Any solo mum's out there?

CanadianMaple, I really really hope you're wrong. Sending you positive thoughts. :hugs:
My beta doubled and the bleeding stopped. I was told to be cautiously optimistic. The beta on Sat was 146 and today (3 days later) was 312, so it doubled in less than 72 hours like it should have. I get a repeat beta on Saturday morning and that should tell more about what's going on. I'm so scared to bleed like I did at work.
That's fantastic news CM! :) Maybe it was a random bout of late implantation bleeding? :shrug:
Someone told me about subchorionic hematomas (sp?) and I seem to fit the bill for that... No idea. They are pretty hands off in early pregnancy, it's all up to nature they say. So far, so good!
Oh CM, I'm so pleased that your beta is continuing to go up. I don't know anything about sp but I hope things continue to be settled for you.
Grrr. My laptop is being so annoying, I just wrote out a massive post - And my laptop decided to go back a few pages; and now my post is wiped :( *sigh*.

Canadianmaple - I haven't heard of those hematomas sorry, However I have known a few woman who've bled early on in pregnancy; especially those who had a light period the month before. I'm not too sure what causes this - but it is definitely heard of. And the fact that your betas did double is a good sign - I hope like heck, sat brings even more good news to you. My fingers and toes and everything are crossed for you & a sticky little bean! :) x

AFM: What a hectic, hectic week. IF I was a drinker, which Im not - at all; Id seriously be reaching for the wine right now. I'm about to start another new job at a shop called Baby City - a department store for baby products, (convenient huh!), but it means I've had to tell my local kindy that I started relieving on call for - that I am no longer completely available for those hours anymore. However as well as shuffling my two jobs for the next two weeks - I am also fertile next week, should I actually ovulate. Plus my donor is out of town for work - but happy to meet after work. So now I need to shuffle my two jobs, my donors out of town job, and my fertile days - and hope for a good outcome! Where there is a will, there is a way! And I'm hoping so bad that it all works out. It's been so long since I've tried, Well 2 months - feels like a lifetime! But I don't want to call another month off, especially not because of work.
Oh also - My flatmate/one of my many bestfriends just found out she's pregnant a couple days ago - woohoo, so happy for her! But I couldn't help but think "wish it was me" :( Which makes me feel so crappy inside!! ALSO I'm worried that now if I get pregnant, people are going to think it's just because she is. And I can't just tell them actually I've been trying to conceive for nearly 2 years and it was just coincidence we got pregnant together. My sisters also come off the pill again, and is ready for baby #2 - she's so fertile, she'll get pregnant almost straight away. AND another of my super close friends either lately, seems to complain to me daily about how fertile she is, and how she can't afford the birth control she wants. She is a really really close friend of mine - so I find her complaints about fertility quite upsetting, probably even more so than all the pregnancies around me at the moment (not you canadian maple!! Meaning my close friends who are up to 3rd, 4th and 5th kids!!) . I really just wish I had a friend who I could chat too about everything over coffee!! I guess I'm just "jealous" but really I'm so stoked for them too - so many emotions and thoughts!! It sucks doing this so secretive. :(
A BnB friend of mine had a subchorionic hematoma and she bled quite heavily for ages. She now has an amazing 2 year old boy! :) She was TTC with a donor too actually :haha:

Wow, things sound hectic your way KN! :shock: I hope it all works out and you get a well timed donation :hugs:
Wow, things sound hectic your way KN! :shock: I hope it all works out and you get a well timed donation :hugs:

Thanks Spudsmama :) - Am feeling a lot more relaxed today after thinking about it a little more, I'm sure it'll all work out - just feels a little hectic at the moment! :)
Hey everyone :hi:

It's been a while. Not really that long, but a while in bandb world lol. Got my :bfn: this cycle :( well AF came, but still... I'm not too sad about it, I didn't go crazy ss this cycle and I didn't have a very good feeling about it, what with si at work. But I'm ready for this next cycle. Definitely going with donor2 this month so I can inseminate at home. I've also switched to smaller syringes after I saw it suggested on a youtube video. So even after the unpleasantness with Mr Evil Consultant, I'm feeling pretty positive. Oh and I've stopped my vitex so I can give the soy another go. [-o<

KN Aww, you're so sweet. I've done my crying. It is what it is. I'm ready to fight again. I totally would have said my donor was my bf, if i had a second chance. I know so many people who do it. It's a shame we have to lie but the world can be so judgmental. I've had time to process things. I think I'm definitely leaning towards ivf, but that could easily change over the next few months.

