Any solo mum's out there?

Invevo veritas: welcome to the thread everyone's lovely here can't wait to share your journey :flower:
Thanks, fairytales! I can already tell that this is a great, supportive thread.

SpudsMama, sorry to hear the witch got you. It's doubly irritating when she comes early -- or late.
When are you testing? Fingers crossed!

Aw hun, I'm sorry you felt uncomfortable at the clinic :hugs: Can we help with any of your questions, or can you email them to the clinic? I'm sure you're not the first person to have questions after the fact.

It must be awful stuck in limbo, hope you get answers soon :flower:

I'm not anti UK either, but I am very anti Westminster who scare the pants off me. My heart lies with Green but I confess I am one of the many who have since joined the SNP... maybe we will get to a point where we really are better together :flower:

Ooooooh, donkey rides and fairgrounds...I totally want to come on holiday with you guys.

Hello stranger :wave: I remember you from 1st time round, so excited to see you here. Everything crossed for you :flower:

:hugs: So sorry, maybe it protends good things for this month though (concieved Cara after a wierdly short cycle, with almost no menstrual flow) Here's to this month :flow:

As for me, well I finally got a donation Sunday, ovulated Monday so currently 2 dpo :happydance: Love this stage, either I have a fertilised egg bumbling around inside or I don't. Reminds just how miraculous the beginning of life is, all that amazing potential and possibility. Eeeeeeeee, very excited that I could be part of that again, I loved being pregnant before :wohoo:
Thanks Keebs!

Our last two were born just a day apart if I remember right. I'm 4dpo today; it would be amazing if we could do it again. :)
fairytales87 No question is too stupid. I think a lot of women (myself included) have incredibly uncomfortable first fertility appointments. The nurses and consultants so often fail to be sensitive to our needs. I agree with Keebs, just ask us, and if we can help, we definitely will. Or if your clinic left you with a nurse helpline number, you could always give them a call to get things clarified. They are there to help you! You deserve all the assistance they can offer, until you get that bfp! :hugs:

Rags Aww, sounds like you and ds had a wonderful weekend away :)

InVivoVeritas Heeey I remember you briefly from before. Aww it's great to have you back. Fx for this month :happydance:

SpudsMama Sorry af got you :sad1: That's strange it came so early though. Is it at all possible you could have o'd earlier than you thought? Or maybe it's just one of those things. Either way at least you wont have to wait ages before you try again. <3 <3

Keebs Awww it is lovely isn't it? The thought that there could be something so precious growing inside you as we speak. I'm sooo happy you managed to get your donation!!! :happydance: I got mine on Sunday too. Babydust for us both!!! :dust:

AFM I'm not feeling too hopeful about this month :nope: I'm a bit worried because I think I o'd on Sunday, which is the day i inseminated... so I'm just worried i missed it. I mean, in a perfect world I would have o'd Sunday evening, after getting my donation Sunday morning, but i just cant be sure. My opks were positive for 3 days, and really dark on the 4th day, which was odd (I've heard multiple positive opks could mean multiple ovulation :D I wish!). But then i got my temp rise Monday morning. So im thinking im 3dpo. Ahhh we shall see.
Hi there, melodyy, I remember you from my brief try at the start of this year.

We had a big family holiday in Florida in the summer, and I didn't want to be either in early (sleeping, throwing up) or late (size of a whale, not able to move) pregnancy, so I squeezed in two tries in the early part of the year. No joy, though, so this is attempt 3.

LittleMan was the result of my fourth attempt, so I'm hoping that if this cycle's a bust then next month will be the one.

LittleMan was the result of an insemination around lunchtime of the day I O, so don't count yourself out yet. It's more than possible that you hit that egg just as she hatched. Fingers crossed!!
Ladies wth is going on I've had all my usual signs of O the last few days CD 6&7 so far no posative opk which is obviously a good thing as that would be early why is my body messing about now when I'm so close to ttc!
Hello ladies and gentleman,

Long time no talk but I still haven't officially started "Operation Baby" yet. I had surgery last Friday to remove the cyst and luckily my surgeon was able to save most of my right ovary. At this point, I have no idea as to when I can start trying to TTC but I'm still optimistic that I can still get pregnant.

