Any solo mum's out there?

Haha Melody. The way you said you handed him the cup made me laugh. And I'm sure gravity isn't going to make that much difference, really - as you say, people get pregnant in all sorts of positions. I like the idea of an abbreviation for us lot. I think, when I start, I'll go for dtd, as it won't actually be a syringe. Just a long, thin catheter in to my uterus. Urgh, sounds uncomfortable. Anyway, I hope today's or tomorrows 'SI' does the trick.

I've finished uni. No more exams/assignments/clinical practice outcomes to get. I've a few more shifts to do, and a couple more babies to deliver, and then I'm done. I am so excited. I can't wait to be an actual real midwife. Yay.
Hahaa Melody - I'm laughing at your 'DTD' and 'SI' abbreviation! But so true! I don't like writing inseminated all the time either! It's just an awkward word. You're on SOY at the moment ae? Have you got much info about it? I'm just curious - Because I'm on a soy diet, as I'm allergic to dairy - but I just heard that soy can cause infertility, but then I was thinking that they give soy to those WITH infertility? I don't have a lot. Maybe some soy milk in a bowl of cereal and 1 or 2 hot chocolates - made with mostly water. When I cook, I use oat milk rather than soy milk. And I've stopped having soy yoghurts and stuff - coz they're just so expensive! Wondering if it's worth investigating - or if I'm just finding excuses as to why I haven't conceived; rather than nature lol.

People definitely get pregnant in the weirdest positions. I mean, I get the whole watch the diet - eat healthy - avoid caffeine - lay flat for an hour - blah blah blah; I do it all myself! BUT at the end of the day, the stories you hear of people getting pregnant, really makes you wonder if all the effort we go through is worth it or not! Some people - I swear they just have to hold a males hand and they're pregnant. I guess all it takes is some healthy strong little swimmers to make their way through to the right place. Weird question, have any of you watched "The great sperm race"?? My friend made me watch it a few months ago, really intriguing when you put the whole journey into human perspective.

Child2Hold - it does get scary when you get close! But also so exciting :).
Caite - The tickers are great huh! It's exciting watching it go down with you! 3 months will fly by :) I'm sure you'll make an awesome actual real midwife! I'd LOVE to be a midwife, but I can't deal with needles all too well unfortunately! Enjoy having no more study!! Catch some time to yourself over the next 3 months :).

I go to Auckland tomorrow - Then the day after fly out to Australia for 2 weeks. I've got pregnancy tests packed - just in case. But in the meantime, if I don't get on - then goodluck for the wait Melody!! I hope Mo is doing ok - haven't heard from her in awhile! Will check back once I'm settled in my hotel over in aussie :)
Aww thank you KN. You all travel so much. Have a fab time in Australia and FX for a BFP whilst you're over there.

Melody I hope today goes/went well for you.
Hi:wave: I haven't been around much for approx 5months so just had a wee read to catch up on the thread!! Things had sadly changed for myself so ttc is looking even further away now :cry:
Goodluck to those in 2ww and those beginning their ttc journeys soon
Hiiii fairytales87 :hi: Haven't seen you on here in ages. Aww hun I hope everything's ok. If you feel like sharing why things have changed, you can always talk here :hugs:

Caite - Hehehe I know! It was rather funny. We have security at the front desk of my office building. They must have wondered what I was doing escorting a strange man into the building with a cup, vanishing for a bit, then coming back without the cup, walking him out, then returning again with the cup :rofl: My donor did say we have very nice facilities so I guess it wasnt all bad lol. I like dtd too, si is funny though. It sounds like you'll be doing iui like mo, in a clinic?

Congratulations on finishing uni! :wohoo: I remember how that felt. You should be really proud of yourself! Now to focus on ttc lol.

KN - I ran the abbreviations past my mum yesterday. She squirmed at si but quite liked dtd lol. What about dtsd (did the syringe dance) or even just sd hahaha.

Yeah I'm trying Soy Isoflaves this cycle. Took it cd 3-7. I'm not sure how much it has to do with soy milk etc. I only drink soya milk too, have done since my teens. I also mostly eat soy products since I became a vegetarian several years ago. I haven't read about soy iso causing infertility though. It is often used like a herbal alternative to clomid. I read a lot about it before trying. I know it's used for pms, menopausal symptoms etc. That being said, you never know... I mean I thought Vitex was the answer to all my prayers but it gave me a 58 day anovulatory cycle :wacko:

You should be ok, it doesnt sound like you have large amounts of soy in your diet. Im a bit worried about myself though lol. Let's both investigate it a bit further haha.
Melody - they must have wondered what was going on. Haha. I think I'll have to do IVF as my cycles are so irregular that I'm not sure IUI would work. I need to speak to the clinic I want to use.

Fairytales - sorry TTC is even further away for you now.

It felt good finishing uni. I've got to go back to placement, though, and deliver a couple more babies.
I know how you feel. My cycles are horrendus! IVF huh, you'll end up with twins hehe. Lucky <3

Aww you get to deliver babies, what a beautiful way to end your time at uni.