Wow what a crazy week! I wanted to drink for you reading that lol. Aww I know what it's like juggling ovulation and work. It happens so rarely, it's heartbreaking if for some reason you dont get to try. I hope everything works out for you this cycle. At least you know round about when you should be ovulating so fx that you and your donor and organise time.

CanadianMaple Thanks you :hugs: Sadly I cant see another consultant, as this one covers the whole of my county. But like I said to KN, im over it now. I'm jsut focused on getting pregnant naturally before i have to go with something more invasive. I'm sorry to hear about your bleeding scar,e but so happy that your beta levels are increasing. I have everything crossed that this will be a happy and easy 9 months. xx

fairytales87 Thanks buddy :hugs: So sweet of you to say. I know, it is crazy going through all these clinics and pricing everything up. I'm trying to just do a bit a day. Great news about your + opk!!! :happydance: I know you're not trying this month but i swear ovulating is nearly as exciting as getting a bfp, for me anyway. Ovulation is like the holy grail lol. Cant wait till you start ttc!

Rags Thank you so much for your input. You definitely help calm me down and make things seem more doable. I've got an appointment with my dr next week so I'll definitely be discussing things. I'm looking forward to speaking to an ivf specialist and finding out exactly how it will work for me. So are you trying for no2 now? I've never really asked if you're currently ttc.

Caite I know! Ugh, i was absolutely livid, but I have moved on from that. My cycles are a mess too, so yeah I'm definitely leaning towards ivf. I've briefly researched going abroad. I think i'd need to take about 2 weeks off work though, is that true? You know much more about the process.
Hi Melodyy, I'm delighted if I can bring anything to your journey, and to everyone else's. As for am I still trying to conceive, no, unfortunately not. I would have loved a second child, and I know my Ds would have loved a little brother or sister but it just didn't happen. I tried 6 IUI's when I was 43 and Ds was about 18 months with no luck. I had hoped to try earlier but Ds was still breast feeding and my cycle didn't return for over a year. I thought about stopping him sooner but that would not have been fare on him. We are now at the point where at 4 he is at nursery and I am still able to work part time, get lots of time with him, cover the bills and have a couple of short breaks away. If I were to continue trying I'd have to go back to work full time and go down the IVF route too which would impact hugely on both of our lives and not let me give him the kind of start in life that I want to achieve for him, so therefore I have stopped trying. (also I'll be 46 at Christmas and don't think my reproductive system will keep ticking along nicely for to much longer!!
I am a big beleiver that age doesn't always matter but not for having a family. It's a big part of the reason I am so happy to hear of how many of you are beginning this in there 20's and early 30's - it allows the option of having more than one.
OMG! I just lost a huge post to you all. :(

I just found out that I am still pregnant. Today's beta was 1800. It was 320 on Tuesday. No more bleeding. Ultrasound on Oct 5.
melodyy_mtb- I'm so sorry about the BFN. You have such a good attitude, I know you will get that baby.

SpudsMama- Your post really gave me hope when I read it a few days ago. The nurse mentioned that it could have been that, it makes sense.

K.N.- I'm so sorry for the rough week! Pregnancy announcements sting. I have been dealing with those feelings since our IF diagnosis in Dec 2011. I really hope that all works out for next week with the donation and everything else.

Thank you for all the positive posts to me this week. It really was such an emotional time and it was difficult not having anyone I could really talk to about it IRL.
woohoo canadian maple - im so happy for you! hopefully no more little scares and you have a wonderful pregnancy! seeing those results must've been so reassuring!

sorry you didnt get your bfp melody :(. What were the suggestions on smaller syringes? i might have to youtube :) im always so apprehensive, some weird stuff comes up sometimes! goodluck for this cycle melody - really hoping for you!

