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Any Soy Ladies out there?

I know how you feel...I'm in exactly the same position!! I've been drinking parsley tea and taking vitamin c for the last couple days, but my period still hasn't appeared yet. I'm gonna give it a few more days, then I guess if it doesn't work I will just give up and wait til my doctor's appointment in September.

It's comforting to know that someone can relate! :hugs: This waiting just really sucks. I know a lot of people find the tww difficult to get through but try waiting endlessly just to O! The tww would be heaven sent at this point!
Definitely not on taking it mid-cycle, girls! I wish it was different! :hugs:
Hi all
I was here a while ago and did a cycle with Soy. It didn't work for me but I think that was because I had some anxiety problems that stressed me out and delayed ovulation. Anyway, the cycle after that we saw our FS and did clomid. I got pregnant but this week had a scan and it was an empty sac. I'm still getting over the loss but trying to move on. The Dr has said we have to wait 3 months after the D&C before trying again but that seems like to long.

I'm looking at trying to level my hormones out again by taking maca powder and maybe vitex but wasn't sure if I wanted to try soy after I get AF (which I here sometimes takes a while to come back after a d&c). I wasn't sure if these are compatible so I thought I would just ask the 'experts' here for some advice :)
Sorry for your loss :hugs:
Vitex and Soy don't work well together, but maca seems to go well with everything.
Thanks Leilani

If I take Vitex until I get my next cycle and then stop when AF comes would it be ok to take soy then? I'm not sure if I will or if I will just wait until we see the FS again and just do clomid as it seems to work well for me (pregnant from it both times 1st cycle, unfortunately I just didn't stay pregnant this time).

I will defiantly get some Maca again as I think it helped with my cycles before.
So I just took my 4th dose of Soy today and I have noticed ALOT of um, (sorry tmi) wetness down there. Not sure why thats happening but AF is gone and Im ready to BD!
Thanks Leilani

If I take Vitex until I get my next cycle and then stop when AF comes would it be ok to take soy then? I'm not sure if I will or if I will just wait until we see the FS again and just do clomid as it seems to work well for me (pregnant from it both times 1st cycle, unfortunately I just didn't stay pregnant this time).

I will defiantly get some Maca again as I think it helped with my cycles before.

I wouldn't rush into chopping and changing too much too quickly - your body needs time to heal, and tbh I would skip the vitex all together and let your body work through this cycle on its own, and maybe then use soy for your next cycle.
I wouldn't rush into chopping and changing too much too quickly - your body needs time to heal, and tbh I would skip the vitex all together and let your body work through this cycle on its own, and maybe then use soy for your next cycle.
Thanks :) I guess you are right and I shouldn't mess around too much. I need to try to be patient and realise it will take time... it is just so hard when less than a week ago I was pregnant :(
I wouldn't rush into chopping and changing too much too quickly - your body needs time to heal, and tbh I would skip the vitex all together and let your body work through this cycle on its own, and maybe then use soy for your next cycle.
Thanks :) I guess you are right and I shouldn't mess around too much. I need to try to be patient and realise it will take time... it is just so hard when less than a week ago I was pregnant :(

Allow another voice of reason to speak too... from a VERY similar place!

I had happen what you did on May 7 during my ultrasound. I was given pills to move things along and my bleed started on May 20. I took Soy on CD5-9 (May 24-28). On CD21, my bloods showed I hadn't ovulated. By CD27, I still hadn't... So, like an overly anxious goof, I took Provera to rush my first AF after the loss. It worked... but was very light and odd. I took my Soy on CD5-9 again, and I expected a CD16 ovulation... like normal. Well, CD16 came and went... and nada, nothing, zip, zilch! I'm now at CD29, and I'm just now probably 4dpo. I 100% believe it was because I tried to rush my body due to being so desperate for another pregnancy immediately! Problem is... I likely set my "next pregnancy" time frame back by at least 2 weeks because I didn't give myself a chance to properly heal!

I know what you're feeling! I know how very betrayed and angry it makes you feel. But, rushing it won't help! Just let your body sort itself out when it can. Its harder on us physically than we think it is. I'm only just realizing this! :hugs:
hi ladies,

i hope everyone's ok? i'm so very very pleased it's friday! it's been a manic week and i'm glad it's over!

i'm cd7 today, so my last day of soy. my last cycle was much much shorter than the two before it, and ovulation was much easier to pinpoint, although my lp was only 10 days :( i'm hoping i'll ovulate a couple of days earlier this time.. i don't mind if my cycle stays 32 days long, but only if it means a longer lp!

oh, and by the way, i'm staying at my current job! i had my resignation letter written and signed... and my current employer offered me more money!

it made my decision much easier because it means i can earn a bit more money *and* i don't have to put my ttc plans on hold :D
Great news on the raise, Butterfly! :hugs: Hoping O comes quickly for you!
:hi: girls what do you think i have o or tomorrow i will xxxxxx


