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Any "plus-size", bigger gals TTC their first? :)

Hi :D I have been reading you girls messages, and it makes me feel so much better. It is nice seeing I am not the only one worried about this. :)

I am 5'4 and 175lbs, this is the fattest I have ever been, mostly due to the huge depression I had last year, for no particular reason, all I would do is sit there and eat and do nothing... (I wish I was one of those people that depression would cut their appetite, but noooo, I was depressed and fat) I don't mean to offend anyone by this btw, I am just calling myself fat because this is how I feel.Now I feel a lot better, but I find it hard to get the motivation to loose the weight, especially since it's so cold and rainy and ugly outside.

My goal would be to get back to 140 pounds by the time me and my fiance move in together, so that leaves about 3-4 months. I think that realistic, and that would be better for TTC. :)

So, good luck to all of you girls, and baby dust :D

Welcome Miaw, hope we can get to know each other better :) Firstly your not fat, you are now part of team curvy bumps and its full of Big Beautiful Women :) I certainly think you could lose that weight in 3-4 months hun just have to give yourself a dose of possitive mental attitude everyday :) (i know, i know, its sooooo much easier said than done) ive done my fair share of bitching about ttc but the bottom line is in my opinion, if i slag my body off and constantly bitch and moan at myself then my body wont get on board with my ttc plans, so im going to try something different with my next cycle whenever the witch turns up, see if i can change my mind set :happydance: lots of :dust and sticky glue hun :)

I'm plus sized and TTC. I'm about to start a program and try to get some weight off so I can get hopefully get a BFP.

HEY Amandora how are you? Welcome to team curvy bumps :)

What are your normal cycles hun? how long have you been ttc? will this be your first child? sorry if im bombarding with questions, would just like to get to know you a little better :)

Honestly the only thing we did differently was BD every other day rather than every day during the fertile period. I have been charting, so I knew about when I was going to O. We BD 4 days before O, 2 days before O, and day of O...and that did the trick!

Cool so im just going to go at it on my next cycle like a dog on heat and see if that works :)
Some things ive been reading tonight, thought i would share :)

In a study conducted at Harvard Medical School on 184 women with fertility problems, 55% of those who completed a 10-week course of relaxation training, and stress reduction had a viable pregnancy within one year, compared with just 20% of the group who had no stress reduction training.

In a second study conducted at the University of California at San Diego, doctors found that women undergoing fertility treatments, who remained relaxed and optimistic, had better overall outcomes than women who were pessimistic about their ability to conceive.

"If you are worried all the time about getting pregnant, if you obsess over it and think about only that, you might influence your body chemistry in a way that does affect your fertility," says Randolph. The key, he says, is to "think about making love -- and not just about making babies

Many women are concerned that coming off the birth control pill might affect their ability to get pregnant, but doctors say that generally there is little to worry about.

"The only issue with birth control pills is making sure you have at least one normal menstrual period prior to trying to conceive, which is important for the dating of the Pregnancy,"

As far as safety goes, The steroids used in the pill are out of your body within a week or less -- so they won't affect your baby or stop you from getting pregnant.

An old myth that has been hard to lay to rest is hair dye. The story goes that coloring your hair during the first trimester of pregnancy is dangerous to the baby's critical developmental changes. Most doctors tend to err on the side of caution (and we're really glad about that). Although there is no definitive research showing a direct link between hair processing (color, straightening, and permanents) and fetal health, there was an animal study done in 2006 that showed some increased risk of cataracts and eye problems in the offspring of female rats who had hair dye components injected under their skin during pregnancy. So, you might want to err on the side of caution here.

Long, hot baths reduce sperm count. A University of San Francisco study asked men who normally took long, leisurely, hot baths to shower instead and, guess what? Half of the men had sperm counts that rose by 500 percent. (No, that is not a typo - the number is 500 percent). Actually, science has confirmed this one a number of times. No long hot baths for the guy who wants to make babies....

There was also something about if you couldnt get and lube that was safe for the swimmers the best thing to use that wont harm or stop swimmers from doing their job was Olive oil.... didnt know that one!!!

Been looking and laughing at some of the old wives tales on the net..... some are just plain nuts lol
Love that I found this site! I'm hoping I can help any of you curious about the IVF process or find someone else going through it with me!!

Hubby and I started TTC two years ago on March 17th 2010. We had our embryo transfer March 18th, 2012. We're hoping the luck of the irish will give us a BFP! So now I am in the dreaded 2 week wait before I take my beta pregnancy test.

