Any solo mum's out there?

k.n. - Thanks. Got a Dr appt next week to see what's going on. I had my Implanon out in Feb and I still haven't had a visit from AF, but we thought we may as well start trying now anyway.

Caite - Thanks :)
Sorry guys, false alarm. not ttc. potential donor backed out
Sorry guys, false alarm. not ttc. potential donor backed out

Aww Kelwin :( :( *hugs* - Can't imagine how it must feel for you! Unfortunately being a donor is a pretty big thing, and sometimes they do just get *cold feet* - Doesn't make it easier though, Will you be able to find a new donor easy enough do you think??
Sorry guys, false alarm. not ttc. potential donor backed out

Aww Kelwin :( :( *hugs* - Can't imagine how it must feel for you! Unfortunately being a donor is a pretty big thing, and sometimes they do just get *cold feet* - Doesn't make it easier though, Will you be able to find a new donor easy enough do you think??

Unfortunately, I haven't been able to find any others in the three years I've been looking. I guess it just means I wasn't meant to have a child. I'm scheduled to start my transition next year, so unless I can find another donor, AND fall pregnant within three months, then it's just not happening. :(
Hey everyone :hi:

KN Glad to have you back hun. We all need a break sometimes. Maybe having all your computer/internet trouble was a blessing in disguise. It forced you to take a break. I've been reading your blog, I know this fertility stuff can get on top of us. It's long, sometimes painful jouney. But you'll get there. We'll get there :hugs:

Caite Even wtt can be an emotional roller coaster. Things not going as planned, set backs etc, but before you know it you'll be ttc. Sorry it got you thinking about what you experienced when you were 19. You shouldnt feel bad though. It wasnt meant to happen at that time, and you knew it, hence the feeling of relief. Anyway hope you and your mum had a great time at your cousins

Keebs That's a unique way to think of it. I believe everything happens for a reason. It's not terrible that you havent o'd yet, as your donor isn't available. I still have hope for you this cycle though. My body does this to me quite often, It's like trying to start a car but the engine fails. Leave it a while and it starts perfectly. When i do o, i often get false + opks then a week or two later i o for real. So fx for you. :hugs:

Kelwin It's so good to see you back here but hun I'm so sorry to hear about your donor backing out :( It's devistating, happens to us all, but I know you're quite restricted with time. I wouldnt say that you wasnt meant to have a child. Far from it. I think you'd make an amazing father. I have everything crossed for you that you find a donor in time. You may want to see your doctor about the fact af hasnt shown yet. Hope you find a donor soon!

AFM: Well I had my hycosy yesterday. Thanks for the well wishes everyone. Omg i didnt feel a damn thing!!!! I was so scared lol. If anyone is due to have a hycosy soon I'd definitely recommend taking strong painkillers about 20 minutes before. I felt nothing. As it was an ultrasound procedure instead of an x-ray, I got to see everything going on and discuss things with the doctor at the same time.

Good news = Both tubes are clear, cervix is in great shape, as is my uterus. Plus my fibroid has seemed to have vanished!

Bad news = My ovaries are really really polycystic. I could see it for myself on the screen :wacko: The good thing is that there's no doubt I have pcos, so it should be easy to finally get some meds. My consultant app is next month :happydance:
Kelwin It's so good to see you back here but hun I'm so sorry to hear about your donor backing out :( It's devistating, happens to us all, but I know you're quite restricted with time. I wouldnt say that you wasnt meant to have a child. Far from it. I think you'd make an amazing father. I have everything crossed for you that you find a donor in time. You may want to see your doctor about the fact af hasnt shown yet. Hope you find a donor soon!

Thanks darl, it means a lot, but I don't think I'm going to find a donor in time. I'm going to talk to my gender therapist about freezing some of my eggs, so maybe I can still have bio kids one day, but even if I can't, I have a friend in the US who is having twins, and the father is and never will be, in the picture. She's moving to Australia after the boys are born, and she's said she wants me to be their adopted dad, so, I'll still have kids. :) Was just really looking forward to actually giving birth to my own.

And yes, I'm seeing my Dr really soon about AF.
Ah of course. I only noticed after my last post that you've got a doctor's app set up. I hope it goes well. I was going to suggest freezing your eggs. It's good that you'll be able to discuss this with your gender therapist. There's always options. I round my give up all hope just yet.

