Any solo mum's out there?

Thanks hun :hugs: Whilst trying to act cool and not go crazy with symptom spotting and high expectations this month, I ended up going crazy with symptom spotting and high expectations lol. Balls :(

Sorry af got you. Im due on monday so its just a matter of time. At least i can try the soft cup method like you guys now though, yaaay.

Here's to the next cycle. Lets get some BFPs ladies, I know we can do it!
Keebs - boo to AF :(

Melody - I know your temps are falling but I'm not counting you out until the witch shows her face!! :)

AFM - Got a high (flashing smiley) on a digi OPK today, both this morning and another in the late afternoon, so donor man popped by after work. He isn't available over the weekend so it's making sure Saturday and Sunday are covered really, just in case! Fingers crossed this cycle is an improvement on the last one :wacko:
Fingers crossed Emma :flower:

Melody, hope the witch stays away tomorrow :flower: I'm not too bad at symptom spotting, possibly becuase I had zero to spot with Cara. I do want to pee on sticks more than I should though. Got a BFP at work on Wednesday.... then full flow AF when I got home. Can't stop thinking about it and wish I'd never tested. This time, if I get a donation (donor man has gone all silent again) I intend to wait until AF is due/late before I pee on anything.

Can I ask if anyone else would get a donation if it meant your due date would be a few days away from your current childs birthday? I feel quite guilty about it, but just don't feel I have the time to put off a potentially successful attempt (what if an October ovulation is the only time my body produces a good egg etc).

Hope all is well with those of you we haven't heard from in a while.
Keebs, I actually have that dilemma next month if I don't get my BFP this cycle. I'd have two August babies. I'm tempted to skip November but knowing me I'll see some EWCM and be straight on the phone to donor man! :rofl:

I'm sorry to hear what happened, I had that a few months ago :( It really knocked my confidence in TTC :nope: Big hugs!! :hugs:
Hey guys! I'm back - have been hiding out the past week or two! Everything here is much the same though - no new news, still not pregnant, still don't know what road to go down next; but things aren't too bad really :)

Am so sad for you reading that your little bean didn't stick canadianmaple - Even though you had a gut feeling; it must still be ever so heartbreaking to go through; my heart goes out to you :hugs:

Keebs: I'd say go for it if you want too - I see kiddies birthdays around the same time all the time, and as long as you definitely keep them individual - then I think you'll be fine x
KN :hugs: sorry hun, can't imagine how you must feel. Hope you find some clarity soon.

Melody I see the :witch: arrived :( Love your outlook though... here's to preeseed and softcups bringing us all BFP's.

That said I'm switching to concieve plus this time, plan on putting some in a softcup and insterting whilst donor is off doing his thing. Then use same softcup for donation. No idea why I feel the need to change, just do for some reason :shrug:

Invivo Any news?
:hi: KN!

Following your instincts is the way to go IMO Keebs :thumbup:

AFM - I think I ovulated yesterday (had donations on Friday and yesterday so O-3 and O itself... the exact same as when I conceived my daughter!). I'd had lots of ovarian cramping for a week leading up to my temp rise, on both sides. That's never happened before! I usually only get a couple of pinches on one side on the day of ovulation :shrug:
Sounds very encouraging Emma, everything crossed for you :dust: this thread is due a flurry of good luck.

I never used to feel anything pre Cara, this time I'm feeling every stretch and twinge pre and post ovulation :wacko: So much so I'm starting to worry about cysts and fibroids etc. :roll:
Becky - I'm so, so sorry :hugs:

Sorry for all the AFs and BFNs girls. FX for better luck for you all this month.

Nothing WTT/TTC related happening with me. But, there are a couple of possibilities of permanent shifts coming up (in areas I frequently bank in) in the not too distant future – all lovely 9-5 type hours, too – which should make maternity leave a whole lot better. I feel guilty about it, but it would be perfect if I could get pregnant (as it would be easier still being bank with planning to go to Denmark for IVF), and then get offered a permanent post, as I would get the full NHS maternity leave (I think).

And mum’s had her surgery, too. She’s home and doing really well.
Hey ladies :kiss:

Been trying ot keep myself busy. As you can see from my chart, af got me :( This one smarted a bit. I was trying not to ss but towards the end (after that huge temp spike) I started to slightly get my hopes up, but it wasn't meant to be. Onto the next cycle. I've got a really good feeling about this one. I have no idea why. I just feel excited. Maybe not even for me, but I feel a BFP coming for this group real soon :happydance:

I was cramping a lot last cycle, and had really sore boobs. Two things I hardly ever get. So this time I wont be getting fooled by these pesky pms symptoms masquerading as pg symptoms lol. Hopefully I'll be able to calmly and patiently wait until AF is due before testing.... yeah right!

So today I am cd5, and using soy again as it worked so beautifully last time. Got my preeseed, got my cups. Let's do this!

SpudsMama Glad you got your donations, and with good timing too. I'm crossing every body part for you this month lol. If you felt o pain on both sides, you could have released two eggs. Twins? hehehe

Keebs Oh hun, I'm so sorry about that bfp. That would have devestated me. Thy always say it's best to wait until af but it's just so damn hard. I was peeing on everything last week. Anyway I think you're right, this thread is definitely due some bfps! Let's attack this cycle like ninjas! :ninja:

I would still try even if there was a possibility of my baby's birthday being close to my other child. I just wouldn't want to miss that opportunity. But saying that, I imagine it would be crazy expensive to have two kids with similar/same birth dates, so it would be perfectly understandable if you skipped a cycle. It's funny you mentioned switching to conceive plus, because that's what i've been using, but this month im switching to preeseed :haha:

KN Great to see you back :hugs: Been reading your blog, it must be so difficult what with all these decisions you're having to make, but whatever you decide will be the right decision for you and your baby to be. Always thinking of you. We will get pregnant!

