Any solo mum's out there?

InVivoVeritas I love your energy! Lets get to work! hehe. I know what you mean, sometimes the BFNs just stick in your mind and you just feel so down. But each cycle gives us a brand new chance to get that BFP! :happydance: I havent organised my insemination yet cause my cycles aren't regular, but if I go by my last cycle, I should be inseminating next week. Good luck with next Saturday!

Child2Hold I laughed so hard at your post. :rofl: Give us our dust you little madam! lol. Got everything crossed for you. Like Vivo said, you're half way there! Hopefully the due date being just after your brother's birthday is a good sign :happydance:

SpudsMama Well done on not ss! I dont know if i'd have that will power. It always ends up sneaking in somehow. Lots and lots of baby dust for you :dust: Keep us posted! How does the progesterone cream help? I've read about women using it but I'm not sure what it's for lol.

AFM Cd12 and feeling like ovulation is getting closer. I'm beginning to feel the slightest of twinges and my opk was a bit dark today. Although that could be because I only checked it after leaving it laying around for 20 minutes lol. Gonna do another one this afternoon. I meant to ask you ladies, does anyone know at how many months it's still safe to fly? It's just I'm going on a huge family holiday to Dominica next July and I'm worried I'll be too far gone... if i get lucky this month. Oh and to the softcup users, do you insert it laying down or sitting/squatting?
I sit on the loo when inserting the softcup :blush: :rofl:

I use the progesterone cream because when I had my bloods checked when TTC the first time round my prog levels came back low. Your body is supposed to produce lots of progesterone to support the first weeks of pregnancy before the uterus takes over. I wouldn't use it for the sake of it though, only if you have a deficiency :thumbup:
Child2Hold :hi: ttc seems to bring out the crazy in me too, frankly the sooner we move on to the parnanoia and incessant knicker checking of 1st tri the better :haha: :wacko: Everything crossed for you... as an aside, I did my 1st ever insemination Oct 16th 2011 and got preggers with my dd. This has to be a good omen no :flower:

Melody I have one leg up on the loo when inserting the softcup...if I try putting it in sat on the loo or squating I get spillages. Never tried it laying down. Worth having a trial run to see what works for you (and how much liquid the cup will hold before seepage occurs regardless :sick: ... about 2.5 - 3 ml for me)

Not 100% sure but I think you can fly any time up til 3rd tri (About 28 weeks) then each airline has it's own rules but possibly 36 weeks (might need a Drs line to say medically fit) for singleton pregnancies, earlier for multiples??? Dunno for sure. Ovulation next week would give you a due date bang smack in mid/late July, although those babies come when they please so that means very little.

Really hoping you are faced with this dilema and have to fly out a month early to get to the party :happydance: Another good omen surely, for it's well known babies love to cause maximum upheaval in our lives :winkwink:

Invivo Missed you :hugs: those bfn's are soul destroying... at least you coped better than I with my outright denial :wacko: lets avoid the problem and just not have anymore in future, bfps all round please dust fairy :thumbup: Everything crossed for you :flower:

Emma Not long now until you can :test: feeling really optimistic for you this month. Can't wait!

May I ask which progesterone cream you use? I swithered over getting some (after last months ridiculously short lp) but so many are wild yam based which is said to cause infertility :eek: Not obvious what they contain when looking online.

I'm trying maca this time (in addition to vitex, vit D, prenatals and coQ10... I'm popping more pills than my patients these days) it certainly seems to have evened out my temps, less mountain peek, more gentle wave :thumbup: but looks to have delayed ovulation. Rather annoying as I inseminated yesterday and still waiting for positive opk :growlmad: temp is low and cervix doing it's thing so hopefully not too far off.

Couldn't get a hotel so did the deed in a restaraunt, poor donor had to perform in the back of his van. I do worry a little about him getting arrested for indecency but honestly it was so much more relaxed getting it out of the way before hand then just chatting over coffee. Also much cheeper :thumbup: my baby fund has depleted to a mere £700 because hotels in that neck of the wood are extortionate.

I hated having to return when dd was only 6 months and was hoping to have enough of a fund to allow 9 months of mat leave this time. Not going to happen if hotels keep eating up my cash.

