Any solo mum's out there?

Well hopefully I won't until the day before AF is due, so 13-14dpo. I always cave ridiculously early though :blush:
FX for you, Spudsmama.

I've had some really weird and very vivid dreams the last few nights. The first night I dreamt I was pregnant and was going for my 20 week scan and found out I was having a boy. I hadn't told anyone (!) and told my mum I was going to have a baby boy. The second night I dreamt about Christmas, and I was desperately trying to get my last few bits for Christmas (not presents, just stuff for Christmas) and even though it was Christmas morning, the town was really quite busy still, and it was the town I grew up in and live near, but the shops were where they were when I was younger, before some of them moved in to newer/bigger premises. The third night was just a really weird dream and I'm not even that sure what was meant to be going on in it!
Spudsmama, seeing Phoebe with her donor must have been so interesting to watch. Did you notice any shared traits beyond looks? Like did they move similarly or talk the same? Also I have everything crossed for your tww. :thumbup:

Caite, those are some weird but awesome dreams. I don't know about the last one but the first two definitely have to do with family and childhood and familiarity. You're going to be a mother. I just know it. :flower:
They did have a few similar traits, being meticulous with lining up toys etc :haha: No idea about talking though as Phoebe is being referred to speech therapy for not talking yet :dohh: .

Those are some very weird dreams Caite! When I was TTC I had a dream I was having a 20 week scan and being told girl, it was right!!
Hopefully it means something!

That's interesting that they both a similar mannerisms, Spudsmama.
Spudsmama: Good luck with the tww hope you get your bfp:hugs:
That must have been special to watch your daughter and your donor together and see the similarities

Caite: Those are some dreams maybe they will have some significance to
things changing soon!

Canadian maple: I'm delighted for you that your beta numbers came back good! Here's to a happy and healthy 9 months for you and bump:hugs:

KN & Melody: hope your both well?

Update from me: This week is my 1st appointment at my 1st choice of clinic I'm so nervous and don't really know what to expect! I've got lots of questions yet I'm not sure what I want to ask! I still can't believe I'm this close to ttc!!!
I hope so, Fairytales. They seemed so real!

Good luck with you appointment. You do realise that I'll be wanting to know everything?

I was speaking to a patient at work the other day who had been through IVF. Unfortunately it wasn't successful for her, but it was a long time ago, and she seemed to be at peace with the outcome. I think, as I see the end result the most, I sometimes forget that it doesn't always work, and when I do remember, I panic about it. But it was nice to see that, even when it doesn't work, things turn out OK.

I was also working on the ward next to the gynae ward the other day and we were sharing a corridor to the wards. Off that corridor is the fertility clinic, and they had big posters up about the embryo development and reducing the incidence of multiples. It was really exciting walking up that corridor.
Fairytails: Good luck with your appointment hun :)- I hope it goes well. Don't hesitate to walk in with a note book of questions you think of between now and then! :) Let us know how you get on xx

Spudsmama: I'm glad it didn't feel weird for you to have him meet phoebe - I have so many questions about donor and child meeting!! More so for when I AM actually pregnant. Just things about what works easier and what not with name calling, explaining to the child, haha - so many little things.

Caite: Those are some interesting dreams! I love dreaming about being a mom, It sounds weird - but I hate waking from those dreams. If I can't (yet) be a mom in real life, it's just as fun in dream life hahaa! Even if it isn't real and always makes me wake up sad that it ISNT real hahaa.

Afm: I've been quite busy lately - working two jobs, I've got terrible hayfever this year - so feel all blocked up and conjested. Finally got some nasal spray yesterday; only to use it - get stoked it works; and find out I can only use it three days in a row. Useless pharmacist failed to inform me of that -.-' I'm also officially in the two week wait. But I have a feeling I missed my egg. :(. I got wicked O symptoms two days after I "did the deed" but it was at too late notice for me to arrange work and donor and everything. So I guess just have to hope haha. I think this is the first month I don't feel the "need" for it too succeed - my new job is going SO well; And I want to make sure I can make it a "stable" job before applying for maternity leave. There are already two pregnant woman there, so I don't think my boss will be too happy to have hired me, only for me to get pregnant straight away too! So if this month isn't successful - I might assign myself to a 2 month break, then I'll have been there for a year when the baby comes - so I can keep the job after bubs too! I dunno 100% yet - just a few options running through my head. I didn't expect to love this job as much as I do!!

