Heeeey everyone
So im on cd7 praying for a nice normal ovulating cycle lol. Its my last day on the soy. I've heard it can make you o early so I've started opks and have my donor on standby just in case.
Caite - I feel the same sometimes. It can be a bit overwhelming not coming on here for a day or two and then seeing loads of posts like waaah
The wind's been mental hasn't it?! There has been a lot of trees knocked over round here and a brick wall on my road came down.
You're right about the Soy, it can be used like Clomid. It should help bring on o.
KN - When you look at it we really haven't been trying for long. 8/9 tries is nothing compared to some women. Its just heartbreaking every time you see that bfn
I'm only on my 3rd actual cycle ttc but it feels like a year already lol. Im the same regarding the clinic route. Its way too expensive. Id have to save for a year or two at least. I 100% agree with you about the ongoing cost of a child. Its not the same.
I wonder why af was so light for you this cycle. You're not on vitex are you? lol. I know it might sound silly but have you tested again? You do hear about women having light bleeds whilst pregnant.
Mo - I'm so so sorry this donor has also turned out to be a dud. I cant believe it
Id take the money and run to a new bank. Fresh start and all that, but if you're ok with using the same donor as your friend... why not. I nearly used the same donor as a good friend of mine. He was just a really great guy but luckily i found someone even better.
There is still hope though. All it takes is one little spermy so try not to give up hope for this cycle. xxx