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Any Soy Ladies out there?

charisse - can I ask how you did the parsley tea? did you boil the water and let it sit for 30 mins then strain? how much did you drink in a day, and how much honey and lemon and cinamon (were they just for flavor) and how many days did you drink it?

Im up to cd 50 and have almost had enough waiting[/QUOTE]

I drank my first cup friday night. I just put about 2 tablespoons of dried parsley into a coffee mug and put it in the microwave for about 6 minutes. I let it set for about 20mins to continue steeping and cool down a bit. I have a pretty big mug. I used my coffee filter to strain it and I added about 3tbls.of honey, lemon juice to taste and a tsp. of cinnamon. It tasted pretty good.

FRIDAY-I cup prepared like above.
SATURDAY-2cups, one in the morning and one in the evening.
SUNDAY-one cup in the morning.

It make you kind of crampy. And I also took 500mgs of Vitamin C. Hope that helps.
Hi girls..first cycle with soy + pcos + irregular cycles...last ovs were on cd 28 and cd 42.

Check this out...https://www.babyandbump.com/ovulations-tests/375436-answer-brand-opk-positive.html

I really think its soy that gave me this positive cos i never really get this dark opk..ever...

Waiting on temp confirmation though have not been very regular charting this cycle.
Always there..always helpful...thanks a lot...to you my lovely lady:hugs::hugs::hugs:
thank you so much charisse...i think i'll have my first one in the morning with bfast :)
Hi girls..first cycle with soy + pcos + irregular cycles...last ovs were on cd 28 and cd 42.

Check this out...https://www.babyandbump.com/ovulations-tests/375436-answer-brand-opk-positive.html

I really think its soy that gave me this positive cos i never really get this dark opk..ever...

Waiting on temp confirmation though have not been very regular charting this cycle.

That looks positive to me! For sure!!! :happydance:

Always there..always helpful...thanks a lot...to you my lovely lady:hugs::hugs::hugs:

Aww! That sort of made me tear up a bit (in a good way)... Really made my week! :cry: Thank you! :hugs: Lots of love to you, sweetheart! Anytime!
i'm jumping on the megg is awesome bandwagon! has always been there answer my question :hugs:

megg - has soy ever made your period brown? i've been trying to figure out why this period was just one day of brown blood, and the rest just brown discharge. not sure if it's supplements i was taking or what :shrug: not to mention, it's CD7 and i'm getting watery CM :shrug: weird weird cycle.
i'm jumping on the megg is awesome bandwagon! has always been there answer my question :hugs:

megg - has soy ever made your period brown? i've been trying to figure out why this period was just one day of brown blood, and the rest just brown discharge. not sure if it's supplements i was taking or what :shrug: not to mention, it's CD7 and i'm getting watery CM :shrug: weird weird cycle.

Thank you!!! :flower:

Never brown... but everyone can react differently. I can't imagine that it could cause that... but I can't say for sure. I wouldn't worry too much about it. It could just be "one of those things," iykwim? :hugs:
Hey girls, soy seems to be working for me - ewcm turned up yesterday, CD10, the earliest I've ever seen it!
Somebody a few pages back asked about the composition of her Holland & Barrett soy iso, wondering how much of the tablet was soy iso and if the saponin content matters. I've looked at my box, which is Health Aid 1-a-day and it states:
caplet 910mg
soy iso content is 100mg, of which:
Daidzein (50.5mg)
Glycetein (35.04mg)
Genestein (15.01mg)

Also contains:
Saponins (127.4mg)

I don't think the saponin content matters, as long as you're happy with the amount of soy iso that you're taking.
:hi: girls good luck to them that are about to o and to them that are about to test xxxxx
i'm jumping on the megg is awesome bandwagon! has always been there answer my question :hugs:

megg - has soy ever made your period brown? i've been trying to figure out why this period was just one day of brown blood, and the rest just brown discharge. not sure if it's supplements i was taking or what :shrug: not to mention, it's CD7 and i'm getting watery CM :shrug: weird weird cycle.

Strange you should say this because im getting the same thing!!! Bizarre huh!?? :shrug:

Can i up my dose, last time i took 150mg the first few days and then 200mg for the last two days??? Or should i stick to the same as last month. Dont really wana take too much!! :haha:
Good evening, ladies! I took my first dose of Soy last night (120 mg) and went straight to bed. No hot flashes or any symptoms at all! :happydance: I did get a headache today, but that could have been purely coincidental, and it wasn't that bad of a headache - just enough to take an ibuprofen.

Bring on dose 2 tonight! :)
Hi ladies! I wanted to get some opinions from you.

I purchased some soy iso today. I'm on cd23 and am almost positive I haven't ovulated yet. My last cycle I didn't O until cd 79 and AF showed up 14 days later (cd93). I don't really feel the need to have another 90+ day cycle. Do you think it would be OK to start taking soy (for 5 days) now? My only concern is that maybe I will ovulate soon and taking it would push O back even farther.


(btw- I have not been diagnosed with pcos or endo though I am past due for a physical at this point :dohh:)
JC... no, you're really supposed to take it at the start of your cycle. If you read up a few posts, there's an interesting recipe for Parsley Tea, which may help you bring on AF. Then you can take the Soy Iso on cycle days 3 - 7.... some do 2 -6, or 4-8, or 5-9, but I'll let someone else explain all the whens and whys! I'm rather new to the Soy game myself! :flower:
JC... no, you're really supposed to take it at the start of your cycle. If you read up a few posts, there's an interesting recipe for Parsley Tea, which may help you bring on AF. Then you can take the Soy Iso on cycle days 3 - 7.... some do 2 -6, or 4-8, or 5-9, but I'll let someone else explain all the whens and whys! I'm rather new to the Soy game myself! :flower:

Thanks a bunch! I never really thought of ways to induce AF, that's a good idea. I've read through tons of the earlier posts when this group started but haven't read the more recent posts. I've become pretty familiar with how soy works, the dos and don'ts, and the whens. I was hoping that perhaps it might still be beneficial for me at this point in my cycle. I'm just kind of frustrated and impatient since this is our first cycle "trying" but we haven't been able to even try yet! Oh well, back to the waiting game for me.
JC... no, you're really supposed to take it at the start of your cycle. If you read up a few posts, there's an interesting recipe for Parsley Tea, which may help you bring on AF. Then you can take the Soy Iso on cycle days 3 - 7.... some do 2 -6, or 4-8, or 5-9, but I'll let someone else explain all the whens and whys! I'm rather new to the Soy game myself! :flower:

Thanks a bunch! I never really thought of ways to induce AF, that's a good idea. I've read through tons of the earlier posts when this group started but haven't read the more recent posts. I've become pretty familiar with how soy works, the dos and don'ts, and the whens. I was hoping that perhaps it might still be beneficial for me at this point in my cycle. I'm just kind of frustrated and impatient since this is our first cycle "trying" but we haven't been able to even try yet! Oh well, back to the waiting game for me.

I know how you feel...I'm in exactly the same position!! I've been drinking parsley tea and taking vitamin c for the last couple days, but my period still hasn't appeared yet. I'm gonna give it a few more days, then I guess if it doesn't work I will just give up and wait til my doctor's appointment in September.

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