Any solo mum's out there?

Hello ladies, how is everyone? Hope you all had a lovely holiday period. I live with my sister and her two children, so it was hectic but really lovely. The whole family came over for the day itself and as the only single, childless person there, I got volunteered to be head chef and cooked Christmas dinner for 11 people. Kept me busy at least!

Melody Happy 12 weeks!!! I'm so happy for you, I hope you can really start to enjoy the pregnancy now and feel a little less anxious.

AFM: I'm over my upset at having to delay everything. I think it might be because it's the new year, but I just feel confident that I can say that I'm going to get pregnant in 2016, it just makes it feel a bit more real.

I've decided to look for a new donor. The one I had was lovely, but the more I get to know him, the more I can see that he's helped a lot of ladies and sees it as some sort of badge of honour that he has a lot of babies out there, it just feels a little irresponsible to me so I'm hoping to find someone else. I've had lots of interest in my profile and a lot of messages, just weeding through them now, getting rid of the creeps!
I wonder if we were going for the same donor? I also changed my mind as I didnt want my kid to have a million siblings.
Just popping by to wish everyone a Happy New Year, hope 2016 is the year all our dreams come true :flower:

I had my baby, she's almost 4 weeks now, time is flying by. I don't feel like I am done having babies yet but sadly I cannot afford any more so that's it for me unless circumstances change.

Apologies for the lack of individualised comments but I hope everyone manages to sort out their donor issues (so important to have someone you are comfortable with), clinic issues, and unruly ovary issues :flower:

Melody, congratulations on passing the 12 week milestone. I too hope you are able to relax a little and enjoy your pregnancy :hugs: Such a lovely story about finding baby's heartbeat and your Mum... glad you have someone to share these magical moments with.

(PS I can definitely recommend a homebirth if that's what you want :thumbup:)
Keebs, big congratulations on your daughter, and well done you managing a home birth.

A very happy new year to everyone.
Nice to see a few faces popping back in!!

Congrats Keebs on the birth of your daughter❤️

Melody I hope your 12wk scan goes great

I'm hopefully going for 1 round of medicated IuI
very soon to allow them to see how my body goes with the drugs dosages & at least get them half correct before Ivf the IuI may work but I'm not getting my hopes up just focusing on that its just a trial to see how l react to the drugs they use here at this clinic xx
fairytales87 Yeah it was :blush: Got my scan next week so fx. That new clinic sounds amazing. Patient care makes all the difference! Hopefully you'll start soon! x

Christie2011 23 weeks, wow, it's all moving along so quickly. Those costs sound dire, hope you manage to make sense of it all eventually.

Cinderella Aww thanks. Yeah im quite relaxed these days. Good on you for choosing a new donor, you have to be comfortable. That's the most important thing. I know all these set backs must get you down but nothing done right was done quickly. The most important things take time :hugs:

Keeeeeeebs Can't believe she's 4 weeks old already. Time flies too quickly. Awww preciuos little Morven :kiss: Hahaha yeah my mum is a big softie bless her. I'm feeling so much more at ease these days thank goodness. Might have to pick your brain about a home birth :winkwink: :kiss::kiss::kiss:

Update I hit 13 weeks yesterday. I can't believe it. I finally started taking bump pics, although it's still just fat, no bump yet :laugh2: Got my dating scan next Wednesday. I'm a tad nervous about that, but my doppler has eased a lot of my anxiety. I'm definitely feeling pulling, stretching, bubbling down there. Oh and i have the worst gas hahaha. I'm still very tetchy, and easily annoyed, but I started a yoga class yesterday (got the go ahead from the mw) and I can honestly say it is the best decision ever! I feel soooooo relaxed.
Keebs: wow - 4 weeks by already!! Hope she is a good wee newborn for you - guess birth went well if you managed a home birth! Go you - and a big congrats!!

Melody: I'm so excited for when you reach each new milestone! It's so cool that you have managed to find the heartbeat! I really want to buy a doppler myself. 13 weeks have flown by so quick.

Cinderella: That sucks hun :( Best to go with your gut instinct definitely - but it does make it hard i know! It's definitely the kind of thing that you have to be 100% ok and confident in your decision through! :hugs:

Fairytales: I am so glad that the second clinic is much better! Sounds like the total opposite of the first! And it sounds like they didnt muck around too much either which is good! - Even if the IUI does turn out to be a bit of a trial; its good they are putting plans in place etc for a hopefully successful IVF cycle!