Felt super optimistic yesterday... wanted to test and everything :rofl: Haven't even ovulated yet and today I feel out already :shrug:
Keebs - Natpro :thumbup: *runs to check ingredient list*

Fingers crossed you get your +OPK very very soon!! :)
I'll hold the fairy hostage for all of us if need be. :haha:

Keebs Fx its a good omen. :happydance: My donor did his thing in the hotel restaurant bathroom.
Spud, when is 14dpo? Sunday? Getting pretty excited for you now!! This thread is about due a BFP.

Melody, I'm so glad it looks like you won't have to wait too long for O this month. I insert my softcup on the toilet too. The first time I practiced with water before I tried so I didn't spill any, which turned out to be a good idea because I made a huge mess. I don't know how big a sample I thought the poor man would be giving!!

As for flying, each airline has its own rules but the standard is about 36 weeks. And Keebs is right, babies love to cause havoc so the timing is probably a very good sign. Keep us posted on that OPK. I use digital ones because I'm very bad at figuring out what's a positive and what isn't. Easier to let the machine do the work, but the downside is that I don't get to see whether it's getting darker or not.

Keebs, I like the way you think. Let's just skip the paranoia and insanity and move straight on to the insecurity and hormonal roller-coaster of the first tri. :thumbup:

You're not out yet -- any sign of that positive OPK? That happened to me last month, arranged insemination based on my usual cycle dates and ended up being very delayed. Sperm really do live up to five days, or so my friend Google assured me when I spent the entire 2WW researching, and even with that long a delay your odds are lower but still decent. It just means the darn 2WW turns into a nearly 3WW.

Because of one thing and another this is the first month we're not going with a hotel -- insemination is due to take place at ComicCon. This amuses me, and I think the donor's looking forward to the thrill of doing his thing there.

C2H, any symptoms yet?
InVivo Symptoms galore. :haha: Nausea has set in. Weird pinching where I've never experienced it before. Needing naps. Don't want to eat since I'm so afraid of being sick.
I love you lot I swear hahaha :friends:

SpudsMama Thanks for the info. I'll try a dry run before hand. Oh and that's good to know about the progesterone cream. My P levels were low but i think that was just confirming I never used to o.

Child2Hold Oooo all those symptoms sound promising, I reeeeeeally hope this is your month. Keep us posted :hugs:

Keebs Hehe yeah i'll definitely give it a try with a leg up, and sitting down before. I think you're right about the flying thing. That seems to be the general view anyway. I really hope the possible problems is a good omen! I'd happily give up the holiday if I actually conceived this month!

Hahaha oh gosh, and there's me feeling bad about getting donor to dtd at my workplace! Aww the're really are some great ones out there. I think you did the right thin,g just getting it out of the way first. Oh I hope you dont eat too much into your baby fund but i guess as long as we get a lil baba at the end, everything else will eventually fall into place. Heard good things about macca by the way! Hope it's not too long before you o. I've heard sperm lasts 5-7 days too so try not to worry too much.

Hahahaha ttc sure can drive us crazy. I know what you mean. I feel like testing too and I havent even inseminated :rofl: :hugs:

chels_eastern Sorry I cant help. Good luck though.

InVivoVeritas Seems like on the toilet is the way to go! :thumbup: Thanks for your input about the flying too. I think that sounds about right. I'm hoping it's a good sign! It's funny, I cant actually use digital tests. Because of my pcos, the digis are too sensitive and often give me false positives or prolonged "high fertility". The midstream cheapies work the best for me.

Omg! How amazing would it be to tell your child that they were conceived at comicon! Coolest mum ever in my eyes :D

AFM Well I was really uncomfortable last night with twinges, and this morning. I didn't think much of it but to my surprise I got a beautiful positive OPK! Guess it was o pain. Emphasis on the pain this month ouch. And guess what... it's only cd13!!! :happydance: Can you believe it? Looks like I'll have my 1st ever 28 day cycle!

Anyway I called donor straight away but sadly he couldnt make it this morning as he has his son :cry: He can definitely make it tomorrow though. So I'm on tender hooks here praying that I dont o early. Usually i o 2 days after my first + opk, so fx! :wacko:
That's fantastic news, Melody! Sounds like your insemination will be right on time. Lucky you getting to move on to the 2ww already.

C2H, sounds very promising. Have you decided yet when you plan to test?

