Hi everyone! Although I've been lurking around and not posting much, I wanted to thank you all for sharing your stories, your pregnancies, efforts to conceive and more on here.... as a "wanna be" choice mom, all of your conversations, joys, heartbreaks and everything in between have been a wealth of information and reassurance as I start my own motherhood journey...so THANK YOU to each and everyone of you.
Melody: An extra special thank you to you, reading through YEARS of posts and watching your journey unfold in minutes and hours compared to the years you lived it was incredible, I felt all of your joy and sadness and fear and I am so happy you have your little boy that you waited so long for.
Oxygen: Congratulations on the birth of your baby boy, he is perfect! Looks like a little doll! And your daughter is darling-she looks so proud in your profile pic!
Caite: Hello! I don't think we've chatted before, I am new here. Is it rude to ask what you are waiting for to start TTC? Just curious because I've had conversations with myself about starting TTC now or waiting longer...but I've been waiting years!
K.N.-Hope you get good results on the bloodwork you are waiting on and are back to TTC soon
AFM: April 2017 will officially mark my first month ever TTC. Yes, compared to you ladies I am a serious newbie...so please, any and all advice is welcome-I could use all the help I can get! Lol. Just finished AF and watching and waiting for ovulation now. I was going to work with a local bank but have settled on a known donor who lives a few hours away...I am typically way too cautious of a person to go this route but everything fell into place and I am excited about TTC with fresh vs. frozen sperm. Found my donor on Known Donor Registry...is married with two healthy children (1boy, 1 girl)...his wife got cancer and cannot have any more children but he doesn't feel "done". She is on board and supportive. Donor is also donating to two lesbian couples, in addition to little ole me
Contract and STD testing is all in place, just fyi. Though it is a serious risk no matter how you look at it.
While unbelievably excited about actually TTC for the first time ever...I feel surprisingly calm and relaxed about the whole thing...this is obviously a life changing decision, especially should I get first time lucky (which come on, doesn't everyone hope for that!?) but I am simply ready, done waiting for life to be perfect and content in knowing that life will always have challenges, changes and rough times...with or without a baby.
I will admit I'm stuck in the first timer way of thinking that of course it'll happen right away, since I've never ttc before and have never even been exposed to sperm (asexual virgin here lol). But I hope to lean on you ladies and these boards for support as I start my journey. Thanks for reading