rags, i definitely agree with melody - its always so comforting to have someone "on the other side" per say, you've got your little boy and its comforting having you here - even if you aren't currently here trying to conceive! You're a good mum to your boy!! :) When i started my journey at 20, it seemed so crazy to think i was prepared to throw away my "fun years" as everyone called them - but that was never an issue for me. Now, a year and a half later - im so glad i started when i did! I never would have guess i had pcos, and with a 2 year wait for treatment from when i went on the list - plus the initial year of ttc at home; its turned into a much longer journey than i expected; so im glad i have time - should i want more :)
Rags You definitely have helped. Like KN said, it helps having someone who has been through it and has a lo to show for it. I'm sorry that having a second child turned out not to be part of your life's journey, but I fully understand your reasons for not continuing to try. You are an amazing mother, always putting your child first. :hugs:

CanadianMaple That's great news! :happydance: So happy your beta is increasing as it should. I know you must be very anxious about this pregnancy, but things are going according to plan. Just relax and take care of yourself and bump. I know you can feel alone at times, but we are always here for you <3 Aww and thanks for being so sweet. Hopefully we will all be joining you with our own little bumps soon.

KN Aww thanks hun. I'm just ready for yet another cycle, youknow how it is lol. Yeah well I saw this "my insemination kit" video and the girl who had successfully gotten pregnant twice said she'd switched form 10ml syringes to 2ml, as she was having a lot of trouble with leakage before. Obviously you have to be extremely careful and never insert it too high, but I'm already so damn cautious with the 10ml ones anyway. I still have loads of 10ml, just thought I'd give these other ones a try. It cant hurt. Anyway, how are you? Where are you at in your cycle? :hugs:

AFM Nothing much to report. I'm cd6, af stopped yesterday, so I'll start my opks tomorrow. When you suffer from irregular cycles, you never know when you're going to o, so i just test all throughout the cycle lol. Last time i o'd on cd34, so I could have a bit of a wait, but I am praying the soy iso's help me o earlier this month. Keep your fingers crossed ladies. x
Canadianmaple - I am so excited for you. And whilst I don't know about betas, that sounds like a really good increase!

Melody - from what I understand about going abroad, a lot of the monitoring can be done over here, and obviously the medication is self-administered, so that can be done over here, too. So long as tests were done recently, they will accept tests from the UK (such as smears, bloods etc), but I can't remember within what timeframe they need to be. I've not spoken to any clinics yet, just as I never seem to be getting any closer to TTC, but from what I understand, you need to go and have an appointment with them at the start of treatment where you will be given a prescription, any scans that are needed throughout the cycle can be done over here in the UK, and then obviously head back over there for the actual IVF, which I think would need to be a few days visit, to allow the fertilisation process to be done. Frozen transfers wouldn't need as many days as they obviously would already be fertilised. From what I have looked at, the IVF is a lot cheaper than doing it over here, even when you look at the cost of flights and hotels. I've been looking at Copenhagen, and that is meant to be an expensive city, but hotels and flights there seem reasonable, too.
Melody - from what I understand about going abroad, a lot of the monitoring can be done over here, and obviously the medication is self-administered, so that can be done over here, too. So long as tests were done recently, they will accept tests from the UK (such as smears, bloods etc), but I can't remember within what timeframe they need to be. I've not spoken to any clinics yet, just as I never seem to be getting any closer to TTC, but from what I understand, you need to go and have an appointment with them at the start of treatment where you will be given a prescription, any scans that are needed throughout the cycle can be done over here in the UK, and then obviously head back over there for the actual IVF, which I think would need to be a few days visit, to allow the fertilisation process to be done. Frozen transfers wouldn't need as many days as they obviously would already be fertilised. From what I have looked at, the IVF is a lot cheaper than doing it over here, even when you look at the cost of flights and hotels. I've been looking at Copenhagen, and that is meant to be an expensive city, but hotels and flights there seem reasonable, too.[/QUOTE]

Melody, I follow one of the other assisted conception threads for people attending Ninewells Hospital. One of the ladies on that has had treatment in Prague and been supported by the team at Ninewells for additional scans etc. and they also offered to do her early pregnancy scan. You could look in on the thread and you may get some pointers from what she has already posted.
Just a quick post to say I'm in the two week wait!! :happydance: Donor came round this evening after I got a positive OPK earlier in the day. He also met Phoebe who he helped to conceive in 2011 (she was his first AI baby)! I'd expected it to be weird but it really wasn't :) He played with her for ages before going off to... do his bit :sick: :haha:
Awesome!! When are you going to start testing? Fingers crossed for you!!

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