I'm still getting negative OPKs, so all's looking good for my insemination tomorrow. That will be CD16 and last cycle I ovulated on CD18, so fingers crossed my timing's right this time.
InVivo Call me chicken but I don't wanna test. Yet at the same time I do. Testing Sunday and if :bfn: waiting until AF arrives on 10/30. If no AF will test on Halloween.

At least that's my plan. Best laid plans and all...
InVivoVeritas I hope the timing's right. Got another +opk today so I'm thinking I'll o tomorrow. Saw my donor this morning at like 8:30am. He looked so tired bless him :haha:

Sounds like you've planned your insemination well. Fx that you o on cd18 like last time. <3
I think I may have got my :bfp: today girls! Not entirely sure though because it's only 12dpo and I didn't use FMU... therefore a bit of a squinter :dohh: Hopefully another FRER tomorrow morning will give me the definitive answer:)
OMG!!!!!!! Seee told you this month was special!!! :happydance::happydance::happydance: So happy for you. Yeah keep testing! I hope it gets darker, and when it does show us shooooow us lol!
Spud, that's fantastic news!! I'm so happy for you, and wishing you a long, boring, happy nine months.

Keep us posted tomorrow morning. I'll be holding my breath for you.

Melody, sounds like you and I are on exactly the same schedule. I inseminated today and I also got the smiley that tells me I'm due to ovulate tomorrow too.

It will be great to have somebody to suffer through the 2ww with. Although with Spud's example I'm feeling more positive this month than I have in a while.

Keebs, any sign of your positive yet?

C2H, waiting for word from you tomorrow too. Fingers crossed for you.
Woohoo Spuds!!!! Fx for progression.

I don't have any tests!! I hope I can buy some tomorrow. I so wanna test.

ETA: Heartburn and nausea are killing me.
Eeeeeeeeeee :wohoo: fabulous news Emma, couldn't be happier for you. Congratulations!!! :happydance:

Please post your tests if you can... I lurve a bit of line voyeurism.

Child2Hold, everything crossed for tomorrow :hugs:

Invivo and Melody, sounds like you guys have perfect timing this month, this is going to be an exciting 2ww :flower:

I finally got a positive yesterday so should o today, not feeling it though so wonder if it may be tomorrow.
Fabulous spud, so pleased for you. I look forward to hearing about your darkening bfp over the next few days. I got my bfp at 12 dpo and refused to get excited until day 17 which was my official test day - I did however stop my car on the way to work after id done thd test and tell a complete stranger that I was pregnant, I just wanted to say the words out load.
For a second I forgot that SpudsMama got her BFP! :wohoo: And now I'm getting excited all over again lol. Cant wait to see your test when it gets darker. :hugs:

InVivoVeritas Omg we are! :friends: Although I think i may have ovulated last night. It's hard to tell because I had a drink last night and my temps are always high the morning after. :wacko: Anyway here's to a quick and stress free 2ww... hopefully lol. We'll keep each other sane. We've got lots of babydust floating around this thread. Fx for us both!

Keebs Thanks. We need some more bfps in this group! I hope you o. Would you be able to get another donation?

Rags That's so adorable. I cant imagine how shocked you must have felt. Even though you were actively ttc, I bet actually getting a bfp takes a while to sink in. So cute stopping your car an telling a stranger :hugs:
I got another faint faint line on a FRER at 2am this morning :haha: My phone and iPad still won't pick it up very clearly. Diluted pee though as I obviously didn't hold it all night like I would have if I'd slept right through and I'd had a lot of juice before going to bed :dohh: Clearblue digital was negative but I'm hoping that's just because of weak urine and not faulty FRERs!! I'm very scared of a chemical because I had one in May and it really knocked my confidence. It's made me much more sceptical about testing early which is why I'd been trying to avoid it.

I hope you did indeed ovulate yesterday Melody!

How cute Rags! I had a funny moment with the pharmacist yesterday because she sold me two lots of tests at separate times. First I bought the FRERs, then I got the positive so practically ran back for some digis :rofl: She asked me if I required a congratulations :haha:

I hope you've ovulated and are in the two week wait now Keebs!! :)

C2H - fingers crossed we can be bump buddies! :)

Vivo - good luck this cycle!! :)

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