Any solo mum's out there?

Caite - Books on it's way :D Yeah I know what you mean. The other women on this forum are so lovely, but nothing beats speaking to others who are trying completely on their own.

Keebs - Aww thank you. Yeah it's been a hard journey so far. I went from thinking I'd get pregnant overnight, to finding out I have pcos which can give me 60 annovulatory cycles with random spotting in between. But things are looking up.

So sorry you o'd earlier than expected. That's the thing with being a smbc, you dont just have sperm on tap lol. I actually have two donors but still both managed to be unavailable last cycle. Good luck for next cycle hun. x
Keebs - maybe I misread the policy then? I think the NHS is pretty standard nationally, with its big policies, isn't it? Sorry you ov'd earlier than you expected.
How's everyone doing?

I so excitable, i cant keep still lol. I finally get to try next week (if I o like i did last cycle). It's been so long since my last try. I actually cant wait to get hold of that syringe :rofl:
Caite They usually are, I could be very wrong. Forget it's been 2 years since I was organising mat leave and things change. Our policy now says all NHS Fife staff, used to have seperate info for nurse bank. Your HR department should be able to tell you for sure. Probably should have looked things up before adding my tuppenth worth. Sorry.

melodyy_mtb Aaaaaah the thrill of an impending O :happydance:

I'm not even sure I'm in the tww any more. Got a blazing positive opk Monday and temps have fallen. Honestly have no idea whats happening. Never appreciated how lucky I was to have regular cycles before :haha:
Yay for next week Melody.

Keebs - to be fair, NHS HR policies aren't exactly written in the most accessible way. There should be some midwifery jobs coming up by me in September/October time, so if I start trying then, I should be OK (providing I get one of the jobs!). I know one of the nurses I used to work with got pregnant shortly after she finished her training and had just started her first nursing job. She got proper maternity pay as she'd work for the NHS (in a completely different Trust) as a bank HCA through her training.

I keep looking at my younger sister and wondering if she might be pregnant. She's developed a little pot belly and her boobs have grown a lot, despite the fact she has been dieting and says she's lost 5lb (I think!). She is seeing someone and is on the pill, but I don't know how good she is at taking it. I don't want to ask her as I don't want to offend her.
Hey guys 8 dpo here. Bunch of symptoms, but I think those are all the progesterone. My temps are super high which is a good thing. But who knows. I could be getting sick and not know it yet.
My Ovulation Chart
Hi Everyone,

I'd like to join your little group. I'm 41 and hope to get pregnant with my first this year. *crosses fingers, toes, and every other part of my body* :winkwink: I have an appointment with the RE on June 30th for a consultation and to schedule any needed tests. In the meantime I've started daily supplements: prenatal, royal jelly, D3 - 5000 iu, fish oil, and CO Q10. I'm also exercising to get my weight down.

I'm usually a glass empty kind of woman but I'm determined to be nothing but positive about the journey I'm on. I'm just going to surround myself with positivity and ride any waves that come my way. You all are an inspiration. :thumbup:
Kyla - Temps are looking good! Not long to go now. Is your lp usually 12/13 days? Lots and lots of baby dust for you :dust: I hope this is it!

somedayisnow - Welcome :hugs: It's great to have you here. I love how this little group has grown so quickly. Everyone is so supportive here. Good luck with your re app on the 30th!
Kylasbaby - high temps are good, aren't they? I really hope you get your BFP. FX!

Somedayisnow - hi. Like Melody said, everyone's lovely here and really supportive. Not too long til your appointment - good luck!
melodyy_mtb Aaaaaah the thrill of an impending O :happydance:

I'm not even sure I'm in the tww any more. Got a blazing positive opk Monday and temps have fallen. Honestly have no idea whats happening. Never appreciated how lucky I was to have regular cycles before :haha:

I know, I'm so excited, it's been that long! lol.

