Any solo mum's out there?

Melody: So glad you're back hun <3 - And of course praying and hoping for some sticky bean(s) for you! Fingers crossed for a good egg collection! Just out of interest - what is the "normal" amount of follicles to form? Or is it all dependent on people??

Darkriver: Aw nice; congrats! All the best :hugs:

Keebs: Thanks for the well wishes! Am hoping it goes well - not long now; getting so nervous :O Not long till your wee one is out!!

Fairytales: woohoooo - december isnt far away! Praying for your xmas wish xx

Afm; As mentioned before getting super nervous! Not long now!! Am a bit stuck on one thing though - My nurse has booked a blood test for me on the 28th and drug collection on the 2nd november to see when im going to get my period; so they know if one is coming naturally or if i need to take progesterone to bring it on in time for the drugs. BUT I actually "appeared" to ovulate this month - well i got all the symptoms anyway. Which should mean my period is due on the 28th. I don't want my period to come; and me not have the drugs on hand to begin and have to wait a whole nother month for it.
So I'm thinking if i ring her on the 25th or 26th and ask if i can book the collection earlier, and maybe start the drugs late october rather than early november. Or if i should just ring her on the 28th and say whether i got my period or not - and just wait for the next period to come around. But I just dunno how it all works! Typical my period is now due on the one day that i need it to NOT be due!!
Keebs Hello my angel! :hugs: Wow 32 weeks! Man how time flies. You're so lucky to be having another easy pregnancy. I really hope the birth is just as quick and easy. I'm so excited for you :happydance:. It has been a long journey, which I am so grateful to have been able to follow. My own journey has been emotional, and it continues to be, but you always put a smile on my fac,e and fil me with such hope. So thank you! :kiss:

K.N It feels good to be back. I missed ya :hugs: Thanks so much hun! From what I remember, the average amount of eggs is 7/8, however that tends to be a lot more with us pcos ladies. They collected 15 eggs from me last time :o

Eeeeek I'm getting anxious for you. Puts me back to that first time excitement. I have absolutely everything crossed for you hun. I would call your clinic before the 28th to let them know that you think your period is going to start on that date. I got my meds for this cycle ages before my period started. Like you, I didn't want to get caught out. Why wait another month! :happydance:

AFM I'm on day 9 of my injections and still feeling really really fat lol. My follicles are growing nicely. Most of them are 13/14 mm, and im trying to get to 18. My nurse thinks i'll be going in for collection next Wednesday. I'm beginning to get excited, but it's still overshadowed by nerves and worry.
Totally new to this thread (I think). But solo mom by choice of two. One via IVF, using donor sperm, and one through adoption. Currently 13 weeks pregnant with twins from a FET.

KN I would absolutely call up and discuss dates. I had ordered my meds for my fresh IVF cycle a month before retrieval. With my FET this time I was sure CD1 was going to be on July 4th so I wanted to make sure my nurse was not going to be on vacation, so I talked to her the week before.
I hope everyone is well, it's been a while since I popped in!
Originally planning to use Cryos bank, i had a surprise house move that cost me a few thousand so thought I might have to put TTC on hold even further which was devastating. As a last ditch attempt I went on a few free donor sperm Facebook groups and miraculously found a donor!
He's produced a few (beautiful) babies before so I know he's got good swimmers and he's more than willing to produce as and when I need so things are looking up! I think I'm going to miss Novembers cycle but December is definitely going ahead and I'll be due to test Chrustmas day so I'm crossing my fingers for a Christmas miracle!
I do hope everyone is doing ok, good luck Melody for this next IVF round &#10084;&#65039;
Cinderella - So pleased to hear this, what a fantastic way things are working out for you - new home and lots of new possibilities. So hope to hear from you on Christmas day. X
Christie: Welcome hun :hugs: - That's so cool that you are a smbc to two - soon to be four little babies! :) I look forward to your pregnancy and baby journey! :)

Melody: Praying that things are going well for you and those little eggs are developing well in their little dishes <3

Cinderella: Like Rags - praying you get your xmas miracle; I'll be on here xmas day hopefully seeing how those two little lines. So glad you found a donor - isnt it funny the way things work out though? :)

AFM: Only a few days left now - Am going to ring my doctor first thing monday morning when it'll be the 26th and see what they say about whether I'm going to be able to collect my drugs early or whether I'll have to wait. I remembered at my appt they were seeming quite strict on the november aspect.
Just wondering - if and of you ladies know; But can you take provera/pregesterone straight after a period?? Do you guys think if i have to wait i could suggest just taking provera - which would make my period start around the 8th November maybe. So instead of IVF starting on the 28th november - it'll start on the 9th maybe. Which isn't entirely bad I guess. They've given me a prescription for those drugs; being that my cycles can never be predicted. But i just know murphys law that this one is going to come on that date lol. PCOS sucks haha!
Heeeey ladies :hugs:

