hope though, thanks to my loving and supportive Grandmother. She practically raised me so I think of her more as a mom and a friend. She had her kids when she was 19, and my mother had me when she was 19, and my fiancé's mother had him when she was just turning 18 so young mothers run in both of our families. It just feels natural to have one now, especially since I've raised my little brother and he'll be 2 in May (5 days after me! I'm the 24th).

But anyway, she says she thinks I'll be pregnant by the end of the year. And she's totally supportive of me wanting to do this. I don't know about my mother, but her opinion on this honestly doesn't matter to me. She's 39 and recently found out she's pregnant again, which felt like a slap in the face to me since I was planning on trying to conceive this year and she gets pregnant because "the condom broke". Mind you she's not married and me and my four siblings all have different fathers, the youngest and the one on the way are from the same dumbass father that denies the baby and left. (She really knows how to pick 'em)

So I'm feeling a lot better about the whole thing. I'll have to wait probably until the end of May to start trying, but this gives me enough time to make sure my cycle is normal, if not I found a supplement I would love to try. It's called FertilAid, I'm sure you've ladies heard of it, and I was going to get a few months of that to help set everything straight. This also allows me to loose some weight, kick smoking, and settle down in Arizona. I don't look at it as a long hard wait, more like I'm preparing myself for what's ahead. And with my Grandmother's blessing I know it'll happen. It will be hard sometimes, my mom's due to find out the gender of her baby and that'll probably bring a cloud over my head, but with talking to all you lovely ladies and being able to rant my heart out (I know you guys don't mind).

So, looks like I'm preparing to TTC. Hopefully this give my fiancé enough time to get use to the idea of trying for a baby. And there's no guarantee that it'll happen fast, but if I'm pregnant before the end of 2012, I will be one super happy camper! :)

Plus this gives me a chance to prepare myself even more, both mentally and especially physically. I weighed in at 282.5 today! ): So I would love to drop those 82lbs, luckily it'll be easier once I move. We have a built in pool, a park, and a nice long walking route in our new neighborhood. It's a great place to raise kids, and I'm so excited. I'm going to start working out on the bowflex we have with my OH, right now it's nothing more than a coat hanger in the garage. Haha.

I'm loving you guys all already! Sorry I don't reply to others post much, hard to squeeze it in with OH always looking over my shoulder. I don't know why I'm so embarrassed by coming here, I guess I'm afraid it'll make him more unsure about all this. Though he really should be greatful that I'm so focused on being as prepared for this as I can be, especially at this age. I want a planned pregnacey, one where I can be all, "Your father and I sat down and decided we wanted to add you to our family. I had wanted and looked forward to having you even before you were growing inside me." :)

Anyway, sorry for the long rant/announcement. If anyone of you lovely ladies would like to email me (as I get those faster than I check BnB) please feel free to message me for my email. I'll put it up later once I figure out how.

Found it! :happydance: Ive found that it takes a while sometimes for the men to get on board with the baby idea...mine took a few years before he was finally ready to admit that he was ready...before that it was just kinda, "oh...heh...well yeah if it happens..." :dohh:

and wow....i dont know your mother, but that just seems... wow... like something you hear about on Maury, no offense to you obviously! :blush:

I feel you on the trying to lose gyn was proud of me that i am down 10 lbs from last year when i saw her, and i would like to keep going with that..having a desk job doesnt help at!

and i wouldnt worry about not replying much, half the time im on here i spend reading back through posts to see what i have missed (and when AF shows up i tend to boycott, because im feeling grumpy and all)

Good luck, and welcome to team curvybumps! :hugs:
Phew! This page moves so, so fast! I just joined this thread a few days ago and there seem to be 20 new pages since then. haha. I love it!

Jo_Bean- Have you checked out Battle Royale? It's an older book (from the 90's I believe?) out of Japan that (though the author of HG hasn't admitted it) absolutely HAS to be the inspiration behind the Hunger Games. It is very, very, very similar. I highly recommend it. It's one of my all time faves and I can't believe more people don't know about it!

Nysz- Welcome here! I hope you have a speedy recovery and that everything looks good from here on out!
Phew! This page moves so, so fast! I just joined this thread a few days ago and there seem to be 20 new pages since then. haha. I love it!

Jo_Bean- Have you checked out Battle Royale? It's an older book (from the 90's I believe?) out of Japan that (though the author of HG hasn't admitted it) absolutely HAS to be the inspiration behind the Hunger Games. It is very, very, very similar. I highly recommend it. It's one of my all time faves and I can't believe more people don't know about it!

Nysz- Welcome here! I hope you have a speedy recovery and that everything looks good from here on out!

No! But I will do now :) thanks sweet xx
hey Jo, I think ive seen somewhere that you are reading the hunger games? How are you liking it? How far in are you? Ive started reading it to im only on chater 7 though! It has me hooked thats for sure!

Im gonna have to try the juice.. even though im not so sure id find it very tastey! lol

:haha: i dont like it either but i sure will be getting some an will be forcing it down my throat in future :)

thanks jo :)

I'm all over the Pomegranate juice tomorrow when I nip to sainsburys and something with a bit of guava for the OH swimmers too I think :)
Hey there starshine

Sorry your post got skipped its so easy to miss stuff on here as sometimes it can move quite quick. :hugs:

Sounds like you have a plan. If you are moving in June then that gives you a nice amount of time to accomplish everything and get where you want to be weight wise.

If you are not already taking it then Folic acid would be great for you to start taking even now as it helps with so many things and is recommended for pregnant women and those TTC.

It sounds like your grandma will be a great support to you and hopefully we will be too!!

I know what you mean about being on here as I hate when my hubby is trying to see what I am putting on here and he was shocked the other day when I told him we discuss periods :haha: I thought honey you have no idea the sort of things women discuss on here and the pictures I have seen :rofl:

Jo_bean I am gonna have to try the pomegranate juice especially if it puts me in a good mood lol

I am in the middle if my cleaning day but the tv keeps distracting me :blush: my boob muscle is better now though so I have no excuses lol

If I did O really late and that is why I got the stretchy CM on the 21st and the average luteal phase is 14 days then that means it could be the 4th before AF comes again which sucks but there is nothing I can do.

Anyway back to cleaning :thumbup: I am hoping hubs will not be long before he is home as I need to go get some bread and pomegranate juice :happydance:

:haha: You are one funny lady lol you have probably sent your hubby away with crazy images in his poor head lol :rofl:

Imagine all our fella's reading what we put on here they would be totally gobsmacked especially the poas, CM, EWCM and spotting and smudges,
This has really made me chuckle thinking of it thanks girls I needed thatXxxxxxx

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