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Any Soy Ladies out there?

Okay, so I took my Soy last night around 830. I got the Walmart brand Spring Valley. I did experience hot flashes before I finally fell asleep at 3am! But other than that it was fine! I hope I get a BFP soon, I need to make a ticker....

Other than that it was fine??!!! Wow, that sounds bad enough! I need my sleepy sleep! :sleep:

I start taking them tomorrow.... Am planning to take three a day (mine are 40 mg) but was going to do one in the morning, one in the afternoon and one at night............. Hope it goes ok!!!
Okay, so I took my Soy last night around 830. I got the Walmart brand Spring Valley. I did experience hot flashes before I finally fell asleep at 3am! But other than that it was fine! I hope I get a BFP soon, I need to make a ticker....

Other than that it was fine??!!! Wow, that sounds bad enough! I need my sleepy sleep! :sleep:

I start taking them tomorrow.... Am planning to take three a day (mine are 40 mg) but was going to do one in the morning, one in the afternoon and one at night............. Hope it goes ok!!!

Ooh... No... They're meant to be taken all in one dose! Don't split them up over the day! :hugs:
lol! ok thanks so much hun :) how many should I take? 4 or 5? :S sorry hope you don't mind me asking you all these questions!! lol xxx :hugs:

I don't mind... Uhm... 23 x 4 = 92... 23 x 5 = 115. It could really go either way. Maybe do 4, in case the the other soy thing in them actually does something positive too... Better safe than sorry!
Megg -- has anyone told you lately how much you ROCK! :coolio: You are always so helpful. It's very much appreciated!!!!

Taking them all at once sounds much better. I normally only take stuff at night! :thumbup:
Megg -- has anyone told you lately how much you ROCK! :coolio: You are always so helpful. It's very much appreciated!!!!

Taking them all at once sounds much better. I normally only take stuff at night! :thumbup:

Maybe, but I always like to hear it! :rofl: That made me smile!!! Thank you! :hugs:

There was a bit of discussion between me and one of the other nearby Illinois girls (who's username escapes me at the moment, but I think you know of her) that the 3 of us should meet for coffee in Bloomington sometime. Would you be game?
You mean AreIn83? She's the only other downstater I know, but haven't talked to her in a while. That would be fun to have a little Central Illinois BnB get-together.
You mean AreIn83? She's the only other downstater I know, but haven't talked to her in a while. That would be fun to have a little Central Illinois BnB get-together.

YES! I do mean AreIn83! LOL I had to FB her to ask her username... Good on you for knowing it already! :thumbup: It would be fun! If you have FB, perhaps we could coordinate there? I'll PM you my FB info!
how is everyone doing? i take my last dose of soy tomorrow, ive had major hot flashes and last night i had the worst headache!! but itll be worth it if i can get that bfp!
how is everyone doing? i take my last dose of soy tomorrow, ive had major hot flashes and last night i had the worst headache!! but itll be worth it if i can get that bfp!
Did you take it in the night?:hugs:
lol! ok thanks so much hun :) how many should I take? 4 or 5? :S sorry hope you don't mind me asking you all these questions!! lol xxx :hugs:

I don't mind... Uhm... 23 x 4 = 92... 23 x 5 = 115. It could really go either way. Maybe do 4, in case the the other soy thing in them actually does something positive too... Better safe than sorry!

lol yay thank u :) I agree, you're a star Meg! :kiss: :happydance:
:hi: girls must of been o bleed so hope i am get in ready to pop a nice big egg out xxx
I will be starting my soy in a couple of days! I started drinking parsley tea with honey,lemon, and cinnamon a couple of days ago to induce AF and what do you know??!! That stuff REALLY WORKS!!!!!

I just had to induce AF with Parsley tea and Vitamin C! It worked! I'm on CD3 now and starting the Soy Isoflavones tonight! I will be taking 120mg CD3-7! Wish me Luck!!!