Here's our story, sorry if it's long: My doctor made me wait a year before he would even discuss infertility with me because of my age. Looking back now I wish I had ignored him and started our fertility testing at 6 months because we wasted a lot of time trying to sort out our issues. Luckily everything inside me was fine besides PCOS, my weight and a slight thyroid issue. Hubby had good sperm count and okay motility, but bad morphology (1%). We were sent right to an RE. They ran every test under the sun for me and found that my thyroid was slightly high (3.1). In the real world anything under 4 is normal but for fertility they want it around 2.5. Went to a thyroid doctor and he suggested waiting for the medicine to kick in and losing as much weight as possible. As hard as it was, I waited 4 months and lost 25 lbs and brought my thyroid down to 1.9. Doc suggested IVF for us because of my hubby's issues and because my PCOS would help me produce a lot of eggs. Started IVF treatment in late February and just had my embryo transfer yesterday. Embryo actually stuck to the catheter, so they say it can be good luck that it will stick to your uterus.

Hello :hi: welcome to our gang :) you're very welcome here!

We might be going private for IVF this year, just waiting to see the consultant. I have to lose weight before we can get our 1 free try at IVF so we're saving up to pay ourselves. I am trying to lose weight and it's coming off but not very quickly, I have another 33lbs to go!

Would love to hear more about the IVF and what happens!

After the most awful 2ww ever, I cheated and took a HPT and we got our very first :bfp:! I could not believe it! We went to the RE's office for a beta test and my number was good. We went back two days later and it more than doubled, so everything is going well so far! I go for my first ultrasound next Thursday and I can't wait. IVF takes a major emotional toll on you and your spouse, but I'm proof of how rewarding it can be in the end!

Congratulations!!!! Xxxx sorry just catching up on the threads now xxx
Girls! There is hope! I am overweight (and bigger than many of you), I am older (34), and I got my :bfp: this morning!!!

Hang in there ladies!

Omg well done Sombra! Congratulations Hun! Please still check in with us to see how it's going! We'll miss you xx
So whats the updates ladies?? what you all been up to?? xx
Honestly the only thing we did differently was BD every other day rather than every day during the fertile period. I have been charting, so I knew about when I was going to O. We BD 4 days before O, 2 days before O, and day of O...and that did the trick!

Congratulations Sombra here's to a very healthy and happy 9 months xxx

Wooowwww these BFP's are coming thick and fast now ladies fingers crossed for the rest of us xxxxx
Hey squiggleshull, sorry it took so long in replying.
I would love to take you up on your offer that's so lovely.
I'm sure we will have a lot of the same questions.
How much longer until the end of your 2ww?
Lots of baby dust. I have my fingers crossed for you.

Hello Lovely Ladies, how are you all :flower:

Sorry I've been MIA I've had a crazy couple of days at work, and am
Just trying to catch up on all of these posts, our team just keeps on growing and
now the :bfp:'s are rolling in im hopeful for us all :thumbup:

Welcome to all of our new ladies I'm sure your all going to be very happy here :)
We're a happy go lucky pleasant bunch of gals ha ha xxx

AFM firstly I have to let you know about the silly thing I done last night, I managed to lose our house key after a night out with friends, could bot believe we were locked out :dohh:, so unable to get in our house we had to go to my parents house and top and tail in her spare single bed for the night ha ha, then this morning panicking we were going to have to smash windows to get in our friends called to say our key was in their house .... They literally live 5 mins away !!! I can't believe how stupid we were, we have managed to entertain all family and friends though with our stupidity :dohh:

Now to the TTC stuff, I'm currently on CD6 and temps are steadily rising although due to last nights mishap I haven't taken one day :haha:
I am however experiencing some pain in my left hand side exactly the same place as and exactly the same as OV pain, and I have quite a lot of CM, I have done an OPK which I knew would be neg as way too early and just for the heck of it I done a HPT too which I also knew would be Neg but I'm puzzled as to the reason for this happening, does anyone have any suggestions or possible answers do u think I should visit the quack ?
I also had 2 dizzy spells today and have been really tired all weekend, I'm very confused and a little bit worried if I'm honest x

Sorry girls, ive gone on a bit there havent i but OH is watching Match of the day and its pretty boring :(
how is everyone else doing ???

Hello ladies :)

Such a busy weekend I missed you all :hugs:

Jospehine I too got locked out the other day!! When hubs and I got home from shopping the key just wouldn't work but I managed to open the door with the help of a broken bucket handle and the letterbox (don't ask lol)

I am not sure what to say about your pain it may be O pain or the ovary gearing up for O or something. I wish I knew more about the workings of our bodies :wacko: I think our group needs a member thats a specialist of some kind in the area so we can pick their brains everyday.