That's awesome news about your friend. Whatever form your children come in, you'll make a great dad. x
Kelwin: I'm sorry :hugs:

Melody: I'm glad all looks good uterus tube & cervix wise
Hopefully the doctors don't delay in getting your pcos under control
Hey hun. Omg I was writing out a reply for you before but it got left off. That'll teach me to write paragraphs on my tiny phone. Thanks, yeah hopefully I'll get something sorted out. If I o like i amazingly did last month, i should get one more natural before I see my consultant in September.

It's great to see you back on the forum. I hope you're ok and taking things easy. Cant wait till you start ttc! x
That would be amazing if you got a perfect cycle and a bfp before your appt maybe now you know what's going on you'll not be quite as stressed :hugs: did you enjoy Barcelona?

I'm doing alright I could actually start all my initial ttc stuff at the clinic in the next month or so but I'm too scared to begin :wacko: :shrug:
Kelwin - at least you're going to have options to become a parent one way or another.

Melody - I'm pleased the procedure went well for you. I'm sorry about the PCOS but at least there is now evidence of why you're not ovulating and hopefully that can be remedied quickly. My mum and I had a lovely time at my cousin's. We got lots of little baby cuddles. He's so cute.

Fairytales - it is scary the prospect of starting TTC. Before I got rid of my ticker, I would look at it with a mixture of excitement and fear. I guess it's natural.
fairytales87 It would be amazing, but im not getting my hopes up. Just taking each day as it comes and trying to enjoy all experiences, good and bad.

I was the same. I realised i had been researching ttc alone for about 3 years until I actually started. It was something my mum said that made me kind of snap into gear. I didn't actually tell her i was ttc until after my first bfn, but we were discussing babies ages ago and she said "No parent is ever ready. The situation and surroundings will never be 100% perfect. If you want a child, it's the right time" lol. We'll never be completely sure or or completely ready. I'm about a year in an i still fret. The other day i was considering not trying this month because I was beginning to worry that I wouldn't make a good mum. But as long as your child is happy and loved, not much else matters.

I know you want to work on yourself before you actively start trying. By all means take your time, but don think you have to wait for the perfect time to start. :hugs:
I guess it is only natural, I have such a mixture of feelings and emotions
about it I wish I could make some of them go and not let them put me off ttc! This is when I miss having my bestie to talk with she would totally understand and talk them out with me!

Has anybody done/doing anything exciting this weekend?
Hopefully I'm seeing my best friend today or tomorrow - she's in labour at the moment, so should get to meet her new little baby very soon. I'm very excited!
Hi ladies,
I haven't posted for a while as my situation has changed somewhat.
My ex partner & the father of my son has returned into my life unexpectedly so we will be ttc no.2 starting next month.
Some people may disagree with this but I believe in fate & the way he has come back was very unexpected as he was in a relationship which has ended. My main wish was to have a sibling for my son & I was obviously prepared to do that alone so if I do end up as a single parent I wont be a problem, my son's dad is also a good father to him.
Tbh I don't know if I could have afforded to have gone to a sperm bank as when I researched it properly I realised it was £1200 per attempt (I would have needed medicated cycles as I have ovulation issues so will still be needing to use clomid to conceive naturally)
I just wanted to say how nice it has been to chat with you, I admire all of you and wish you all every success on your journeys x
Good luck unicornwish!

fairytales87- I'm at my camper this weekend. I'm a teacher and go back to work in 2 weeks. Feeling so sad to see the summer go by so quickly!

melodyy_mtb- I agree with what your mom says. I am feeling nervous about doing this alone, but I know that once you get that baby in your arms, you know he or she is here for a reason and you'll make it work. My son's biofather was a total deadbeat and I had to deal with his hateful mother for a few years. I'm thankful that I won't have that kind of drama this time around.

AFM- I am going to be doing my FET in about 2 weeks. I'm already on the estrogen and steroid and go back for bloodwork on Wednesday. After the failed FET in June, I have been feeling different this time. I'm not as excited, in fact, I have more doubts. I worry about it failing and finding out the first week of school with my students but then I also worry a lot about it actually working. lol So weird! I've already put $18,000 into the IVF and FETs, I should just relax!!
Caite: that's so exciting I hope all goes well for your friend and her little bundle makes a smooth & safe arrival soon!

Unicorn wish: I hope everything works out for you and your family:hugs:

Canadian maple: hope your have a relaxing break away
The summer has flown by this year I'm not ready for summer to be done either

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