Any solo mum's out there?

Hi unicorn,

I honestly have no idea when I'll have my first IUI. Maybe August? September? I have an HSG on Tuesday and on July 30th an appointment with my RE to go over the results of my bloodwork, ultrasound, and HSG. Then maybe he'll have me take a FSH test? I don't know. In the meantime, I'm trying to concentrate on the things in my control like nutrition, supplements, exercise, and reducing stress (easier said than done). Where are you on your journey?
Melody - you are definitely seeming very positive. That's good and a massive change from how you have been lately! Those procedures don't sound the most pleasant, but I guess it's done under general, and I guess if they improve your fertility then that's a bonus.

Somedayisnow - can you take the antibiotics in another form which you might find more palatable? Most are available as a suspension.

I got a little extra broody the other day. I went to visit my new baby cousin, who is absolutely adorable, and had cuddles. It was nice to have cuddles with a baby I hadn't made cry for once by doing the baby check/weigh. My mum said I looked so natural and comfortable holding him - to be honest, it would be a bit worrying if I looked/felt awkward holding a baby.
somedayisnow Is your HSG tomorrow? Good luck :flower:

How is the temping going? I find it incredibly useful (if more than little frustrating at present.... ovulation WHERE ARE YOU!!!! :growlmad:) but working shifts and having a toddler mean I'm rarely able to get the requisite 3 hours sleep before hand. However, it turns out that any period of inactivity (around an hour) produces similar temps to those after a proper sleep for me. Every woman is different, some can temp any time, for some even a 15min deviation causes wild fluctuations.

Sorry your AMH was lower than hoped, but it's only a measure of reserve, not quality so you are definitely focusing on all the right things :thumbup: Does your specialist think it will affect anyting re IUI? I thought it was only of use in IVF, and there is emerging evidence that you need to take FSH levels into account before any true meaning can be attached (e.g. normal levels of FSH with AMH > 0.6 is far more encouraging than same with elevated levels of FSH or AMH < 0.6).

EEeeeee, I am so excited for you anyway. August or September really isn't that far away.

Definitely interested in how the accupuncture goes. How do you find a good one, they are thin on the ground round my neck of the woods.

melodyy_mtb :hugs: Sorry your appointment was pants, but great to hear you are feeling positive now.

Odd rule on meds and donors, definitely push them for their rationale if that is the case. Surely they either treat you or they don't? Maybe a private clinic would be more amenable to helping :shrug:

Kind of hard to start thinking of your options if you don't yet know what they might be. I think you'll find a lot more clarity once you see the consultant themselves... my experience of nurses (and I am one, although hopefully a fair and rational one) is that they often let personal feelings and opinion form the basis of their care. Dr's much more fact based.

Although, looks as though you got some veery timely donations and may never need to meet with said specialist :happydance: C'mon BFP!!! Are you poas addict or do you wait until after AF would have shown before testing? I confess I love the thrill of other peoples tww :haha:

Caite Aww, thanks. It definitely helps to hear of natural pregnancies in later years. I really wish I'd done midwifery instead of nursing, but, too late now eh.

New baby cuddles. Squeeeeeee :cloud9: Any thought on when you will be able to ttc yet? Just a thought but have you investigated how tax credits will help on maternity leave? They still class you as working for the 1st nine months.

Rags I know that feeling of frustration well. So sorry you didn't get your second baby, and I do worry I will be in the same boat. I've swithered over weaning for the last year but it seems wrong to remove something she is still so relient on for something that may never happen. Night weaning is a compromise at present, going much better than expect though, not nearly as traumatic (for either of us) as I had expected.

unicornwish Hi, I am using the same donor I used with my 1st. One of my criteria when selcting was that they would be willing to donate again (if able) for a sibling. He is also open to meeting my dd any time she wishes, now or in the future. Actually he asked to meet her recently but we've not yet found the time :blush:

My daughter was two on Saturday past, time is just flying in.

Is your GP able to prescribe clomid? Are you having an HSG or looking elsewhere. Considering medicine is supposed to be evidence based it's frustrating the lack of consistancy between providers.

As for me. Well. Day 49 of this cycle and counting :nope:

My neice is 6 months younger than dd and watching them play together the other day really confirmed that I don't want a huge age gap between kids. Not entirely sure mother nature agress with me though :haha:
PS I REALLY need to post here more often. Mamoth psot above. Sorry.
So hopefully I'm in the tww! :D I'm off to Barcelona next week so that should keep my mind off things.

somedayisnow Thanks hun. We're definitely all fighters! Sometimes it's the only way to approach ttc, like you're going to war lol.

I'm sorry to hear about your amh results :( But it sounds like you're doing an amazing job preparing your body for pregnancy, and taking care of your stress levels. Good luck with your HSG. I hope the nausea stopped. :hugs:

unicornwish Aww I feel your frustration hun. I want my drugs now! lol. I hope you're right about the hsg making you more fertile. I'm having a hycosy which is similar I think. Where are you at with everything? I hope you dont have to go through months of testing before you get your clomid.

