any teen mums going to breastfeed??

Whether you BF or FF your baby is entirely your choice, but please don't assume that, just because something is currently on the market, automatically means it's safe.

Can I ask, what are you planning on doing if you can't BF?

When you try to BF, are you going to have an organic, raw food diet too? No caffeine, sodium, tinned foods, tea, coffee, extra sugars, spicy foods, MSG, E numbers, etc? So much of this is in our food now without us realising, so the only way to keep your breastmilk truely 'safe' is a raw, organic diet, surely?
I'm sorry, but I really did think this forum was to help younger mums.
I know people are entitled to their opinions but all thats done is made me question if my decisions are right for my child, or if they will suffer now because of my decisions!
'scientists' find something new everyday that is bad or dangerous for us. What exactly do you suggest a mother who cant breast feed or simply decides not too should feed her child? I really dont see how stating that formula milk is bad helps anyone.
WTF?! I am extremely offended by 2 certain posts in here. they're absolutely ridiculous. I tried BFing, it wasn't for me. It ISN'T for everyone. It pisses me off that people assume that FFers are 'lazy' or whatever and I am certainly not filling my child with crap. I would not give her slim fast, also a completly ludricrous comment, if formula was so bad why would they make it? And also, just because I bottle feed does not make me any less close with my daughter. We are very close as close as we were when I was BFing, made no difference. It annoys me that people are so frickin' ignorant
Lets not start throwing so called "scientific" facts around about how safe forumla is shall we
I'm sorry, but I really did think this forum was to help younger mums.
I know people are entitled to their opinions but all thats done is made me question if my decisions are right for my child, or if they will suffer now because of my decisions!

I'm a little peeved at that. If older mums didn't post in the teen forum then we'd never get advice from people that have gone through what we have and have come out the other side much wiser than we are now.

Your child isn't going to suffer unless you feed it rat poison.
Just wanted to put my two cents in and say that I think that people should try and stick to the OP of a thread instead of insensitively putting their opinions across and insulting many people in the process. How people choose to feed their babies is a personal choice and who is anyone else to make someone feel inferior/guilty/bad due to their choice?

Any mother who is able to feed their child full stop should be proud of themselves, as there are countries where sadly, many women can't feed their children.
I'm sorry, but I really did think this forum was to help younger mums.
I know people are entitled to their opinions but all thats done is made me question if my decisions are right for my child, or if they will suffer now because of my decisions!

I'm a little peeved at that. If older mums didn't post in the teen forum then we'd never get advice from people that have gone through what we have and have come out the other side much wiser than we are now.

Your child isn't going to suffer unless you feed it rat poison.

I don't mean from older mums!
I mean the people saying formula is a ''load of crap''
I didn't mean at all that I dont appreciate older mums advice, sorry if you took it that way/
Just wanted to put my two cents in and say that I think that people should try and stick to the OP of a thread instead of insensitively putting their opinions across and insulting many people in the process. How people choose to feed their babies is a personal choice and who is anyone else to make someone feel inferior/guilty/bad due to their choice?

Any mother who is able to feed their child full stop should be proud of themselves, as there are countries where sadly, many women can't feed their children.

Well said!
Just wanted to put my two cents in and say that I think that people should try and stick to the OP of a thread instead of insensitively putting their opinions across and insulting many people in the process. How people choose to feed their babies is a personal choice and who is anyone else to make someone feel inferior/guilty/bad due to their choice?

Sorry who are you referring to?
I'm sorry, but I really did think this forum was to help younger mums.
I know people are entitled to their opinions but all thats done is made me question if my decisions are right for my child, or if they will suffer now because of my decisions!

I'm a little peeved at that. If older mums didn't post in the teen forum then we'd never get advice from people that have gone through what we have and have come out the other side much wiser than we are now.

Your child isn't going to suffer unless you feed it rat poison.

I don't mean from older mums!
I mean the people saying formula is a ''load of crap''
I didn't mean at all that I dont appreciate older mums advice, sorry if you took it that way/

Ah, read it wrong, sorry.

Ignore the ignorant. Your child will love you for filling it's belly whether it's with formula or breastrmilk!
moomoo.. sorry, thought it might be obvious!
Like with most of the controversial topics we get on this forum, there is no right or wrong way to feed your child. If you want to BF, good for you! If you want to FF, absolutely nothing wrong with that either. If you're child is eating, is healthy and is gaining weight who the hell cares what type of milk they get? It is absolutley no-one elses right to tell other people that what they are doing with their child is wrong. Every mother and every baby is different
Just wanted to put my two cents in and say that I think that people should try and stick to the OP of a thread instead of insensitively putting their opinions across and insulting many people in the process. How people choose to feed their babies is a personal choice and who is anyone else to make someone feel inferior/guilty/bad due to their choice?

Any mother who is able to feed their child full stop should be proud of themselves, as there are countries where sadly, many women can't feed their children.

extremly well said!!!

unfortunatly this was suggested a few pages ago but some people really think they know best!

also couldnt agree more about the diet issue.. breast milk is only as good as your diet..

and as for scientific studies.. should i have a glass of red wine a day or not im never sure were you stand on tht one!!
I dont think the issue here is wther BF or FF is best ... the issue is that it is implied that in FF you are basically feeding your child crap.
Well she was obviously FF then because she's an idiot. Sorry.

That wasn't against FF, I'm just going by what she said :rofl:
Coke rots teeth, causes weight gain, etc.
MacDonalds causes sickness, weight gain, cholesteral, etc.

Formula is safe. Where are the damn scientific studies to show that it's crap? I've not known one baby where it has been affected by formula feeding. It's been around for years and years and if it were full of crap, then there would be publications on it. This is your opinion only and to compare it to coca cola or MacDonalds is BS.

I absolutely did NOT compare formula with Coke or McDonald's. I even said that I do have an opinion on how people feed their babies. I was trying to get across the point that the idea that something is entirely safe just because you can buy it is potentially a dangerous way to think. Blimey, I no doubt eat and drink all sorts of things that are potentially bad for me - but the point is, nobody yet knows what their effects are or people do their effects but they're still for sale.

Like I say, I did not enter this debate to discuss BF versus FF, because I genuinely believe that this is your (and every other woman's) choice. But I did want to offer some of the science (and it *is* science, not just my opinion) behind some of the debate.

I have actually been holding off posting to this debate for a loooong time because I just knew that I would get drawn into a rather heated discussion. Debate is good for all of us, but we do all (and that very much includes me) take personally some of the comments that people post. This, I believe, is one of the downsides of internet forums - because we can't see each other as we "talk", we miss out on all the body language that we would get if we were having a normal conversation, and therefore it is very easy to mistake somebody's innocuous comment as a personal attack or otherwise. I am very much prone to doing this - I just think everyone hates me whenever we have a discussion like this :happydance: but I do hope that by the end of this debate everybody has voiced their opinions and perhaps even formed new or different ones, whether that's a new interest in FF or an interest in trying BF.

In the meantime, my apologies if I've upset anybody. That was never my intention. xx
Well anyway, I'm off to wake my child up and give her a bottle of crap.

This thread has pissed me right off. Sorry for the language lol

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