Well i got a temp dip this morning :cry::cry::cry: I'm majorly worried. Feel like this is going to be another anovulatory cycle. I really hope it isnt.
Twins would be lovely. I've read so much on other countries, I can't even remember if it is Denmark - I think it is - that allow you to put two back, so it could be a possibility! I take it a dip is not a good sign, then Melody? I'm really hoping you get your BFP this time.
Caite- Enjoy your last few sn deliverys
I used to work in maternity & miss it very much
I'm not long qualified in my job and remember that fab feeling of finishing uni :winkwink: when I first started looking at my options I began looking abroad but it became such a crazy mass of info places clinics etc that I crossed it off my options rather quickly!! How did you find it? Did you ever worry about the healthcare difference between there and here?

Melody- I'm sorry it's looking that way for you this cycle the majority of my cycles are anovulatory which Can be frustrating hugs
It's a great feeling, isn't it, finishing uni. I've suddenly realised how little time I've actually had to myself the last 18 months. I made jam for the first time in ages today. It was great not having to worry about anything.

Do you mean when you started looking at TTC options? It is a bit overwhelming at first, I agree. I definitely wanted anonymous donation, so I started off by googling that. I don't know how the thought even came to me that there might be anonymous donation available abroad - I guess I must have read something somewhere about it. Denmark was the first that came up. Initially, I was planning on doing self insemination (SI, in Melody's words!) as you can buy it over the counter over there. I really liked the idea of this as it seemed the least clinical way of going about it. But, when I thought about it, it wasn't very practical, both for travel and the fact that my cycles are so irregular. So I continued googling, and firstly came across some fertility clinics in Copenhagen, which were much easier to get to than Aarhus. Then, as I googled some more, I found more European countries which allowed anonymous donation. There are, however, quite a number which don't treat single women. Some of these were quite surprising, such as the Netherlands and Germany.

Are you from the UK, Fairytales? How are you planning on TTC?
Yes I'm from Scotland
My plans are for Diui at a local clinic, iui wouldn't be my choice of treatments but it's all that my local clinic will offer single women, SI wouldn't be an option for myself either due to irregular and anovulatory cycles which is a tiny part of my reason for going solo.
They must thing it has a good chance of working, else they wouldn't have offered it you as an option. I did at one point think about having it done over here, but for me, the anonymity of the donor was really important.
I actually don't like how it works here much but I'm not brave enough to go abroad I don't think so will just need to accept what my options are.
Thanks girls :hugs:

Yeah Caite, you need a thermal shift and at least 3 raised temperatures to confirm o. But mine took a dip yesterday :( I'm hoping it's what's called a 'fallback rise' which is when your temp dips straight after o but then rises again.

Aww Fairytales, I know what you mean. It's incredibly frustrating. My last cycle lasted 58 days and was anovulatory. I just feel like I'm wasting my donors time But I guess this is all a learning curve.

Temp went back up today, so we shall see. I hope you are all alright. :kiss:

ps: Nice use of SI farytales tehehe
Hi Fairytales, I'm in Scotland too and although I started off with at home SI with an anonymous (unidentifiable) donor, I concieved at an nhs clinic with a traceable donor and in hindsight am very glad. Can I ask what it is that frustrates you about the way it works here? Am I right that none of the nhs clinics will offer ivf to single women?
Hello Rags

Yes to my knowledge it's only private clinics which will treat single women, the main issue for me is that they will only offer donor iui as a treatment option which I've only heard poor success rates of from all the people I know in rl whom have had treatment(not smbc)and I can just see all my funds being wasted on iui which won't work and me still being childless a few years later with no funds.

What options are you looking at?
Fairytales - I don't think I'm brave enough to do it over here and that's why I'm choosing to go abroad. Financially, I also think it is much cheaper abroad. Maybe the people you know, if not smbc, have had IUI because of conception difficulties and that's why they have had poor success rates?

Melody - I hope that the temp rise is good, then. And I think you've started a new trend with 'SI'!
Aww thanks Caite. Sadly it took a dip again today :cry: I'm trying not to stress about it but it looks like another anovulatory cycle. I've got my progesterone test tomorrow so fx for some answers... finally.
Melody - :hugs:

Tick tock, tick tock. Donor asked today if I'm ready. Told him "Yes" and told myself "NO". :haha: :rofl:
Hi all!! Hope everyone is well. I know I haven't been on here in awhile. Things have been a little busy. I also switched over to team Clomid since I was only getting one mature follicle. I wanted more so I switched and added a low-dose injectable.

I ended up responding REALLY well. I got FIVE mature follicles. Thought they would cancel my cycle but they didn't.

So IUI was on mom's birthday, yesterday. Only 7 million this time. I just can't win! Lol! I was told that my lab uses a different counting chamber than the other banks, but really, should it be this different. I was told that my vial was sent with 28.8 million motile. So how did I end up with only 7.

Oh well, I have 5 targets and I believe my timing is on point. I had been having pains on both sides before and after the IUI, probably bc of how big the follicles were. I feel nothing today.

For this IUI, I had my best friend there to talk and listen to music with. She also prayed over my uterus. My theme song was Pharell's Happy!

Let the 2ww begin!!

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