Any solo mum's out there?

My friend's had her baby. It wasn't the smoothest of labours by the sounds of it, but everyone is fine now, which is all that matters. I've had to go out and buy presents already. Hopefully going up to meet her in the next couple of days.

Unicornwish - that's so exciting for you! Good luck.

CanadianMaple - good luck.
Awww caite congrats to your friend
That's not so good about her rubbish labour but as you say as long as they are both well now. Did she have a boy or girl? I hope you enjoyed your present buying trip!
unicornwish - people come in and out and sometimes back in for a reason. Good luck to you and your family.

CanadianMaple - relaxing is easier said than done, isn't it? I don't know if relaxing is in my DNA but I do wish it for you. Fx

Caite, I'm so happy for your friend. Glad to hear that they're both okay.

afm, I just bought donor sperm and I'm freaking out. I was hoping to put it off until after my surgery but I was afraid that he would be sold out. I swear for the last month his vial numbers were high and barely getting bought but in the past week, and especially this weekend, he's suddenly popular. Buying the sperm has just made my quest to have a baby even more real. :wacko:
Someday: How exciting! Are you doing Si or are you using a clinic?
Either way I hope the journey goes well and you get your bfp very soon
I'm using a clinic but my first IUI won't happen for a couple months because I have to have a cyst removed first. At least now I know the donor I want is available to me when I'm ready for him.
Someday: cysts are so annoying I hope your op and recovery goes well
What a relief for you that your able to get the donor you want hopefully once you start ttc your iui is successful 1st try x

Afm: Girls I need somebody to tell me everything's going to be ok
My fears are totally taking over my head.I've waited so long to start and now I don't know if I can do this:nope:
I'm scared too. I'm moving along with the FET meds and am starting to question everything. I didn't question myself this much last cycle. I keep looking at the fun things I am doing with my 6-year old and keep wondering if he will miss out on a lot if we have a baby next summer...

somedayisnow- It's good that you got the sperm now. It will help spread out the costs a bit too.
fairytales87- I'm afraid too. I think we'd be nuts if we weren't at least a little scared. Go to your initial clinic visit and see how you feel then. You'll soon know what's best for you. :hugs:

CanadianMaple - just imagine how much fun your son will have being a big brother!

afm, I am glad that I bought the sperm. 1) as of yesterday his vials sold out 2) buying now does let me spread out the costs. I'm going to start paying off this credit card immediately.
Hey ladies!

Goodluck unicornwish :) - Nothing wrong with believing in fate & going where your heart leads you. I hope it works out all the best! x

Caite - I'm glad both mum & bub are ok, despite a smooth labour etc! Cuddles with nb's are the best <3.

Melody, Glad you enjoyed barcelona - and hopefully fingers crossed it's easier for you to get the treatment you're after now, whether it's medical - or just some help along the way. You've got your foot in the door now, and that's the tricky part!! Yay to us both who swore we'd never be able to go through a clinic - yet here we both are! :)

Somedayisnow - That's good you can purchase the sperm in advance; do they continue to store it until you're ready for it; or do you store it yourself? It feels so strange to me to purchase sperm etc, yet so intriguing. Just the different practices around the world I guess isn't it! So interesting to know how it's all done around the world, It's illegal to sell or buy it here. So you just have to have faith someone out there will help you out!

Fairytales - Fear is normal hun!! Means you're putting a lot of thought into this process - and not just jumping into it without thought. I'm a year a half into mine - and i still freak out, every month, every week, - in fact every time the topic comes up; or babies get mentioned within my "babyless friends circle" The fear never goes away - BUT the feeling, that each month we try - we "could" be pregnant bring so much hope and joy. The idea that one of these months i ttc - will be successful, and i will become the mother i so dream to be - keeps me grounded and reminds me why i do this & I just know you can do this - you'll have each of us every step of the way, cheering you on!! :hugs: :hugs:
Thanks for all the congratulations to my friend. She had a baby girl, present buying was great, and she is so cute. Haven't seen her yet in person, but hopefully going up tomorrow. Yay!

