Any September 2013 babies?

Hi everyone,

Great to hear that everyone is doing well :thumbup:

I haven't written anything recently, mainly because I almost feel as if I am waiting for something to happen! Waiting for ms, waiting for another scan etc... In some ways it feels as if the pregnancy isn't happening yet which is silly I know but I think that, for me, it will only really start to feel real when I am able to tell people. I have a scan a week from today so we can check for a heartbeat. I will be 8+4 according to LMP but expect baby to measure a bit behind due to long cycle and late implantation.

I too have had a UTI and am on my last day of antibiotics. Haven't had a UTI before- they are nasty!! My only other symptom is chronic constipation :blush: I have tried everything including changing pre natals to a multi vit with very low iron content and taking separate folic acid, I am on the prune juice...everything. But nothing is working :cry: I look about 5 months gone.... If anyone has any other suggestions, no matter how crazy, I would be so appreciative. Oh, and have had to buy new bras for these giant, agonizing objects that don't feel like they belong to me at all!!

(Just re-reading what I have written and think it's safe to say I am having a "down day" :haha: Guess I need to add mood swings to my list of symptoms!)

I start my antibiotics today for it. I never had UTI before either.
Feeling shitty! Got a cold from hell sore throat, ear ache, hot/cold so no work for me today!

Feeling good about this pregnancy as i had started bleeding by now with my MC so hoping thats a good sign.

Hope everyone is ok xx
feeling good now. 7 weeks as of yesterday and other then the 2 days of nausea last week i feel great, tired but great. ive taken to having an afternoon nap when the children go down but it doesnt usually last long enough :)
Hi everyone,

Great to hear that everyone is doing well :thumbup:

I haven't written anything recently, mainly because I almost feel as if I am waiting for something to happen! Waiting for ms, waiting for another scan etc... In some ways it feels as if the pregnancy isn't happening yet which is silly I know but I think that, for me, it will only really start to feel real when I am able to tell people. I have a scan a week from today so we can check for a heartbeat. I will be 8+4 according to LMP but expect baby to measure a bit behind due to long cycle and late implantation.

I too have had a UTI and am on my last day of antibiotics. Haven't had a UTI before- they are nasty!! My only other symptom is chronic constipation :blush: I have tried everything including changing pre natals to a multi vit with very low iron content and taking separate folic acid, I am on the prune juice...everything. But nothing is working :cry: I look about 5 months gone.... If anyone has any other suggestions, no matter how crazy, I would be so appreciative. Oh, and have had to buy new bras for these giant, agonizing objects that don't feel like they belong to me at all!!

(Just re-reading what I have written and think it's safe to say I am having a "down day" :haha: Guess I need to add mood swings to my list of symptoms!)

oh I feel you on feeling further along, I am SO bloated with out the constipation! I look like I am 2 to 3 months pregnant or something! I told the doctor and he shrugged it off so I feel it is just part of all this...I just feel like it is way to early for me not to fit in my own jeans!
What a perfect time to get the freaking flu! My throat is killing me, and I can't stop coughing. Whenever I have a big coughing fit I get a little crampy which freaks me out, but I took another test this morning and the result like is still much, much darker than the control line so that eased my freak out a little. Hopefully the flu goes away soon :(
hope you feel better soon babymaybe .

its -3C here today and im freezing and craving junk and otherwise not hungry grrr need to get to mc-donalds but broke as anything atm so cant even do that
I had a nightmare that I have an ectopic pregnancy. I hope it's not true. Would I know by now if I had one? Am I worrying over nothing? I think I may be getting crazy.

Ectopic pregnancies are very rare (1%). Unless you have any symptoms, there's no reason to believe you'd be in that 1%. Your dream was probably just showing your general anxiety about the health of your baby. :hugs:

This is true. I have been having cramping on and off but I haven't been having all out pain or spotting for that matter. Those are usually the signs. I have been calling the nurse with questions for my specialist and she doesn't seem to think that anything is off or wrong. I go in for my first ultrasound on Wednesday, January 23rd. I'm just hoping to get through the week block of time to find out that everything is ok. This is such a shaky time.
Hi everyone,

Great to hear that everyone is doing well :thumbup:

I haven't written anything recently, mainly because I almost feel as if I am waiting for something to happen! Waiting for ms, waiting for another scan etc... In some ways it feels as if the pregnancy isn't happening yet which is silly I know but I think that, for me, it will only really start to feel real when I am able to tell people. I have a scan a week from today so we can check for a heartbeat. I will be 8+4 according to LMP but expect baby to measure a bit behind due to long cycle and late implantation.