AFM: The 29th came, and i got told my progesterone and oestrogen are too high to begin ivf yet. Got told to wait a week - and that the dr was sure a period would come in that time. Which it didnt - meaning its been nearly 4 months without one. So anyway I had another blood test - my levels were so high still and now they want me to take provera.. AGAIN. So another 10 days to wait. I am positive my clinics favourite word is "wait" - all my patience has gone now lol. I'm tired of waiting for a period to start and having to have a blood test every week - just to tell me to wait longer for a period. I know its part of it. But my god its driving me insane lol. I just want to get started!
I am just waiting to ovulate. I am doing more excercise and not missing my vitamins. Pleased hurry ovulation.
KN: I hope the provera does its job this time & you can getting moving along to the next stage & hopefully a bfp!!!

Melody: I smile everytime you post about reaching another milestone
Can't wait to hear all about your scan!

Dark river: I hope things are going well for you

I'm patiently well not really as I don't to patiently waiting😂😂 for Feb for my appointment to check my tubes are clear to proceed to iui!! I had this done at the other clinic but this new clinic uses a diff technique so would prefer all my test be done by them which I'm happy to do!
Little interesting fact the head doc at this new clinic was involved with the first ivf long protocol adaption to allow it to be individulsied x
I think I have a dodgy thermometer. Not getting widely accurate temps.
I will try duck back in properly tonight - but in the meantime I thought I'd quickly update you all - So I was on provera as you know; for the second time round to bring on a period. Typically; I was smack bang in the middle of the provera when a period came! WEIRD!
Anyway - after ringing my doctor, we determined it was a cycle beginning not a side effect and I was given the ok to call it cycle day one. Fast forward a few hours and I have to have one last scan to see if I've developed any more cysts or nasties near my ovaries before my first jab! :) - Safe to say no new nasties and no funky uterus; so tonight begins my first injection! :D :D
KN that's fantastic news!!!!
I'm so excited for you I hope it's a smooth journey for you now & its first time lucky for you!!!! Lots of Love Luck & bfp dust❤️❤️❤️Xx
KN Very excited that you've got to this point at last. I know it's been a long slog for you, I've everything crossed that it all works first time around.
Hope everyone is doing on here :) :)

Just giving u all a wee update. Im on day 8 of the drugs now. All is going well - had a scan today to see how my follicles are going; theyre going good but growing slowely - so i will continue drugs for 2 more days and have another scan. My doctor thinks ill be ready for egg collection on the weekend! - fingers crossed they grow nicely! :)
Hope everyone is doing on here :) :)

Just giving u all a wee update. Im on day 8 of the drugs now. All is going well - had a scan today to see how my follicles are going; theyre going good but growing slowely - so i will continue drugs for 2 more days and have another scan. My doctor thinks ill be ready for egg collection on the weekend! - fingers crossed they grow nicely! :)

Slow and steady follies aren't a bad thing KN, they've been sitting there waiting for this your whole life, now is their moment and they are savoring it!
When I tried for number 2 my follies bloomed quickly with very little stimulation - only to pop early every time at about 16mm (a good 2mm smaller than they were trying to get them to). Hope you have a wonderful weekend.
Temping hasnt gone well this month and am now into the tww but not clear when. My monitor gave me highs all month and still did this morning. So hopefully in two weeks I can test.
Temping hasnt gone well this month and am now into the tww but not clear when. My monitor gave me highs all month and still did this morning. So hopefully in two weeks I can test.

I feel like temping never worked for me. I ended up relying on OPKs, not that that method worked for me either, which is why I skipped to IVF.
That's true Rags! - What is the normal size for egg collection? 18mm? They still have a while to grow then, if they go slow and steady that's better than not at all I guess!!

Darkriver - aw, fingers crossed! I always found temping didn't work for me either - opks, charting and cervical mucus always helped me. Not as reliable - especially with pcos but i just found it easier. I also had one of those saliva ovulation tests also that fern when the hormone is detected. Do they have those where you are??
KN: Day 8 already!!! I hope those follies grow as they are doing
Slow & steady is better than nothing my lovely
Hope collection goes smoothly for you and you get good results
Are you doing eeva?

Christie: I hope your keeping well?

Dark river: Im just like the other girls I didn't find it worked well for me
I usually go by EWCM pain & OPKS(these are hit & miss sometimes too)
Goodluck I hope it's not a long 2ww for you!

Melody: I hope all is well😘

I have my scan through for late February
So all being well March/April will be a good timing
providing my cycles play nice!!!

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