Caite Thanks hun <3 Aww I haven't held a baby in years. I cant imagine how broody that must have made you. Not long to go now. till you can jump on this ttc train! lol

Keebs Yeah it can be a bit overwhelming when you'r away from the forum for a few days and find yourself writing pages and pages to try to catch up with everyone.

I'll definitely push for the rationale as you say. It makes me feel a bit better hearing from an actual nurse :hugs:. The one I met was lovely but I realise now that the first fertility app isnt very productive for anyone. I'm looking forward to seeing the consultant in September. Hopefully he'll be a typical male doctor and just prescribe me something lol. I hope I dont need to go down the private clinic route, but I will if i have to. Anyway fx I wont need any of that! I'm definitely a poas addict. I pee on anything I can get my hands on, but I'm taking it easy this month... hopefully.

I hope your little girl had a great birthday! Aww seeing both kids must have made you soooo broody. I hope you o soon or something happens, I know exactly how you feel. The cycle before my last one got up to 60 days! In the end I started drinking parsley tea to try bring on af lol. I think it actually worked.
Keebs - I've been having a think about the finances. If I can overpay on my mortgage enough for the next six months or so, then I won't have to pay that amount when I'm on maternity leave (being positive here!). If I didn't have to pay the mortgage, I could probably get by financially. So, I'm guessing it'll be early next year that I think about TTC. Which isn't too bad. And if I find my dream job in the meantime, I'll be able to start sooner.

Anyway, I did nursing first and have done the 18 month midwifery. It was a bit daunting at first that we had to get the same numbers as the 3 year girls, but we all did. The other girls on the course were aged between 22/23ish up to about 45, so it's not too late.

Melody - Barcelona sounds like a nice little distraction. It's funny - when I hold a baby at work, it does not make me broody in the slightest. I kind of just become the professional me. But outside of work, I go so gooey around babies. My new little cousin is so adorable he definitely made me broody.

Eww, don't start talking about the parsley tea again Melody. It'll bring back bad memories of the flavour!
Ah I guess you can separate your professional self from your baby crazy self lol. The fact that the baby is related to you must make you go extra gooey as well.

Hahaha that Parsley tea was awful wasn't it?! :haha: I hope I don't have to go there again.

Decided to start temping again and got a 36.82 Celsius this morning! My last temp (pre suspected o) was 36.28c eeek. I hope this is a good sign :happydance:
I just got back from having the HSG and thank God it didn't live up to the horror stories I heard about it. I'm not saying it was a walk in the park but more like having the worst cramps of your life in short bursts. The worst part is when they shoot the dye in. So my tubes are clear :happydance:, although my right one is a little lazy. It took a bit for the dye to flow through while the dye shot through my left tube at break neck speed.

Next step for me is to wait for 7/30 for my next RE appointment. That's when I'll learn the results of my ultrasound (fingers crossed), we'll talk about my old ass eggs and what to do with them, and hopefully he won't tell me that my only hope is IVF.

How are you ladies doing today? :flower:
Somedayisnow - I didn't realise you'd be awake for the HSG! Doesn't sound too pleasant. 2 weeks until your appointment that's not too bad.

Melody - back when I was a student nurse, I had a maternity placement. I was so broody as I didn't have the professional experience to be professionally detached. Could you imagine how bad that would make me feel now, if every baby I saw at work made me even broodier?

Anyway, I was talking to my best friend last night and she told me they're going to be inducing her earlier than normal, maybe as early as next week (when she'll be 37+ weeks, I think), so there's going to be another baby for me to cuddle and get broody over.
Melody, keebs & somedayisnow- all I've done so far is look in to donation from a private clinic. I'm aiming for jan/feb next year when I will be turning 33 and my son will be turning 4. I don't really want to leave it any later than that because of both mine and my son's age.
Between now and then I need to most importantly save! As it will be costing around £1200 per IUI attempt. That is for a medicated cycle (would be cheaper at around £850 per attempt otherwise) but due to my past ovulation issues I think it would be a bigger waste of money in the long run if they are inseminating me but I'm probably not ovulating!
With the medicated cycle you are constantly monitored so they know the exact time to inseminate etc.
The initial consultation is £295 where they perform scans, tests etc. I may look at going for that around oct/nov. I will also be looking to get my body & health in good shape around then. So this is kind of a waiting phase at the moment but having something to focus on helps.
I'm glad your HSG went well somedayisnow and that your tubes are clear &#128077;
Keebs sounds like u have a great arrangement with your donor, wish I had one the same!
Ooo, I've been on BnB for years but didn't know this group existed!

I'm Emma, a single mum by choice to Phoebe who will be two on August 26th :) She was conceived with donor sperm via at home artificial insemination. It took 15 months but we got there in the end!

