Any solo mum's out there?

KN - sorry about AF. But how lucky that your GP is so good with fertility. I hope they contact you quickly and get everything sorted out for you.

Melody - sorry about the spotting. And the 4th July isn't too far away. FX you get a BFP before then.

Fairytales - I'm pleased you have a rough time frame to start TTC. I'm sure the time will fly by for you.
I'm so excited caite even though it's only a small step towards my ttc sad I know!

When is your interview? Hope it's goes/went well
Hope your interview went well Caite! Was the week past wasn't it? Hope it went well :)

Melody - Hoping that the spotting went away, and your cycle began? so praying that you get an ovulatory cycle, imagine getting a BFP before your fertility clinic, would be so awesome :) Fingers & Toes all crossed xx

Fairytails - one less week in your countdown gone :)

Got a letter from my hospital gynaecology unit saying they've referred me onto the fertility clinic - so one step down :). My GP must've sent a letter to my hospital before the clinic, and then let the hospital decide "where to next" - and they must've agreed. All a bit confusing really! But never mind! Hopefully the clinic get back to me soon so I can arrange an initial consultation regarding fertility treatment and funding/payment options etc. So we'll see how it goes, I'll keep you guys updated anyway :)

Hope you're all going well :) xx
Hi everyone :)

So I'm still spotting, but I saw the most lovely nurse practitioner today and she really put my mind at rest. I'm completely at peace with the whole thing. I'm just letting nature (my body's unique take on it :haha:) take it's course until my appointment in July! However, I have started taking Vitex again. It cant get any worse, so I decided to go back on it lol.

KN: Yeah Tranaxemic acid helps lighten/stop periods, but you cant take it for long. It didnt help me this time round :( But I'm past worrying. I just have to be patient. I'm coming to terms with the fact that my baby journey will just be a bit rockier and longer than some. But it will be all worth it once I get to hold my little bundle of joy :cloud9: July 4th definitely feels like a lucky date to me!

That's so spooky about your gp. It's like kismet or something. You really landed on your feet with her, and omg you got your referral!! :happydance: We can be clinic buddies lol. I hope you get your app soon. Definitely keep us posted! Just like i think about my situation, if you got your bfp before the clinic that would be amazing, but if not, at least you'll be getting help.

fairytales: Thanks hun. I hope you're doing ok :hugs:

Caite: Thank yooou. How did your interview go?

I hope everyone else is ok. Mo, Kelwin, Steelmagnolia <3
Melody - I'm so glad that the nurse was lovely; I find hospital nurses rushy and busy, but i find general nurses through my dr's really nice. It's just the Dr's themselves I don't like (Aside from the Dr who I have adopted on as my own, who actually isn't my Dr at all more just one I will now be requesting haha!) Annoying that you're STILL spotting :( Your body definitely has a unique take on normality haha! But I'm glad you're getting through it, we're always here if you do get stressed though :) xx

Re my clinic appointment I found out today - I've got an appointment for the 6th June. Not as long to wait as I expected!!! Have got a bazillion things to get tested for in the meantime though - so started booking appointments and noting the different days of my cycles that i need blood taken, swabs taken etc - Did you get that Melody? Or anyone else going through a clinic? I know they're all routine tests, but there is so many!!. My donor and I have also decided - after meeting up today to talk about "where to next", that we'll go through it as a "couple" we won't be in a relationship, but he has said that for me to get free/funded treatment, he'll step in and say he is with me. It is a huge thing - but we decided that even if treatment resulted in something as simple as clomid, I'd have to still pay 100's - but with him saying we're "together" it'll be free. Cheating the system a little - but considering we've been trying together since feb last year, we're probably as close as partners! We just aren't!! We've become good friends though, and I'm glad :) - I feel that after a year of trying with him, I couldn't imagine a stranger donor stepping in! If it means I get a baby - then that's what's important. He is still happy to go along with the contract we made - and with the original plans we had in place, but we'll just go through it a little different than originally expected. It's all a bit complicated to explain over the internet - but it all makes sense to me hahaa!! There is still a chance that we may not meet the requirement for funding, so nothing is guarunteed. There is a STRICT criteria for funding in nz where unexplained infertility is present :( But I'll let you guys know after the initial consultation :)

Hugs to you all waiting & ttc - hope everything is going well for you, & that your week is ending well :)
Got full flow last night! Just after a day of taking Vitex! :happydance: Man that stuff is potent. It could also be the fact that I'm more relaxed about things and started meditating again.... but most probably the Vitex lol.

Aww thanks KN. Means a lot. I swear, Id probably have gone mad ages ago if it wasnt for you guys :hugs: Wow so you're app is next month, that's great! There are soooo many tests right?!! Blood tests at various stages, smear, chlamydia, rubella :wacko: But at least everything will be done before hand. I'm worried about my blood tests though because my doctor told me to do them at various stages of my cycle, based on a 60 day cycle. But im thinking the vitex will bring be down to 28 days (it did last time). I have no idea how to go about doing the blood tests now. I might just leave those ones and get everything else. I'll tell the gyne that ive been spotting for lon,g i couldnt count where my actual period was.