I too have had a UTI and am on my last day of antibiotics. Haven't had a UTI before- they are nasty!! My only other symptom is chronic constipation :blush: I have tried everything including changing pre natals to a multi vit with very low iron content and taking separate folic acid, I am on the prune juice...everything. But nothing is working :cry: I look about 5 months gone.... If anyone has any other suggestions, no matter how crazy, I would be so appreciative. Oh, and have had to buy new bras for these giant, agonizing objects that don't feel like they belong to me at all!!

(Just re-reading what I have written and think it's safe to say I am having a "down day" :haha: Guess I need to add mood swings to my list of symptoms!)

Lallie, I hear you on it not feeling real sometimes. I had a scan last week, and even so, it doesn't feel real. I think that at this point I'm keeping some sore of emotional distance from it all because of my history and fear of getting hurt again. Pregnancy after a loss (or more) is so difficult and stressful! :hugs:

Ok, today was the first day I felt totally normal again! I think I owe it to a really good breakfast. No nausea, no hunger pangs, no funny feelings. Up until this morning I was still doing my usual fruit and yogurt for breakfast. I think it was just too much sugar. This morning I had a big bowl of oats prepared with water and a bit of milk, lots of dried fruit and a fresh mango. Delicious and filling!

Basically my life is revolving around meals right now. If I have twins, I need to get some 140 grams of protein a day which just seems absurd. I'm working really hard to get in all my nutrients and at least 60 grams of protein a day. Since I'm a veg, this is is coming from beans, nuts, an egg or two a day and a scoop or two of Whey protein powder in my smoothies. I'm averaging about 2000 calories a day, which is a lot for me, but I'm feeling good and never hungry.

I figure I need to eat as well as I can each and everyday, so that if/when MS hits me, I won't feel guilty for eating mac and cheese for a week straight. I'll know I tried my best when I could!

I'm excited and nervous for my scan tomorrow. I just want to know whats going on in there! It's nuts that this will already be my third scan!

This time tomorrow I'll know for sure if I'm having twins or not! Crazy!!!

Viet, I am so excited to hear about your scan tomorrow and to see if you are having TWINS!! Please update us ASAP!

What a perfect time to get the freaking flu! My throat is killing me, and I can't stop coughing. Whenever I have a big coughing fit I get a little crampy which freaks me out, but I took another test this morning and the result like is still much, much darker than the control line so that eased my freak out a little. Hopefully the flu goes away soon :(

Ugh, oh no not the flu!! Hope you rest up and feel better soon!
I cursed myself by saying I didn't feel pregnant yesterday!! Dang it! I must have had an increase in hcg today because I am starting to feel nauseated and dizzy! Blah! I'm also hungry but you all know it sucks to eat when nauseous. I did take a few bites of some food to get my blood sugar back up, so hopefully that will help.

Do any of you guys experience this though? It seems that as soon as I get hungry again my blood sugar plummets and within 5 minutes I am shaking and light headed!
Hi everyone,

Great to hear that everyone is doing well :thumbup:

I haven't written anything recently, mainly because I almost feel as if I am waiting for something to happen! Waiting for ms, waiting for another scan etc... In some ways it feels as if the pregnancy isn't happening yet which is silly I know but I think that, for me, it will only really start to feel real when I am able to tell people. I have a scan a week from today so we can check for a heartbeat. I will be 8+4 according to LMP but expect baby to measure a bit behind due to long cycle and late implantation.

I too have had a UTI and am on my last day of antibiotics. Haven't had a UTI before- they are nasty!! My only other symptom is chronic constipation :blush: I have tried everything including changing pre natals to a multi vit with very low iron content and taking separate folic acid, I am on the prune juice...everything. But nothing is working :cry: I look about 5 months gone.... If anyone has any other suggestions, no matter how crazy, I would be so appreciative. Oh, and have had to buy new bras for these giant, agonizing objects that don't feel like they belong to me at all!!