I wouldnt worry about the pos opk. You know that o tests can also pic up pregnancy :D
Melody - it's usually a minimum of 15 days. I usually have at least a 30 day cycle and I Oed on cd14 so should be around that time frame again. 9dpo today.
Hey girls

I'm just popping on to say I haven't disappeared
I've been busy busy with major changes going on so currently I'm nothing not wtt just moving my life in a very different direction than I planned for

I've had a quick browse and things seem to be going in the right direction for most of you :happydance:

Hello to anyone who is new Goodluck to everyone :flower:
Fairytales - that sounds exciting/interesting!
How is everyone? - you all seem really quiet!

Kylasbaby - nearly time for testing I see. I really hope you get a BFP.
Heeey Caite. Lol I was away for the weekend in a tiny village in Cambridgeshire learning Reiki. I had no signal!

Anyway Im good. Got my cervical screening results back. All normal and I'm of low risk! Very excited about seeing my donor on Friday! My opks are getting darker every day I should get a + by friday fx.

How are you?

Kyla - fx for you! I hope you get your bfp!!!!

Fairytales - I'm intrigued, tell us more when you can :hugs:
Hey lovely ladies! Sorry I've been so absent, I've missed so much hahaa! Welcome keebs and somedayisnow!! Keebs I guess if your going for baby #2 by yourself, that's a good sign for us all!!

Sounds like everyone is on the right track though, hoping it's all going well! I'll have a proper decent read when I hop on my laptop tomorrow,

As for me. I wouldn't say I've had a hard time, it's just really taken it's toll on me emotionally. I didn't do any ttc last cycle, I think I ovulated - maybe, but I just wasn't in the right head space to give that month a go. I can't quite describe why; just a feeling. Finding out I could be down the ivf route rather than in home; has really got me thinking. This is so much harder than I thought, I keep doubting myself; trying to work out if this is REALLY what I want, and if this is the right decision for me or now, 21 and going through ivf as a single woman. And I'm like of course it's what I want, I've fought for this for nearly 16 months now, how can I even think about the possibility of giving up? A mix of emotions, a mix of thoughts. I wish there was someone to say, "do it" or "don't do it" - but I guess it's really a choice only I can make.
I've got an appt with my fertility dr in 2 days anyway :) so I'm just trying not to think too much until that is over. Hopefully with some answers and actual information, I'll be able to think a little clearer :)

Hope your all doing well though x
I'm intrigued too, Melody. It was Fairytales who was texting someone, wasn't it. I bet that's why (not that I'd ever gossip or anything...).

I'm good though thanks, Melody. Had a bump in the car the other week - entirely the other driver's fault - and my car is being written off, so desperately trying to find a suitable replacement. As much as I would love something like a convertible (and a nice pink one would be good!) I need a big, practical car (it's what I have already), so got to find something in the price range that fits my needs. I hate car shopping. I am useless with cars and never know what kind of things to look out for or what questions to ask which don't make me sound like an idiot.

A pos OPK sounds good. Wouldn't it be great of you turned up at your appointment and you were already pregnant? You weekend away sounds relaxing.

KN - I get what you mean about it not being the route you had planned. It's a tough decision - IVF is so invasive and so demanding in your body that suddenly going from insemination (OK, that's not the natural route to pregnant, but it's still private and not demanding on your body, really) to having to consider IVF is a massive jump. Hopefully, you can have a chat about it with your doctor at the appointment and then you can have all the information you need to make the decision.
I'm so glad to see this group! I was a single mom, met my husband when my son was 2, and he died suddenly last year. We were doing IVF and he died hours after my ER. I have 9 frozen blasts and am going ahead and doing a FET a week from today. I'm really scared but excited too.
CanadianMaple - I'm so sorry about your husband. Good luck with the FET.
Canadian maple: Welcome I'm sorry for your loss I hope we can offer you support you need all the girls are lovely and there's always someone around to listen or send a much needed virtual hug:flower:

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