After feeling broody for a while, I finally decided to try for #2 in April. I was first time lucky with my new donor (Phoebe's donor is such a lovely man but he is now unavailable). Unfortunately it was over before it had even begun really... chemical pregnancy, lost at 4w+5d :( I skipped a cycle because it really knocked me sideways but now I'm back in the game! I got my smiley face on the digital OPK, a load of EWCM and a slight temp dip so I inseminated this afternoon! :happydance: Fingers are very firmly crossed for a sticky :bfp:!!

Hope everyone is well? :flower:
Hi Spudsmama. It's nice to see there are a few of you now who are doing it again - makes it seem like being a single mum by choice can't be too bad! I'm sorry to hear about your chemical pregnancy, but good luck for this cycle.

Unicornwish, I agree if you weren't ovulating last time then going for a medicated cycle would end up cheaper in the long run.
Good luck Spudsmama!! Very exciting!

AFM- I've been cleared to do one more FET at the end of August. It happens to fall on the day I go back to work from summer break, but it's just for meetings and I'll be able to pull it off. I'm trying to be optimistic about this try. :)
Hey everyone, :wave:

Sorry I've been MIA. Donor didn't work out and I've found a new one. First donation happens in a few days and I'm nervous as heck. :wacko:

Now to catch up..........
CanadianMaple - that's so exciting you've got the next date arranged already. I do hope you get a BFP this time round.

Child2Hold - sorry your donor didn't work out, but good luck with the donation in a few days time. FX for a BFP for you.
somedayisnow Congrats on getting through your hsg. I feel like I'm living through you as i'm supposed to have a hycosy next month. The cramping sounds awful. But you did it! Let's hope that what people say about hsg's are true and that you'll be super fertile! I'm sure ivf won't be your 1st option. Most people are ok to try a few iui's first. Good luck with your next RE appointment, I hope everything goes well for you. :thumbup:

Caite Lol that would be crazy! I could imagine you crying hysterically every time one of your patients gave birth. :rofl: Good thing you developed a professional nature quickly. So there'll be another baby to cuddle outside of work? Sqweeeee :happydance:

unicornwish Oh ok. It's good to get an idea of how these things work, as I may need to move onto iui soon. It's good that you know exactly what you're doing. I'm sure you'll get that BFP quicker than you can say... bfp lol

SpudsMama Yaaay a new mama :happydance: It's so great to see how this group has grown. Just goes to show that women are capable of taking charge of their fertility and having their babies on their own. It's extra lovely to see women who have done this successfully already, so much so, they're willing to go through it all again! I'm sorry for you loss Spuds, but it sounds like you're definitely back in the game! Gl for the tww :hugs:

CanadianMaple That's great news! I'm so glad you'll get to do another FET in August. Fx for you. I'm routing for you sooooo much!

Child2Hold Hey there hun! I'm so sorry things with your donor didnt work out. It happens to us all :( But that's great you've managed to find another one. Fx for your insemination in a few days :happydance:

Afm: I'm 5dpo (hopefully). Temps are still high, although I'm reeeeally trying not to read too much into it lol.
melodyy_mtb Everything looks very positive so far, hope there's a little beannie snuggling in nice and tight. Enjoy Barcelona.

Caite Early next year is not too long at all :flower: You never know, at this rate I may still be wtt then myself.

Thought they'd phased out all the 18 month conversions to midwifery in Scotland. I did look a while back but found nothing online. Such a shame as I never realised what an important and empowering role a midwife has until I was pregnant.

somedayisnow Great news on the HSG and good luck for the 30th. If your old ass eggs are as good as your old ass fallopian tubes then you're sitting pretty no :thumbup:

unicornwish Wow, it's not cheep this getting preggers lark is it, can see why you're on a mission to save.

SpudsMama Hi Emma, sounds like perfect timing. Fingers crossed!

CanadianMaple Eeeep, just squeezing that FET in there. Almost like it's meant to be. Everything crossed for you.

Child2Hold Hope your new donor is a keeper. Here's to a timely and stress free donation :flower:

As for me. *sigh* Day 52. FF has given me cross hairs but not convinced. So, I want AF here, but if I did ovulate then I don't want her yet. Aaaaargh. Lots of cramping today but nowt else.

Took dd to see Peppa Pig at the theatre today. She loved it. I spent an hour and a half in purgatory... the downside to single parenting is not having a significant other to palm these horrendous events off on :haha:
Keebs - :hi: You have my sympathy re Peppa Pig World! I have never let Phoebe watch it... far too annoying :blush:

Melody - Good luck for this cycle! We're only four days apart :)

Child2Hold - I hope everything works out with your new donor :flower: The search can be so difficult at times :nope:

Canadian - Good luck for your FET! :hugs:

Caite - Being a single mum can be difficult at times, when you're ill for example and LO has ample amounts of energy :haha: But when it's all you've known I think it makes it easier somehow? I can safely say I have never missed having an OH to help out with the baby :thumbup:

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