That's wonderful news about your donor. Mine offered to do the same. We're so lucky to have such great donors, I've heard so many horror stories from other women. Breaks my heart. You're lucky that you both have been able to forge a friendship. It will definitely help for the future. I really hope everything funding wise goes ok. I'm sure you will meet the criteria.
Wooohooooo about full flow finaaallllyyy coming!! Whether it's from vitex, or just becoming relaxed - could even be a mixture of things! But at least now your bodies going to have had a good clean out, and will start a new cycle. Plus for health reasons - having a good clean out is a lot better than a build up of old lining. Also - regarding you not knowing where your cycle is - can you get two lots of tests? One lot or a 28 day cycle, and one lot for a 60 day cycle? I know blood tests aren't fun :( :( But it could be a way to ensure that you get the neccesssary tests on the right days - and if you end up with a 60 day cycle, then the levels might give some indication as to what is missing to give you a 30 day cycle? If that makes sense?
Least within your time - if you do only have a 28 day cycle, you should have time for two cycles to ensure you get the right tests :)

But yes! So many tests! I've got blood tests to do random at any time, then a test 7 days before my period, another test on day 2 of my period. Then swabs taken - a smear, high vaginal, and chlamydia, annnd an ultrasound. I'm not sure if it's a belly ultrasound or a vaginal one though :S Guess I'll find out!

Unfortunately because my appt is so close - I've got to hope my cycle is a shorter cycle! But then being that ovulation is meant to be next week, 3 more weeks for a 28 day cycle - is the 31st - so ive got a week leniency. Just got to try guess the 7 days before period is expected :/. I've got a high amount of ewcm at the moment - so I'm hoping that I don't ovulate early and miss that 7 days before my period! I'll see what happens when i should ovulate :/. It's all so confusing at the moment. I guess it's like that for anyone beginning the process - my head feels like a fish bowl with so much swimming around in it haha!

Caite & Fairytales - At least if either of you need advice about clinics; Melody, Mo & I should be able to help out some how :) Who knows, with clinical waiting lists, we could all end up ttc together! :) :)
Can I join you ladies? I'm ttcal as a solo mommy :). I got pregnant back in January, but unfortunately had a MMC that required a D&C. Just finished my provera to bring AF so it should be arriving tomorrow. I've been exhausted all week which is very typical for me the week before AF so FX! If I conceive this coming cycle my due date would be valentines day! This is my first cycle trying since my loss
Welcome Kyla'sbaby! Course you can join :) Sorry about your loss, I can't imagine going through all this - getting pregnant, and then loosing the baby. I know it's definitely a possibility, but still can't imagine how hard it must be! :hugs::hugs: Fingers crossed though, for AF to start your cycle off :) A valentines baby would be so cool & special :) Especially for a single mumma!
Are you trying through a clinic - or in home??
Goodluck & baby dust for your cycle & a welcome to our little solomums to be forum of support and craziness hahaa xx
Welcome Kyla'sbaby! Course you can join :) Sorry about your loss, I can't imagine going through all this - getting pregnant, and then loosing the baby. I know it's definitely a possibility, but still can't imagine how hard it must be! :hugs::hugs: Fingers crossed though, for AF to start your cycle off :) A valentines baby would be so cool & special :) Especially for a single mumma!
Are you trying through a clinic - or in home??
Goodluck & baby dust for your cycle & a welcome to our little solomums to be forum of support and craziness hahaa xx

Awesome thanks! I love all the groups on here, but sometimes I feel a little left out when everyone talks about doing this with their partner and I'm over here like "well I have dogs..." It has been really hard. Especially going through the loss on my own. I think that was the hardest. I didn't want to tell too many people either so I haven't had much support. It gets easier, but never goes away.
I'm getting some cramping so hoping AF comes tomorrow!
I'm doing it at home. With a different donor than I used for my loss. He was too unreliable. My new donor seems great!
Yeah I get what you mean :) sometimes I'd post on some of the other forums, but I was sort of stuck in between - a lot of the assisted conception forums, were partners - or clinics. Then the same sex forum was tricky, because I'm not lesbian :/. So although the women were lovely - it just didn't "fit" - but then I discovered these lively ladies here, and it's been so good. I have been ttc for 14 months now, and I've only JUST told my mum and close close friends, but they don't know the full details, just that I'm struggling with fertility at the moment. Support is definitely important though, so I hope you find some here :) I'm glad your new donor seems good! Having a good donor definitely makes the experience easier!!

Also I meant to say too melody, that's so cool about your donor saying he can do the same as my donor for funding etc. :). That's so nice of him! did you take him up on it? Or is he going it as a "donor" ??
Well I am a lesbian as well. Though I still don't find I quite fit in that section really as they have partners as well.