(Just re-reading what I have written and think it's safe to say I am having a "down day" :haha: Guess I need to add mood swings to my list of symptoms!)

I am having a problem with constipation too. My OB recommended increasing fiber and water, eating Fiber One Cereal, and that colace, metamucil, citrucel, and effer-syllium are all safe OTC medications for constipation if the increase in fiber doesn't help.
I cursed myself by saying I didn't feel pregnant yesterday!! Dang it! I must have had an increase in hcg today because I am starting to feel nauseated and dizzy! Blah! I'm also hungry but you all know it sucks to eat when nauseous. I did take a few bites of some food to get my blood sugar back up, so hopefully that will help.

Do any of you guys experience this though? It seems that as soon as I get hungry again my blood sugar plummets and within 5 minutes I am shaking and light headed!

Hi Kilgore:

I did the same thing! Finally my bbs feel like their 10 tons! Sorry you feel nauseus but they say it's a good thing to have morning sickness..

It happened to me in the beginning, crackers definately help.
I cursed myself by saying I didn't feel pregnant yesterday!! Dang it! I must have had an increase in hcg today because I am starting to feel nauseated and dizzy! Blah! I'm also hungry but you all know it sucks to eat when nauseous. I did take a few bites of some food to get my blood sugar back up, so hopefully that will help.

Do any of you guys experience this though? It seems that as soon as I get hungry again my blood sugar plummets and within 5 minutes I am shaking and light headed!

Hi Kilgore:

I did the same thing! Finally my bbs feel like their 10 tons! Sorry you feel nauseus but they say it's a good thing to have morning sickness..

It happened to me in the beginning, crackers definately help.

Thank you! I know, i forgot to grab crackers for work this morning before I left my house and I am seriously regretting it today! Only 7 hours to go until I can leave... yikes!
I cursed myself by saying I didn't feel pregnant yesterday!! Dang it! I must have had an increase in hcg today because I am starting to feel nauseated and dizzy! Blah! I'm also hungry but you all know it sucks to eat when nauseous. I did take a few bites of some food to get my blood sugar back up, so hopefully that will help.

Do any of you guys experience this though? It seems that as soon as I get hungry again my blood sugar plummets and within 5 minutes I am shaking and light headed!

Hi Kilgore:

I did the same thing! Finally my bbs feel like their 10 tons! Sorry you feel nauseus but they say it's a good thing to have morning sickness..

It happened to me in the beginning, crackers definately help.

Thank you! I know, i forgot to grab crackers for work this morning before I left my house and I am seriously regretting it today! Only 7 hours to go until I can leave... yikes!

Go run to the store! You'e pregnant.. you can do anything hahahaha!

When is your first appt?
What happened today???
Well woke up feeling fantastic! Best sleep I have had in awhile it wasnt broken and it was so deep not even a dream in sight

BUT half way through my 40 minute drive to work I felt suddenly nauseated
I managed to get to work and park my car but as soon as I got out of the car that was it vomitted all in the carpark four times :sick:
There went my breakfast

So I got to work inside and tried to eat two apricots since I had an empty stomach and ten minutes later up they came :sick:

My poor partner feels so bad he cant do anything to help me, oooooh its going be a long first trimester I think

I am quietly sipping water at my desk now looking at the mountains of work I have to do, even writing on an envelope my hands are shaky from vomitting feel so weak! Think need start sucking popsicles or something.

Started taking my folic acid and iodine again now at night, seems to be ok but felt like I owed it to the baby to be taking it.
I am having on and off cramps today and I took a two hour nap. It felt magical that two hour nap. Knock on wood I haven't been throwing up and feeling sick.

The cramps make me nervous that they are going to get worse and I have some serious issues but I am TRYING to tell myself it's all going to be ok.
Hi everyone,

Great to hear that everyone is doing well :thumbup:

I haven't written anything recently, mainly because I almost feel as if I am waiting for something to happen! Waiting for ms, waiting for another scan etc... In some ways it feels as if the pregnancy isn't happening yet which is silly I know but I think that, for me, it will only really start to feel real when I am able to tell people. I have a scan a week from today so we can check for a heartbeat. I will be 8+4 according to LMP but expect baby to measure a bit behind due to long cycle and late implantation.