Christie2011 Welcome! Or welcome back lol. My brain is like a sieve, so unfortunately couldn't tell you if you have posted before or not, but you're here now. I really really hope you enjoy yourself here. Congrats on your successful FET transfer! Twins! Wow, you're in for a wild ride. I must ask though... how on Earth do you do it?! Two little munchkins, two on the way. You're basically superwoman x

Cinderella Thanks hun. Isn't it crazy how things just work out. Sometimes you have to stop all the stressing and just put all your worries into the universe's hands. What will be, will be. So happy you've found a good donor, who has had previous successes. Wishing you all the luck in the world for your upcoming try! :happydance:

K.N Thank you hun! Not long for you at all!!! I'm so excited for you, i can't stop smiling! I hope it all goes well. Feel free to ask me anything. I'm not an IVF veteran, but my experience is still fresh in my head, so I'll tell you anything i do know :hugs:

...and me I am currently 0DP5DT. Basically I had my embryo transfer today! :happydance: Things have been a bit rocky up until this point. My egg collection was horrific. The actual procedure went perfectly, but I was in agony afterwards, and basically spent 5 days in bed. They collected 20 eggs!!! I then had to be put on some really trippy (and expensive) medication to prevent ohss, because if i got it, they would have cancelled the cycle :cry:

The meds have left me really weak. I've fallen over twice already :haha: I've also been really depressed and anxious, which are other side effects of the drug. But i took my last pill last night, so good riddance! It did the job though, as there's no sign of ohss, and the transfer went ahead! I also got 6 really good quality eggs to freeze! :happydance: ... and now begins the 2ww :coffee:
o0oo that's awesome Melody about having six left to freeze also! Did they do a single embryo transfer - or a double?? :) The long, long two week wait!

- My body solved my trouble of whether to call early or not. Was going to phone yesterday - but in the middle of the night; guess what ugly witch showed her face a few days early -.-' Now I just have to hope that it's safe to take progesterone straight after a period! Otherwise my ticker changes from a couple days to another couple weeks :(
Although I'm not posting much as I've had a lot of big changes going on
here & my heads all over the place I'm still reading & thinking if you all
Lots of Love Luck & BFP dust girls&#10084;&#65039;&#10084;&#65039;
Thanks ok fairytales - hope everything is going ok though, even while its going crazy for you :)

Have started provera now - first day of it was thursday, so only on day 3. Have any of you got any experience on it? - i know its just a progesterone make type thing but my pharmacist was no help at all! Maybe im just "looking" for something hahaa!

Hope everything is going well! Hope your bean is sticky melody!
K.N Thank you hun! i notice I'm very cautious this cycle, playing it down quite a lot. I know deep down I'm excited, but it is just being overshadowed by nerves at the moment.

So you've started the Provera, yaay! :happydance: I'm on cyclogest which is a form of progesterone, and both this time and the last it affected me quite a bit. Nothing scary, just extreme exhaustion, and very emotional. Last cycle i had really sore boobs too. But i find that hormonal meds affect me quite quickly and strongly, so if you don't get any side effects, please dont think that it's not working. I hardly had any pregnancy symptoms and i was carrying twins! Everyone's different.

fairytales87 We're all thinking of you. Sometimes life takes us away from the forum for a while, but we're always here ready with a virtual hug when you get back. :hugs:

AFM I'm 6DP5DT, so I had my transfer 6 days ago. I caved and started testing on Friday :haha: Understandably all tests were negative, but this morning after being woken by some shooting pain in my womb, and yet another nightmare (I remember getting horrendous nightmares for weeks last cycle) i tested again, and got a very very very very (almost invisible lol) line. So.... yeah... I'll keep you posted :wacko:
Ooo exciting Melody!! :)

I haven't been posting in here recently but have been keeping up with reading the thread. Good luck to everyone waiting to try soon!!
Melody: Yay for a good embryo transfer! - Definitely keep us posted; my fingers and toes are all crossed for you :)

Spudsmama: Welcome back in here :) - Glad to see your pregnancy ticker; ticking along nicely! A little boy on the way then? x
Good luck Melody! I have everything crossed and will keep you in my prayers!

AFM - It's SO difficult pinning down ovulation. Agh!
Good luck Melody! I have everything crossed and will keep you in my prayers!

AFM - It's SO difficult pinning down ovulation. Agh!

True that! Even with all the tracking apps out there. I was religious about taking my temp, tracking CM and cervix opening and it was never accurate for me. That's why I just jumped right to IVF, no missing ovulation with that method.
Hi ladies hope everyone is well.

