Cinderella Love to you all
Aww thank you! Yes it's very exciting in Casa Melodyy at the mo. My mum is a complete wreck and my dad refuses to call me for fear of hearing me in labour
Luckily I'm calm and relaxed. Can't wait to show him to you!
Ah yes the mystery of the tww. Feels like an eternity. Did that for two years, it was insane lol. But you are also amazing. No matter how many times you go through it, you still feel the same anxiety and distress. I really hope and pray it doesn't take very long for you. FX if you test soon. xxx
Oxygen7880 Yeah hypnobirthing is wonderful. I'm still nervous obviously but i feel very confident and calm. There was a couple in my class who already had a child, so it's normal for people to give it a go the second or third time round.
I know it's early days but that is amazing news. Lets hope there's lots of babydust going round this group right now. Congrats hun. Keep us updated! xx
fairytales87 Haha thank you hun!
I cant wait to show him to you and our little online group. I hope you're doing ok.
Hehe yup one day past it today
Thank you so much
Hope you and ds are having a great time. You guys are always on a little trip or adventure. I love it! You must give me some tips sometime on keeping children entertained xx
afm: Had my 40 week midwife appointment yesterday. Baby boy is fully engaged and I checked out perfectly, so it's just a matter of time now. I hadn't had any incling of labour until last night. I've had braxton hicks since about 28 weeks but last night they started getting more intense and I was feeling them waaaay down low. Not feeling anything today though so we shall see.