I too have had a UTI and am on my last day of antibiotics. Haven't had a UTI before- they are nasty!! My only other symptom is chronic constipation :blush: I have tried everything including changing pre natals to a multi vit with very low iron content and taking separate folic acid, I am on the prune juice...everything. But nothing is working :cry: I look about 5 months gone.... If anyone has any other suggestions, no matter how crazy, I would be so appreciative. Oh, and have had to buy new bras for these giant, agonizing objects that don't feel like they belong to me at all!!

(Just re-reading what I have written and think it's safe to say I am having a "down day" :haha: Guess I need to add mood swings to my list of symptoms!)

Licorice worked well for me, I brought quite a bit and kept chewing it and before I knew it I had gone to the toilet :hugs:
I cursed myself by saying I didn't feel pregnant yesterday!! Dang it! I must have had an increase in hcg today because I am starting to feel nauseated and dizzy! Blah! I'm also hungry but you all know it sucks to eat when nauseous. I did take a few bites of some food to get my blood sugar back up, so hopefully that will help.

Do any of you guys experience this though? It seems that as soon as I get hungry again my blood sugar plummets and within 5 minutes I am shaking and light headed!

Hi Kilgore:

I did the same thing! Finally my bbs feel like their 10 tons! Sorry you feel nauseus but they say it's a good thing to have morning sickness..

It happened to me in the beginning, crackers definately help.

Thank you! I know, i forgot to grab crackers for work this morning before I left my house and I am seriously regretting it today! Only 7 hours to go until I can leave... yikes!

Go run to the store! You'e pregnant.. you can do anything hahahaha!

When is your first appt?

I wish I could run to the store! I can't leave my job. You have to stay in the ER the whole 12 hours you are on shift!

I had my first appt last Friday, just to confirm I was pregnant and make an estimated guess on my due date. My periods were messed up but I still somehow for pregnant! So now I'm due on September 14 but it can change after my second appt on January 28.

Have you had yours yet?
I cursed myself by saying I didn't feel pregnant yesterday!! Dang it! I must have had an increase in hcg today because I am starting to feel nauseated and dizzy! Blah! I'm also hungry but you all know it sucks to eat when nauseous. I did take a few bites of some food to get my blood sugar back up, so hopefully that will help.

Do any of you guys experience this though? It seems that as soon as I get hungry again my blood sugar plummets and within 5 minutes I am shaking and light headed!

Hi Kilgore:

I did the same thing! Finally my bbs feel like their 10 tons! Sorry you feel nauseus but they say it's a good thing to have morning sickness..

It happened to me in the beginning, crackers definately help.

Thank you! I know, i forgot to grab crackers for work this morning before I left my house and I am seriously regretting it today! Only 7 hours to go until I can leave... yikes!

Go run to the store! You'e pregnant.. you can do anything hahahaha!

When is your first appt?

I wish I could run to the store! I can't leave my job. You have to stay in the ER the whole 12 hours you are on shift!

I had my first appt last Friday, just to confirm I was pregnant and make an estimated guess on my due date. My periods were messed up but I still somehow for pregnant! So now I'm due on September 14 but it can change after my second appt on January 28.

Have you had yours yet?

Hi Kilgore:

Darn! At least you get the perk of being around health care professionals should you have a question ;)

My cycle is usually clockwork, but the month i got bfp it was all off so I too am so confused how far along i am!

Glad you were able to see your doc and excited for your next one ;)

I've been seen by my re several times. I was actually set to get help, but fortunately got my bfp the month we were suppose to start, so an re has been monitoring me. U/s next monday!

Hope you're feeling better!!!
Just had my first (of many) naps in my office at work! :sleep:

Told my in-laws at the pregnancy last night, telling my parents tomorrow, and I have my first ultrasound a week from today. Yay!
Does anyone have hip pain? I have this hip pain on my right side and it feels totally funky. It hurts when I stand walk or sit for a little while. It sometimes goes into my inner thigh and abdomen. It's not sharp pain and it isn't constant. It just annoys me.

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