Babydust to you all! :dust:
Somedayisnow: I'm so pleased for you that's your surgery all by with & by the sounds of it as successful op that's good they managed to save the ovary! I hope your recovery is going well and your taking it easy!! Hopefully you can join team ttc soon:flower:
InVivoVeritas Aww ok. I was wondering where you got too. I hope this cycle is the one for you. I think we might have posted at the same time, so ive just read your other post lol. I wouldn't count yourself out until af is definitely here. It's still early days. Fx for you! And thanks so much. That definitely reassures me. If you inseminated on the same day (afternoon) of o, and got your little baba, then there's hope for me yet lol.

fairytales87 I sometimes think our bodies are designed to f*ck with us on a monthly basis lol. I often get o symptoms with no o, or o with no syumptoms. So I wouldn worry too much. Maybe it just means your body is gearing up to o slighlty earler than usual. Keep testing, and let us know :hugs:

somedayisnow Heeeey you're back :happydance: I'm so glad your operation went well. Great news about the right ovary. I think like with any major operation, you'll need to let your body recover for a bit. But yeah, definitely ask the clinic/surgeon when it will be safe for you to start ttc! :hugs:

*Nothing much to update with me. I'm 5dpo and just trying to relaaaax. I went a bit crazy symptom spotting as i had some twinges/cramps yesterday and could not stop peeing, but I'm putting all of that nonsense out of my head... for now :D
Fairytales, that's exactly what my body does! I have a textbook 27-day cycle with O on day 14, but any time it's a trying month I ovulate early or late, or my LP goes nuts. It's like I'm fighting my own body to have a baby.

Someday, I'm so glad the surgery went well and your surgeon was able to save most of the ovary. Concentrating on healing for now will pay off in an easier TTC journey soon.

Me, I'm 6dpo and really not feeling it this month. All my usual post-O symptoms but nothing exciting or suggesting that it's my month.

Hope everybody else is doing better!
In vivo: It does feeling like fighting with your body to do what most ppl I know seem to manage no problem:growlmad:
I really hope this is your month!!

Melody: I'm starting to think I was built during a hangover or when the mould maker was drunk my body's that crazy:winkwink:

Well afm: Major O signs yesterday but no posative opk and today's CD 11!!
I used a new brand this month so either I've missed it because of these horrible rubbish tests or it's a cycle where my body's just fooling me and I'm not going to O at all again and last month was just a fluke!! I switched brand again this morning to see what happens
Lol that's a funny way of thinking about it. I often feel like my body is broken. But they aren't. Our bodies are unique to us. Some of us just have more quirky ones :friends: cd11... that's only a few days away from cd14 which is the usual o day for women with normal cycles. Even if you have longer ones, maybe you're just coming into your fertile period. What are your o signs? I don't get ewcm, but I do get o pain and i get moody lol. But I do think certain brands work differently for some women. I find the cheap dip tests hard to read, and surprisingly the clear blue digis give me false positives. The only brand that works for me are the cheap internet midstream tests. I looooove them lol. Do you find some brands work differently for you?

Speaking of opks, im 6dpo and randomly got the urge to poas. I did an ovulation test and it was basically positive. Am I ovulating again? :wacko: Did I miss my chance?
Melody: I usually O day 10-12 if I do who knows what's going on!
I've only tried asda own brand which work attempted boots own this time but I don't like them and clear blue digis are hit & miss! I've never tried internet cheapies wouldn't even know where to get them!!

My O signs are pain & major moodiness no EWCM here either!!
How random you got another positive opk how far away is af due?
Oh so maybe you'll o late this month. If you for some odd reason dont, try not to worry. Most women experience an anovulatory cycles once or twice in their lives. Lol we seem to get the exact same o symptoms hahah. I've never got ewcm, well once i think, but that was like a tear ago. I dont bother checking cm anymore.

Oh and I get my cheapies from ebay. These ones
I'm used to anovulatory cycles so I'm not too worried just disappointed since I've not had 1 for a few months :thumbup: I've never had EWCM either and I don't look for it pain my trigger to test lol
Thanks I will check eBay didn't even think of looking for them there!
Just popping in with an update. I had my 8w4d ultrasound today and it's a blighted ovum. There is a sac and a yolk sac but no baby. I am stopping the meds are expected to miscarry sometime this week or next. I see my doctor in a week's time.

I hate to say it but I am kind of relieved. Since the bleed I had at 4 or 5 weeks, I have been feeling like something was wrong. I haven't been excited about this pregnancy and was feeling intense fear to be doing this on my own this time. I think my instincts told me that something wasn't right and I wasn't really shocked when they told me today.

I feel bad that I feel relieved, but I guess this is confirmation that I need to move on from this TTC business. I wanted to win the IF battle, especially after spending 20k. But the two best embryos must have been incompatible genetically, and I don't feel like I could give the others a chance knowing that.

It's weird. I feel relieved. I was scared that something was wrong and I would be on my own with a baby with disabilities.

I'm terrified of miscarrying. Everyone is telling me horror stories about hemorrhages and how it's like a short version of labour. I just want this behind me.

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