mummytocloe: I am so glad that everything looks ok and that you are getting your scan on the 14th as well! You scan looks great!
pixie54, maybebaby3, operationbbyo, cazm 2011, nicola1888, qpmomma, nico82, annie1983, stephanie1990, kmp, mommajj, and rachybaby85: Congratulations on your BFP!
under25ttc: I am glad you found this page! Congratz again on your BFP, I am so happy for you!
Dcurrie: I am sorry you are so worried. Is it possible to call you DR and see if you can come in?
Maybebaby3: I am sorry you are having such a hard time with your husband. I really hope he comes around in the next 9 months.
AFM: I have just been relaxing and trying not to stress about my hsg numbers. I have my betoa in 12 hours. I really hope they don't take long to call with the results.