Melody Thinking of you lots just now, did you test again? Really hope this is your rainbow :hugs: I believe pregnancy after a loss is a whole different level of stress and worry, hope you are managing to find some joy amidst all the madness hun. After all you have been through you surely deserve it :flower: Keeping everything crossable crossed for you!

KN Wow, I know we haven't chatted much but I am quite excited to see you have started your journey at last. So grateful to you for starting this thread :flower: Lots of luck, hope all goes well and you are growing a baby by the end of this cycle :happydance:

fairytales :hugs:

Christie Hello :wave: and congratulations, hope pregnancy is treating you well. Would love to follow your journey :flower:

Cinderella Eurgh, I well remember the frustrations of trying to plan around an uncertain event. Honestly, the whole process sent me a little doolally I think. Hope your body plays nicely and we get to see a Christmas bfp from you :dust:
Here are 6w, 8w and 12w scans. In the 12 week scan the baby on the left decided to only show it's head when it came to picture time. I did briefly get to see the heartbeat before it turned. And at one point I could clearly see the spinal column and all the vertebrae of the one on the right. I didn't do any first trimester screening. I will do the anatomy scan, if I remember to make the apt. It isn't until 20 weeks, so I have time.

Been really nauseous this time around. With my first I wasn't nauseous at all. I'm hoping the end is near for that. At least it's not bad enough for me to be throwing up, but it just sits with me all day ugh.


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SpudsMama It's been a while hasnt it! I'm so happy to see that your pregnancy is progressing nicely. A little boy, i cant believe it. how perfect :hugs:

K.N Thank yoooou! I'm beginning to allow myself to get a bit excited lol. It's so weird being consumed by both joy and fear. How are things going with you? You must be finishing your progesterone soon! :happydance:

Cinderella Thank you hun! I'm loving all these good wishes. Aww I know how you feel. I once took a 2 month break just because ovulation tracking was doing my head in! It'll be worth it in the end though. Good luck :dust:

Keebs :hugs::happydance::hugs: Thank you so much. My anxiety is beginning to lighten up. I have been testing like a mad woman hahaha. The line is still there, however faint. I hope you're doing alright. Not long to go now :kiss:

Christie2011 I hope the nausea eases up. x

AFM I am 10DP5DT. My official test date is tomorrow! :O Buuuut as you know, I have been peeing on things practically since I left the clinic lol. My ultra faint line has disappeared occasionally, depending on what time of the day it is and the type of test I'm using. I even managed to flood a FRER by peeing too much on it :haha:

Anyway, I tested again last night and the line is still there. It is also getting darker, but very very slowly. I'm assuming that that the line was ultra strong last time due to the fact I was pregnant with twins.


So I guess I'm pregnant lol. Will keep you all updated. I hope everyone else is doing well. I'm thinking of you all, especially those who are not currently able to try or who are taking a break from the board. <3
Christie: Aw so exciting. Hopefully the nausea eases up - I remember my friend saying the nausea was actually worse than the throwing up!

Keebs: Hahaa that's ok! I'm definitely hoping to be growing a little bean by next month! :D - Hope everything is going well with you x

Cinderella: Yes ovulation tracking can be surprisingly such a gruelling thing! So much more goes into it than people think hahaa! - Hopefully your body behaves when you do start ttc and makes it a lot easier for you! :)

Melody: Oh I have all my fingers and toes crossed still for you! That is definitely a second line on that test in the photo!! Twin pregnancies definitely result in a much darker and earlier second line; but that line is pretty clear still too for this early!

AFM: Nearing the end of my progesterone - two days left to go now; then the wait begins for the withdrawl bleed! I've had the weirdest discharge though (tmi coming hahaha) - it started out just thick and white; which i just assumed was normal - but yesterday it was still really thick but was brown. That kind of worried me a bit at first - but now im just guessing the progesterone is somehow forcing my body to clear out the uterus completely? I never ever have a 'good' period - yet at every scan there is a decent lining - so i wonder if theres a back log of stuff in there to clear out maybe :O So gross. But nothing more today anyway - so didnt bother ringing my clinic to ask about it; am sure with 2 days to go they'd just say continue for the 2 days and then wait. Which I'm doing anyway. (Being a girl can be so gross at times hahaa.)
Thank you :) The test line is definitely getting darker. It's almost the same as the control line now. :happydance: I bought 3 tests last night hahaha. So I guess I'm pregnant. I'm still incredibly anxious, but I'm begging to laugh and smile more. I now just have to try to stay sane until my 7 week scan at the end of the month :wacko:

How are things progressing with you? You've finished your progesterone now. Any PMS?

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