Hope you're all well x
Hey KN :) Ask me whatever you like about donor/child meets! I'm still very new to it, they've only met twice (both times on consecutive days when he came to my house to donate). We agreed that he would just be called by his name, not daddy or anything like that. At the end of the day he isn't her dad, he's her biological father... two very different things IMO. No plans for a repeat, unless this cycle is a bust (which I think it is, NO idea when I actually ovulated :dohh:) in which case he'll see her again when he donates next month. He'd never met an AI baby before Phoebe either so was just as clueless as me really. He has three but she's the oldest so it hadn't come up with the others yet I guess :shrug: I can't imagine we'll leave it at that though, regardless of when I conceive baby #2. He's very much a known donor :thumbup: As for explaining to Phoebe... I didn't say anything before he visited because she's still very baby-ish. She just wouldn't absorb anything other than "Say hello to ******!" :haha: As she gets older she'll be informed in more detail.
Hey everyone, last cycle was a bust, shortly followed by a devestating referendum result :sad2: Really struggled to put a positive spin on anything for a while lately, but +ve opk tonight and hopefully I'll get a donation tomorrow... fingers crossed.

Good luck Emma and KN (and anyone else in the tww... Melody??) :dust: BFPs often come in runs (in many if the threads I lurk on anyway) so there's gotta be extra dust floating around thanks to CanadianMaple :happydance:

CanadianMaple So pleased your baby is snuggled in nice and tight, that must have been such a frightening time :hugs: Here's to a happy and healthy pregnancy from here on in :flower:

Caite How's your Mum? Has she had her surgery yet? Love that you are still getting that frission of excitement over ttc makes the wait a wee bit easier :flower:

fairytales87 Good luck with your appointment, can't wait to hear how it went.

Melody_mb I am so livid on your behalf, here's to a big fat positive pregnancy test without giving him a penny of your hard earned monies :growlmad: C'mon soy iso's do your thing :happydance:
Hello ladies :flower: I write this as I anxiously wait for my donor to arrive. Anyone else super nervous like every month? I suffer from quite bad anxiety anyway, so maybe it's just me lol. The first time he came round, I laid out towels and all sorts like a fricken hotel haha.

Anyway as you can guess I think the soy iso's worked! I actually got a +opk yesterday (cd17!), but unfortunately d was looking after his son so couldnt make it, but thankfully the test was still positive today, so fx it isnt too late! [-o< Oh and I went to this cool ttc exhibition the other day called 'The Alternative Parenting Show'. It was amazing!! I got so much information about IVF here and abroad. Including a scheme that refunds 70% of the cost if it fails.

Caite Thanks so much for the advice. I'm glad you're here. I know you've researched this a lot, so be prepared for lots of questions from me lol. Crazy dreams by the way. Lets hope they come true!

Rags Thanks to you too :hugs: You and Caite have given me a lot to look into. I'll definitely check out that forum. Nine Wells sounds amazing. I hope everything's going well with you and lo :hugs:

Spudsmama I've got everything crossed for you. You must be, what, 11dpo about now? What an interesting interaction between your daughter and donor. I love your approach to it all. often wonder what that would be like. I hope you managed to hold off testing :haha:

fairytales87 Hey hun. I'm good. Praying that I catch this egg lol. Great to see you on here :hugs:How did your app go? It's perfectly normal to be nervous and full of questions. They expect that. I hope you got everything answered, and are feeling reassured about your journey. Not long until you join team ttc!

Keebs Heeeeey :hugs: I'm sorry you didnt get your bfp last cycle, but loving your attitude! Yeah i remember on another thread one of the ladies got a bfp, then in the space of two weeks, two other women did too. So lets hope that Canadianmaple's babydust rubs off on us! :dust:
So sorry about the referendum result :sad1: I dont watch/read the news, but I know it effected and upset a lot of people.

