Any solo mum's out there?

Congrats Melody! I'm so pleased for you, sending you some serious sticky bean vibes!

Christie, they're some beautiful looking babies!

KN, did everything go ok?

Sorry, I'm so bad at replying to everyone, I worry I'm going to get everyone confused with where they're at in the process :wacko:

AFM: I'm like the most stereotypical AI lady ever, I have the donor on standby, soft cups, preseed, OPKs, cheap pregnancy tests... just hoping it works now. I'm trying to come to terms with the fact that it's not likely to work first time but there's that little voice saying that this could be it and I could be pregnant by Christmas, don't know how i'll cope if it's BFN, I don't think I'm cut out for this! You're all a lot stronger than me. :flower:
Delighted for you Meloddy, sending you lots of sticky bean glue and my best and happiest thoughts to speed you through the next 9 months.
I'm still waiting on my period to start so that I can start my cycle :( - My body hates me, its official. Can't even trick it into thinking its normal hahaha! So at the moment, things are still at a standstill for me.

Cinderella: I don't know so much "strong" being the word hahaa! But you do definitely get the whole auto thought of am i pregnant, has it worked; but i guess when it didnt - it was kind of always half expected for me; so i never really got let down ALL that much, and luckily it was just onto the next cycle and so-forth. Am very hopeful that your road is a smooth and easy one though! BFP for xmas would be perfect!

Am hoping that everyone else is doing ok - and that those with beans are doing well, and the beans are behaving; and those that are ttc are also doing well and holding strong; buut also that those who are waiting to ttc have everything falling into place soon as it needs too so you can start trying soon enough xx
Cinderella Thank you so much! :hugs: And shhh you are a lioness! Never forget that. Everything that you are feeling is completely normal. I remember being exactly the same when I first started AI. You have as good as a chance as anyone ttc so the first time could be your only time! Good luck :happydance:

Rags Thank you Rags! It is dragging a bit, but im going to try to enjoy every moment of it. :kiss:

K.N I swear 90% of ttc is waiting, waiting to ovulate, waiting to stim, waiting to test haha. Stick in there. You'll be injecting yourself full of drugs in no time:hugs:. Try drinking some parsley tea :haha:

AFM It is beginning to sink in now. I'm pregnant! Can't believe I have been lucky enough to fall pregnant again. I'm so nervous this time round. Cant even bring myself to change my status on here lol. Just taking each day as it comes. I'm beginning to feel those little flutters you get in the early stages. The pulling and the bubbly feeling. I also did a digital test which really made it official. So yup, I'm 5w2d :blush:
KN: I'm ever so excited it's finally IVF time for you
lots of luck & got everything crossed this will be your cycle😊
For the one & only time I hope AF hurrys up for you!!!

Melody: Huge congratulations sweetie xxx

Hope everyone else is well xx
What does parsley tea do Melody?? I'm willing to try everything hahaa - do you think it'd be safe taking when ive already taken provera? Might have to research into it hahaa.
Aww thanks fairytales87 :hugs: Hope you're alright x

Look it up, just in case, i'm no doctor lol. But it is literally putting a bunch of fresh parsley in hot water and letting it steep for a few minutes before drinking it. It's an old wives tale and tastes disgusting :wacko: haha But after a 75 day cycle i tried it, and i got a bleed within a few days. I was also taking a large amount of vitamin c as well lol (google that one too). I hope the witch comes quickly!!! :witch:
Hahaa - still no sign of af for me :( - had blood tests to see where things are at, coz it shouldve been here by now. Had those 2 days ago - the nurse said my oestrogen was flat low so it means af shooouuuld have arrived soon after. But 2 days later still no sign! Hahaa getting impatient - i just wanna start lol!

Hope everyone is going well xx
Oh congrats melody, just popping on to see how you ladies are :)
Ahhh, so, I'm out for a while :cry:

I had a medication review with my GP yesterday and mentioned that I wanted to taper down on some of my meds as I was hoping to become pregnant and she just shot me down right away. She said I should wait until I was stable on my meds, and then I'd have to see an obstetrician and gynaecologist to see if it was even safe for me to carry a child, and then if I did become pregnant, I'd have to have consultant care.... blah blah blah...

I have a genetic condition which effects my collagen and it can cause quite a lot of problems throughout pregnancy and labour - so I had expected to be under consultant care but I thought that would all happen afterwards, once I was pregnant. I feel a bit stupid really that I hadn't spoken to my GP earlier. It's likely to be early next year before she even refers me to the specialists. I'm just, gutted. I don't even feel like I can speak to my donor right now and tell him that we're not going through with it for a while just incase he changes his mind. I was so close to getting started. :cry:
Aw cinderella :hugs: - that seriously sucks :'(
Are you able to conceive via ai though? - or do you have to go through ivf etc? - that sucks that they cant just let you get pregnant and then organise the care etc when the time comes.

Hi Girlies

I contacted my chosen clinic start of Nov
to book in a test to allow me to choose book & start my
treatment package I got no reply and asked again to book it in
& was told by the co ordinator she had spoken to the clinic & to leave it with her and she would chase it up but I've not heard anything
That's been a week now & I've no clue what's happening!!
Would you contact them again? I know a week doesn't sound long but normally they are quick to reply when it's something that the money is coming out the patients pocket! I've not been 100% happy with this clinic so far & the no reply is putting me off even more.