So I'm glad I found this group. I look forward to getting to know everyone :)
Yeah exactly :) planning to be a solo mumma - is different to all the other forums :D there are parts of it, that others just don't get, if they haven't been through it :) were all in different scenarios/situations - but were all planning to be solo parents :)
Kn - Arghhh it's so confusing isn't it?! :wacko: I have all these blood test sheets at home and no clue when to take them. You're right, i should try to double up on tests. I think I'll book an emergency app with my Doctor on Friday as I've got the day off.

Welcome KylasBaby! :happydance: Always great to have another person who's ttc on their own. Sorry to hear about your mmc and d&c. I hope it didnt stress you out too much. Anywa,y lots of baby dust for you. I hope you get your bfp asap :haha: x
So my body hates me. It was supposed to be gearing up to start AF over the weekend. Instead it's gearing up to ovulate. Positive opk yesterday am and I'm meeting with my donor in a few hours for a donation. It was totally unexpected so thrown together last minute. I was expecting AF not O. But FX we catch that egg!
Lol that is what our bodies do. So many times I thought one thing and then my womb just goes "nope... not today". Aww at least you'll get to try in time. Lucky you've got a donor who is available at short notice. x
So today didn't happen. I forgot we had changed the time so I totally didn't realize until 20 minutes after the fact. So I rushed over there and texted him and waited about ten more minutes. He finally got back to me saying he had just he had "just left" when I had been there for 10 minutes and didn't see him I have no idea. But why on earth wouldn't he text me when he got there and I wasn't?! Why would you sit around knowing the donation had a short shelf life and not make sure I was coming?? Grrr. It sucks. But honestly though I'm not all that upset. This was all thrown together last minute. And I'm pretty sure it wouldn't have worked anyway. I'm like 99.99% sure haha. But at least knowing I ovulated my cycle should start in about two weeks. So I have that time to find a new donor because I'm not using this guy again. I highly doubt he came in the first place. Having "just left" ten minutes after I'd been there. Oh well. Next month!
Sure is confusing melody!! Had my swabs yesterday - so uncomfortable, not the process - but the lady! Big hands, Big speculum - Lots of swabs (apparently they take 2 for each thing, just to ensure a decent specimen), very glad it's over! Was a new nurse too - not one I've ever seen before, the other nurse is WAY better at it I think. But then decided it probably best I get used to it if I'm tryna have a baby! I'm a little confused though, I'm meant to have my progesterone tested 7 days before my period is due - but i think i ovulated early, like a week early, in fact im nearly positive i did. Should ovulate tomorrow, not a hint of ewcm in sight - was all last week, AND all negative opks :( - so im not sure if i should go from ovulation dates - or my chart dates for the blood tests?? i've had 17 day cycles in the past - but also had annovulatory cycles, and up to 40 day cycles - so who knows! My last 3 cycles have been regular - typical the time i need a regular cycle - I get an unpredictable one! I'm going to drop all my forms into the clinic tomorrow - so I'll ask them tomorrow and see what they think, otherwise ill just ring a nurse and ask if they can fax through a second blood request - and do two lots like i suggested to you melody haha!

Kyla's baby - Aw that's a shame about your donor though, hopefully you find a new reliable donor shortly and can get sorted next ovulation! Strange that you ovulated when you were expecting AF though - Bodies are so strange, especially when you're charting and tracking - you tend to notice the differences/changes more!!
Thought I'd let you all know - things have changed since my post only a couple of hours ago! My gyno meeting with the fertility clinic has been bumped up; and is now next week - on the 22nd May! Not next month!

I had my progesterone tests today - and a pile of other things, but the progesterone was the big one - it was meant to be 7 days before my period, but as mentioned earlier i have no idea when to expect my period! So the lady at Fertility Associates that I spoke too on the phone said for me to go get the blood tests today, and go see them tomorrow where they'll have a quick look at my cycle dates and perhaps order a second lot of blood tests in a weeks time. Not a consultation tomorrow - just a quick over the counter look and think hahaa. Sneak a peek in the clinic for the first time! :)

Hope you're all doing well xx
Kayla - That is a bit odd. You'd think that if you're supposed to meet someone and they turn up to find you're not there, the first thing they'd do was text/call to find out where you are... Maybe he got cold feet. It can happen to donors too. Definitely go with your gut if you think you need to find a new donor. Sorry you missed the chance this cycle. I missed my o a week or so ago. Wasn't expecting it at all, like you, I was actually expecting af :wacko: Anyway, at least you know you o'd and can look forward to trying next cycle.

KN - Those swabs sound uncomfortable, and not psychically lol. But omg your app has been moved forward?! :happydance: So exciting. You must tell us everything. I'm living through you until July lol. I hope everything runs smoothly until your app and that you can get the tests done at the right time. You're lucky that you can call up the clinic for help before your app. I wonder if I can do that. I just assumed that everything needs to go through my gp.

I counted 6 blood test sheets whilst tidying up :wacko: lol. I've decided to just do one a week and when I get to the clinic I'll explain that my main reason for seeing them is because I have no idea when my cycles are. I hope they accept that lol. But I might see if I can speak to someone like you did. I decided not to go back to my doctor for a while. I'm so fed up of that place :(

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