Somedayisnow - that's exciting that you've bought the sperm already! I guess it makes it all seem really real now? He seems to have sold out really quick by the sounds of it.

Fairytales - :hugs: I think everybody freaks out to some extent. You're going to be a great mum.

Canadianmaple - I'm sure your little boy will love having a baby brother or sister to play with.
Hey ladies, and gent :D

I tried sending this a few days ago, but it obviously never went through :/

Just a quick message to say that I'm in Prague for the week. It's so beautiful here. I won't be online much, so I'll reply to you all properly when I get back.

Lots of love, and babydust. Thinking of you all.

Great that you don't have to keep going to the clinic, hope you concieve well before your next visit :flower:

Sorry your donor backed out :hugs: but how great to hear you'll be a dad :happydance: Hope your meeting goes well.

Glad the hycosy went so well, having an official diagnosis must be a relief. Had no idea that vitex could reduce fibroids (hurrah!), love how I learn something new every time I come here :flower:

Have a super time in Prague, and here's to a bfp before Septembers apt.

Good luck :flower:

I too worry that it may be selfish to ttc again, but then I worry it would be selfish not to :haha: I used to be such a laid back person before motherhood too. Good luck with the upcomming transfer, everything crossed for a healthy, sticky little bean :flower:

Eeeeek, one step closer :happydance: wonder if the sudden surge in popularity was the universe's way of telling you something :winkwink:

Doubts and fears are perfectly natural, healthy even, this is a life changing event. I suspect it's because we want this so much, very easy to be blase when you don't much care. Hope you manage to work through yours soon, if we can help we surely will :hugs:

Congratulations to your friend. Enjoy the snuggles :cloud9:

As for me, looks like I ovulated day 20 (waaaay better than day 45/not atall), hoping for a decent luteal phase this time too. Donor assures me he's still happy to help, big relief if I'm honest. Starting to get quite excited :happydance:
Thank you for all your support
I will be leaving the thread for a while as
I'm struggling after stuff that's happened the last few weeks and it's not fair to you all having to put up with me and my posts. I wish you all good luck in your journeys xx
:hugs: fairytales :hugs:

Please know that your posts here are as valid and welcome as any. My impression was that KN started this thread precisely because we encounter issues not faced by others ttc.

I hope you take time away if you need it, but hate the thought you're going because you don't want to burden others with your posts.

Take care whatever you decide xxx
Hi, how is everyone?

3rd pp cycle for me, actually hope to get a donation this time. Hurrah (anyone know why predictive text wants to change this to bureau???)!

Still no idea when I might ovulate which is pants, never realised how spoiled I was having regular cycles before. Donor is unavailable 2 most likely dates so gonna be a hit or miss affair. Fingers crossed it holds off till day 16 - 18 [-o&lt;#
Keebs - I have my fingers crossed for you. I'm playing the 'when do I ovulate game' too.

fairytales87 - I hope you come back soon. We're here to support everyone thru the ups and downs. :hugs:

melody- I'm so jealous that you're in Prague. I've never been but I love to travel. I hope you're having fun.

KN- Yes, the sperm bank will store my vials for a fee. Nothing is ever free with them. Sigh. It's legal to purchase sperm in the US although each state has its own rules. For example: Some states don't allow self-insemination and require that a doctor be involved but a lot of people just self-inseminate anyway.

afm - I'm still waiting on my surgery date. I'm supposed to get it this week but I want to know now. :wacko:
hello ladies! I made a post a couple of months ago about the thought process of finding a sperm donor and being a solo mother. it's something that's been pushed to the front of my mind even more today as my best friend is pregnant (recently split with her douche husband) so I attended her ultrasound with her today and seeing that little baby really made me want this for myself.

love the support idea - it's a pretty scary idea :)

for those with ovulation/fertile questions, I recently bought the period tracker app on my iphone and I've been using it for the past two months to get an idea of when my period is, when I'm fertile, when I ovulate, etc. with this tool, I hope by the time I'm ready to become pregnant, I will know my body pretty well and will have a larger chance of success.
Hi ladies :)
Fairytales - if you pop back in and read this, Keebs is right - I spent so long searching forums, and found that while there are sooooo many supportive forums around, none of them were quite "right" for my journey. Hense the creation of this! And now I've realised there are sooo many others in a similar journey. So feel free to post, your story&journey is just as important. However I definitely understand the need for a break as well. Know that we're all here for you when you need us :hugs: x

Keebs: Fingers crossed for ovulation and fertilisation!!! Toes are all crossed too :).

