My girls arrived a week ago. I had planned on doing an induction, but when I got there, I was barely dilated and only 50% effaced. I was ready to NOT be in labor for a day+, so the doctor offered an elective c-section since baby B was nearly a pound bigger it made her more comfortable in preventing any complications and it would mean I wouldn't have to wait any longer to meet my girls.
I was also in great discomfort due to LOADS of swelling, which got worse after delivery and I'm just now seeing decrease. I've lost 40 lbs in the last week and still have swelling.
Anyway, baby girls and I were released Sunday after Lydia (baby B) was treated for low glucose in NICU for 2 days and I started treatment for high blood pressure, which came on 3 days after delivery.
Ella's official birth weight is 6lbs and Lydia's is 6lbs 15oz.