Hi everyone,
Great to hear that everyone is doing well
I haven't written anything recently, mainly because I almost feel as if I am waiting for something to happen! Waiting for ms, waiting for another scan etc... In some ways it feels as if the pregnancy isn't happening yet which is silly I know but I think that, for me, it will only really start to feel real when I am able to tell people. I have a scan a week from today so we can check for a heartbeat. I will be 8+4 according to LMP but expect baby to measure a bit behind due to long cycle and late implantation.
I too have had a UTI and am on my last day of antibiotics. Haven't had a UTI before- they are nasty!! My only other symptom is chronic constipation
I have tried everything including changing pre natals to a multi vit with very low iron content and taking separate folic acid, I am on the prune juice...everything. But nothing is working
I look about 5 months gone.... If anyone has any other suggestions, no matter how crazy, I would be so appreciative. Oh, and have had to buy new bras for these giant, agonizing objects that don't feel like they belong to me at all!!
(Just re-reading what I have written and think it's safe to say I am having a "down day"
Guess I need to add mood swings to my list of symptoms!)