Melody: Tell me about it! I know my ticker says a year (just under), technically we've only been ttc about 8 or 9 months, as my donor had to pop over to england for a family matter - and i went overseas last march, so I guess we've still got time.
I just really want it to work this way - After looking at the costs of the clinics, there is no way at the moment I can afford the few 1000's it'll cost each month! I know some people would say I shouldn't have a baby if I couldn't afford that - but a baby is an ongoing cost, and a baby doesn't demand $3000 one day every month lol. Even if there are medical problems, there's a remarkable medical system for kids over here.
Af has been REALLY light this month. Definitely a period still, but by mid today - it was virtually over. Normally I get a light one - but 3 days worth, this is more like heavy spotting? Maybe because it came a few days early - there was less to clear out haha! Who knows.
Kelwin - Agree with Melody, really sorry you lost your first
. I couldn't imagine that feeling right now. Least you know you're fertile, and I really really hope that you get your BFP quickly! (when you do start to try conceive!) - You've got such a neat plan of events, so it would be awesome if it all went smooth for you! And you've got a little angel baby watching too from above - so it'll be even more special
Caite - Wow, the weather sounds horrendous! Poor you! I don't mind the darkness and being without power, but with wind? Not so much! Least you made uni, and at least you managed to block of the alarm towards the end!! It's crazy how much you miss when away huh! I discovered that when I was away over christmas!
Mo - It definitely does only take one! So cross fingers it's lucky one! In fact, cross everything! Several times over!!
Good that you got the lab report (not good that his sperm count was low!), is that the same one you were talking about awhile back? If so - that took awhile! But hopefully you'll be able to get a credit for another cycle, or a refund - either way.