Melody: Have fun in prague, look forward to hearing how it went :)

Someday: o0o - hopefully they let you know soon! The feeling of knowing it's probably set and you don't know yet must be so nervewrecking!

Vii: hey :) - Support is definitely important, so i hope you find lots here :) Is a pretty scary thing!

Afm: I know I am ovulating perfectly again this month, I haven't got any ovulation tests on me - but I just feel it. so much ewcm, I've had a bit of eczema break out - which seems to break out when i have hormonal changes, such as ovulation. Normally I'd be stoked - this is ALSO when I'm supposed to ovulate, so it means another good cycle. Except the down side is - we've had a lot of troubles with my 15yo brother getting himself into trouble - so my dad really needed me to travel to him and support him. So that's what I did - but my dad lives 6 hours away, so no chance to meet up with my donor :( I'll be home on sat, ovulation is meant to be friday. Seems such a waste of a good egg - they hardly ever come around!
I just created a new ticker - to count down until I begin IUI or IVF, Depending on our tests closer to the time. Realised I'm smack in the middle of my journey now! Have been ttc for 1 year 6 months, and have 1 year 7 months until my spot on the list. Crazy! Seems so weird the potential that waiting all the time I've waited, is going to double. But then I keep telling myself it doesn't feel like 18 months since I first started. So hopefully the wait won't feel like 18 months either! (unless i get a bfp before hand!)
Hey everyone! :hi: It's been a while. So much to catch up on.

Caite Congrats to your friend, awww a little girl <3

unicornwish That's great news. I hope it works out for you both. I'm a firm believer in everything happening for a reason. Good luck, lots of babydust for you. I hope you get your bfp real soon! :hugs:

CanadianMaple You'll be doing your FET in a few days? I think you're taking the right approach. I cant imagine how heartbreaking it must have been when the first one didn't work. But you're right, just relax and think positive. Sometimes not being too exited helps us to alleviate the stress of ttc. I've got everything crossed for you hun. :dust:

Keebs :hugs:Thanks hun. Yeah just knowing what's wrong has made me feel a lot better. I know how to tackle it now. Yeah Vitex is amazing. I need to do a post on my blog about all the weird and wonderful herbs there are out there. I learn so much from you guys too. Love this forum. Aww fx you get a donation at the right time this month. I defintely know how you feel about not knowing when you'll ovulate. I must get through 40 opks a month lol. :dust:

fairytales87 Hun, I'm so sorry you're feeling like this :( I've been freaking out myself, but more about actually being a mum. Sometimes you just dont feel capable. But you know we are all here for you, and if you do decide to come back, we'll be here to support you. Dont forget you can always inbox me, day or night. :hugs:

somedayisnow I hope you get your surgery date soon. Keep us posted. x

viii Hey, welcome back :hugs: Yeah those apps are awesome. A lot of us use Fertility Friend. It's the best ive seen so far. Aww I hope you'll continue to share your journey with us. Everyone is lovely here and all going through the same/similar things. x

KN I'm glad to hear that you're ovulating perfectly again. I know what you mean. It happens so rarely for some of us. I o'd two cycles ago and was unable to get a donation :( I was sad but you just have to be thankful for your body actually playing nice for once. It sounds like things are getting better for you. Nice ticker. I'm sure you'll get your bfp waaay before then though :hugs:

AFM Back from Prague. It was amazing!!! The architecture there was phenomenal. I'd definitely go back. Thankfully i didn't o on holiday :happydance: so I'm still waiting. I'm currently on cd27, i o'd cd35 last month so could be waiting a little while. Ran out of opks (i use like 100 a month lol) so ive quickly ordered some more from ebay. Come on team BFP we can do it!

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