Weight loss wise I am doing crap :( been so busy I haven't had time to properly exercise but I have been doing a lot in the garden so maybe that counts lol

The kids are off school for the Easter holidays and our street is full of squeals and shouting and it is driving me nuts already :wacko:

We live in a small cul-de-sac where there are about 4 kids old enough to play out but for some reason they all seem to gather here. One day I counted over 25 kids in our small street aged between 4 and 12!!!

They are also setting a couple of the dogs in the street off barking so it has been screaming, shouting and barking all day :(

AF is almost gone so hopefully we are going to start our plan of DTD every other day. Hubs is working away Wednesday night so I think we will start on Thursday. I am determined to catch that O this month so if it happens early or late if we stick to the plan then we hopefully will not miss it.

I am furiously working on my cross stitch for Easter and hope to be finished on time. This week I also have to clean the car inside and out as it is a tip, get some more Easter eggs, make up 2 Easter baskets and bake and decorate some Easter cupcakes as well as finish this sewing and do my usual housework. There is also talk of us having my brother and mom over on Saturday for dinner so house and car will have to be cleaned ready for that. Then we have a big family dinner at hubs parents on Sunday.

Hope everyone is well :hugs:
Hello everyone

Oh you girls locking yourselves out!

My latest drama is that my dog ate my tortoise! It was my fault really.
Hiro (tortoise) was out in the garden in his run because the weather was nice and the bulb had broken on his house and I needed Dave to help me lift the table out to change it.
Then my friend popped over to say hello and I was seeing her out when she was leaving and completely forgot that Hiro was in the garden whilst I was chatting to her out the front.
I heard Riley crunching on something and came in to find the tortoise in his mouth!
He's been in intensive care all weekend and is having an operation today to fit a tube to feed him and scan his lungs because he's not eating at the moment.

As for baby stuff, I'm having this month off and just as well because everything is happening and going wrong and I'm just so busy!
Hello everyone

Oh you girls locking yourselves out!

My latest drama is that my dog ate my tortoise! It was my fault really.
Hiro (tortoise) was out in the garden in his run because the weather was nice and the bulb had broken on his house and I needed Dave to help me lift the table out to change it.
Then my friend popped over to say hello and I was seeing her out when she was leaving and completely forgot that Hiro was in the garden whilst I was chatting to her out the front.
I heard Riley crunching on something and came in to find the tortoise in his mouth!
He's been in intensive care all weekend and is having an operation today to fit a tube to feed him and scan his lungs because he's not eating at the moment.

As for baby stuff, I'm having this month off and just as well because everything is happening and going wrong and I'm just so busy!

Ohhh the poor thing! hoping he pulls through this! :hugs:
it's horrible, I obviously love my dog more than anything but was so upset with him for being so cruel! I don't think he realised it was an animal, I think he thought it was a stick or something. Or at least that's what I'm telling myself or I would be too upset with him!
Ok so we are now on our second cycle of trying. I am cycle day 16 I'm ovulating today. This month we decided not use ovulation test, but I have CM so I know I am. I have mixed feelings about having a late December baby, but I figure its in fates hands, so we'll see

Baby Dust to everyone
Congratulations! that's awesome!

Can someone tell me how to reply like everyone else? lol
Hello everyone

Oh you girls locking yourselves out!

My latest drama is that my dog ate my tortoise! It was my fault really.
Hiro (tortoise) was out in the garden in his run because the weather was nice and the bulb had broken on his house and I needed Dave to help me lift the table out to change it.
Then my friend popped over to say hello and I was seeing her out when she was leaving and completely forgot that Hiro was in the garden whilst I was chatting to her out the front.
I heard Riley crunching on something and came in to find the tortoise in his mouth!
He's been in intensive care all weekend and is having an operation today to fit a tube to feed him and scan his lungs because he's not eating at the moment.

As for baby stuff, I'm having this month off and just as well because everything is happening and going wrong and I'm just so busy!

Oh hunny that's awful, your poor tortoise I'm sure Riley didn't mean to do it all, he's obviously just been curious, fingers crossed for Hiro keep us updated in his progress Hugs for you hun and u never know having a relaxed month might just do the trick :hugs: xxxxxx
Headaing to bed but haven't been online since Friday so I just wanted to check in and see how everyone's weekends were. Looks like I have a lot to catch up- so I will be back on in the AM.

PS: CONGRATS Sombra!!!!!!!! A H&H9M to you. I am so, so, so excited for you! :hugs:

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