Caite Heeeey hun. That's good news about the jobs I hope you get one! Aww and I'm happy to hear that your mum's surgery went well and that she's back home recovering :hugs:
Sorry AF got you, Melody. Hopefully it's a good sign you feel positive this cycle
:ninja: it is!

Sticky beans, all round please.

Caite, great news on the job hunt :flower: and so pleased your Mum is doing well. I can totally see why Melody gets good vibes just now. Will this bring your ttc date forward if all goes to plan?

As for me, it seems ttc is turning me into a mad lady :wacko: for, despite getting af, temps dropping below coverline, cervix low and firm... I still feel pregnant. So much so I peed on a stick (negative naturally) a few days ago :dohh: I need to get myself up the duff asap or they'll be carting me off a gibering wreck :haha:

If donor comes through I'll definitely give it a shot this month. Two birthdays doesn't bother me financially as I have a virtual savings pot I pay into each month so I can spread my costs evenly. It's more the outside possibility of them sharing a birthday that brings twinges of guilt.
Hello ladies! :flower::flower:

Hoping everyone is doing well.

AFM - Last donor I spoke with bailed on me like the previous one which is why I went MIA yet again. And days before scheduled donation was supposed to happen.:growlmad:
Good news though!!! I met a new donor and had my first attempt yesterday. Thought I'd never get to this point. Only drawback is that this donor is only available until January when he moves across the country. :dohh:
It's only 1DPO and I'm wishing it was testing time. :haha::blush:
Keebs Aww hun it's no wonder. Especially after the bfp you got, only for afto arrive later that day. Stuff like that can really mess you up. But i know what it's like to just "feel" pregnant even though everything else tells you you're not. When I had one of my 60 day cycles, i was adamant i was pg.. Even after loads of tests and home and 3 blood tests, i still didn't believe it lol.

Lets get a baby in you before they cart you off :haha:

Child2Hold Glad to see you back! :hugs: Sorry your last donor messed you about. Grrrr it really gets to me how someone could let you down about something that important at the last minute :growlmad: Anyway congrats on the new donor and gl with your tww. Lots of babydust for you this month :dust:

Come on BFPs. TTC ninja:ninja: woaaaaaaah! lol
Weirdly enough Melody, I have felt VERY confident this cycle. No idea why and I bet I'll still get AF regardless :haha:

C2H - donor struggles suck but I'm glad you found a good guy in the end :)
Nooo SpudsMama this is a very very lucky month.... for someone hahah. I know what you mean though. I feel positive but also basically sure af will get me.

afm Not mucy to report. Cd9. Started opks yesterday. I missed a dose of soy :cry: so I hope that doesn't mess things up. I'll most probably be inseminating at work, so I'm lookimng forward to just using a softcup. My preeseed came today :happydance: But I've lost my themometre so.... had to order another one lol.

How's everyone else doing? :kiss:
Hey there everyone, I've been hibernating in a sulk because of last cycle's BFN -- each one seems to hit me harder this time.

Melody and Keebs, sorry to hear the witch got both of you too. But onwards and upwards, right? Either of you made your insemination arrangements yet? Mine will be Saturday next, CD16, just hoping that the timing is better this month.

Spuds, I have everything crossed for you. Have you decided when you're going to test?

C2H, let's hope you get that BFP before January then!! You're almost half way through the dreaded 2WW, it's about time for you to drive yourself nuts with symptom spotting. Anything stirring for you yet?

Caite, sounds like everything is falling into place for you. I'm really glad your mum's on the mend too.

Keebs I'm in exactly the same situation as you this cycle -- if I'm successful my due date will be just three days after LittleMan's birthday. I'm looking at it as a good omen. This is my month darnit!!

Right, sleeves rolled up, softcup in one hand and preseed in the other, let's do this!!!
Hey there everyone, I've been hibernating in a sulk because of last cycle's BFN -- each one seems to hit me harder this time.

C2H, let's hope you get that BFP before January then!! You're almost half way through the dreaded 2WW, it's about time for you to drive yourself nuts with symptom spotting. Anything stirring for you yet?

Right, sleeves rolled up, softcup in one hand and preseed in the other, let's do this!!!

Dammit this is everyone's month!! *grabs :dust: fairy and forcibly shakes her*

I'm symptom spotting galore. I didn't think I'd be this crazy though. Still getting twinges on my left side. Little bursts of nausea started today. I feel out though. I'm gonna say I'm out just so I don't get disappointed. Every symptom is imagined. :haha: Yea, right. I wanna :test:!!

If I'm lucky and this cycle is successful I'll be due a week after my brother's birthday.
I'm sending you all my good thoughts, keep us posted. I have a very good feeling for you.

Exciting times!!
So the plan is to physically assault a tiny fairy for baby dust? ... I'm in!! :rofl:

10dpo today and no symptom spotting so far! I intend to test at 14dpo, just so I know if I have to stop/carry on with progesterone cream. At least my LP seems to have gone back to normal after my 8dpo AF last cycle!

Good luck to everyone!! :)

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