Any solo mum's out there?

Yepp - sure is so far!!

Hcg levels are about 1121 or something like that - and I'm nearly 5 weeks along, so that should be about right (according to google haha) and my doctor was stoked too :) Have another blood test booked in a week too; and a scan booked on the 7th June!

Exciting, but scary! It finally sunk in a little today. I think before hand ive been blocking it out to be honest lol. Very surreal feeling that's for sure!
I am so completely delighted and excited for you. It's the most amazing feeling having a life inside you and I wish you the most wonderful time over the next 8 months - and way beyond. I've got a lump in my throat and a tear in my eye typing this, I'm so pleased that you've got here at last.Xxxxxx
Hi ladies.

It's been well over a year since I've been on here - I've missed so much! - I've just caught up on 15 months worth of posts, it was like watching a movie, one minute you were announcing you were pregnant, and the next you were third trimester/had the baby! Crazy! Congratulations to all of you who have had your BFPs and your babies in that time! Last time I was here, I don't think we'd had a single pregnancy and now look at you all. I'm so happy for you all.

TTC has once again been put back for me. We've had some problems in the family (all resolved now) and that has necessitated me taking unpaid time off work and having to eat in to the small amount of savings I'd put away. So I'm now back at square one, and starting to save money.

I still plan on going to Denmark for treatment, though I'm now thinking I might try IUI first if I can get my periods a little more under control - I need to lose about 2-3 stone and hopefully that'll fix them. IUIs are a heck of a lot cheaper than IVFs. But even if I do end up going the IVF route, I'd still much rather go to Denmark as, even with flights/hotels etc, it's so much cheaper than having it done here in the UK.
Welcome back in Caite!! Sorry to hear that things have been on and off for you with the whole ttc thing :( IUI is way cheaper here too!

- Afm,, feeling super worried tonight. Have been bleeding/spotting on and off all day. And tonight I've definitely got cramps going on, I just am finding it hard to know how much 'blood' im actually loosing, because its mixed with all the progesterone ick aswell. Eugh - I'm trying to stay calm and relaxed, but you know - its near impossible. I'm so scared that this little bean isn't going to stick :(
KN: Huge huggles I hope the bleeding is nothing to worry about & little one is still doing well❤️Xxx

Caite: I'm sorry to hear you haven't had an easy time of things
I hope things are starting to look up for you now & stay good
Have you tried looking at non profit here in the uk? I hadn't until recently
and it almost cut my cost by half but in the end I'm going to do a multi cycle programme via a company and its 2 cycles for what I would pay for 1 even at non profit! The company also offer a refund programme if you cycle with them but don't have a live birth you get your money back but your treatment is all done at your chosen clinic xx

Hope everyone else is well mamas bumps & babas xx
Hope everything's ok KN.

Fairytales - yeah things are lot better now, thanks. That sounds really good about the cost. I really want anonymous donation though which isn't possible here, which is why I've been looking at Denmark. Their costs are reasonable though Copenhagen has a reputation for being expensive. Without flights and hotels, IUI is about £300 and IVF is about £3000 (plus meds) or up to 3 for about £5000.
Just got home from work (had to get blood results while at work.. The worst!) not good news unfortunately :( My hcg was only 1800 - so while it 'is' a rise; it's not a good enough rise - for a weeks time. Only 700 up. Whereas it should have doubled, and doubled again :( Basically been told now just to wait and let my body clear everything out itself. And go back for a blood test in a week to make sure my hormones have all dropped.

This sucks. So bad :( This is way harder than when it just "didn't" work.
KN, so sorry to hear that, huge hugs and warmest wishes from me. Xx
Thanks guys :hugs: - this is much harder than i could have imagined, far worse than when it just didn't work. And because things haven't really "passed" yet - the wait is awful!!

I've since found out that i get transfer of all my frozen embryos funded; so while i thought this cycle was the end - until I came up with 10grand anyway to pay for it myself. That in fact the cycle includes freezing, thawing and transfer of all embryos created from that treatment (until i have 2 kids anyway - if i get 2 kids). So I have 4 frosties still. And technically am still only on my first cycle. So even if those 4 don't work,, I still have in fact another full fresh IVF cycle again. My mind is such a muddle - I need time to grieve and get through this. But somehow it gives me a bit of positivity knowing that this isnt the end like i thought it was.

I just wonder/hope if maybe they need to look into why the first ivf didnt work and why this one was lost. But i dont know if there is anything they can do for that type of thing?
I'm so sorry KN massive hugs❤️
There will be further tests and evaluations your clinic should be able to do
in order to hopefully get some answers as to why things haven't worked & hopefully they will resolve any issues found
Unfortunately they may also not find any answers.
If you need anything we are all here a rant chat or even just some virtual hugs.
I hope you find the love strength and courage for the days ahead and if and when you are ready you get a perfect transfer and your beautiful rainbow❤️❤️❤️xxx
K.N I'm so sorry to hear that. Take your time to grieve and figure out your options before you jump back in. :hugs:
KN, getting a BFN is a very different thing from what you are going through at the moment, take your time to get through this and get your body back to a good place. Does your clinic have a counselling service available, it may be good to be able to talk about everything before you move on. I'm so pleased to hear that there is a light at the end of the tunnel though, you have 4 wee frosticles sitting there waiting on their chance when you are ready. Xx
Hey ladies :kiss::kiss::kiss:

I'm still here. Always reading posts. I've just been running around like a headless chicken trying to get everything sorted. I feel like I've got lists coming out of my backside, but always feel like I'm forgetting something. Only a few weeks left! Does everyone feel this manic close to the end? :haha: I hope you're all doing ok. xxx

K.N my darling obviously you know that I am thinking of you. Just take your time and do whatever feels right. Sleep, eat, cry. Whatever you need :hugs:

Caite Omg long time!!!!! So glad you're back! As you said, so much has gone on since you last posted!! I'm sorry to hear about your setbacks, but these things happen. At least you've done all that research so you can just go for it once you've saved up enough.
Melody I feel manic now. This pregnancy has been insane. I contracted fifth disease (slapped cheek) from my daughter at the beginning of the pregnancy and things havent stopped. I have two more scans to go and then that is it.
darkriver Oh dear, you poor thing :hugs: It can be hard enough being pregnant, let alone being sick and having a sick little girl to look after! no wonder you feel manic. I was pretty chilled for about 7 months, then have suddenly gone insane :haha:

KN I forgot to say that's super good news about you having more paid for cycles!!! I know it's extremely difficult to think about all that stuff now, but that will definitely ease a lot of stress if/when you're ready to try again.

AFM Just a quick update. I'm 35 weeks today! Mental. My mum's coming round today to help me put up the cot and get stuff organised. I'v been freaking out and crying a lot. Just feels like I have a million things to do, but i dont haha. Hypnobirthing has reeeeeeally put me in a completely positive mood about labour though. I highly recommend those classes. Oh and my cousin confided in me that she wants to have fertility treatment next year. She sees how I'm coping and thought "why shouldn't i have a child by myself". I'm so happy for her!

How is everyone else? Anyone starting a cycle, or taking a break for summer? xxx
I'm really sorry KN. I hope you are doing ok?

How is everyone?

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