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Congrats Butterfly!!!!!!!! Nice when the decision becomes so easy like that!! :thumbup:
JC... no, you're really supposed to take it at the start of your cycle. If you read up a few posts, there's an interesting recipe for Parsley Tea, which may help you bring on AF. Then you can take the Soy Iso on cycle days 3 - 7.... some do 2 -6, or 4-8, or 5-9, but I'll let someone else explain all the whens and whys! I'm rather new to the Soy game myself! :flower:

Thanks a bunch! I never really thought of ways to induce AF, that's a good idea. I've read through tons of the earlier posts when this group started but haven't read the more recent posts. I've become pretty familiar with how soy works, the dos and don'ts, and the whens. I was hoping that perhaps it might still be beneficial for me at this point in my cycle. I'm just kind of frustrated and impatient since this is our first cycle "trying" but we haven't been able to even try yet! Oh well, back to the waiting game for me.

JC... no, you're really supposed to take it at the start of your cycle. If you read up a few posts, there's an interesting recipe for Parsley Tea, which may help you bring on AF. Then you can take the Soy Iso on cycle days 3 - 7.... some do 2 -6, or 4-8, or 5-9, but I'll let someone else explain all the whens and whys! I'm rather new to the Soy game myself! :flower:

Thanks a bunch! I never really thought of ways to induce AF, that's a good idea. I've read through tons of the earlier posts when this group started but haven't read the more recent posts. I've become pretty familiar with how soy works, the dos and don'ts, and the whens. I was hoping that perhaps it might still be beneficial for me at this point in my cycle. I'm just kind of frustrated and impatient since this is our first cycle "trying" but we haven't been able to even try yet! Oh well, back to the waiting game for me.

I know how you feel...I'm in exactly the same position!! I've been drinking parsley tea and taking vitamin c for the last couple days, but my period still hasn't appeared yet. I'm gonna give it a few more days, then I guess if it doesn't work I will just give up and wait til my doctor's appointment in September.

I know how you both feel, this will be day 2 of my parsley tea...so hope it works, im sick of this never ending cycle, I hope the maca and vitex bring on Ov once AF has been or im prob in for another loooooonnnnnggggg cycle... :cry:

hi ladies,

i hope everyone's ok? i'm so very very pleased it's friday! it's been a manic week and i'm glad it's over!

i'm cd7 today, so my last day of soy. my last cycle was much much shorter than the two before it, and ovulation was much easier to pinpoint, although my lp was only 10 days :( i'm hoping i'll ovulate a couple of days earlier this time.. i don't mind if my cycle stays 32 days long, but only if it means a longer lp!

oh, and by the way, i'm staying at my current job! i had my resignation letter written and signed... and my current employer offered me more money!

it made my decision much easier because it means i can earn a bit more money *and* i don't have to put my ttc plans on hold :D

thats awesome news :happydance: its obviously meant to be then :thumbup:
hi everyone, hope you don't mind me asking a question on this thread rather than posting it onto the main ttc discussion board, though you all might have had similar experiences...

I had spotting for about 5-6 days, which I interpretted to be a very light period, (the first one since I dtopped taking bcp 6 months ago, due to pcos) I started taking soy on day 5 (first time I got the chance to go to holland & barrett lol) and today would be my last day of taking it, all been ok but noticed that AF seems to be on it's way again? I'm wondering if it has in fact induced AF? does that happen sometimes? just as had a little bleeding today (sorry tmi) and noticed today it was red whereas before it had mostly been brown...shall I just carry on and take my last soy dose tonight? xxx
Soy can't induce a period... Its not in the nature of how it works. It is possible that what you had before wasn't actually a period and you're getting it now... in which case the Soy won't have any effect on you. But, I can't see any possible way that it could ever induce AF. If it could, loads of women would be taking it instead of drinking parsley tea, iykwim? How much blood are we talking about?
Soy can't induce a period... Its not in the nature of how it works. It is possible that what you had before wasn't actually a period and you're getting it now... in which case the Soy won't have any effect on you. But, I can't see any possible way that it could ever induce AF. If it could, loads of women would be taking it instead of drinking parsley tea, iykwim? How much blood are we talking about?

Not much (sorry tmi) still light, it's just that I thought it had stopped pretty much and it seemed to come back lol and I was shocked cause it was red, but still really light, I wonder if maybe AF hadn't really gone or something, from what I remember my periods used to be very light but very long lol like used to be like 2 weeks long but just very light, brown blood. I guess I'll just have to wait and see how it goes :S I guess maybe this is still a good thing? something's occuring in my womb! lol maybe change is good? lol
Change is usually good! I wish I had a better answer for you on what might be going on! Keep us posted! I'm anxious to see how it turns out! :hugs:

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