I just had to induce AF with Parsley tea and Vitamin C! It worked! I'm on CD3 now and starting the Soy Isoflavones tonight! I will be taking 120mg CD3-7! Wish me Luck!!!

Good luck !!

I'm going to try this parsley tea business...I'm now on CD45 with no signs that AF will be coming any time soon, and I want to get on with my next lot of soy dammit!! lol.

*off to the shops*

charisse - can I ask how you did the parsley tea? did you boil the water and let it sit for 30 mins then strain? how much did you drink in a day, and how much honey and lemon and cinamon (were they just for flavor) and how many days did you drink it?

Im up to cd 50 and have almost had enough waiting
ladies... i need some advice.

i had a really bad day at work a few weeks ago (a worse day than usual) and was so frustrated, i ended up applying for a new job.

i didn't think anything would come of it... but long story short, they offered me the job yesterday. i asked for the offer in writing, to give myself a couple of days to think about it, but i need to make a decision soon.

the new job is a little bit more money (just £750 more a year, so not huge amounts), but it's 5 extra days holiday and hopefully less stress.

my manager and our HR manager have informed the relevant people at work to see if they can get me more money to stay, but things are changing at work at the moment, and even if they offer me more money (which isn't definite), i haven't decided what i want to do.

if they don't offer me more money, i think i'll have to go because i'd feel like a complete mug if i stayed and turned down a better offer.

the thing is... i'm terrified of leaving my current job. i've been there a long time and i'm really good at my job and i've got lots of friends there. i'm scared that i'll leave and hate my new job and regret leaving... but at the same time, there were several times today when i didn't want to be doing my job and i wonder if i'll end up regretting *not* going, if i stay!!

the other downside to taking the new job is that it would mean going back on the pill for a few months :( i honestly expected to be pregnant by now, but i'm not, and if i start a new job and fall pregnant now, it would be a disaster!!

should i stay where i am because my job is secure and i know my boss would be pleased for me if i fell pregnant?

should i take the new job and go back on the pill?

or take the new job and keep trying and just face the music if i do fall pregnant soon after starting my new job?

knowing my luck, i'd take the job and fall pregnant this cycle (while i'm working my notice) and that really would be a nightmare!!

sorry for the long post. i honestly don't know what to do for the best :(
that is a tough one...if you do fall preg now or soon, you still have 9 months workign for them, maybe in 9 months they will be supportive, do you plan on going bak to work after bub or being a stay at home mum? Cause a couple of weeks off or whatever u take would not mean the end of your career...IMO
i would probably have to go back to work afterwards... but i intend to take a full 12 months off.

the bit i'm worried about is falling pregnant straight away and having to tell the new employer that i've fallen pregnant. i know that if i told my current manager (who doesn't know we're ttc) that i was pregnant, she would be over the moon for me... i have no idea how the employer at the new job would react - i imagine they'd be pretty annoyed.
if you are going to have 1 year off, then maybe go for the job with the raise, no guarantee you will fall pg straight away anyway and if you do then you still have about 8 months to work for them then with your year off you have heaps of time as it comes to an end to find another job or maybe make plans with them before you go to come back after (if they will have you)
Take the new job - the extra 5 days holiday must be worth a few £ too. Also, so what is you get pregnant straight away, your new company may not be thrilled, but itis tough luck on them - and you will have been working 6+ months for them before you go on maternity leave. The only think I would check is (only because I've been away front he UK so long, so don't know the employment law details), is there a minimum time you need to be somewhere before you are entiled to full maternity pay/leave.
That's really tough... I have to say that Leilani is making good sense to me though... Good luck with whatever you decide... and congrats on the offer! :hugs:
Butterflybaby... For me, it would depend on how old you are?? (sorry for asking!) But if you're on the young side, then waiting a couple months wouldn't be quite as major as if you were on the other side... iykwim? I know we all want one NOW! But the new job sounds good. I'm from the US so have no idea about the maternity regulations there, so I can't help with that!

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