Aww thanks hun. I know, he's a prick. I hope to march into that clinic and rub my big fat pregnant belly in his face. Omg I just realised.... we're inseminating on the same day!!! :happydance: lol SI buddies! :haha:
Good luck to you ladies who are inseminating today!! :)

Melody - my bathroom is never tidier than when I'm expecting a donor :rofl:

No idea what DPO I am :dohh: I stopped testing last Friday after getting three highs on my digi OPKs. After that I was on holiday and didn't take them with me... felt some tentative ovary twinges on the Sunday though so if that was the egg I'm only 7dpo... my last insem was 4 days prior to that :(
4 days should be fine Emma, there's tentative evidence to suggest sperm can live for up to 7 days now (haven't seen the actual evidence, just heard tell so who knows) but you are still within the 5 days of old :thumbup: So exciting.

Melody I get anxious too, still waiting to hear from my donor as to what time, can't shut him up at other times and now I need specifics he goes quiet :growlmad: Better not cancel as I've just forked out £80 for a hotel room so he can donate without being arrested for indecency :haha: SI buddies :rofl: good luck :dust:

btw the image of you rubbing your pregnant belly in consultants face made me laugh out loud... here's hoping it's twins!
SpudsMama - Thanks hun :hugs: Hahaha I know right! I was up this morning cleaning (especially the bathroom), before he arrived.

Yeah like Keebs said, sperm can last up to 7 days, so I wouldnt worry. I've had doctors/nurses tell me this, and it's even written on the nhs website.

Keebs - Oh I hope he gets in touch! My back up donor is a bit like that. We exchange constant emails about everything from ttc to music and art, then when I need him, he goes awol, or doesn't check his emails for days :growlmad:

But I really hope your donor comes through for you. I wanna be si buddies. :wohoo: Yeah hopefully it will be twins then i can knock him out with my belly.

Good luck x

<3 <3 :dust: <3 <3
Keebs- mum's surgery's next month. She passed her assessment with the anaesthetist this week, so just waiting to make sure there is a bed now when she goes in. I've got a few friends up in Scotland who were wanting independence, and they were rather disappointed by the referendum results.

Spudsmama - it sounds like you have it all figured out between Phoebe and the donor. FX for this month.

KN - I had another really vivid dream last night, not about pregnancy, but it's quite exciting having all these dreams. I never normally remember my dreams. It seems really weird you talking about New Zealand. Autumn officially started last week here, so it's really odd hearing you talking about hayfever. Maternity legislation or whatnot also seems really different over there than over here.

Melody - you'll have to give us information from the exhibition. It sounds really informative.

Good luck to those of you inseminating today.
To all of you who inseminated yesterday or in last few days

Caite: Glad your mums pre assessment went well fingers crossed for a bed space and a straight forward surgery and recovery!!

My appointment was rather strange & I felt really uncomfortable at the clinic I have a few unanswered questions as I felt they were stupid so I didn't bother asking them! I don't know where I go from here at the moment I've just been trying not to think about it and I'm just plodding along working away etc trying to ignore the crazy broody lady inside :haha:
Fairytail, sorry your appointment wasn't great. Are there any questions you could post here that we might be able to help with? Really truly there is no such thing as a silly question.

Keebs, I share your disappointment about the referendum, I console myself with the fact that my area was one of the 4 YES areas (and my town came in at over 60%). Don't mean that to seem anti the rest of Britain, sorry if it did, I love being part of the big world community, that is one of the fab things about this site and this thread.

I'm reading in on everyone and sending lots of baby dust all your ways. Meanwhile Ds and I have been away for the September weekend and he's been having donkey rides and trips to the fair ground and generally getting very wet at every given opportunity. Xx
Hey there, hoping there's room for one more on this thread.

I'm 3dpo and in a not very hopeful 2ww (ovulated late so insemination was 5 days before that). Not expecting a lot this month, but maybe we're both due a surprise this month, SpudsMama.
Just popping in to say that AF got me yesterday... a week early :( No idea why, it's never happened before. Hopefully just a fluke but I'll be trying as normal this cycle :)
Spudsmama: I'm sorry af got you and by coming early too:growlmad:
Fingers crossed for this cycle!!

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