Cinderella I'm sorry I know how it feels to be so close
then have it pushed back big hugs xx

KN: I hope AF has now showed for you &
You've been able to get started?xx
I would definitely call back - With my treatment luckily they always book on the spot, but if they haven't yet called back - you could always try give them a call and just say if they have any idea of when it will be and what waits you're potentially looking at? But would definitely ring back - don't feel bad :) It's their job, and you're their potential client so they need to do their job :) :)

Afm - Nope; no flow yet hahaa. It's been 4 days since they told me my oestrogen was low and it should be here soon. But still not here! Althouuugh - I did have some discharge this morning; which was more like ewcm laced with red, and the same again tonight. I know it's not full flow - because it just doesn't look like anything ive ever had before. So I'm HOPING it means af is on her way; but if not - im also not hoping that was it haha... It definitely wasnt much :(
Thanks darkriver. Hope you're doing well too x

Cinderella I'm so sorry to hear that. You must be distraught. It's terrible when you have your heart set on having a child, but then your plans changed. But I guess it is for the best. You need to be as healthy as you can be so no harm comes to you or your child. I'm sure your donor will understand. My old donor is still available if ever i wanted to try ai again. Time will go quicker than you think, and we will all be here to support you in the meantime. Maybe get a second opinion in the new year. :hugs:
Melody: How are you keeping?

All our other pregnant mamas I hope yous are well?

KN: How are things going for you?

AUFM: I'm still playing the waiting game after getting in contact with the clinic a few weeks ago about starting my pre treatment tests and choosing my plan for this round I still hadn't heard so I contacted yet again the other day and got passed from person to person & nobody seemed to have any idea. I looked into another clinic but they have 2 doctors 1 who is the lady from my current clinic & the other I work for so it's either stay here & try to find trust in them which I'm struggling to do or go to the clinic I had my first IUI & pay a fortune. On Monday I had a major bitch/crying fit to my bestfriend at work as I'd been on the Labour shift all weekend I felt terrible for feeling jealous & my two bestfriends have both had babies in the last 2 weeks & I can't bring myself to visit I feel really bad I'm happy for them both but can't get over this horrible jealous feeling.
Please tell me yous have felt like this too?xx
Oh fairytales - thats so bad of your clinic!! :O :O i cant beleive theyd be like that. Surely any medical clinic - especially a fertility one should show compassion and care. :'( i hope they get their butts sorted soon!
As for the friends - you are definitely 100% not alone. That is how ive been feeling lately - my good friend announced pregnancy after a mere 3 months of trying (baby #4), my work mate announced totally unplanned pregnancy at 17, and just now another close friend announced it too. All in the same week - all due when i should have been due had i started.ivf when i was meant too. While i am so happy for them - ive not yet been able to muster the congrats. Im so so jealous for them also. I know its not their fault my ovaries are messed up. But just to accidentally get pregnant etc. Gah. Life is so unfair for us 😭😭 so no, you are definitely not alone - but at least we all understand each other here! Hahaa!!

Hope everyone else is going well!! How are you going melody? Is the anxiety easing? Not that we celebrate it in new zealand - but hope everyone who does celebrate it has a.good thanksgiving!
They sound a bit incompetent fairytales87 It really gets to me when things like this happen. You're not calling to book cinema tickets or something like that, they are dealing with creating life. They need to get their act together. I hope you can build up the trust you need with the hospital you work for. It would make life a lot easier. And don't beat yourself up for not feeling like visiting your friends. Most women who are struggling to conceive will tell you that they have felt exactly the same at one point. :hugs: I'm doing ok. Things are moving quickly :wacko:

K.N The anxiety is very minimal thank goodness. I've been meditating like a maniac and lighting a million candles every time i get in haha. How are you though?? Any sign of the witch?

Quick update I'm 7w1d. Feeling very sick, which im hoping is a good sign. I have my first scan on Monday so all my focus in on that and also trying not to focus on that lol. I think I'll finally update my status on here after Monday lol. I hope everyone else is doing well. Keebs only 10 days to go!!!
KN: How are things going for you?

Melody: I hope your scan went well & your feeling a little less sick

All our other ladies: Hope your all well & all is going good for you xx

I STILL haven't been booked in with the clinic yet and through out this last few weeks I got 1 reply to say they were speaking to the doctor & would be in touch & still nothing & I don't want to be "that patient" the one that constantly asks the one that's constantly on the phone etc. So looks like I will need to move clinics as I guess you get the service you pay for.

The clinic I want to consider now is one which a doctor I work for (NHS during the day) does their private work at night in so I don't know if she would be allowed/willing to treat me but I'm willing to ask and see because the only other doctor there is the one who I currently have at my clinic now(she works in 2 clinics)& im just not happy with her & do not want to be treated with her. If I cannot be treated by the doctor I want then I will pay the expensive clinic near me even if it is almost 7k per cycle I know you get excellent care & they have the best success rates in the area!!
Fairytales, I'm so sorry to hear that you are being mucked about - that's just not on. Have you spoken directly to the clinic manager? I wouldn't worry about being 'that patient' I'd be more inclined to ask the manager if there are any issues with waiting time at the clinic that you weren't aware of so that you can plan around them. That way they know that you're not overly happy with the service without sounding as though it's a complaint - may be enough to make them sit up and take notice. I probably would stay with them while at the same time looking at a consultation at least with the other clinic, they may get there backsides in gear and get going with your treatment before you start with the other. Good luck.
Aw Fairytales - definitely sounds like a new clinic is on the cards then! That sucks though how they have been about it all :( If you do end up changing - I would definitely be asking to speak to someone higher up at the clinic where you can share your "not good enough" feedback for them. Because it's definitely not fair at all how much they've mucked around.

I still haven't started anything - and unfortunately my cycle and hormones are that awoll atm that I now can't start again until after the 29th; because they don't want me caught up over christmas :( So guttered!! And praying like heck that on the 29th; I have low oestrogen! IF I do, I can start the jabs then. If not - we have to figure out a way that my body will allow it to come down :(

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